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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 18

by Janie Marie

  “Jane?” he called and waited. She finally looked up with a little tremble in her lip, afraid of what she would hear him say. “Since it has become medically possible to draw and store blood safely, I have only taken blood that way. That only changed when I met you.”

  “And before you had the ability to store it?”

  He smiled sadly. “I did feed from humans, but I never used them for sexual pleasure, or gave them any in return. I fed from them, and I left.” He searched her face, but she didn’t show any other reaction. “I will not lie, there have always been women who wanted more, but I refused them. If they made any attempts to progress the exchange, I never took from them again. I promise you that I have not participated in anything close to what you just witnessed.”

  “You mean that you’ve never been with another?” she asked hopefully.

  David’s expression faltered, and Jane felt like her chest had been clawed open right there. A little breath rushed out of her mouth, and her chest rose and fell rapidly, waiting for him to continue.

  “I am not a virgin, Jane.” David cupped her face.

  She clenched her fists at her sides, nodding as she tried to show she understood, but David spoke again. “Before I was turned, I did have lovers. But never one that I called mine. I had no feelings for them. I know that doesn’t make it better, but I want you to know the truth. I was a young, reckless, twenty-seven-year-old prince. I did whatever I wanted without thought. I have regretted this every single day, and I hate that it pains you to know this. I wish I could say that I am pure for you, but I’m not.” He paused, regarding her with pained eyes. “However, I promise that once I was changed and told that one day I would find you, I have not laid with another. Nor have I put my lips against another’s. I have not touched a woman or man in any sexual way. I will do everything I can to make it up to you.”

  Jane gave him a sad smile. “I’m not upset with you. You didn’t know about me anyway. I’m actually quite happy that you refrained once you learned about me, but it still hurts.” She groaned. “I’m sorry this is even upsetting me. It’s not fair and very selfish of me, but I can’t help but want you only to myself. I have no right to say these things to you. God! Why is it like this? We’re not even together.”

  David gave her a tender look. “Jane, you have every right to feel this way. I feel the same. It’s entirely expected that, even though we are not a couple, we feel very possessive of one another. To our souls, we belong to only each other.” There was an immediate recoil inside her, but she listened to him. “That’s why we both react so aggressively toward anyone showing the slightest bit of interest with the other—they’re coming off as a potential threat. It’s okay . . . And thank you for not being upset with me. I wish I could take it back.”

  She breathed out, letting herself calm down. Her mind knew that she was acting this way because of her and David’s connection. The new feelings she was developing for him were the real problem. It was getting harder to keep herself from accepting him. She loved Death, she knew that, and she still didn’t want to hurt Jason, but there was something about David, about them together, and she found herself wanting more of it.

  David stared down at her, waiting for her to respond, and it filled him with relief when she wrapped her arms around his waist. He immediately returned her hug, cradling her head against his chest while his other hand rubbed her back.

  They stayed quiet for a moment before she broke the silence. “David?”

  “Yes, baby?” he replied, pulling her hair away from her face when she tilted her head up.

  “Was that really the god Apollo?”

  David chuckled and nodded. “Yes, but he is no god. That’s just what man has labeled him. Some of us are identified as gods, angels, or heroes. Others are named vampires, monsters, and demons—even aliens. People will always come up with their own explanations for things they don’t understand.”

  Jane nodded and went back to hugging him. “It’s fascinating.”

  “Yes. Mortals just never considered we were connected. Instead of realizing we are the same, they made up something new. Apollo is like Tristan—they both manipulate fire. I suppose that is how he became the god of the sun.”

  He began running his fingers through her hair, smiling when she shivered and gripped him tighter. He knew that she was calming down now, and even if she wasn’t completely okay with the fact that he’d had sex with other women before, she was trying to accept it. He still felt terrible, though. It didn’t matter to him she had married Jason and had children, he was still ashamed of his past behavior. Even if Jane hadn’t chosen him over Death, she wasn’t out having sex with multiple men.

  “He’s cursed?” she asked after a few moments of silence.

  “Yes. Remember they are all cursed. Apollo is one of the few Greeks who is trying to atone for his crimes. That’s why he’s here.”

  “And Artemis?”

  “She is cursed as well, but she never broke the rules placed on them. Like I said, she was the most respectable choice. She is not damned to Hell like Apollo is. The virgin goddess is accurate, as far as I know. Well, that is what she prefers to be called rather than vampire.”

  “Oh,” she replied softly.

  He could tell she had retreated into herself again. She was resting her cheek against his chest, staring straight ahead, thinking. He knew she was wondering about him and Artemis.


  “Hm?” she responded, a little distant.

  “I don’t care about her—I never did. And I swear, other than joining each other in battle, I had nothing more to do with her. She was just a meaningless consideration, and I never put any further thought into her. Her hopes arose when she heard the rumors, but I explained my feelings to her as much as I could without hurting her. She has still had hopes I might change my mind, but I think she gave up when I saw her in Austin.”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  David smiled, hoping his explanation would soothe her. “She began her usual pursuit. I did not wish to embarrass or hurt her before a battle, but she was made aware I found my Other.” He paused, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. “In fact, Hades noticed her infatuation and blurted out the news. She was upset, but she got the message. She could tell I was happy and how much you already meant to me. I think Hades knew she needed more evidence, so he expressed how much I desired to return to you rather than be there aiding her. Strange. I never expected a servant of Death to aid me regarding you.”

  Jane smiled a little. “He was odd.”

  “You miss Death, don’t you?” he asked when her smile fell.

  Her eyes widened, but she answered, “I’m sorry, but I do . . . I don’t know why he hasn’t come.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay to miss him. I know how much he means to you.” He swallowed, adding, “I know how much you love him.”

  “Oh, David. I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “Jane, Death has earned your love. He deserves to be loved by you after everything he’s done. You barely know me, and I cannot expect you to change your feelings or commitment just because we were prophesied to be together.” He smiled and decided to change the subject. “Now, are you ready to see your children? I think some of the others may be there as well.”

  “Okay, yeah. Thank you, David.”

  David grinned and picked her up suddenly, sliding one hand up the middle of her back, while his forearm supported her ass. She let out a gasp, wrapping her arms around his neck but letting her legs dangle. Before she could scream at him, he brought his lips to her cheek, grinning more when goosebumps broke out on her skin.

  He kissed her cheek. “As long as I get to hold you in my arms from time to time, and I know you’re safe, I will be happy.”

  She let out an unintelligible sound, making him chuckle, but he left his lips on her skin for a moment. The stubble from his cheek grazed her smooth one when he moved his mouth, and whispered in her ear, “I love you, Ja

  Her body went a little limp, so he tightened his hold to keep her upright. David could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her lips parting as she struggled to form a response.

  He shook his head. “You don’t have to say anything. I just need to say it. Please let me tell you.”

  “I-uh,” she stammered. “Yes. You can tell me.”

  He pulled back, admiring her beauty for a few seconds. “Shall we go see what the others are doing?”

  Her head bobbed, and David grinned before pecking her cheek one more time.

  Jason hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going after leaving his kids with Gawain. For twenty minutes, he’d been roaming the halls of the quiet castle, thinking. It never entered his mind that he’d truly be losing Jane one day. Even losing her to the plague, it hadn’t seemed real. It wasn’t real—she was still alive thanks to these men who should not exist.

  Jason shook his head as he let out a frustrated breath. She might not have died, but he’d lost her anyway. She’d chosen David over him. She’d thrown herself at the vampire more times than he could remember. She’d embarrassed him, revealed things he never expected her to tell anyone, and she’d chosen David. She even smiled at the bastard as he scolded him like a pathetic nuisance.

  “You make me feel bad, Jason,” is what she’d said. “He makes me feel better.”

  Jason was ready to punch a hole in a wall. How could she say that? And in front of other people! He was about to storm back to the dining hall, wherever it was, and make her come back to him, but a pair of female voices had him halting.

  “I cannot believe David did this to me,” a woman said, crying. “I went to speak with him, and when I went in his room, I saw him without a shirt on, holding that woman while she was on his bed. The little tramp has a husband, but she had crawled in bed with David after throwing a fit.”

  Jason’s ears perked up, already letting his thoughts retreat into that dark place as he listened carefully to another person reply.

  “Oh, Melody. I am certain that it was nothing. He was probably just feeding her—she is his freshly made, after all.”

  “No!” Melody cried. “They are more than Others. And not only does my heart break from David’s unfaithfulness, but my soul cries for that woman’s family. She has no heart. She didn’t hesitate to threaten me and urged David to kick me out. When I tried to make them see reason; she has a husband—children—she used some sort of power I have never felt before. I’ve never been more terrified; she’s an absolute monster. I ran for my life. I cannot even imagine what they proceeded to do with one another. Oh, that poor husband of hers. I heard they were feeding him lies that she and David have to be close at all times. The man does not even know most of us survive on stored blood. She is no different, but they have lied to him so they can carry on their affair.”

  Jason balled his hands. He couldn’t believe it. They had fooled him so easily, pretending to be all noble and coming up with ridiculous reasons why they had to be together. She was probably laughing at him with David behind his back. She’d probably already slept with him numerous times. Jason wouldn’t be surprised if she had slept with Ryder, too. Those two assholes were sharing her. She’s been fucking both of them.

  “I wish there was some way that poor husband of hers was not hurt, but he stands no chance against David.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” the other woman agreed.

  Jason had heard enough. He pushed himself away from the wall roughly and walked the other way, his anger spiking to heights he’d never known.

  “Mommy!” Natalie shouted as she went down a yellow slide.

  Jane stood there dumbfounded for a moment. First, she was wondering how they had gotten a full wooden playground, complete with swings and slides, built inside—and second, that her daughter was smiling at her. Yes, Natalie was smiling . . . and running close to her.

  Jane tensed and turned to leave, afraid she’d hurt her baby, but David wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her against his side.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart,” he said, grabbing one of her hands with his free one. “Jane, you’re not going to hurt her. I have you.”

  She squeezed his hand and stood rigid as Natalie came to a stop right in front of them. Jane didn’t move. Her mind wouldn’t stop playing awful scenarios of her losing control over herself. All she could see were the images that Mania had forced on her. It didn’t matter if she’d been fed or that David was standing right beside her, she was terrified because it never left her mind that she could overpower him if she wished.

  “See, Mommy!” Natalie took a deep breath, smiling and pointing toward the swing set. “I told you they had a slide inside.”

  Jane heard Natalie talking, but she couldn’t focus on anything being said to her. She kept seeing herself killing her daughter. That is, until Natalie began frowning as she looked between Jane and David.

  “That’s wonderful, Natalie,” David said, rubbing his thumb gently against Jane’s waist.

  Natalie’s gaze focused on David’s hand, and he stopped moving his finger.

  “Where’s my daddy?” Natalie asked.

  Jane’s breath caught, finally snapping her out of the gruesome possibilities running through her head only to stare at Natalie, terrified of what her little girl could be thinking about.

  David gently squeezed her hand. “He came to see you, didn’t he? I think he wanted some time to explore the castle alone.”

  That didn’t satisfy Natalie. “Why are you with my mommy all the time?”

  Panic filled Jane’s heart, but she couldn’t speak. Arthur began to approach, but David shook his head and squatted, forcing Jane to copy him.

  “Do you remember how your mommy told you that I made her better?” he asked, keeping his voice calm.

  Natalie began bobbing her head and eyed her mom for a moment before David continued.

  “Well, I still have to give her medicine to keep her from becoming ill. When I hold your mommy’s hand, she doesn’t feel so sick. I don’t want her to feel bad, so I do what I can to help her.”

  Jane turned her head, watching him explain their closeness. David was keeping his cool, and he wasn’t worried at all.

  “So, you’re my mommy’s medicine?” Natalie asked.

  David smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am like her medicine. I have to give her this yucky medicine to drink, and when I touch her, it helps it work . . . Has she ever kissed you where you’ve scratched yourself or bumped your head?”

  Understanding lit Natalie’s eyes, and she nodded. “Yep! You make her all better, then?”

  “Exactly!” David looked back at Jane, and while she was relieved Natalie seemed to get a very stretched truth about her and David, she was still afraid she would hurt her children.

  “So, you kiss Mommy’s owies, and she gets better?” Natalie asked, not sounding suspicious this time.

  David cringed a tiny bit but spoke calmly. “Well, sometimes I give her a kiss where it hurts . . . Sometimes her head hurts, so I kiss her on her head or cheek. Other times I might give her a kiss on the hand.”

  “Mommy used to do that to me when I got sick,” Natalie said, still smiling.

  “Yes, just like that,” David said. “But I still need help to make sure that Mommy doesn’t hurt. Do you think you can be a big girl and help me with that?”

  A wide smile stretched across Natalie’s face, and she nodded eagerly.

  David chuckled and began rubbing his hand on Jane’s arm now. “Well, I want you to always move very slow around her. You must ask someone first if you can go see her as well.”


  “Because if Mommy doesn’t have enough of my medicine, she might do things that could hurt you. She would never hurt you on purpose, but she might hurt you or your brother by accident. Do you remember how she moved really fast, and how she got angry last night?”

  Jane frowned, ashamed.

  David squeezed her hand. “
It’s okay, baby.”

  “You mean, I moved too fast for Mommy, so she got mad?” Natalie asked.

  “No, princess,” David said quickly. “Mommy didn’t have enough of my medicine in her, so she got sick. Sometimes if she is feeling sick, she gets angry and might accidentally hurt someone. That’s why we are going to make sure she has her medicine and that you don’t get too close, just in case she is feeling bad. And I need your help to keep Nathan away, too. Can you help me with that?”

  “Does she have her medicine now?”

  “Yes, I just gave her some medicine, and I’m holding her hand.” He lifted their hands slightly. “She’s just sad because she wants to be with you like before.”

  David smiled at her and lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it softly while never taking his eyes from hers.

  “He kissed your owie,” Natalie whispered in awe. “Do you feel better, Mommy?”

  Jane let out a sad laugh and smiled as the others in the room chuckled along with her.

  “Do you feel better, Jane?” David asked, giving her that gorgeous smile of his.

  “Yes, baby, I feel better.”

  Natalie returned her attention to David and gave him a serious look. “May I go to her now?”

  Jane was about to tell him no, but he scooted closer to her, whispering, “You can do this.” He returned his gaze to Natalie and spoke louder. “Yes, I think it would make Mommy very happy.”

  Jane kept still while David situated himself behind her. His hands settled on her hips, and he whispered in her ear. “Baby, I’m right here. I won’t let you hurt her.” He nuzzled her so softly that she barely felt it. “Be brave, my love.”

  Arthur came up behind Natalie with Nathan in his arms.

  “Let her try with just Natalie,” David said.

  Arthur smiled and continued to hold Nathan while Gawain, Gareth, and Tristan created a sort of semicircle in front of them.

  Jane made eye contact with each of them briefly, receiving their encouraging smiles. It warmed her heart to have them all there, willing to help her and keeping her children safe.


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