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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 19

by Janie Marie

  The heat from David’s touch brought her attention back to him, and she turned her head slightly to see his face near hers.

  He squeezed her waist and kissed her cheek. “You’ve got this.” He nodded to Natalie. “Okay, Natalie, remember what we talked about . . . Go slow.”

  Natalie didn’t look as excited now.

  Gawain squatted, gaining her attention. “Come on, Natalie. Just move slow like David instructed. I’m sure Mommy would love a nice strong hug from you.”

  Jane darted her eyes to the four other women standing off to the side. She recognized Guinevere and Ragnelle, but not the other two.

  “Focus, Jane.” David pulled her against his chest a little.

  Jane did, returning her gaze to Natalie as she slowly held her hands out for Natalie to come to her.

  At first, Natalie stayed put, but she finally pursed her lips and walked up to Jane. She touched her cheek first, then reached around her mom’s neck and hugged her.

  Jane let out a soft sob and pulled her daughter closer. She squeezed her eyes tight, swaying slightly to extend their hug, all the while feeling David’s encouraging touch along her sides. It reminded her of the first time she was reunited with her family. This time, though, David had enough strength and comfort to get her through it.

  Jane pushed Natalie back enough to see her face. “Mommy loves you so much, baby girl.”

  “I love you too, Mommy,” Natalie said.

  David pressed a kiss to the side of Jane’s head before moving his mouth to her ear. “Good girl. I think Nathan needs a hug now.”

  She sighed as he kissed her again before leaning back. The entire time, Natalie watched them with the biggest grin on her face.

  “Well done, princess,” David said. “Shall we let Nathan try?”

  Natalie nodded repeatedly and moved away from her mom to where Arthur stood. Arthur chuckled when Natalie gave him a look of urgency, and he placed Nathan on the floor. Natalie immediately took hold of her brother’s hand and turned to him, saying, “Go slow, Nathan. We don’t want her sick again.”

  “She’s bossy.” David chuckled in Jane’s ear.

  Nathan stayed quiet as Natalie pulled him along.

  “Deep breath, baby,” David whispered, kissing her cheek and squeezing her hips.

  Jane followed his instruction and gasped when Nathan walked straight to her without any hesitation.

  She hugged him, crying against his tiny shoulder as he looked over hers at David. Although she loved her children equally, Nathan always resided in a more delicate part of Jane’s heart. Nathan needed Jane. At least, that was what she tried to believe from time to time. Even if he’d do better with a different mom, she thought her little boy counted on her. He was her little baby while Natalie was her independent little girl.

  Jane held the back of Nathan’s head and leaned against David’s chest.

  He kissed her head. “That’s my brave girl.”

  This was what Jane needed so badly. She needed to hold her babies, and she needed David to hold her.

  “Jane, I think the boys want you to meet their wives,” he said softly. “Is that okay?”

  Jane nodded, smiling when he kissed her head before standing up. He helped her stand and then put one hand on her waist as he led her the few steps to where Gareth was.

  Since Jane still had Nathan clinging to her neck, she reached out to awkwardly hug the younger knight.

  “Well done, darling,” Gareth said, stepping back and gesturing to the woman beside him. “This is my wife, Lyonesse.”

  Jane smiled at the petite woman and held out her hand to greet her. She was lovely, with her honey-colored hair and soft green eyes. Jane knew Gareth was one of the youngest of the knights, and so was his wife. They both looked to be in their late teens or very early twenties. Obviously, though, Gareth and Lyonesse were centuries older than her.

  “Call me Ness,” she said. “And it is lovely to make your acquaintance, Jane. Gareth has told me much about you, all good things, I assure.”

  Jane grinned. “Thank you, you as well. He must have left out the fact that I embarrassed him in front of the others.”

  Gareth playfully glared at Jane. “Shall I bring up your more humiliating moments, darling?”

  “No.” Jane blushed. “What happens in Texas stays in Texas.”

  David chuckled and pointed at the woman beside Tristan. “Jane, this is Tristan’s wife, Iseult.”

  The woman was gorgeous, like the rest of them. Her wavy brown hair hung to her waist, and she grinned at Tristan before holding out a hand to Jane. “Lovely to meet you, Jane. All of us are incredibly happy to have you and your family here with us.”

  “Thank you,” Jane said, shaking her hand.

  With Guinevere toting Natalie on her hip, Arthur and his wife approached them. “Ladies,” Arthur said. “The others will be moving about soon, and I think Jane would like to spend some time with her children for a while. However, we need to discuss some matters with her and David. Would you all excuse us for a moment and perhaps watch the children for a bit?”

  “Of course, Arthur,” they answered in unison.

  The men gave their wives kisses to their cheeks before sending them off. Guinevere placed Natalie in Ragnelle’s arms before approaching her.

  “Shall I take him?” Guinevere asked.

  “Oh,” Jane said, not really wanting to let Nathan go but understanding they had things to tend to. She began trying to remove Nathan’s arms from her neck, but he wouldn’t budge. She knew it would cause him to throw a fit if they forcibly removed him; he had been taken away from her too often.

  David turned her to face him, caressing her cheek before rubbing Nathan’s back.

  “Hey, little man,” he said, which only caused Nathan to tighten his grip. David went on anyway. “Would you like to go with Guinevere until Mommy and I come back?”

  “Mommy,” Nathan mumbled against Jane’s shoulder.

  David smiled softly as he looked at her again. “I think he can stay, Jane. Is that all right with you?” Jane nodded, and David spoke again. “Nathan, would you like to stay with Mommy?”

  “Mommy,” Nathan said.

  Jane worried a little David might get frustrated with Nathan’s lack of a simple yes or no, but he only smiled and rubbed her son’s back as he spoke to him. “All right, little man, just stay quiet and be a good boy.” David slid his gaze over to his sister. “Sorry, sister. At least you still have Natalie.”

  Guinevere smiled at Jane. “David knows where to find me if you need me to take him.”

  “Thank you,” Jane said as David put his hand on the small of her back. She blushed when he kissed the top of her head and his sister grinned.

  “You’re doing so well, baby,” he said lowly as they followed the knights.

  “I wouldn’t be able to do it without you.”

  He grinned and slid his hand until it settled on her hip. “I am glad I could help.”

  They made their way out of the game room and headed in a direction Jane had not been before.

  “David?” Jane called quietly.


  “You said Tristan’s wife is Iseult . . . But I thought all the stories said her name was Isolde. Were the stories wrong?” She felt silly for asking if the legends were true, but she couldn’t help it.

  “They are half true. Iseult is not Isolde, though. Just like all your legends, there is some truth to them—however, over time, or just purely to make up a romantic story, details change.”

  Jane listened carefully; she was very fascinated by the various legends, and now learning the truth beyond those legends, she felt like a child again.

  “There was an Isolde,” he said. “And Tristan did love her, but she was to be the wife of his uncle. They contemplated running away with each other, but Tristan is a good man; he could not bear the thought of hurting his uncle. He ended their relationship and Isolde went through with the arranged marriage.

After they wed, Tristan left Mark’s Kingdom. He later met and fell in love with Iseult. Both women’s names are variations of the other; that is simply coincidence. I suppose that could be why there are different versions of what truly happened. The story of him dying by the hands of Mark, I think came from the fact that he disappeared after a while. We obviously couldn’t stay around without aging, or people would notice. Some of the men came up with their own stories for their deaths while others just developed out of people’s imaginations.”

  Jane was amazed that so many of the tales she grew up hearing were true. She bit her lip, nervous to ask something else. Something stupid.

  “Did you have another question?”

  She peered up at him. “Um . . .”

  “You can ask me, Jane.”

  Jane hesitated, but finally blurted out, “Please tell me that unicorns and dragons are real.”

  His mouth fell open, but he finally let out a laugh. “I have never seen a unicorn or a dragon.” Jane’s face fell, and he chuckled before speaking again. “But I suppose it could be possible that they existed or still do.”

  Jane snapped her head up, excited. “You think?”

  He shrugged. “There was a fellow, long ago, who swore he’d seen a Pegasus.”

  “A Pegasus? Oh, my . . . Really?”

  “That’s what he said.” He laughed softly.

  “Wow,” she breathed. “I’m not giving up hope that unicorns are real, and I’m sure dragons were at least around back then. There had to have been with so many stories.” She turned forward, letting her mind ponder all the possibilities surrounding mythical creatures.

  “I am sure there were, baby.” He rubbed her side. “Perhaps, you will meet one someday.”

  “That would be incredible,” she said, smiling.

  “I’m sure he would think the same about you.”

  She smiled and leaned against him a little. “He would not.”

  “He should. My baby is incredible.”

  Jane smiled wider.

  “I received a message last night,” Arthur said, staring at David from his seat behind his large wooden desk. They were in Arthur’s private office with Gawain, Gareth, and Tristan. “It was from Hades—he’s coming here with several others.”

  “Who are the others?” Jane asked when she noticed David wince.

  “Hades is traveling with Artemis and her team,” Arthur clarified.

  Jane stared at the table in silence. Of all the people to come, it had to be the one woman David considered taking instead of waiting for his Other. Artemis was a woman he respected and deemed worthy of the place at his side. No prophecy or belief in soul mates had led him to pick her; he’d liked her. It didn’t matter that he said nothing had happened, he’d had enough interest in her to name her specifically as a potential Other.

  I shouldn’t care, she told herself. He’s free to do whatever he likes.

  While that was true, and she hadn’t picked David like he’d been anticipating all these years, she still didn’t want anyone else to have him. It was selfish and wrong, but she couldn’t stop herself from wanting David to see only her.

  David gently tightened his hand around hers.

  Jane thought, squeezing his hand. She wasn’t going to let anyone take him from her.

  “When will they arrive?” David asked.

  “They landed about five minutes ago,” Gawain said, causing Jane’s eyes to widen. She had no time to prepare, but maybe that was for the best.

  All she could think about was how beautiful Artemis must be. David refused Melody, a goddess in her own right, and Artemis was a woman who had been worshipped as a goddess. A goddess, Jane repeated in her head. She was up against a goddess. She was a nobody—a twenty-six-year-old mother of two who didn’t even work out. Jane knew for David to have considered Artemis, she must be more beautiful than any woman on earth. Oh, God, I stand no chance. I’m going to lose him.

  “Jane,” David said.

  “What?” She looked up, distracted.

  He let go of her hand so he could caress her cheek. “Are you going to be okay?”

  She darted her eyes between his and already knew she wasn’t going to be okay. She dreaded what was about to come her way, but she could pretend to be strong. She wanted to hold onto that brave person that came out of her from time to time.

  “I’ll be fine.” She smiled when his fingers held her chin.

  He searched her eyes for any hidden distress.

  “I’m fine, David . . . You said that she was nothing to you, and I believe you. It’s not like we’re together anyway.”

  David’s face fell, and she immediately felt like an asshole for saying that.

  “Jane,” he said.

  She cut him off. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant I shouldn’t be upset about a person coming here for your help.”

  He let out a frustrated sigh, and Jane knew he wasn’t fooled by her explanation. Still, she gave him a smile, which he returned.

  “Good,” Arthur said, getting their attention again. “I see you’ve already spoken about the matter. The other issue I wanted to discuss is Jane’s training. I want you to practice your abilities with Tristan. Hades may even be able to help you, although I am unsure of his extra abilities. I can only assume they are coming to us for help, which means we will likely be leaving again soon.”

  She pulled Nathan closer; she didn’t want to leave them again.

  Arthur smiled at her softly. “Jane, try not to stress yourself. Spend time with your family. Tonight, we will gather in the Round Room.” He glanced at David. “Nine o’clock. Prepare her for what to expect.”

  David sighed as he stood. “I will.”

  Jane couldn’t listen anymore without panicking. She stood and left the office without telling anyone goodbye. She’d only taken a few steps out into the hall when a hand grabbed hers. It was David, of course, and she let him keep her still.

  He stepped closer, his body heat spreading to hers. “Jane.” He slid his fingers along her cheek and into her hair. “Don’t do this. I know you’re worried over her, but I swear to you, you are all I will ever want.”

  “I shouldn’t care,” she said, staring him in the eye. Those blue eyes tortured and soothed her at the same time.

  “And I shouldn’t care about Jason or Death in your life, but I do.” He smiled, moving closer. “I want you all to myself, and I shouldn’t. You were not told of our fate together, so there’s no reason you should toss aside those in your heart because I suddenly came into your life. I accept that. But I will not toss you aside simply because our situation is not what I expected. I feel possessive over you, just as you feel about Death and me.”

  “You don’t act like it.”

  He chuckled and slid his fingers through her hair. “I have excellent control over my emotions. Believe me, I feel the urge to fight any male in your proximity who is not already mated. Do not worry if that feels wrong or makes you feel selfish for keeping me to yourself. There is nothing wrong about us. You can be as selfish as you want about me because I am already yours.”

  Her heart warmed hearing him say that. She found herself wanting more and more of him with every minute passing between them. But she still couldn’t do anything about her growing feelings. Nathan resting limply in her arms reminded her of exactly why she couldn’t allow those new feelings to consume her.

  “I’m just a little stressed about meeting her,” she whispered. “I don’t do well with other women.”

  David smiled and lowered his face to hover inches above hers. “Don’t be stressed; she has nothing on you.”

  Jane gave him a deadpanned look. “David, she’s a goddess.”

  “She’s not a real goddess. She’s a vampire, just like you and me. And she’s not a bad person. She is very committed to her duty, just like we are.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then added softly, “She has never had my heart, Jane. She never will.” His lips brushed her skin as s
he let out a breath and closed her eyes. “You are my life, Jane. Don’t ever think that anyone can compare to you, my love.”

  His words and voice filled her entire body. She didn’t even realize that she was holding on to his side with her free hand, trying to pull him closer. When she began to move her lips toward his, David pulled back.

  She opened her eyes and stared into his for a moment and then watched as his gaze drifted to Nathan, who slept soundly on her shoulder. Jane pressed her lips together, ashamed of herself.

  David kissed her forehead. “One day, my love.”

  Jason stood silent in the hallway, watching David hold his sleeping son as he caressed Jane’s cheek, encouraging her to be brave. Whatever the fuck that was. It wasn’t hard to be a mom, yet she was smiling and sighing every time David praised her for something stupid.

  David leaned down, whispering in her ear, and Jane smiled brightly up at him. It was a smile that Jason had never seen on her face. It was with that smile she walked over to Natalie.

  Jason knew better than to march in there and start a fight—he couldn’t beat David. The man was practically a god, and he had set his sights on Jane and his family.

  It took every ounce of control to stand there as he watched David smile toward Jane and then at Nathan. The stupid vampire had no right to hold his children, touch his wife, or tell him what a shitty husband he thought he was. David was the one fucking a married woman while he had a girlfriend he hadn’t even properly ended things with. David was stealing his family, breaking them apart. David was a monster.

  Jane fixed the blanket around Nathan once more before turning to leave their room. She looked up, meeting David’s gaze. He was leaning against the doorway, smiling as he had been while she put her kids to bed.

  “Sorry,” she said once she was close to him. “He’s probably been more stressed without me.”

  David took her hand and lifted it, inspecting the tiny scratches on her forearm. She wasn’t expecting him to lean down, nor was she prepared for his tongue gliding across the trail of blood left on her arm.

  “Does he always scratch you like this?” he asked, but she could only stare at him with wide eyes.


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