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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 81

by Janie Marie

  She slid her hand into his hair as a tear still escaped, landing on his cheek. “I’m sorry.” She kissed him harder.

  Lucifer wiped her cheek. “It’s okay. It will be okay.”

  Her smile was there again, and her kiss tasted even sweeter. “Thank you”—she sighed as he wiped away another tear—“my king.”

  “I apologize again, my king,” Thanatos whispered, taking a seat beside him.

  Lucifer watched Jane begin to eat before looking his general in the eye. “It is fine, Thanatos. Even if you are the biggest cock block of all time.”

  Jane snickered but didn’t look up from her breakfast.

  “A queen does not laugh while she has her mouth full,” he said, moving some of her hair so he could see her face.

  She glanced around the busy tent at the other immortals eating. “Forgive me, my king.” She grinned. “I simply forgot I was amongst Hell’s elite class.”

  He dropped his hand to her thigh, squeezing but not too hard. “Mind your sass. I have no problem exchanging this meal for one you can have in my bed.”

  “Oh, I love eating in bed.” She looked at him, completely innocent.

  Lucifer glanced at Thanatos, glaring as his general laughed and shrugged. “Eat your food, Jane,” he said, releasing her leg.

  “I did say I could stall them,” Thanatos said when she picked up her fork.

  He just let out a breath, waving him off. “Enough. I would like to hold onto the memories I gained before I was suddenly hearing you cry out my name instead of her.”

  Thanatos smirked, his red eyes gleaming with something Lucifer could not put his finger on. “Well, I thought you would prefer my intrusion over one of theirs.”

  “Who are y’all talking about?” Jane asked after swallowing some food.

  “Manners, my queen,” Lucifer said, sighing until she patted his leg and mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  He put his hand over hers, watching how her pale fingers slid between his when she turned her palm up. She squeezed, and he looked in her eyes, remembering this from her memories. She always desired that little assurance. He squeezed her hand back, and she beamed at him before letting go to push her hair behind her ear.

  Thanatos shot him a look but responded to Jane’s question. “A few other princes and commanders of Hell.”

  Jane glanced at Lucifer, her body trembling suddenly. “How many?”

  He caressed her cheek. “Just five others right now. Asmodeus is one of the princes, as was I. When you became my queen, I took my place as High King. I suppose they are here to see you for themselves. Most likely, they are upset of my accession to the throne. I had hoped it would be longer before they came.”

  “But who are the ones that are here? Will they hurt me?”

  “No one will hurt you, my queen,” he said, surprising himself when he growled. “Except for myself, you are above all others.”

  A faint smile touched her lips, and she looked at Thanatos when he didn’t answer her first question. Like a queen.

  “Your visitors are Beelzebub, Belial, Astaroth, Berith, and Sonneillon,” Thanatos said, smiling as she waved him on to say more. “They are accompanied by several other high-ranked demons—all considered either princes, lieutenants, or goddesses of Hell. The first three I listed are high princes, just as your king and Asmodeus are. Lucifer does not have a pleasant relationship with them. They have been in constant war over the throne you have just given our king. It is not only Heaven and Hell who have been at war.”

  “I didn’t give you anything.” She looked at Lucifer. “I thought you were already in charge. At least, that’s what people tend to say. I kinda thought there was more to your story, but I didn’t know what.”

  He put his hand on her thigh again. “When I gave you my blood, I began my ascension. The moment you agreed to come with me is when I became High King, thus making you my queen. Now, whether they like it or not, they are mine to rule over. It is like any kingdom, they can rebel and try to overthrow me, but I am their king and more powerful than all of them. You are, as well. Death would be the only one who could destroy either of us, technically. We match him in power, but neither of us would be able to perform the feats he does—he is and will always be Death. However, his attachment to you will add more fear to your name and hopefully help maintain order.”

  “They do not know your identity yet, Jane,” Thanatos said.

  Lucifer forced himself not to smile when she held his hand under the table.

  “Yes, I’m listening,” she said, resuming her meal but not letting go of his hand.

  Thanatos noticed the contact between though, but he continued. “When they realize you are a made immortal, they will likely react negatively, especially considering that David is your maker. He and Arthur are Hell’s most rivaled immortals.”

  Lucifer glanced over at her to see a little smile on her lips. She enjoyed that her knights were so feared. He chuckled at her and listened to Thanatos speak again.

  “Many of the females will also show dislike toward you.”

  She snorted, quickly hiding her smile. “Sorry. It’s just funny now. Like, really, my whole world is always falling apart, yet they’re mad at me because of you boys.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Do not snort, my queen.”

  “Sorry.” She grinned when he shook his head.

  Thanatos cleared his throat. “Whatever your reasons for past disagreements with females is beside the point. These are demons who have fought and killed in hopes of being granted the title Lucifer handed you.”

  She pursed her lips. “Gee, thanks a lot, Luc. You might never have had to put up with me if you’d just given one of them a chance.”

  “You have always been my only choice,” he said, not looking at her, but he could feel her staring at him.

  Thanatos sighed. “Many Fallen of higher status avoid sexual relationships with demons. Your king is known to be the most selective.”

  “Is there a point you are trying to make, Thanatos?” Lucifer asked, not looking at either of them. “If you are trying to upset her, I will be upset.”

  Jane giggled, squeezing his hand. “It’s okay. I don’t care who you banged over the years.” She covered her mouth, giggling when he finally slid his gaze over to her. “Although, I will say I’m glad your ding dong hasn’t been . . . you know . . . like a hole with suction cups or snappy mouths.”

  “My queen, that is disturbing.” Lucifer shook his head as he tried not to laugh. “No, they, at least from what I have heard, do not have horrifying cunts. What else do you imagine? Venus Fly-traps or dicks with mouths for the males?”

  She went red in the face as Thanatos turned, hiding his smile.

  “Well, not mouths,” she said, smiling. “I did see some demons before, so I thought the males might have horns in that general vicinity.” She motioned to his dick with her fork. “Kinda like piercings. It would seem a waste to have horns but look normal down there.”

  “You worry me, my queen,” Lucifer said.

  “Shush,” she whispered, hiding her smile behind her napkin when others started looking their way. “I was just guessing—I don’t know.”

  “Clearly,” he said, squeezing her leg.

  “Mania is among the goddesses here today, Queen Jane,” said Thanatos.

  Jane stopped smiling and intertwined her fingers with Lucifer’s. He wasn’t sure if she was angry or afraid, but he continued to hold her hand as he watched the gathering of immortals around them.

  “I will stand by your side against her, my queen,” Thanatos said.

  Jane eyed Thanatos. “I thought she was your friend.”

  “No, my queen,” Thanatos said quickly. “I was foolish to believe her lies, but she had help with her deception. Lucifer has forgiven me for my treachery and understands the lies that led to my mistake in attacking you. I am loyal to you.”

  “Okay,” she said, looking back at her plate. “I believe you.”

  “My little
queen is so forgiving,” Lucifer said, letting go of her hand only to slide his hand up her thigh until she dug her nails in. “Well, forgiving but firm.”

  “Would you have me any other way?” She winked at him.

  “Countless ways, my queen,” he said, staring into her eyes. “But your forgiveness and personality are two traits I would not change.”

  She merely smiled, but it was his smile—the one she only did for him.

  “Just stay quiet, Jane. I will speak for us,” he said, looking forward again. “They will attempt to extract weakness from you. They are not to be trusted. You are to stand strong by my side, and remember, you do not bow to them.”

  “Got it.” She nodded.

  Lucifer leaned over, kissing her cheek before he whispered in her ear, “I may call on her.”

  “You promised.” She tensed.

  He sighed, placing a kiss on her neck. “I did not expect them to arrive so soon. I know you are strong, but you are not ready for the tasks she will need to perform. If they see you struggle, they will revolt and a battle like you have never seen will begin right in this camp.”

  “That wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” She tried to shove his hand off her leg.

  He squeezed it hard. “Do not start anything here, Jane. I know it would thrill you to wipe out all of Hell, but you must realize there are innocents here. Are you ready to see them destroyed?”

  She stopped shoving him. “No.”

  “I thought not.” He kissed her neck again. “No arguing with me and you will be able to stay for as long as possible.”

  “Fine, but I wish you would give me a chance. I don’t want her out after last night. And you did say she can still do much on her own. Will you stop her if she does something bad?”

  “There is nothing you can do in this situation, Jane. They were not meant to be here yet, and you were not meant to . . .” He growled but kissed her temple as he whispered, “I will do my best to keep you in the dark. I may not realize right away if she does something similar to yesterday, but I will be more mindful.”

  “I thought you would have more control after this morning.” She turned her head, glaring at him. “You are stronger than her. I know it. I don’t know why you’re making it seem like you can’t stop her.”

  He grabbed her chin. “It’s not that simple, my queen. I wish it were.” He kissed her lips, breathing in her scent to calm the fire burning under his skin.

  “They are here, Lucifer,” Thanatos said, standing up.

  Lucifer didn’t look up just yet, but noticed others rising to their feet in respect of the princes entering their tent. He pressed his lips against Jane’s again, giving her a firm look.

  She nodded. “I understand, Luc.”

  A male voice greeted them. “Lucifer.”

  He sighed, releasing Jane’s chin before turning to the group of demons and Fallen standing across his table. At first, he simply observed them. All their eyes were fixed on Jane, so he took her hand and rested it on the table. Every gaze focused on their hands joined together as a few hisses and snarls filled the tent. “Beelzebub,” Lucifer said, nodding before looking at the others. “Belial, Astaroth, Sonneillon, Berith.”

  They all bowed to him.

  Lucifer scanned the followers bowing their heads before looking back at the main three. “I take it you have all heard the news of my ascension, and my lovely queen.”

  “She is a vampire,” said Beelzebub, raising a tanned hand to smooth back his dark hair. His red eyes gleamed as he watched Jane’s gaze take in his golden armor and black wings.

  She gasped at the sight of his bow. Their angelic origins made them all extremely beautiful, and Beelzebub was no exception. Like many demons and Fallen, they wore their identity for all to see. Only the highest of high like Lucifer, Death, Gabriel, and Michael hid their true forms––perhaps because they were the most beautiful.

  “She is more, but yes, a vampire,” Lucifer said. “Either way, she is your queen.”

  Beelzebub smirked, nodding. “A beautiful choice.”

  Lucifer grinned at his compliment, but he knew they were just feeling each other out. “I would settle for nothing less. Are you not going to bow to her?”

  There were low rumbles of disagreement, but Lucifer remained calm, staring them down. Sonneillon was the first to lower himself to a knee. Astaroth chuckled but also took a knee. Berith quickly followed him, leaving Beelzebub and Belial standing.

  “My queen,” Beelzebub said, kneeling just as Belial, who wore black armor and an angry glare at Jane, also dropped down. Their followers were in perfect timing with them, even if some appeared to want to protest.

  “Stand,” Lucifer acknowledged their respects and gestured to the chairs across from them. “My queen needs to finish her meal before we leave.” He kissed her fingers as quiet growls erupted from the females in their company before he let go.

  Jane glanced around, her face neutral as she resumed eating. Her body was tense, though; she breathed in deeply as it began to hum with energy.

  He smiled and rubbed her back, ignoring the way everyone analyzed his movements. “How are your legions?”

  Thanatos moved to sit at Jane’s right. Lucifer didn’t mind, and he watched the way the others seemed awed by Jane’s visibly relaxed state.

  “They are well,” Beelzebub said, not taking his eyes off Jane. “They are preparing and carrying out small attacks along the boundaries, nothing major. We are all waiting.”

  Lucifer glanced at Belial and felt fire rumble inside him. Jane nudged his foot under the table with hers, and as he glanced at her, he realized she was telling him to relax now.

  Lucifer looked away from her, noticing right away the untamed tresses of Mania’s hair. “How are you, Nia?”

  Mania bowed her head. “I am well, my king. Congratulations on acquiring your queen. I had no idea she would be Prince David’s mate.”

  There were several gasps at realizing Jane’s identity, but he knew the princes had already realized who she was once they saw she was a vampire.

  “How did the brave knight take the news, or is it Death that she is mates with?” Mania smiled sweetly. “He was very protective of her the last time we met.”

  Jane bared her fangs as her power spiked, causing many to shift back.

  Lucifer rubbed her back, kissing her head. “Shh . . .”

  She sighed, closing her eyes before returning to her meal.

  When Lucifer glanced at Mania, he grinned at the sight of her wide, fearful eyes. “She is my queen, Nia. She cannot help that she has so many admirers. I hear the dark angel didn’t take too kindly to your attack on her; neither did I.” He looked over and nodded to the servant holding blood for Jane. The vampire quickly set it in front of Jane and left.

  “No, I suppose he did not.” Mania growled.

  “How many did he take from you?” Lucifer asked, twirling a lock of Jane’s hair.

  “Near a thousand, my king. Luckily, I have others. I was not expecting such an attack. I will not make that mistake again.” Mania seemed almost humbled that she had been beaten by someone protecting Jane.

  “Hm.” Lucifer smiled, turning back to the princes. “Yes, he is quite protective of her. She does have that effect on the male sex. I must say, I am not upset she has acquired such a powerful guard.”

  “He is still in her favor?” Astaroth asked, grinning when Jane loudly placed her goblet on the table.

  Lucifer caressed Jane’s cheek. She turned her hateful eyes to him but calmed quickly when he slid his finger down her jaw. “Yes, my lovely queen is hard to resist. I believe she is the only being Death submits to, besides Father, that is. Isn’t that right, Jane?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Death is mine.”

  Lucifer held her chin, leaning forward to kiss her quickly. “He is a wise choice, my queen. Finish. We have much to do.”

  Jane gave him a smile and kissed him as well, causing him to release her.

he does have a definite pull, doesn’t she?” Beelzebub mused. “Quite the enchantress to not only capture you as her king but also two dealers of death, let alone Death himself . . . What of David and Arthur’s knights? Are they willing to sacrifice all for her?”

  Jane stiffened but continued drinking as she shifted her eyes over to him. Waiting.

  “The knights are off-limits for now,” said Lucifer as he placed his hand over Jane’s. “A gift to my queen. She wishes me to show mercy to her saviors, and I can hardly refuse her. They did allow me to have such a beauty after all. Without them she would have perished in the plague or by the jaws of my ungrateful mutt’s followers.”

  “Ah, where is Lancelot?” Beelzebub asked, leaning back.

  “In chains,” Thanatos responded when Lucifer was silent.

  “Really?” Sonneillon asked with a smirk. “Is that where the Demon King is?”

  “Yes,” Lucifer replied. “I gifted my queen with a chance to carry out a little revenge on her attacker. She and Lancelot have a past, and I gave her a chance to show off while she had some fun reminding him who she is. Our army was not disappointed by the spectacular show of power she displayed. Asmodeus even honored her with his dragon. You enjoyed seeing him, didn’t you, Jane?” He looked back to see her finish her drink.

  She was struggling to control how much she wanted to spit out the vile donated blood, but she licked her lips and answered, “He was magnificent. Will we see him today?”

  “Of course,” Lucifer said, standing and taking her hand. “Let us go see him now.”

  Thanatos pulled her chair out as he helped her up.

  “Thank you,” she said, leaning against Lucifer. He realized she was still uncomfortable, so he put his hand on her back to lead the way outside.

  “She is a lovely prize, Lucifer,” said Astaroth, falling in step beside Thanatos and Sonneillon.

  “She is,” he said, walking out of the tent.

  “Word has it you are ridding yourself of Lancelot’s beasts,” said Beelzebub on his other side.

  “Yes, I find them too uncontrollable. I am removing Lancelot from command and placing him under Ares.” Beelzebub let out a quiet laugh as Lucifer continued. “Those mutations of his must go, though.”


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