Page 23
Schöneck-Kilianstadten 34
Schwarzenegger, Arnold 190
Scythians 182
Seahenge 76–7, 77
sesterii 161
Shaugh Moor 65
shields 17, 115, 117, 130, 132, 170
ship settings 24, 68, 70, 75, 210
ships see watercraft
Siemiechów 148
Silkeborg 124
Silkeborg Museum 210
silver 24, 59, 116, 137–8, 145–6, 149, 164–7
Skateholm 32
slaves 110, 136, 157, 187
Slavs 201–2
slingstones 145
copper 38, 57
iron 87–8, 137
Smuszewo 94
Sobiejuchy 94
solidi 161–2, 183–4
Sorrell, Alan 196
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, Bolzano 40, 210
spears 30, 60, 77, 111, 123, 130, 145–6, 166, 169–70
sphagnum moss 124
spices 157
ss-Ahnenerbe 93, 204
St Albans see Verulamium
standing stones 24, 43–4, 51, 56, 68, 192, 204
alignments 57
stone circles 17, 24, 44, 50, 52, 57, 177
Standish, Christopher 82
State Museum of Antiquities, Netherlands 209
Stations of the Cross 54
status 12, 25, 38, 68–9, 75, 84, 90, 100–101, 107, 110, 121, 148, 156–8, 168
Stična 88
Stonehenge 13, 16–17, 28–9, 49–56, 54–5, 76
construction 50–52, 51
landscape 26, 53–6, 69–70, 85
in the 21st century 195–8, 210–11, 213
Store Brunneby 162
Straits of Dover see English Channel
strontium isotopes 17, 27–9, 53, 72, 171, 181–2
Stukeley, William 49
summer solstice 50, 55–6, 198
Swedish National Heritage Board 205
Swięty Gaj 176
Swiss lake dwellings see lake dwellings
swords 60, 77, 88–9, 97, 115, 130, 148, 169–72
Sybaris 107
Tacitus 91, 154, 175
Talheim 34
Tanum 77–8
Tara 158–9
Tarent 107
tattoos 40
television 196–7
Telgte 75
terra sigillata pottery 147, 164
Teutoberg Forest 144–8, 145, 146, 201, 203
Téviec 33 textiles 35, 103, 105, 111, 213–14, 214
Thomsen, Christian Jurgensen 19, 19
Three-age System 19–21
Tiberius 141, 143
timber circles 53–4, 57, 76–7, 77
Time Team 197
tin 21, 58–60, 66, 82, 84–5, 113
Tollund Man 124–5, 210
torcs 83, 207
Tournai 183
trackways 65, 121–3, 122, 127, 176
in the Bronze Age 59, 82, 84
in the Iron Age 90–91, 95–6, 120, 167–8, 174, 187
between Greeks and barbarians 99–101, 103–10, 113, 116, 167
between Romans and barbarians 133–4, 137–9, 148–9, 156–7, 160–62
tree-ring dating 18, 36–7, 76, 94, 104, 122, 141, 147, 169
trumpets 78
Trundholm Sun Chariot 61–3, 62–3
tumuli see burial mounds
Tybrind Vig 31
Tyrol Herbal Distillery 211
Ubii 140
Uderzo, Albert 192
University Museum, University of Pennsylvania 196
Uppåkra 167–9, 169, 187, 207
Urbańczyk, Przemysław 176
USA Today 211
Val Camonica 78–9
Valens 178
Valentinian III 184
Vandals 172
Varus, Publius Quinctilius 143–7
Vercingetorix 133, 199–200, 200, 204–5
Verulamium 138
Vestland 161
Vienna see Vindobona
Vikings 170, 187–8
Vindobona 155
violence 34, 42–3, 94, 123–30, 184–5, 190
Viollet-le-Duc 199–200
Visigoths 178, 180, 182
Vix 101, 103, 106–7, 110
wagons see wheeled vehicles
Waldgirmes 142, 142–3, 147
war-booty sacrifices 129–30, 131, 146, 152, 161, 169–73, 170, 171, 190
warfare see violence
warriors 91, 115, 129–30, 152
Wasserburg-Buchau 64, 202
watercraft 24, 30–31, 30, 56, 66–9, 67, 78–81, 92, 95, 129–30, 131, 164, 169–72, 170
wealth 84, 88, 90, 95–7, 99, 100–101, 106, 110, 120–21, 165, 184–5
weapons 17, 21, 58–60, 68, 71, 78–9, 89, 110, 113, 129–30, 145–6, 156–7, 168–71, 171, 176, 183
see also spears, swords, arrowheads, bows, palstaves, halberds
wedge tombs 69
weights 167
wells 161, 183
Wells, Peter S. 146, 155
Wessex 22, 26
West Kennet long barrow 52
West Stow 181, 184
wetlands 115, 123, 129, 144, 163, 176, 186
What in the World? 196
wheeled vehicles 24, 78, 84, 95, 105–8, 192
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer 196–7, 197
Wielbark culture 176–7
Windeby Girl/Boy 125, 125–6
wine 99–100, 103, 107, 132–4, 136–8, 139
winter solstice 44–5, 48, 56, 198
Wittemoor 123
Woodhenge 53
wool 56, 61, 71–5, 97, 113, 170, 213
Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen 19
wristguards 26, 28
yokes 123
Zeppelin 93
Zvejnieki 32