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Achelous (river god) 108
Adrianople 178
Aduatuci 140
Adventus Saxonum 181
Agricola 154
Alésia 133, 199–200, 200, 204
Als (Denmark) 129–30
Altai 179
amber 21, 97, 107, 109–10, 157, 161–2, 176, 184
Amesbury 42 (long barrow) 52
Amesbury Archer 26–7, 27, 29, 51–2, 57, 72, 173
Ammianus Marcellinus 175
Anglo-Saxons 49, 175, 181–2, 184
animal traction 37–8, 51, 64, 78–9, 84, 95
Animal, Vegetable or Mineral? 196–7
antiquities trade 205–6
antler 24, 30–33, 35, 130, 151, 167
Antonine Wall 154
Arbon-Bleiche 3 36–7
Archaeological Museum, Kraków 209
Archaeological Museum, Poznań 93
Archäologisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig 125, 170
Archer’s Companion 28–9
Arminius (Herrmann) 13, 140, 144, 146–7, 190, 201, 203
armour 59, 146
arrowheads and arrows 26, 28–9, 36, 41–2, 105, 111, 169
arsenic 38, 58
Astérix 192–3, 193
Attila 178, 180
Aubrey Holes 50
Aubrey, John 49–50
Augustodunum (Autun) 134
Augustus 141–3, 142, 193
Autun see Augustodunum
Avenue, The (Stonehenge) 53
axes 36, 38–43, 57, 60, 66, 71, 128, 182
azurite 38
ballista 145
Baltic Sea 30, 66, 147, 157, 160–62, 175–7, 183, 187
Barbary ape 159
barrows see burial mounds
baskets 36, 56
Batavians 140
Bede 181
beeswax 110, 157
Bell Beakers 28–9
Berinsfield 181–2
Bibracte (Mont Beuvray) 133–5, 135, 199, 205
Biskupin 92–5, 92, 95, 113, 195, 204, 210
Black Forest 29, 72
Black Patch 65
black-figure pottery 103, 107, 109
boats see watercraft
bog bodies 123–9, 125, 126, 172
bogs 16–17, 25, 121–9, 146, 186
Bohuslan 77–8
Book of Kells 117
Bornholm 162
Borum Eshøj 73
Boscombe Bowmen 28–9, 52
bows 26, 41, 43, 66, 105, 169
Boyne Valley 44–9, 158
bracteates 162, 166
British Museum 209–10
Brittany 29, 33, 44, 59, 66, 71, 91, 137
Bronocice 37
production of 13, 19, 21, 24, 38, 58–61, 68, 103, 133
use during the Bronze Age 70–71, 75, 84–5
use during the Iron Age 88, 97, 105, 108, 113, 116, 143, 145, 164, 167
Brú na Bóinne (Bend of the Boyne) see Boyne Valley
Brześć Kujawski 195
Budakalász 37
Budapest see Aquincum
burials 25–6, 28, 33, 69–75, 97, 104–10, 161
burial mounds 16, 24
in the Stone Age 43–5, 49, 52, 56, 111
in the Bronze Age 69–71, 75, 84
in the Iron Age 104–10, 158, 168
Burren (Ireland) 21
Bush Barrow 70–71
Butser Ancient Farm 118–19, 210
Bytyń 37
Caesar, Julius 131, 133–4, 136–7, 139
Camulodunum 138
carbon-14 dating see radiocarbon dating
Carolingians 187
Carpathian Basin 60, 179–80
Carrowkeel 44
Carrowmore 44
cartoons 191–3
Cashel 158
Cassiodorus 175
casting 38, 57–8, 60, 83–4, 88
cauldrons 97, 149–53, 150–51, 161, 179
celestial observation 56, 61, 86
Celtic knots 117
Celts 35, 90–92, 194, 205
cemeteries 16, 32, 44, 69, 71–2, 75, 84, 97, 164, 176
central place settlements 157, 159, 162–3, 167–9, 187
chain mail 130
Châlons 180
chambered tombs 43–9
chariots see wheeled vehicles
Cherniakhov culture 176–7
Cherusci 144, 146
chiefs 14, 25, 84, 90, 100–110, 143
Childe, V. Gordon 21
Childeric 182–3, 185
Christianity 97, 178, 187
Cité des Sciences, Paris 192
Clark, Grahame (John Grahame Douglas) 20
clientship 64, 91, 106, 136, 138–40, 144, 156
Clonfinlough 65–6
Clonycavan Man 127–8, 210
clothing 41, 72–4, 74, 97, 105, 124, 213–14
Clovis 182, 186
Clunn, Tony 144–5
coffins 71–4, 73, 210–11
coins and coinage
native 120, 132, 137
Roman 144, 146, 156–7, 161–2, 164–7, 166, 172, 182–3
modern 207
Colchester see Camulodunum
Cologne see Colonia Agrippina
Colonia Agrippina 154
Commager, Henry Steele 191
Conan 189–90
Confederation for German Prehistory 202
Constantinople 180
copper 21, 24, 26, 28, 37–43, 56, 58–61, 66, 82, 84–5, 113, 137
coral 91, 107, 110
Corlea Trackway 122–3, 122, 127
Cornwall 59, 82
craft production 104, 132, 156, 167–8
cremation 45, 72, 75, 84, 97, 134, 138, 148, 176
Cruachain see Rathcrogan
Cunnington, William 70
cup marks 78–9
Danebury 111–13, 112
Daniel, Glyn 196
de Soto, Hernando 141
denarii 161
dendrochronology see tree-ring dating
deposits 25, 64, 76–7, 83
developer-funded archaeology 206
DNA 17
dogs 32, 78
dolmens 43–4
Dover Boat 66–7, 67, 207
Dowth 44
Dressel 1B amphorae 139
druids 91, 121, 195, 198
Drusus 141
dugout canoes see watercraft
Dún Ailinne 158–60, 159, 160
Durrington Walls 52–3, 69–70
Eburones 140
Edirne see Adrianople
Egtved Girl 71–2, 74, 173, 211
Elling Woman 124
Elp 64
Emain Macha see Navan Fort
English Channel 33, 66–8, 110, 133, 137–8
entradas 141, 147
ethnonym 91–2
experimental archaeology 210
fabric see textiles
fantasy literature 189–90
farming, origins of 32–3
feasting 25, 53, 56, 91, 108, 123, 159
Federsee 64, 121
fermented beverages 105
figure foils 162, 168
Fischer, Svante 162
fish oil 137
fish traps 31
Flag Fen 76–7, 85
flint 21, 24, 28, 30–32, 35, 39, 42–3
Flintbek 37
forging (iron) 87–8
Franco-Prussian War 199
Franks 182–3, 186
Fridle, Gerhard (DJ Ötzi) 211
Funen (Fyn)
fur 41, 95, 110, 127, 157
furnaces 88
Fürstensitze 101–10
Gaffney, Vince 53
Gergovia 199, 204–5
Germania Inferior 138, 140
Germania Magna 138–49, 153–7, 181–2
Germania Superior 138
Gildas 181
glaciers 15, 29–30, 40, 92, 213–14
glass 97, 137–8, 156–7, 167, 184–5
Glastonbury 120
Gleninsheen Gorget 83–5, 85
Gnisvärd 68, 70
Goffart, Walter 177
gold 21, 24
in the Iron Age 105–10, 116, 137, 145
in the Bronze Age 27–8, 59, 61–3, 69–71, 79, 82–5, 85
from Roman coins in Scandinavia 161–8, 166, 182–5
Goscinny, René 191
Goths 172, 175–9
Gotland 68, 70, 162
granaries 111–12, 209
Grauballe Man 210
Great Orme 59, 84
Greeks 99–110, 113–14
Grøntoft 117
Grygiel, Ryszard 195
Gudme 163–7, 165, 166, 187
Gundestrup Cauldron 149–53, 150–51
Hadrian’s Wall 154
halberds 61
halls 165–6
period 90, 167
site 88–9, 89, 95–9, 98
Halsall, Guy 173, 156
Haltern 143, 147
Hawkins, Gerald 54
Heather, Peter 173, 177
Helicobacter pylori (bacterium) 40
helmets 97, 148
Helmsdorf 71
henge monuments (timber) 52–3, 57, 76
Hengistbury Head 137
heritage management 205–7
heterarchy 120–21, 136, 186
Heuneburg 102–4, 208–9, 208–10
hides see leather
hillforts 16, 24, 110–13, 112, 132, 210
Himmler, Heinrich 202, 204
Historic Environment Scotland 206
Historic Scotland see Historic Environment Scotland
Hitler, Adolf 202
Hjortspring Boat 17, 129–32, 131, 132, 146, 169–70, 172
Hochdorf 104–6, 106
Hodde 117
Holme timber circle see Seahenge
Holy Cross Mountains 148
honey 72, 157
horses 64, 105, 171–2, 182
Howard, Robert E. 189
Huldremose Woman 126
Hunebedden 44
Huns 174, 179–80
hunter-gatherers 16, 30–31, 34
Ice Age 16, 29–31, 78, 92, 191
Iceman 39, 57, 60, 66, 128–9, 173–4
discovery and study 39–41
equipment and clothing 41–2, 42
death 42–3
in the 21st century 190, 196–7, 210–11
Illerup Ådal 170–72
Illustrated London News 196
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 204
Irish ‘royal sites’ 158–60, 159, 160
iron 13, 19, 24, 97, 131, 164, 167
production 87–9, 113, 133, 137, 148
Itford Hill 65
Iulianus 162
Iverni 154
ivory 97, 99
Izdebno 94
Jahnkuhn, Herbert 204
Jordanes 175–9
Kalisia 162
Kalkriese 144–6, 145, 146
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 53
Kattegat 163
Kazakhstan 179
Kelheim 155
Keller, Ferdinand 35, 195
Kelly, Eamonn P. (Ned) 128
kings 25, 128, 138–40, 143, 152, 158, 175, 182–3, 186
kitchen middens (shell mounds) 31
Kivik 79
Klinglberg 59
Knockaulin see Dún Ailinne
Knocknarea (mountain) 44, 195
Knowth 44
Koch, Otto Albert, Varusschlacht 145
Kossinna, Gustaf 21, 201–2, 205
Kostrzewski, Józef 93
Kulikowski, Michael 177
Kuyavia 22
Kwiatków 161
La Tène
site 115–16
style 90, 115–17, 194
Lac de Chalain 34
lake dwellings 34, 34–6, 92, 195, 204
Lavau 107–10, 108–9, 213
lead 58, 138, 145
clothing or equipment 35, 39, 41–2, 71, 97, 105, 124, 127
as a product 120, 136–7
leisters 30–31
Lejre 210
Lendbreen 213–14, 214
Leubingen 71
limonite 87
Lindow Man 127, 210
linen 97
Londinium 187
longhouses 16, 33–4, 64, 84, 117, 165
Łoniowa 16 looting 206
Loughcrew 44, 209
Lovčicky 64
Lower Saxony Landesmuseum 209
Lugnaro 75
Lund 167
Lundeborg 163–4, 166–7
lunulae 82–3
Luther, Martin 201
Magna Graecia 99–100, 105, 107
magnates 163–8, 186
Maiden Castle 16, 111–13, 196
Mainz see Mogontiacum
malachite 38
mallets 123
Małopolska 22
Manching 131
Massalia 100, 103
Meare 120
megalithic art 48–9, 194
megaliths 24, 43–56, 69, 77, 194, 213
see also standing stones, passage graves, dolmens, stone circles
menhirs see standing stones
mercenaries 152, 156–7, 162
Merovingians 183, 187
metal detectorists 144, 164, 166–7, 207
Meyer, Michael 148
migration 172–82
Migration Period 173–82
milk 17, 34–5, 56, 61, 94, 113, 120, 128
Millet, Aimé 199–200, 200
copper 38, 57, 59, 84
lead 138
salt 95–9, 98
silver 138
Mitterberg (Austria) 59, 84
Mitterrand, François 205
Mizen peninsula 59
Mogontiacum 154
Møllegårdsmarken 164
Mont Auxois see Alésia
Mont Bego 78–9
Mont Beuvray see Bibracte
Mont Lassois 101–2, 103, 106–7
Montelius, Oscar 21
Mosbæk 149
moulds see casting
Mound of the Hostages (Tara) 158
Mount Gabriel 59, 84
mud-brick 102–4, 106
murus Gallicus 131–3, 135
Musée d’archéologie nationale, France 209
Museum Hallstatt 209
mushroom-headed pins 45
Must Farm 65–6, 76, 213
Napoleon Bonaparte 183
Napoleon III 198–9
National Geographic 196
National Museum, Denmark 19, 131, 171, 209–10
National Museum, Ireland 79, 85, 209–10
nationalism 198–205
Natural History Museum, Vienna 88, 209
Navan Fort 158–9
Nazi Party 202, 204
Nebra Disc 61, 65, 86
Netheravon Bake 52
Newgrange 44–9, 46–7, 48, 55, 198
Nijmegen see Noviomagus
Normanton Down 70
North European Plain 21
North Sea 30, 66, 77, 100, 141, 143, 154, 187
Noviomagus 156
Nydam Boats 169–72, 170, 171
Obama, Barack 211
Obelix 192–3
Oberaden 141
Odry 177
offerings see deposits
oinochoe 109
Öland 162, 183–5
Oldcroghan Man 127–8, 210
Oleneostrovskii Mogilnik 32
bsp; oppida 12, 25, 130–36, 168, 199–200, 210
Ordnance Survey 208
Orkney Islands 22, 44
orthostats 45
Osłonki 195
Ostrogoths 178
Ötzi see Iceman
Ötzi Ice and Fire Liqueur 211–12, 212
Ötztaler Glacier 40
oxygen isotopes 27–9
paddles 31, 66–8
palisades 24, 65, 101, 104, 132, 143
palstaves 60
Pannonia 21, 141, 144, 180
passage graves 43–9, 56, 158, 195, 209–10
Patrick, St 187
peat 121–9, 149, 213
Pétain, Philippe 204–5
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen 204
Phocaea 100
pile dwellings see lake dwellings
Pleiades 61
Pliny 162
ploughs 75, 78–9, 84, 94, 104
pollen 17, 41, 43
Portable Antiquities Scheme (UK) 207
pottery 19, 26–8, 33, 35, 76, 156–7, 167
Poux, Matthew 192
power 25, 60, 69, 91, 99, 110, 121, 135–6, 141, 152, 154, 163, 168, 180, 182
princely seats (Hallstatt period) see Fürstensitze
princely tombs (Hallstatt period) 9, 104–110
Priscus 179
processions 54, 78, 149
Ptolemy 154, 162
Queen Meave’s Tomb 195
radiocarbon dating 18, 27, 40, 94, 128, 129, 159, 213
Raetian Limes 155
Raiders of the Lost Ark 204
Rainey, Froelich 196
ramparts 24, 93–5, 101–4, 111–12, 131–4, 196
Randsborg, Klavs 130
Rathcrogan 158–9
red ochre 32
Reinecke, Paul 21
Reinerth, Hans 202, 204
rescue archaeology 15, 206
riding gear 170
Riksantikvarieambetet see Swedish National Heritage Board
ringforts 183–5
sites and landscapes 17, 29, 45–54, 75–6, 102, 115, 146, 159, 163, 169
practices 20, 25, 69, 78–9, 83, 113, 121, 123, 131–2, 161, 171–2, 186–7
rock art 17, 25, 66, 68, 86, 130, 179
Scandinavia 77–8, 80–81
Alps 78–9
rock carvings see rock art
Rogowo 176
Roman Empire 138–48, 152–7, 162, 167, 172–80, 186–7
Rome (city) 91, 178
Ronæs Skov 30
Rosenberg, Alfred 202, 204
roundhouses 64–6, 112, 118–20, 118–19, 158–9
Roymans, Nico 140
Saint-Aubin-des-Champs 183
Salisbury Plain 22, 26, 49
salt 21, 24, 95–9, 113
Samian ware 161
Sandby Borg 183–6, 186, 213