Death Waltz
Page 14
“Don’t! Not ever with me. Complained? What did she expect? You nearly died and had surgery after surgery. Liasare, we’ll get through this. But you have to help me.” He swallowed before he continued. “When Larensa was with child, I was frightened and angry. I made many mistakes. I don’t want to make them with you. I know I can be a jerk. I won’t always do the right thing and I’ll need to be told. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. You are my number one priority. Now and forever. And this means after Smidgen. Clear?”
She hugged him.
“Now I have another question.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about your sexual urges?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I thought it was another one of my nutshit crazy things.”
He pushed her hair back and said, “I quite like that kind of crazy. Since we have this settled, what do you want to eat?”
Jurek ordered up a bunch of different items from the transmuter and brought everything to her. He sat with her while she ate and when she was finished, he removed her trays.
“Yeah,” she said, rubbing her now full belly. She pulled up her shirt and asked, “Is it my imagination or am I already pooched out?”
“Very pooched out. But remember, the gestation period is only five months and you’re most likely approaching a month already. With your body temperature and cravings, I’d guess Smidgen is close to four weeks along.”
“Yeah.” Jurek put his hand on her stomach and began to rub a circle on it. Then he slid it down to the waist of her pants and tugged until he had them off. “Now it’s time for my snack.” His mouth found her core and she grabbed onto his hair and almost pulled it out by the roots.
“Love, you’re going to have to take it a little easy on my hair.”
“Oh, sorry,” she panted. “That felt so good, I didn’t think.”
His head dipped back down, but as soon as he did, her hands about plucked his hair out again. He stood and looked at her. “I’ll be right back.”
Moments later he returned with two sashes. When she looked at him, he said, “These are for your hands. I’m tying you up.”
She started to protest, but then got a wicked gleam in her eye. “Yeah. I’m game.”
“Good, because I want to keep my hair while your hormones are raging.” He took each wrist and tied them to the corners of the window seat. “Now don’t you dare use your powers to get free.”
“No, wouldn’t think of it.”
She was all stretched out and he stopped a minute, pulled her shirt up, exposing her breasts. “Much better.”
“Yes, much.”
His tongue flicked her hard-as-diamonds nipples and she moaned. Then he licked a trail straight to her sex, where he resumed licking and teasing her. It was only a minute or so when she came around his tongue.
“Christ, Liasare. You were way past ready for that.”
“That’s what I said,” she panted. “I need more. You, inside of me. Now. Please.”
Jurek undid his pants and his swollen cock sprang forth. He slid it up and around her opening as she moaned.
“No. No teasing. Just ... just ...”
“I got you, love.”
He plunged into her and she made an intense moan that came from deep within her. And it went on and on.
Jurek had never seen or felt her like this. Her body was on fire for him, latching on to him like never before. His hands slipped beneath her as he pulled her closer to him. She couldn’t get enough of what he had to offer. She tried to pull him closer, but her wrists were still tied. With one big twitch, she wrenched herself free. Her hands moved to his waist, where she caught his rhythm, matching him as he rocked into her.
“Liasare, your skin is an inferno.”
“Yes and you feel so good. I need you inside of me, Alaric. My body burns for you.”
Jurek sat back on his knees and pulled her up against him. The two faced each other and were still for a moment.
Then Liasare brows crunched up.
“What is it?”
“We won’t hurt our Smidgen, will we?”
“No. He’ll be happy we’re doing this.”
Jurek tucked her legs around him and told her, “Ride me. Hard.”
She did. Her lips found his as he thrust into her, their bodies touching each other all over. When Jurek could no longer hold back his climax, he told Liasare to come for him.
Her power merged with his as their energy unfolded and they both came in an epic explosion of colors. Her body was tucked tightly against his and they could feel each other’s breath move in and out of their bodies.
“That was beautiful, Alaric. I needed you.”
He chuckled. “I could see that. But, love, tell me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Got that?”
“You going to sleep in my lap?”
“Hmm. Love your lap. And the way you smell. And you. And our little Smidgen.”
He chuckled. He stretched out, being as careful as he could possibly be, kicked off his shoes, and folded her into his arms as they both drifted off for a nap.
“Tak is going to give us a hard time for disappearing like that.”
Jurek looked at Liasare and said, “And you think I care?”
“Huh uh. But we’re the ones who called the meeting.”
“Still don’t care.”
They dressed and Liasare had eaten again. She stuffed her pockets full of snacks and asked Jurek if he was ready to go.
“Yes. Remember, if you’re hungry, just go get something and bring it back. One of the employees here will help you. And if you’re having a moment, let me know.”
“Okay. I feel pretty stupid now.”
“Don’t.” He took her hand and they left, walking.
“All this energy shifting won’t hurt Smidgen, will it?”
“No. Just think of it like this. Anything that won’t harm a Praestani won’t harm him. By the way, how do you know Smidgen isn’t a girl?”
“He told me.”
That brought Jurek to a halt. “Already?”
“Yep.” Liasare smiled.
“You may be further along than four weeks. They usually don’t form thoughts until around eight weeks. And they normally aren’t aware of their sex.”
“So, that means I only have maybe three more months of this?”
Liasare didn’t like the way he had stiffened up.
“What is it?”
“That’s a load of crap.”
“Liasare, would you please ...”
“Alaric, don’t you even go there right now. Tell me or I’ll bring this station down.”
“Bloody fuck, you’re a handful when you’re pregnant.”
“You said I was a handful before this.”
“I take that all back. Are you testing me? Is this a fucking test? Because I can assure you I’m this close,” and he brought his index finger and thumb together, “to failing.”
“No, it’s not a test. I want to know what you’re keeping from me.”
“It’s only that I’m concerned about the birth. That’s it.”
She waved her hand in front of her, “Well why didn’t you just say so?”
“Can we go now?”
They resumed walking and when they entered the conference room, all conversation ceased. Every eye in the room was focused on the two of them and Liasare started chatting like a teenager.
Jurek rolled his eyes and shrugged.
She jabbered on and on about this and that and the expressions on everyone’s faces were extraordinary. Marik, who was quite frosty and stone-faced most of the time, had a look of utter horror upon his face. Naroo, who was the most compassionate of them all, was scowling. Tak was chomping at the bit to say something sarcastic. And Ludo, who was normally l
ocked into his security and technology and never paid anything else a bit of attention, appeared to be in acute pain. Tommy laughed and Jurek took it all in and smiled. They were finally getting a small taste of what he’d been going through.
“Stop!” Tak startled everyone when he yelled. “I can’t take it anymore. What in the hell has gotten into you?”
Then the worst thing happened. That damn lower lip of hers started to tremble and now Tak felt like he had just kicked his favorite puppy.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything.” He was out of his chair, moving to her side, apologizing the entire time. “I was just a bit shocked by your, er, your loquaciousness. Yes! That’s it! I was taken by surprise is all. Please, forgive me? Here, let me get you some chocolate.” He dashed from the room only to return with a platter of expensive chocolates.
Liasare’s face brightened as she accepted them and everyone at the table let loose the breaths they’d been holding. The room was quiet for a moment until Tommy interrupted.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Houston we have a problem.”
“Who is this Houston?” Naroo asked. Marik and Ludo nodded, as if they wanted to know as well.
Jurek knew this day would never end. “Care to explain that one, Tommy?”
“Riiiiight. It comes from an old movie from Earth.”
They nodded and kept waiting with wide-eyed expressions.
“It was called Apollo 13. They were headed to the moon and they ran into a problem and that’s what they said.”
The three faces still stared at him, waiting.
“You know, Houston as in Mission Control. NASA. All that jazz.”
Jurek finally stated, “That’s it. End of story.”
“Oh,” Naroo said.
“So, Tommy, exactly why does this Houston have a problem?” Jurek wanted to know.
“Well, Houston really doesn’t.”
Jurek took a deep breath and counted to ten. Backwards. What the fuck is wrong with everyone today?
Everyone’s eyeballs nearly popped out of their heads. All except Tommy’s. Because he couldn’t hear Jurek’s thoughts.
“Tommy. Elucidate. Now!”
“Yes, sir. January had a dream. She thinks Abaddon came to her. She believes she saw her kids through his eyes. They were locked inside of mesh cages and screaming, but she couldn’t hear their screams. She could only see their mouths.
Liasare dropped her chocolate bonbon and between chews said, “That’s the same vision I had. Of that rat bastard.” She turned to Jurek. “You remember. When I woke up after the horrid dream. I told you about it.”
Jurek nodded. “He’s going to her because he can’t penetrate our mind blocks.”
“But she’s on Praestan,” Liasare said.
“No, she’s not,” Tommy said.
“What!” Jurek and Liasare screamed at the same time.
“She went back to Vesturon. She left the children on Praestan but had to do some things at home. That’s where he came to her.”
“Oh, hell to the fucking no. He can get her, too. We need to get her back, Jurek,” Liasare yelled as she jumped to her feet.
“Godammit. Tommy, is she still there?”
“Far as I know.”
“On it. Liasare, if you need anything, Naroo is here. I’ll be back as soon as I can persuade January to go back to Praestan.”
“Don’t you leave without kissing me.”
He gave her a lopsided smile. “Demanding much?”
“Hell yeah.”
He grabbed her chin and told her he loved her. Then he was gone.
“I hate that fucking Abaddon.” Liasare was furious.
Chapter Sixteen
Jurek stormed through the front door of Rykerian and January’s home on Vesturon. All the Yarrister males were present and accounted for. Rykerian was a bloody mess.
“I need the details. Every single one, even if you think it’s not important. And why the bloody fuck did she come back here? I told her not to, dammit!”
Rykerian was so addled he couldn’t even answer. Xarrid did all the talking. “Apparently she decided she needed to get some things done. Or so the story goes. Saylan said she spoke to her early this morning when she got back. January claimed there were things that she couldn’t put off any longer.”
“Like what?”
“One of the children had some things required for their next level up in the Academy.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me! Tell me you’re fucking with me. We’re dealing with The Destroyer and she’s worried about school, which, by the way, one word from any of you, could bypass all this bullshit. I’m going to strangle her when I get my hands on her.”
The Guardians of Vesturon were a tightly knit group and a well trained one, too. In order to become one, many goals needed to be obtained, one of them being education. However, the Yarristers were the ruling family of Vesturon so some of this could’ve been overlooked.
Rykerian finally found his tongue. “She never would’ve allowed that. Not with any of our children. They all have to earn their degrees. If they don’t cut it, they don’t become a Guardian. No free passes for any of our kids, she always says. I think she has some secret wish that some of them don’t make it. I believe she feels they’d be safer that way.” His voice cracked with the strain of his emotions.
“So she comes back here this morning and then what?” Jurek prodded Rykerian.
“I don’t know. I ... I,” he stammered.
Xarrid answered for him. “Saylan spoke to her when she arrived because January needed some information about one of the application forms. So they talked for a while and then Saylan said she’d stop by later in the morning. She’s missed January and the kids. When she got here, no one was here. At first she thought January went back to Praestan, but all the forms were still up on her compsys, only half completed. She never finished. So she must’ve been interrupted.”
“Where? Show me.”
Xarrid took Jurek up to the room they used as an office. On a desk was a glass monitor and the form was still on it. Just as Xarrid had explained, it was only half completed. Whatever happened took place in this room. Jurek looked all around, at the floor, ceiling, and walls. The only thing he noticed was a cup of coffee was lying on the floor, its contents spilled around it. Something happened to distract her. Perhaps she fell asleep and that’s when he came to her, but she knew the dangers of that happening.
He balled up his fist and punched his other hand with it. “Who else had access to her?”
“No one, other than family and friends,” Xarrid said.
“Is there security scanner?”
“Let me check with Rykerian. And Jurek, go easy on him. He’s not handling this very well.”
They went back down and checked with Rykerian. He was going to pull up the security vids.
Xarrid pulled Jurek off to the side and asked, “I didn’t think Abaddon needed any special equipment to enter a building.”
“Abaddon didn’t come here. He rarely leaves his realm. He gets his minions to do his dirty work. If he came here, he came to January in her dreams. The only person he’d leave Hell for would be Liasare. It was someone or something else.”
After they looked at the video, they had no idea because it didn’t show any activity at all.
“Xarrid, can the Guardians check the security vids for the entire planet?”
Xarrid eyed Jurek. “What are you thinking?”
“Not quite sure, but someone got to her. She knew not to sleep alone. Ever. Unless she was so tired that she couldn’t keep her eyes open, there has to be another explanation. I’m thinking it may have been one of his Dark Creatures. They can render the person incapable of movement. That’s what happened to Liasare when they took her.”
Xarrid’s eyes bore into Jurek’s. “Sweet heavens, whatever you do, do not tell Rykerian. This will push him over the edge. I’ve been in his shoes bef
ore and it’s the worst place you can possibly be. Not knowing if your soul mate is alive.”
Jurek scrubbed his stubbled face with his hands. “She’s like my sister, you know. I love her more than anyone, besides Liasare. I’ll do everything in my power to find her. Because if I don’t, my pregnant wife will kick my ass from here to the next galaxy.”
“Wait. What? Pregnant wife?” Rayn, the oldest of the Yarristers asked.
“Yeah. You heard me. And before you get all huggy-kissy on me, I’ve gotta say I’m freaked out about it. So hold onto your congrats until Smidgen is alive and well and Liasare is still breathing O2 and not pulverized by his energy.”
“His? You know it’s a boy?” Xarrid asked.
Jurek shrugged. “According to his mother. Liasare claims he talks to her.”
“The hell you say.” Xarrid and Rayn grinned.
“The hell I don’t say. He talks to her constantly. Jabbers all the time. And moves around like he’s running.”
“And Smidgen?” Xarrid prodded.
“Yeah, that’s what she calls it. And wipe that bloody smirk off your face.”
Xarrid tried and failed. “Okay. Smidgen it is. Or at least until you give it a proper name. When is she due?”
“In a couple of months.”
“What? I just saw her and ...”
“A Praestani’s gestation period is only five months. We figure by her symptoms that she’s maybe eight weeks along. Perhaps even longer.”
You’re petrified.”
“As a fucking rock. And she’s threatening to go kick Abaddon’s ass right now.”
“Hands full much?” Rayn asked. “I’m going to sit with Rykerian.” He slapped Jurek on the back as he left the room.
When Rayn was gone, Jurek said, “Xarrid, you wouldn’t believe what’s going on with Liasare if I told you.”
Xarrid chuckled. “Right. I’ve had four kids of my own. I think I know a little bit about this shit.”
“Then pass on some of your infinite wisdom because not knowing how to deal with her mood swings is driving me nuts.”
“Crying one minute and laughing the next. Then angry as can be?”
“And I’m the most insensitive ass around. No good at this at all.”