He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1) Page 5

by J. L. Ostle

  Seeing her eyes look into mine, I swear I can see the desire and lust, but I know how she feels towards me. She likes to play games, likes to push my buttons, but I know she wouldn’t take it to a physical level. Trust me, I’ve tried, for a very long time, but that’s not in the cards for us. It’s a good thing anyway, she may fuck other guys, but I bet she isn’t into some of the things I like in the bedroom.

  We decide on Nightmare on Elm Street and she lies next to me, her scent wafting around me. I turn my head to look at her, and as if she can feel my gaze, she smiles at me, an innocent smile. I know it's best that we stay friends. I would corrupt her; I would tarnish that light of hers. I have certain tastes and I know she helps me out with one of those desires, but the things I would love to do to her, I could never do.

  I smile back at her and concentrate on the rest of the film. I need to stop looking and thinking about her in a sexual way. I don’t know why, but recently, she’s been digging more into my skin. It has to stop, for both our sakes. Before I do something that I will regret.


  I wake up in bed, alone. I get up and search my apartment but Jonny is gone. I head to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water and lean against the counter, I look at the time and groan when I see its only five in the morning, I need more sleep. I look around the open space, sighing. I have tried not to think about the future but, with school almost over, I feel like it’s knocking on my door. I’m afraid to answer it.

  I don’t know if things are going to stay the same after graduation. Will Jonny and I still be close when he is preparing to run his dad’s business? Being the next amazing CEO of Stones Enterprises? I know he said he wants me by his side, but I know he’ll start to get busy and won’t be able to hang out with me a lot. I know he needs to put all his attention on that but the selfish part of me doesn’t want him to go. I don’t want distance between us.

  God, I feel morbid this morning.

  I head back to my room and sit on the edge of my bed, grabbing my phone. There’s a text message from my mom waiting for me.

  God, can’t she take a hint?

  I click it open and luckily it’s just a quick message to call her. Yeah, like that’s

  going to happen. I would so love to burn off some energy and dance but, after yesterday, my legs feel a little tender like I’ve been at the gym for days.

  I lay back down and I hate how alone I feel. I jump back up and grab my phone and keys and head to the elevator, going up. I use the card key and let myself in and the place is dark and quiet. I walk towards his bedroom and see that he is alone, sleeping. I take off my slippers and pull the sheets back and climb in. As soon as I do, he turns and wraps his arm around me, spooning me.

  “You okay?” His voice is all husky with sleep.

  “Yeah, just didn’t want to sleep alone.” I snuggle in tighter to him.

  “Good thing you have me.” Yeah, it is.

  “Night, Jonny.”

  “Night, Raven.” I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

  I wake to the smell of coffee. I open my eyes slowly and see Jonny sitting at the end of the bed with a breakfast tray made up for me. I can’t help but smile as I sit up, scooting back to make some room.

  “Thought you would be hungry.” On cue, my stomach rumbles.

  “Yeah, you thought right.” He chuckles and places the tray on my legs and I take a deep sip of my coffee first to try and wake myself up.

  “I was wondering if I could ask a favor.” I knew this was too good to be true. I set my cup down and wait for him to continue.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Well, I was wondering if you would want to come with me to work. Dad wants to talk some things over and I know my day will suck unless you’re there to keep me sane.” I don’t mind going to work with him, but there are a few girls who work there who look at me like I’m trash, like shit beneath their shoe.

  “What do I get for going to a boring building?” I grab a slice of toast and take a large bite.

  “Well, I would treat you to dinner.”

  “What else?” I take another bite, watching him and I see him smile, shaking his head.

  “I will buy the drinks all night.” He would do that anyway since he doesn’t like me paying for him, so I grab my cup and take a dramatic sip, pretending that I’m thinking about it.

  “Well, I suppose as best friend, it is my duty to help you in a time of need. I’ve already been helping you with every little problem you’ve had these last few weeks, what’s one more?”

  “So you’ll go?”

  “I suppose so. I will take you up on that offer for dinner and the drinks, though.” I eat the rest of my toast before placing the tray beside me and lean forward. “You’re lucky you have me you know, that place is full of snobs and two-faced bastards; I don’t want them rubbing off on you.” I stand and head to his closet knowing I have a few spare clothes here; in case I ever do stay over. I know I only live a few floors down, but I like knowing I can get ready here. I can be lazy when I want to be.

  “Yeah, don’t want to be even more of a dick than I already am.” He watches me as I move about, getting my things together.

  “Your words, not mine. I’m going to take a shower and get ready, give me twenty minutes.” I grab a towel and head to the bathroom.

  “You got it.” I lock the door, turn on the shower, and start my day.

  We just walked through the glass doors and already, people are staring at us. I know Jonny gets eye fucked no matter where we go, but at this place, the women give him huge smiles and bat their eyelashes thinking he may choose them and they’ll get to live with Mr. Rich. When their eyes land on me, it’s like they think I’m only with him for his money, an easy life, even though I’m not. They’re hypocrites for thinking it.

  I even heard once in the bathroom a couple of women going on and on about how I’m after his money and then going on to say that if they married him, they wouldn’t have a care in the world since everything would be done for them.

  The deluded bitches.

  Jonny says a few hellos and nods at a few people as we walk across the immaculate black floors to the elevator. We step inside and head straight to the top floor, his dad’s floor. I try and not groan when I see Claire. She’s Mr. Stone’s secretary and I know she is trying to sleep with Jonny. She won’t stop touching him every time she’s around him.“Jonathan,” she purrs, standing up. She leans forward a little so we can all see down her white blouse.

  “Claire, nice to see you again, is my dad free?” He keeps his eyes trained on hers. She looks at me and I pretend to adjust my top, exaggerating what she’s doing.

  “Yeah he is, just go on through.”

  “Thanks.” He heads to the double office doors and I follow behind him, but then I feel an arm on my arm. I tug it away, seeing Claire at my side.

  “If you would like to wait?” She gives me a fake smile and I glare at her. Jonny steps to my other side.

  “Don’t ever touch a person like that, would you have done that if it was a client?” Jonny seethes at her.

  “What? No, of course not, but your father only asked for you,” she stumbles over her words.

  “She is family, so where I go, she goes, she doesn’t need an invitation. If I see you grab her, or anyone else, like that again, you are fired from this job, do you understand me?”

  “Yes sir, I’m sorry.” I watch her walk back to her desk and sit down, looking anywhere but at us.

  “You okay?” I nod.

  “Yeah, told you this place is full of snobs.” He grabs my hand and we walk into the office. His dad looks up as soon as we walk through. Jonny got his looks from his dad. Even though his hair is gray and you can see the age lines around his eyes and mouth, he still looks good for his age.

  “Jonathan, didn’t realize you were going to be bringing your friend. Nice to see you again, Raven.” I give him a small wave. I’m used to him looking at me like I’m beneath him an
d his family, too. He wants Jonny to have certain friends, to keep certain company, but Jonny is his own person. He may be taking over this place soon, but he told his dad that it’s still his life and he will be friends with whoever he wants.

  “Did you get the email I sent you?” Jonny guides me to a chair in front of his dad, Richard’s, desk. I look around his office, and like last time, nothing has changed. The desk sits right in the middle of the huge office, to the right is two white leather couches with a glass coffee table in the middle, to the left is a door which leads to a bathroom that contains a shower and small closet. I have only ever been in there once.

  “Yes, I did. It was very helpful, I’m glad that school is actually doing something right.” I feel the tension in the air. They have a weird relationship; his dad never compliments Jonny’s success at school, or says anything that isn’t work related, well a part from me of course. I have never pried about his family like he has never pried about mine.

  “Thank you. Raven, though, is the one who went through the figures.” I look at him in shock. Why can’t he just take the so called praise? I look to Richard and, like Jonny when he is angry, his eyes dilate and his nose flares.

  “You let Raven go through our accounts?” His voice raises a little.

  “I trust her; she did a good job as you have seen,” Jonny says casually.

  “You may trust her, but you are letting her look through millions of dollars of accounts. You let a college kid go into a billion-dollar business.” He stands, placing his hands on his desk, glaring at us both.

  “You asked me, a college kid, to go through them. She is the top of our class, if you’re going to disrespect her, I will walk out that door. Do not talk shit about someone who means more to me than you, you ungrateful ass.” I try and stand to excuse myself but Jonny’s hand touches mine and with his eyes, tells me to sit back down.

  “Me, the ungrateful ass. I think you need to look in the mirror son.”


  Who does he think he is?

  He basically said it was helpful, he was pleased that it was done, and I bet there was no mistake or error, but his stupid fucking pride. He hates my relationship with Raven, but I don’t give a shit. Raven has always helped me when I needed her, no questions asked. When my dad was kind enough to dump this in my lap during exam time, it was Raven who saved my ass. It’s not like she is going to steal money from us, she would never do that.

  She has a brain like I have never seen. She can just absorb information and look at an equation and know the answer within a second. She’s like a human calculator. And like fuck I’m going to let my ass of a father make her feel like she did something wrong.

  “Can I talk you to you privately?” He looks at Raven and she looks down to her hands. Over the years, I’ve learned that she does this when she’s nervous or uncomfortable. She’s about to stand again but I hold her hand, keeping her in place.

  “Don’t go,” I tell her, looking back to my father. “Whatever you got to say, you can say it in front of her. You have no trouble speaking your mind normally, so go right ahead and say your piece.” He looks pissed but I don’t care. He sits back down in his seat, trying to compose himself.

  “I get you two are close, but this relationship of yours, it’s not going to last forever. You are going to be taking over soon and your head will be here. She is going to be starting her life doing God knows what, that probably won’t mesh well with this, so why don’t you both start to distance yourself now? It’s not healthy.” I feel my blood boiling and I stand, leaning over his desk, so he can see how serious I am about what I’m going to say.

  “You listen to me, dad, I don’t give two fucks about what you think, especially about our friendship. She is in my life till the day I die. Yes, I will be taking this place over, but she will be at my side every step of the way,” I spit out at him.

  “What about when you meet someone, do you think she will like how close you both are?”

  “If she doesn’t like my best friend, then she isn’t the woman for me. Raven and I are going to leave. I’m not in the mood to hear this shit anymore.” I go to Raven and when she stands, I hold her hand.

  “What about the contracts?” my father shouts as we get to the doors.

  “It’s your fault for wasting our time talking about who I’m friends with, you sort it out,” I say with my back still turned to him and walk out of the office.

  When I take over this place, I’m going to make changes. I want it to be a place Raven can feel at home. Where she wouldn’t mind coming to, without these women looking at her like she’s not worthy. I have plans, these people are going to get a shock when it happens.


  Jonny kept to his word and took me out for dinner and now we are at a popular club, dancing and drinking away. Well, I’m dancing, he just watches. I know Jonny can dance, he had to learn since it was needed for his future. He can do the waltz, the tango, all the dances that you would need for fancy functions.

  After we left his dad’s office, we went straight home. I know he needed space and that’s what I gave him. As he did whatever he was doing, I went back to the dance studio to let myself go. I was only there for just over an hour before I left and took a shower, and lucky for me, as soon as I walked in, Jonny was at my door wanting to take me for the dinner he promised and go for drinks after. With the way he is knocking back the shots, I think he needed it.

  I’m in the middle of the dancefloor with my eyes closed, swaying my body to the music. I don’t know what it is, but when I listen to music, letting it take over my body, it’s a feeling I can’t explain. It’s just this energy that soars through me, that takes away all the pain and doubt, just leaving peace and calm in its wake.

  I’m still dancing when I feel arms wrap around my stomach, I look up and my eyes land on Jonny, sitting at the bar watching me. This guy behind me, this stranger, follows my moves, swaying with me, and I let him. But not once do my eyes leave Jonny’s. I lift my arms up and place them behind the stranger’s neck where I can feel his breath on me.

  The music changes to Technique by Rainy, a song I recognize from the movie Girls Just Want to Have Fun. I spin out of the guy’s arms and start to move my hips and spin on my toes, a ballet move, letting the music take over. I stop and look at him and he is cute; tall, tanned skin, strong jaw, but not a guy I would fall for. He looks at me likes he’s not sure what to do. Too bad, I like a guy who can dance.

  I start moving my body again and then I feel someone else grab my hand and spin me in and back out. A new guy smiles at me, it’s friendly. His dark green eyes are warm and he starts dancing with me, taking me around the floor. People move into a circle as they watch us.

  The music starts to pick up, going faster and we really start moving to the beat. He spins me around, I let go of his hand and I stand on one foot and spin. After a moment, he grabs my hand and pushes my body to his and dips me and in one quick motion, he glides me under his legs and twists me around, lifting me up and I split my legs as he spins us both. As the music slows, he glides me down his body. My breathing is coming in fast, but I loved every second.

  Everyone is clapping and cheering and I can’t help the huge smile that is on my face. The guy takes my hand again and we do a bow to the crowd. I can’t help but giggle like a girly girl. He walks to me and gives me a hug.

  “Thank you, you have no idea how hard it is to find a girl in this country who can actually dance,” the stranger says with what I can tell is a Spanish accent.

  “Yeah, feel the same way. Thank you for the dance.” I beam at him.

  “Anytime.” He kisses my forehead and I can’t help but lift my fingers to the spot.

  “Adios bailarin.” Bye dancer.

  I watch him walk away. I really do have a thing for a guy who can dance, it’s just that extra connection that I know I won’t be able to stay away from.

  I walk to the bar and Jonny is staring at me. There’s confusion there
and something else I can’t pinpoint. I order myself a fruity cocktail and when it arrives, I turn to Jonny who still isn’t saying anything.

  “What?” I take a sip of my drink. God, this tastes just like juice.


  “Where did you learn to dance like that?”

  “I’ve danced since I was a kid, just for fun. You know I love dancing, you see me dance all the time.” Yeah he does, but I’ve never danced like that in front of him before.

  “Yeah I do, but nothing like that. That was amazing. You looked so different out there; you smiled so brightly all the way through. I hate the guy who put the smile on your face but you were still amazing.” I chuckle at him, yeah he had to mention the guy.

  “Thank you, so why don’t you stop sitting by your lonesome and dance with me?” I stand and stretch my hand out for him to take.

  “You know I’ve had the company of some women as you danced away.” I glare at him and he shrugs, takes my hand, and we go to the dancefloor as Selena Gomez Naturally comes on.

  I walk back to the dancefloor with Jonny’s hand in mine and when I’m happy where we are, I turn to see him watching me. I give him a smile and he smiles back. God, I love that smile. I step in closer to him, putting one hand on his shoulder and leaving the other in his. I start to move my hips and mouth the words.

  He starts to move with me, following my lead. I give him a smirk and after a minute, he takes the lead and guides me along the floor. Just like before, people move out of the way. He moves perfectly, it’s like we are gliding across the floor. I know he is confident with the waltz, but I make sure to add in a few seductive moves to keep it interesting.

  He takes my hand and raises it as I spin on the spot and then he pulls me in close to him. I stop, just staring into his eyes. It’s like he is looking into my soul. I feel myself moving in closer to him, like I’m drawn to him, like I’m hypnotised, but as I look up, my mouth a few centimeters away from his, he breaks the connection, spinning me out and pulling me back in to dip me. As he slowly lifts me back up, I know whatever just happened is gone.


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