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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 5

by Jessie Wolf

  “I hate to say this daughter, but we are the highest paying Family in the system. The only reason there is an outside market is because of the tourists who come to Hades for the year round winter sports we offer. If we did not have the ski lodge with all its trails and the four Power Suit factories House Nakatoma would be in far worse shape financially. Why over half of the House income is from tourism.” She let out a heavy sigh. “We used to be one of the largest manufacturers on Hades with interests in hover- cars, electronics, and textiles. However when the current crop of Lords and Representative came to power on the heels of the ex-High Lord Marshall and his Vice Lord all that changed. Once they were in they began to systematically to strip away our control over our manufacturing properties. Then turning around and selling the controlling interest to off-world parties.”

  “In other words they used the laws to screw over the people of this planet.” I was pissed. “Well that just puts one more nail in their coffins. I hope the hangman doesn’t get tired of stringing up those assholes.”

  “Maiha watch your langue. A Lady does not use such vulgar language.” My mother was quick to correct me on that and my behavior. This actually made my new sisters giggle. I just stuck my tongue out at them. “Maiha if you don’t start behaving this instant you will regret it.” Warned mother.

  “Yes ma’am, but they started it.” I whined back. Oh God I just didn’t do that. Did I?

  (Giggle)You sure did kiddo! (Dee De)

  “Bight me!”

  (Giggle) I can’t wait till me hit town and you really go all out girly. (Giggle)(Dee De)

  I decide to take the higher ground by not answering her. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again there are times when have two of the most powerful AIs in the universe in my head is a real pain in the ass. So instead I look out the window. I notice that we are going a different way from the one I took to get to the House Compound. “Mother where are we going? I thought that town was the other way.”

  “We are heading for Light Hope Harbor. They are closer to the House Compound than Star Port City where you landed. We should be there in just twenty to twenty-five minutes.” She answered me. “They also have a far larger shopping district than Star Port and it is also home to the Joan Eunice Smith School for young ladies. So we should be able to get all four of you what you need for both day to day wear as well as your uniforms for school.”

  “Wait did you say uniforms for school Reverend Mother?” asked Nanami. “Will we really be able to wear the uniforms of the High Ladies that go to the school in Light Hope?”

  “Hey you’re one of those High Ladies now little sister.” Fuyuko said quickly. “We all are now right, Maiha. You made us that when you said you wanted to adopt us as your sisters.”

  “I most certainly did little sister. Oh and baby sisters you are most definitely going to school in a uniform. Because if I have to wear them so do you.” Pointing my finger at her with a giggle. “By the way what grades are you three in?”

  When they dropped their heads I knew something was up. “Ok out with. Why don’t you know what grade you’ll be in?”

  Fuyuko is the one who answers for them. “There is only one classroom at the Temple. That is where we have gone to school for the past few years, sister. Our mother and father did not want us going to school like most of the others in the compound. They felt that all we needed to know we would learn from the Sisters at Temple.” They all have a sad look on their faces. I have a feeling that they will need to be tested to see what grades they should be in.

  Before I can ask her mother offers up the info I need. “It is normal for some of the more devout to send their children to our Temple to learn from the Sisters. However all of them are accredited instructors. As for what grades your sisters will be in they are the seventh and ninth grades. Do not worry child all of the students who go to school at the Temple are well educated.” I can tell by the pride in her voice that this was her doing. Then it dawned on me all of the former heads have done something to improve the lives of those who live inside the compound. Since the Temple was her life she was the one to bring in a real scholastics program with teachers for those children who went there for their education. “I saw that there was a great need for real teachers so fifty years ago I sent five of the younger nuns to be accredited as teachers. This way the ones who wanted to be priestesses could continue down that path while those who were content to be nuns would become more useful within the Temple.”

  “Once again mother you have impressed me beyond words with your ability to see far more than most ever would.” I was truly impressed she had seen where more and more of our people wanting to send their children to the Temple for an education than to the public schools. It was a stroke of pure genius on her part. “To see the need before it became a problem and to put into motion a solution as you have done is quite a feat.”

  “Maiha, why do you call your… I mean our great aunt mother?” Nanase asked me.

  “Well you see I never knew my mother, Father or grandmother. They had died before I had the chance to know them. The only parent I ever knew was my grandpa and he died on the way here.” I truly felt the pain of loss for my wife and child as I told them the cover story we had come up with. “So when aunt Dai Etsu took me in and started to teach me how to be a Lady and the Head of House I felt more like her daughter than a niece. Then last night when those pigs attacked us well I just lost my temper at them threatening her it just made her more like a mother to me than anything else with the way she was willing to protect me. So when I called her mother it just felt right.” I think I was rambling but I wasn’t sure. “Am I making any sense or just confusing you?”

  “No we understand that she is the first person in your life to be anything like a mother to you. So to you she will always be mother. Is that what you are saying?” asked Nanami with a look of understanding on her face. What she asked next though did surprise me. “Can we call her mother as well?”

  I almost told them that they would have to ask Dai Etsu that question, but I heard the quick intake of breath by her so I knew the answer to that question before anyone else did. “Yes I believe that mother would love for you to call her that or maybe even mama, but that’s up to her.”

  With hope filled eyes all three look over at Dai Etsu. Before they can even ask though she smiles at them and nods her head yes. With squeals of joy the three of them hug-mug her. Looking over at me she mouths thank you.

  Chapter 3

  School Clothes?

  I think I have just made three little girls very happy. In a matter of a few hours I have done the best I can to restore to them their family as well as give my mother what she has always dreamed of having. She finally has her own daughters. Though her vows as a priestess and Reverend Mother prevented her from having children, that didn’t stop her from wanting them; now she had four loving daughters. All of whom would love her with all their hearts.

  I take a quick look outside the window and see we are coming into town. “Hey you guys we’re just about there so let mom get herself straightened out. You all need to do the same. We don’t want people to think we’re a bunch of low class street rats. Remember we are Nakatoma’s and have a reputation to up hold.” I said in my most snotty manner. I hold that prim and proper pose for about ten seconds before losing it and giggling.

  Soon all of them are laughing with me. Mom knows more than the others that no matter what I’ll always be the ‘tomboy’ in this family. As for being the prim and proper Lady, well that’ll only happen when I need to be that. The rest of the time let’s just say I’ll do whatever I can get away with. We pass by several small stores but none of them were suitable for our needs. “Mama, where are we going to stop first?”

  At hearing me call her mama, Dai Etsu’s face lights up. With a smile that could make the sun seem dull she replies. “Well, daughter dear, our first stop is to get you all your uniforms for school. Then we will see about getting you girls some every day clothes
and replace your kimonos. That way you will have something to wear that’s not so formal for day to day and when you don’t want to watch what you’re doing. Like maybe climbing around on or in a Power Suit.” I think I’ve been busted here but I’m not sure. “Yes, daughter, I saw the four of you eyeing that Power Suit earlier. I take it that your younger sisters would love to be pilots?” Yup I’m busted. The woman can figure out what I’m planning before even I do. So I just nod my head yes. “Very well then, we’ll just have to make sure that they receive the very best training. You will see to this when we return home. Do I make myself clear, Maiha?”

  I swallow the lump that just appeared in my throat. The woman who I love as a mother that has always been one of the biggest pacifists I have ever known just gave me an order to make sure my adopted younger sisters receive the very best training possible as Armored Power Suit pilots. Well, if there is one thing I know it’s this. I will not let her down. My sisters will be trained by the best and nothing but the best. “Mama, I’ll make sure they have the very best training possible, but first they have to show me their grades. If I see one bad grade then I’ll suspend their training until they are back to where they should be. Agreed little sisters?”

  With happy smiles they all three say. “We agree.”

  “Very good Maiha, I would like to know though what do you consider as adequate grades?” mama ask me.

  “That’s easy mama. They have to carry at least a three point zero or better. Is that reasonable?” I said.

  “Very much so my dear daughter. Ah we have arrived at our destination. Shall we girls, the day is getting on and we have at least two other stops to make.” With that she exits the hover-limo quickly followed by the rest of us.

  Once outside I see a store front that has four different uniforms in the front window. I see one for the Hades Military Academy that’s the uniform I’d like to wear, but I won’t get the chance. The other three belong to the other private schools. The next one in line is one for Saint David’s’ School for Boys, then comes Saint Ann’s’ School for Girls, and finally the Joan Eunice Smith School for young Ladies. Of all of them it was the J.E. Smith uniform that got my attention. It was without a doubt, the most feminine of the bunch. I absolutely loved it. It’s so girly and feminine that I just had to wear one. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I didn’t just think that, did I?

  (GIGGLE) You sure did sweetie. I can’t wait to see what happens when we hit the regular stores for the rest of your wardrobe. (GIGGLE)(Dee De)

  “Just great; I know I should have gone for the killing stroke when I had the chance.”

  (Giggle) You won’t get away that easy, girlfriend now suck it up and get in there. (Dee De)

  As we enter the shop I can’t help but wonder at the duality that has become my life. On one hand I was this super girly-girl teenager, but on the other I was this unstoppable, almost totally amoral, killing machine. I know I can hold back on that part of me, but it still worries me. When I tortured that traitor I felt no pity or remorse for doing what needed to be done. Would I do it again? I didn’t know! This above all else has scared me to my very core. I can handle being a girly-girl if I can help save my beloved wife’s and mama’s family. And I’ll do it with a smile on my face. Where I get stuck is how do I survive my other half and keep my soul intact? Mama must have picked up on my mood because while my three sisters were being fitted for their uniforms she pulled me outside.

  “What is bothering you so much, daughter?” she asked once we were away from my sisters.

  “Oh nothing mama, just thinking about something.” I lied.

  “Daughter, in your own words. That’s bullshit. Now what is it?” was her very direct reply.

  I looked over at her and can tell she isn’t going to let this go. She’s worried about me. Sighing heavily I began to explain to her all my fears and worries about my duality. How I feared that I would lose all sense of balance and control. When I had finished laying everything out for her she had a very thoughtful look on her face.

  When she finally spoke it gave me hope that I just might be able to survive. “Child, do you not believe in your own self? Why your own disgust at what you did last night was clearly seen by all who were there. Yes when you are pushed past the point of tolerance you do not hold back. You become the sword that will be raised in defiance and will not be sheathed until justice has been done. I know that you fear losing control and that your COBRA AI will be the only guiding force within you, but this will not happen unless you allow it.” I watched as she looked out at the shopping square deep in thought. I was about to ask what she was thinking when she began speaking in a quiet voice of contemplation. “When we get home tonight I shall seek out a teacher for you who can give you the tools you will need. Yes I know that I could teach you some techniques, but you need one who is more of a master in the martial arts than in the arts of peace.” Looking over at me she gave me a smile that said more than words. “Now let’s go get you fitted for your school uniforms.”

  With that we headed back inside. We were greeted by the sounds of laughter coming from my young sisters. They were having a ball trying on the different parts of their uniforms. I can tell just by the looks on their faces that they have never had store bought clothes before. Most likely all of their clothing was made by their mother and handed down from one to the other. Looking over at mama I see the same thing on her faces as is on mine. Joy, pure and uncensored joy. To have brought this kind of happiness to these young girls after the tragedy of the night before would be with her and me for the rest of our lives. “Mama, promise me that whatever happens don’t let them be forgotten. I don’t know what will come over the next few days, but I’ll do my best to make sure that they and you will not be touched by what is about to unfold here on Hades.”

  “Child, what do you know that I or our military commanders don’t?” she asked with all of the intensity of the Reverend Mother who was upset with a wayward novice.

  “In about seven hours from now four divisions of Death Dealers, two light and two heavy, well make planet fall. They have been on station at the military jump points.” I can’t look at her. I had hoped to keep this hidden from her and my sisters. I was bringing down the wrath of the Gods on the rebels and corrupt Lords from the High Families on this planet. I was done playing around it was time to give this planet back to its people. “I plain on using them to put an end to the rebellion that the former Lords and representatives have started. They want a war well guess what; I’ll give them a war. One in which there will be no quarter given or taken. Mama I didn’t want this. I tried to use the courts and legal system, by calling in the provost marshal of the P.D.F., but the ones who started this war by attacking us last night had already fled into the outback areas of this planet. I will not let them escape justice. If that means putting four divisions on the battle field, of the meanest sons-of-bitches in the known Galaxy, then so be it.” Looking down at my feet I await her response. What it will be I have no idea, but I will accept it weather its damnation, acceptance, or just plain pity.

  “Child, you are truly a Head of House to be dealt with. You are wasted as just that you should be the planet Governor or System Over Lord. Not only do you try to use the peaceful way of the courts and legal system, but you have in place a military solution.” She wraps me in a hug. Thank the Goddess she doesn’t hate me. “Now that I know I can better help you in your training, this way you shall never become the monster you so fear. For now though you need to get started on being fitted for your school uniforms missy.” And with that she swats me on my butt shoving me over to the racks of uniforms. Giggling I begin to dig through them to find my sizes. Once I have a blouse and skirt in hand I head over to the changing rooms. As I take off my jacket I realize I need more than what I brought in with me. Before I can leave the changing room though. Fuyuko knocks on the door.

  Opening it up she hands me a pair of thigh-high socks bloomers and a pannier saying. “Here sis you’ll need these as well. Without
the pannier the skirt won’t hang right.” Taking them from her I thank her for her thoughtfulness, but before I can close the door she hands me a pair of shoes saying they go with the outfit. Once the door is closed I quickly got changed.

  Stepping out of the little room I head out front to show mama and my little sisters how I look. “Well how do I look? Do I look ok?” for the first time in my life I actually care how I look. I know it’s the behavioral programing making me feel this way, but I just can’t get worked up over it. Maybe I really am coming to terms with who I have become.

  “Sissy, you look just as beautiful as always.” Nanase tells me.

  “Oh yes. Just like one of those High Ladies over at the big school.” Says Nanami. “Don’t you think so, Fuyuko?”

  “Our big sister will put all of those stuck up bitches to shame.” Replies Fuyuko.

  “Fuyuko! You will mind that tongue of yours or you will find that soap has a very effective way of cleaning it. Am I understood?” mama’s threat was not wasted on her or me for that matter. I have no doubt she will gladly stuff a bar of soap in my mouth as well. Time for some diplomacy here.

  “Fuyuko, I already love you dearly, so I’m going to give you a little advice here. That type of langue coming from a member of a High Family is greatly frowned upon. So please don’t use it again, at least not where mama can hear you.” I tell her in the most solemn manner as possible, but I ruin it by giggling.

  Mama decides to put me in my place. “That goes for you as well young lady. I will not tolerate such language from you either, you’re not too old for me to take a hair bush to that cute little bottom of yours.” Oh boy I’m on thin ice here. “Remember you are the one who should be the example for your sisters. Do you understand me?”

  Swallowing quickly I bow to her before I answer. “Yes ma’am. I understand completely. I shall do my best.”

  “Good. Now as to how you look dear. Well let’s just say you are as beautiful as ever.” Turning to the shop owner. “We will take six sets of everything for each of them. Oh can they wear those out?”


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