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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 6

by Jessie Wolf

  “Yes ma’am I’ll get right on it as soon as payment is arranged. As for them wearing them out, I first have to verify their enrollment at Joan Eunice Smith first.” Replied the shop owner.

  Now normally I would let something like this slide. However this woman just brought into question not only my right to go to this stuck up school, but my sisters as well. Not to mention whether or not we can pay for the uniforms. “Excuse me, but are you questioning the Honor of House Nakatoma?” I asked in my sweetest voice as possible. For some reason mama didn’t stop me like she normally would when I get all sweet and innocent like this.

  “You are from House Nakatoma? Please young lady, do not try to make me believe that you are part of that noble clan. Why I should have you arrested for portraying yourself as a Nakatoma. Instead I will just ask for you to return the uniforms you have on and leave my shop never to return.”

  Ok that did it! “I will not be insulted in this manner.” My voice has once again become cold and hard as the polar ice caps. “I will have you know that I am a member of the Nakatoma Family. Not just any member either, but its rightful Head of House. The High Lady to whom you have been so insolent with is the Grand Lady Dai Etsu, Reverend Mother to our Family’s Temple. The three young Ladies with us are my young sisters. All of whom have just completed their two years of service to that Temple.” Yup I was pissed off in a major way. “I do not know who you think you are dealing with, but it is not some off world gutter trash. If you do not start showing the proper amount of respect in the next few seconds you are going to regret it.” Slowing down I take a few deep breaths to calm down. So when I continue it is with all of the grace and fluidity of the Ladies of House Nakatoma. Remembering my lessons from yesterday, I seek out and find that calming inner peace that allows the Ladies of our Family to show nothing, but the calm face of reason to those around us. “Forgive me madam; I should not lose my temper like that. It is obvious that you are not familiar with our family. Allow me to introduce myself and family. I am Head of House Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana of the Nakatoma High Family. These are my three younger sisters Fuyuko, Nanase, and Nanami. Our elder is the Grand Lady and Reverend Mother Nakatoma Dai Etsu. As for our ability to pay would you prefer straight credit or cash?”

  I think it was the fact that I had just informed the woman she was dealing with far more political power than she is used to or the fact that we could buy and sell her shop with everything in it ten times over never touching the family reserves. Whatever it was her whole attitude changed. “Lady Nakatoma, please forgive me. I was unaware that there was a new Head of House for your Family. Nor who would be attending one of our more prestigious schools. As far as payment to make up for my earlier rudeness why don’t I just send the bill to your House hold accountant; would that be acceptable?”

  Keeping the peaceful look on my face was harder than I thought it would be. Just by being the picture of a High Families Lady as well as a Head of House I had put this woman in her place and gotten the matter settled without showing my ass. “Yes, I believe that will be fine. Oh can you arrange for our purchases to be delivered out to the estate for us please?”

  “Of course Lady Nakatoma. It would be my pleasure. Now if I can make a suggestion?”

  “Please go right ahead.” I told her.

  “The normal school jackets are fine for normal day to day wear. However they lack the insulation for the colder nights or winters here on Hades. We have the coat that is approved for wear by the school here in stock. Would you like to see them?” she asked.

  “Yes please. While I was not raised here, my sisters were. So they should know if they will be heavy enough for use as cold weather coats.” I know she was just trying to increase her sales, but if they were needed then we’ll get them. When she showed us the coats I knew they would be going home with everything else.

  Before I can ask Nanase and Nanami both begin to examine the coats. I say nothing and just wait for their opinions to be voiced. I can tell by the way they look at the material, the lining, and finally the stitching that they are looking at these coats with the eyes of professionals. I learned a long time ago to let the pros do their job. “Sissy, these coats are of excellent quality. They will be perfect for the fall nights and winter. They should keep us warm and dry despite what the weather throws at us.”

  Nodding my head I look over at the shop owner. “We’ll take four of them in the correct sizes please.”

  “Of course Lady Nakatoma. I’ll send them out with the rest. Oh will you be staying in the dorms or commuting?” she asked.

  “Mama, do you know if we will have to stay in the dorms or not?”

  “No, the girls will commute to and from. Why do you ask madam?” mama was as curious as me.

  “Oh, the reason I was asking is so I know whether to include the school approved tights or not. Is this unacceptable?” she was real quick to answer. Probably afraid of losing a sale.

  “May we see the whole selection first please?” I ask of her.

  “Lady Nakatoma, there are only three types that are approved by the school’s directors. One is the standard black; one is your standard suntan, and then the schools tartan plaid.” She show them to us as she described them.

  The school tartan plaid was kind of cool looking. “We’ll take three pairs of the plaid and two pairs of the others please. Oh and include anything else that might be of use for school wear.”

  “Of course my Lady. Will that be all for today?” she asked me.

  “Yes I believe so. If we have need of something we can always return.” I tell her.

  Once all of our purchases were taken care of we left her store. Once outside we picked up our escort of infantry men. Looking around as we walk I see that the A.P.S.s have place themselves so that every part of the shopping center is covered by at least one of them. One of the escorts notices my looking around. “Lady Nakatoma is there a problem with the placement of the scouts?”

  “What? Oh no everything is fine. I was just surprised at how well they have positioned themselves to provide supporting fields of fire for the infantry. Do you all train for this type of team work?”

  “Yes ma’am. The Major has always believed in the practice of combined arms maneuvers. He has said more than once and I quote ‘We may take the ground with A.P.S., but it is the Infantry who will hold it. Don’t ever forget that.’ When he told the scout lance that they began training with our platoon as if it was their primary mission. Oh they can still perform as scouts. Some of the best out there really, but they can double our support in a jiffy if needs be. It’s a shame that they would rather act as scouts because there are times when they are actually better at doing this than our regular A.P.S. unit.” I can tell by the pride in his voice he had the utmost respect for the scout pilots. It wasn’t until then that I noticed his unit patch. These were mama’s bodyguards not my own. Looking over at the suits I saw that they had the Wolves of the Mountains crest on the left shoulder.

  That was when I realized all of the infantry and their supports were in the capital with Cpt. Walking Water. I hope she is alright. I would hate for her to be injured in the opening rounds of this war. I know that people will die no matter what I do to limit the killing, but I can hope for minimal loses on both sides. I may be Deaths own Daughter, but I’m still human. Or mostly anyway.

  Lady Nakatoma even though you are now a cyborg you are still human. Yes half of your body may be machine the core of your being is still and always will be human. Nothing can take that away from you, (Charley)

  “Thanks Charley. I can always count on you or Dee De to keep me on track.”

  Your welcome, kiddo. We can always tell when you need a little grounding. (Dee De)

  “Maiha, are you alright child?” mama pulls me out of my conversation with my AI’s with her question.

  “Yes mama. I was just thinking about Cpt. Walking Water. I just realized that we are using your personal bodyguards. I must say I am quite impressed by your Wolves. If
I didn’t know any better I would say that they were Death Dealers, mama.” As I finish, the young soldier I had been talking to looked over at me in shock. “Oh yes I do know what I am talking about here, corporal. My grandfather was First High Lord of the Death Dealers James J. Owens. I spent the majority of my life around Death Dealers.”

  “Excuse me, Lady Nakatoma, but I don’t quite believe that. I have known a few Death Dealers and while I have heard of Commander J.J. Owens I doubt he was as deadly as they say.” I was starting to get pissed at this little shit, but it was mama who lambasted him, not me.

  “I will have you know, corporal that my brother-in-law was far more deadly than what the stories say about him.” I never thought you would live to see the day when Nakatoma Dai Etsu would ever hail me as anything, but a killer. However here she was doing exactly that. “He was one of the most feared and respected warriors to ever live. I was proud to call him my brother-in-law. Yes I know that I am the Reverend Mother, but that wasn’t always so. I shall also remind you it was my sister Matsu, the Lady Maiha’s grandmother who married him. She would often tell of his passion for peace. He did not seek out war, but he did not run from it either. He saw it as his duty go to and fight in the place of others. If you would be a true samurai you could do no better for a role model than James J. Owens.” I wanted to start looking around for cover because the Goddess has to be hearing this whopper of a lie coming from the Reverend Mother of her Temple.

  “Do not be so surprised, daughter. I may not have liked what your grandfather did for his living, but I did respect him. He had won both the respect and fear of his enemies and his friends. The Gorgonizes were the first to call him Death himself. The frontier rebels on Corvine Five went so far as to call him a Shinigami. These are just a few of the names he earned as a warrior. However it was Peace Maker that he earned from the Hadrian Lancers that your grandmother was most proud of.” Looking back over at the corporal. “So corporal, don’t you think that with all that he accomplished that he would not teach his only grandchild all that he knew? I can assure you that he has. My daughter probably knows more about military tactics than you and your entire unit. She is more qualified to judge your unit’s performance that most carrier officers. Do not slight her again. To do so is at your own peril.” With that she looked ahead for the next store. I don’t know who was more surprised; me or the corporal. The reason for me was that either mama was telling the truth or she was more favored by the Goddess than anyone else in history.

  Looking ahead I see a store front that just grabs my attention more than any other. I forget all about the cute young corporal and head for it. The sign says that this shop is called Sweet Lolita and the Prince. The clothes in the storefront window are some of the most feminine I have ever seen so much so it would make most want to puke. So of course I just loved them. AAAAAHHHHH!!!! I swear if I ever find that no good, rat faced, two timing, mealy mouth, sorry excuse for a program designer, I will personally introduce him to the wonder filled world of the colonoscopy by inserting his head in his fourth point of contact.

  (Chuckling) His name was Ichie Satsuma. Unfortunately he passed away thirty years ago in an attack by a bunch of Whorevathaien Raiders. (Charley)


  (Giggling)No he ain’t, but he sure is funny. (Dee De)

  I really wanted to pound my head against something right then. Mama must have heard the groan that escaped me.

  “Maiha child are you feeling well?” she asked.

  Stepping over close to her I whisper in her ear. “My AI’s are giving me a hard time is all.” I tell her.

  The next thing I hear is a small giggle, then a bigger one, and finally out and out laughter. My adopted mother is laughing her oh so proper High Lady ass off. Here I am dealing with two of the most powerful AIs known to man giving me a hard time and she finds it funny. Then it hits me. It is funny; so funny in fact that I start to laugh as well. All three of my sisters and the bodyguards look at us as if we have lost our minds. I know that sooner or later I will have to tell my sisters about my secret. It just won’t be today. To get everybody’s attention off of our laughing I drag Fuyuko, Nanase, and Nanami into the Lolita and Prince. I head straight for the dresses. I start pulling outfits off the rack and handing them to the girls. Once each of them has three apiece I shove them towards the changing rooms. Then I turn around and find three for myself before heading to the changing rooms. One of the outfits that I found was this all white beauty that I hoped will fit. Because I really want to buy it. I mean what girly-girl wouldn’t it is all lace and ruffles with just the right amount frill to it. The next one was a light brown with a white underdress. The last one was all black with short shelves. I loved them all.

  When mama saw me in them all she did was nod her head yes. It seems that whatever was in this store would fit in with what she thought as right and proper for young girls. So with this in mind I told the sales clerk that I wanted whatever went with the outfits I or my sisters found. When the young lady heard that I thought she was going to faint. “Excuse me, but do you mean underwear, tights, petticoats, and shoes as well?” When I nod my head yes she asks me. “Would you like all of the accessories as well?” again I nod my head yes. I swear that I saw credit signs pop-up in her eyes. I picked out four more dress outfits before moving over to the pants and shorts sets.

  There I found three outfits I really liked. Two were shorts sets and one was a pants set. One of the shorts sets is a black knee length shorts with a matching vest and a royal purple blouse with over the knee black socks. Next set was dark purple with matching vest, white long sleeve blouse with ruffles, and paired with white over the knee socks. I just love them. I know that they aren’t very lady like, but they give me just enough ‘tomboy’ while remaining girly enough to be lady like. Now the pant suit is a different matter entirely. It’s all black blouse, vest, pants, and jacket. However the ruffle cuffs, and caller give it just enough fluff along with the cut to point out that this is a girl’s outfit. One of the accessories that comes with the shorts and paints outfit is a very thick walking stick. When I ask about this, the clerk gets a little nervous.

  “Let me guess, it’s to hide the sword inside it right?” I aske her.

  “Yes ma’am. All of our umbrellas and walking sticks carry some form of hidden protection.” She answered me truthfully. “The umbrellas have a canister of pepper spray in the handle and all canes and walking sticks conceal a sword in them.” she picks up one of each and proceeds to demonstrate how each one works. With a flick of her wrist the hand of the umbrella separates to reveal the pepper spray canister. After replacing it she next shows us how the cane sword works. Grasping the handle and shaft she gives them a quick twist then pulls them apart.

  I reach over and try one of the cane swords. Doing exactly as the clerk had shown I draw its blade. On closer examaination I find that they are made of a high grade steel with a micro-fine edge. I decide to get one of each of my new sisters one of each. Mama looks at me when I tell the sales clark this.

  “Are you sure about this, Maiha?” she asks of me.

  “Yes mama. I’m sure. I’ll make sure they are well trained in their use I promiss.” I told her. “I’ll not have my sisters walking around unarmed. Mama I know that goes against everything you stand for, but these are dangerious times. So I will do all that I can to insure theirs and yours safety.” Taking a deep breath I continue. “I will not lose any of you to some two-bit thug if I can avoid it by giving them the tools to defend themselves.” I bow to her and hold my head down waiting for her to scold me. However it doesn’t come.

  Instead what she says shockes me, so much so, that when my head comes up it is so fast it damn near comes off. “Very good my dear. See that they are well trained. I will accept no half messures. Am I understood?”

  “Yes mama. Loud and clear. I will make sure of that and their pilot training as well. Even if I have to do it myself.” I tell her.

  I watch as m
y sisters each pick out two of the umbrellas and one cane each. Only Fuyuko hesitates before stepping in to pick out her own umbrella and cane. I can see the discomfort in her eyes. So I step in close so that only she will hear me and whisper “I know that you are having a problem with this so I and I alone will train you little sister.” Stepping back I look her in the eye. This time though I don’t see doubt. What I see is determination. Oh yes there is iron in this little girl, an iron that can be forged into steel.

  “Thank you sissy, I shall be the most attentive of students.” She told me with a smile bright enough to light up a landing strip.

  Looking around I don’t see mama at all. “Did you seen where mama went to Fuyuko?” when she shook her head no I turned to the twins. “How about you two, did you see where she went?”

  Nanase merely points to the changing rooms saying “She went in there sissy. She says something about how cute those shorts outfits are, and then ask if they might have one in her size.”

  When she stepped out of the changing room area all of us were floored. Because Nakatoma Dai Etsu did not look anywhere near her true age of eighty-two years. For the first time in a long, long time I saw someone from out of my past. The reason for this is she could very easily pass for thirty-five, all she had to do was die her hair black. “Mama you look almost forty years younger.” I exclaimed. My sisters all agreed with me. “You know if you dyed your hair a little, why you could pass for thirty-five easily. I know let’s go over to the beauty salon next and get our hair done. How about it sisters, you want to see how young we can make mama look?”

  “Yay!!” was the response from all three.

  “Oh, I don’t think so, I was only trying it on as it looked so cute. I had only thought to see what I would look like that is all. I am far too old for this look.” She started saying only to have all four of us overruling her. “Now children don’t be silly. I’m not some thirty years old chickadee. Why the very thought of me traipsing around outside dressed like this it would scandalize the whole of the Temple. Why to … is that really me?” my sisters had turned her towards the mirrors. “Oh my. I really do look forty years younger.” The poor woman was stunned beyond words. I act before she has a chance to back out of it; I grab a pair of matching socks and shoes. Taking her by the hand I lead her over to some chairs and set her down. Once there I quickly put on her new socks and shoes. Turning to the store clerk “We’ll all be wearing out the same outfit please. You can send the bill and the rest out to House Nakatoma ma’am.” I tell her. “Right now we need to get our mama to the beauty parlor across the square.”


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