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The Mobile Mistletoe Series (Books 1-4)

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by Jennifer Conner

  The sooner the DEA took this loser off his hands, the sooner he could go over to Kara’s and TRY to explain his actions.

  Should he buy her flowers... or candy... no flowers.

  Hell, he doubted she’d even talk to him.

  Chapter 5

  Jack called a few times on Kara’s cell phone, but she didn’t answer. It was eleven when there was a knock on her door. She glanced around her apartment thinking Zoe forgot something when she brought her back.

  Kara sighed, flipped off the T.V. and made her way to the door. “What did you forget, Zo.”

  “It’s Jack. I know it’s late, but can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Kara slid the chain on, and opened the door a few inches. It was raining again, and his dark hair was wet.

  “I know...” Jack said and held up a hand. He looked miserable. “I have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “Go on.”

  “Can I come in for five minutes so I can explain? If you still think I should go, I will without an argument.”

  What am I doing? Kara slid off the chain and stepped to the side to let him in.

  “I was going to bring flowers or Valentine candy, but decided, instead, on the truth.” He hooked thumbs in the front pockets of his Levi’s and rocked forward.

  “Valentine’s Day isn’t until tomorrow.” She crossed her arms. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Oh, yeah, I do. Because back at the bar, you cannot believe how sorry I am for putting that look on your face.”

  “We spent a couple hours together after I was pepper-sprayed.” Kara shrugged a shoulder. “It wasn’t a lifetime commitment and it wasn’t even a ‘date’.

  “When I left, you gave me your number, and then I didn’t call. I can only imagine what a creep you think I am, and then the bar...” He blew out a breath. “I was working undercover and couldn’t call. Nothing in my life ever seems to be timed right. It’s crayons or meth dealers... as I said, my life’s not easy. I wanted to ask you out the first night, but you’d just been traumatized. It wasn’t right.”

  “You wanted to ask me out... on a date?” Kara asked.

  “I like you. You’re down to earth and have a level head. I like that in a woman. You made me feel something I haven’t felt in awhile... and you’re beautiful.”

  If he wanted to, he could stop there. “Go on.”

  He continued, “Half the time, I don’t even think it would be fair to ask someone out on a date. I can’t keep track of my own life, it changes so suddenly.”

  “I can imagine between your job and helping with Ada, it must be a little crazy.”

  “I ask a girl out, and then I need to cancel to go pick up Ada. It’s a real deal breaker when you have a precocious three year old tagging along. In the last six months I haven’t gone out with anyone.”

  “I like Ada. And, I like that you’re willing to postpone a date to help your sister.”

  “Really?” He looked surprised.

  “You also take your job seriously. That was why you blew by me at the bar. You were working. I understand.” Kara couldn’t help but smile. “Did you catch him?”

  “Yeah, we caught him. What I really wanted to do was bounce his head a few times off the cement for showing up the same time you did. What are the odds?”

  “That wasn’t his fault.”

  “Everything tonight was his fault. Air is his fault,” Jack grumbled.

  “I forgive you. Though, I think my ego may take a few days of heavy recovery.”

  “Could any of this recovery time include dinner with me tomorrow night?” He smiled. The dimples were back too.

  “You’re asking me out? Tomorrow? On Valentine’s Day?” Kara’s heart stuttered. Jack’s smile combined with the shadow of a beard, made him look rakish.

  “Tomorrow it’s just the two of us. No misunderstandings, undercover jobs in the way, or Ada... hopefully.”

  “I’d like that,” she admitted.

  “I’m past my five-minutes, but I have one more question. Why were you wearing that funny looking headband back at the bar? Did you lose a bet with your girlfriends?”

  Kara felt her cheeks flush with heat. “No actually, I made a bet with them.”

  “You can’t leave it at that. Now you have to tell me.”

  “I made the bet a few months ago. This couldn’t be any more embarrassing if I tried.” She paused and bit her lip. “It’s mistletoe. It was for Christmas, but since I didn’t get a guy to kiss me, I swore I would wear it the rest of the year until I did.”

  “You haven’t kissed a guy since Christmas?”


  “Good to know. Is it still in your purse?” Jack asked.

  Kara looked around, spotted where she dumped her purse and pulled out the headband.

  “Put it on.” The twinkle in his eyes was mixed with male assurance. He strode to her and stopped, then tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I’m thinking it’s time for you to ditch this headband. What do you think?”

  He leaned in and kissed her.

  The simple press of his mouth to hers quickly turned into something amazing. Bracing his hands against the wall, he pressed his body against hers and deepened the kiss. Whatever she was forgiving him for; she was ready to forgive him again.

  Jack wrapped one arm around her waist from behind and pulled her even closer. With the other hand, he reached up and slipped the headband off. “Does this get passed on to the next friend who made the pact?”

  “Zoe. She’ll get it,” Kara whispered. His mouth was inches from hers.

  He kissed her again as he tossed the headband off on a side table. He drew her hair back on her neck and nuzzled his nose to her ear. “I like passing things on. It’s repurposing at its best.”

  Kara sighed, relishing the feel of his lips against the oh-so-sensitive neck. Every bone in her body melted. If he didn’t have her by the waist she would have slid down the wall. Jack was tall and strong making her feel delicate and desired.

  When he finally broke the kiss, he stepped back. “I have to warn you again, I have a crazy life and a crazy schedule. Not everyone can handle it.”

  “I’m willing to try. How about, instead of going out to dinner, I make something here. Then if you get called to work, I can throw it in the crock-pot. And, if you have Ada, I’ll stock up on chicken nuggets.”

  “You’d do that?”

  Kara grinned. “I’d do it for another kiss.”

  Jack’s gaze dropped to linger on her mouth. Dinner-in may be the best idea she’d had in months. She kind of hoped Ada wouldn’t be with him this time.

  He caught her face in his hands and covered her mouth with his. They were both breathing rapidly when they broke apart.

  “How about before dinner, we deliver the headband to your friend?” Jack said.

  “It’s mobile mistletoe. It’s time it traveled to someone else’s care.”

  As Jack kissed her goodnight, Kara wondered how many holidays they would celebrate together.

  Valentine’s Day would only be the beginning if she had a say.


  Zoe dipped her spoon in the carton of Haagen-Dazs, and sighed. She was spending another Valentine’s Day with Chunky Monkey and not a hunky. There was a knock. She swung her legs off the couch and looked through the peep-hole.

  She opened the door. “Kara? What are you doing here?”

  Kara stood next to a tall, handsome man who had his arm around her waist.

  “Hey,” Zoe said. “Isn’t this the guy from the bar?”

  “This is Jack. Let’ say he broke the pact and now it’s all yours, babe.” Kara held the headband and dangled it between two fingers. “I’m beginning to think it’s lucky, and not a curse after all. By the way, happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Kara slipped the dangling mistletoe headband over Zoe’s hair and pulled her door shut.

  Love Comes for

  Saint Patrick’s Day

  Book 2
r />   Chapter 1

  Zoe Grant straightened her suit coat and glanced nervously at the arrival times on the airport digital reader board. Her boss insisted she personally pick up the perspective future client of her advertising agency, but traffic was heavy and made Zoe later than she liked.

  She’d changed the plans she’d made with friends for St. Patrick’s Day, but working a little extra could mean a possible promotion within the company. Her boss informed her, since the client was from Ireland, he must want to go out for St. Patrick’s Day. She was to chauffer him around.

  Zoe saw Mr. Kelly’s photo on his company’s website, Celtic Leaf. He looked like a nice middle-aged man. At least she wouldn’t be spending St. Paddy’s Day alone like she had Valentine’s Day.

  Zoe fumbled in her purse and pulled out the Sharpie pen and piece of printer paper she brought from home. She scribbled Kelly on the paper just as the overseas passengers began to arrive at baggage claim. A rush of people streamed past her, as she tried to spot the man from Celtic Leaf.

  “Hello, Miss. Are you looking for me?”

  She turned and came face-to-face with a tall, extremely handsome young man. Her first thought was, if I wasn’t looking for you, I should be. His brushed back dark hair touched the collar of his long wool dress coat. The suit beneath the coat clung to broad shoulders. He exuded confidence and old world elegance.

  “I am actually here to pick up Mr. Kelly.”

  “I am Mr. Kelly.”

  Zoe frowned. “The Mr. Kelly I’m looking for is much older.”

  “Would you care to see my passport?” He smiled. The light from the windows of the airport terminal caught the multi-colored flecks in his green eyes. “I think I see the problem. You were expecting my father,” he said with a thick Irish brogue.

  “I’m so sorry for the mix up. I’m Zoe Grant from Innovative Creations. I’m to deliver you to your hotel and then Innovative Creations will treat you to dinner.” She crumpled the handmade sign.

  “Please, call me Carrick.” He extended his hand to shake. His warm smile had her heart kicking up a beat. “My father’s become ill recently, and while he is recuperating, I took over many of his duties. It has been a few years since I’ve been to the states. I am looking forward to seeing what I missed.”

  “If you have time, I’d be happy to show you around Seattle.” Or to the ends of the earth.

  “Carrick!” a tall redhead, on heels too high, wailed out the name. “There’s one of my bags. Grab it before it goes around the carousel again.”

  Zoe’s heart dropped. Of course, there was a Mrs. Kelly. She would never be so lucky as to find a guy like Carrick single. Three is company because two never worked out for her. She reminded herself the reason she was there; it was for company...her company.

  Carrick grabbed the bright pink suitcase off the carousel, spotted another and pulled that free too.

  “There’s the third,” the woman called and pointed a finger with a bright red nail.

  “Would you like me to get a baggage cart?” Zoe asked.

  The woman eyed her. “Isn’t there concierge service?”

  Zoe hurried over, grabbed a cart and rolled it to meet Carrick and the bags. One small black bag sat on top of the three pink cases. His, she guessed.

  “I would be happy to take you... I mean yours and Mrs. Kelly’s bags.”

  “Mrs. Kelly?” Carrick gave her an odd look. “No, that is Miss Kelly. Aine’s, my sister. She’s never traveled to America, so I thought I would bring her along.” He turned to Aine and said in a brotherly tone, “Can you grab one of your own bags and help? Who packs three suitcases for a week?” he grumbled.

  Aine sighed and hefted a bag up on to the cart. “We still need to pick up Mr. Tim.”

  When Zoe raised an eyebrow, Carrick explained, “It’s her dog.”


  As they rode the elevator to the parking garage, Carrick listened to Zoe chat about the city. Animated, she waved her hands to make points and told funny facts.

  “Seattle might be the only U.S. city that can claim to be built on top of another city. After the Great Fire of 1889, citizens raised the street level and started over. They give daily tours of what is Underground Seattle. Residents were happy the city was built at a higher level so the toilets wouldn’t back up every day when the tide came in.” She cringed then added, “You probably didn’t need to know that.”

  As they reached the garage, Carrick watched Zoe eye her car and knew not all of his sister’s luggage would fit. For many of his business destinations a limo or town car met him. This wasn’t New York, and he’d read Seattle was a more grassroots and down-to-earth place. He liked that. But there was no way all the suitcases would fit in Zoe’s small hybrid car.

  He watched Zoe’s near frantic movements as she popped her trunk and searched through it. Triumphant, she brought out a half-dozen bungee cords.

  “From my last camping trip,” she explained. “We can use the roof rack for the cases that don’t fit in the trunk.”

  “That will be fine.” Carrick helped her secure the cases with the cords. Little things like that never really mattered to him. He felt bad seeing Zoe flustered and wished he could leave behind a few of his sister’s cases. That was why he always traveled light.

  He helped Zoe lift the cases and tighten the bungee cords. She had beautiful hands with long, thin, tanned fingers and un-polished nails. As she reached over the car’s roof to tighten the cords, he tipped his head to the side to check out her bum. She wore a grey skirt that nicely fit her lush curves. There were no complaints yet on his arrival in America.

  He took an instant liking to Zoe. She was funny and made him feel welcome. She was also sexy as hell. Her dark auburn hair framed her face, and her lips were a lush, deep pink. Her dark features held an exotic quality he seldom found in the fair-skinned women of Ireland. Too bad this trip was going to be mainly business.

  Carrick would like to take Zoe up on her offer to show him some of the sights. Maybe in the next few days, if schedules allowed, they could drop Aine off at a mall— with a credit card limit— and he and Zoe could go to this Underground Seattle.

  Everyone would be happy. If he was spending time in Seattle, Zoe was a woman he wouldn’t mind seeing.

  Chapter 2

  “What do you mean there are no hotel reservations for Kelly?” Zoe felt the tension headache behind her eyes burst free and slam into her forehead. She pulled out her Smart phone. “Here’s the memo from the office assistant who made the booking... with the confirmation number.”

  The man at the counter typed in the number. “This conformation number is tied to reservations starting next weekend. March twenty-fourth through the thirty-first.”

  Her frayed nerves caused her hands to shake as she fought for control over her emotions. “You must have other rooms?” she pleaded.

  “No ma’am. As I told you, there’s a convention in town and all of our rooms are taken.”

  Think... think. She turned to face Carrick and Aine. “You and your sister can drop your bags at my apartment. I’ll take you to dinner. Those reservations I know are made... since I arranged them myself. While at dinner, I’ll find you another acceptable reservation. It will all work out.”

  Aine huffed and crossed her arms over her chest but Carrick nodded and didn’t seem troubled in the least. “If there’s a place to grab a quick shower, change clothes and have a Guinness waiting at the restaurant, I’m all in. Since none of this seems to be your fault, thank you for the offer to take us in. Fair play to you for handling the situation.”

  Zoe felt heat flush her cheeks. “I’m not going to say I’m sorry again, that’s all I’ve been saying this afternoon. But I can promise you this, a Guinness will be waiting for you at the restaurant.”


  Thank God, the dinner reservations went smoothly and their table was ready when they arrived.

  She slipped her roommate, Karen, the last twenty she had and promised
to take her shoe shopping if Karen would stay home with Aine’s dog, Mr. Tim. What else could she do? She had made a mess of this and her promotion depended on the advertising deal with Kelly’s company.

  O’Malley’s was at capacity. Irish stew cooked in large black pots at the back of the room. Lively Celtic flute music and the rich smells of comfort food filled the air.

  “Grab a bowl and help yourself,” Zoe said. “It’s all you can eat. The soda bread and salad is next to the bar on a table.”

  Carrick grinned and placed a hand over his heart. “I must have died and gone to heaven. You have truly made it feel like home... with everything except the green beer. Who’s idea is that? There is no green beer in Ireland.”

  “American food coloring companies? Toothpaste companies to get the green off your teeth the next day?” Watching his sincere grin Zoe knew she’d done something right.

  “You’re a clever girl.

  “I try to be. That’s why I work in the field I do. Let me grab you that Guinness I promised.”

  When she came back she slid into the chair facing Carrick and Aine.

  Looking at the three glasses with distaste, Aine stared coolly, “I don’t drink beer. I’m going to the bar and then dance.” She waved her fingers at her brother and wound her way off through the crowd.

  Carrick stretched his arms across the back of the booth. “I hope bringing Aine doesn’t turn out to be a mistake. She can make a holy show of herself.” He took a deep drink of his beer and tipped the glass to the light. “The Guinness tastes different. Not bad... just different. Everything is different here, but I will get used to it. Looks like for the next year, I might be spending much of my time in Seattle.”

  “Really?” Zoe hoped her words didn’t sound as wishful as she was thinking. “Is your company relocating?”

  “No, but we are thinking of setting up a new branch office in Seattle. If we want to grow, it needs to be on an international playing field.”


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