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The Mobile Mistletoe Series (Books 1-4)

Page 4

by Jennifer Conner

  “Celtic Leaf’s products are timely. Boutique tea is a growing market.”

  “The Kelly family has been in the tea market for a hundred years, but it wasn’t until my father decided to place it in a niche market the growth of the company expanded. It was his idea to place the tea leaf blends in designer tins. It’s caught on. ”

  “Your products are unique. They take you back to another time. With people’s hectic lives they need a relaxing cup of tea in their day.”

  “Go on.”

  Zoe leaned forward in her chair and braced her hands under her chin. “Why stop at tea? Open boutique shops or go in with others that specialize in relaxation.” She loved coming up with ideas for companies. “Maybe even massage chairs for five minute neck massages while you wait for your tea to brew.”

  Carrick tapped his finger on the rim of his glass. “Your company never mentioned this direction in the advertising plans.”

  Whoops. Had she overstepped her boundaries once again?

  “It was an idea I came up with on my own. I should have introduced it to my boss before discussing it with you.”

  “I like the idea. I like it a lot. You’ve done your homework.” He pulled in a long breath. “My father had the idea and grew the business, but if we want a future it can’t be in Ireland. Investors think working with a company in Ireland is too foreign... like Mars.” He grinned. “With little green Leprechauns.” He looked over at the dance floor, where he spotted Aine, and then turned back.

  “She’s young, and just having fun.”

  “Our mother gives her too much. She expects too much. My father drove himself hard and the reason I feel he had a heart attack. Aine needs her father, but he’s been out of the country for treatment. I’m not trying to take his place, but on many a day I feel I am.” He paused, his mood changing. “We can’t let her have all the fun. Will you dance with me?”

  “I’m not very good.”

  “It’s a jig, lass. Just move your feet quickly around, and no one will know the better.” He grasped hand and pulled her to her feet.

  In two minutes, she was attempting to dance a jig alongside him on the wood dance floor.

  “No fair!” she called out over the music. “You’re good... and you’re Irish. You have an unfair advantage.”

  “I took lessons, but if you saw the green plaid pants and tam o’shanter my mother forced me to wear, you would not say I was lucky.”

  “Jig lessons?”

  “Slip jig, hornpipe, and reels. Mind you, it was my mother’s idea, but she had no time to take me. The nanny, Mrs. O’Leary, she was a mean one. She would pull my ear if I acted like a gom.”

  “You’re Riverdancing right here in front of me.”

  Carrick rolled his eyes and laughed.

  Zoe concentrated as she watched his feet and tried to keep step. From behind, someone bumped into her, and she fell forward. Carrick caught her.

  “Watch your step, lass.” His arms wrapped around her waist and he didn’t let go. “I might have to keep you here all night to make sure no one else steps on you.”

  That was okay with her.

  There was no denying the chemistry between them. From the second she laid eyes on him, there was a magnetic pull. She seldom felt this with the other men she’d dated. Why Carrick and why now? This was bad timing. He brushed a thumb under her chin. There was a smoldering fire burning in his eyes. He was going to kiss her.

  Zoe knew she should never mix business with pleasure, but who came up with that stupid rule anyway?

  Chapter 3

  He was sure when Zoe opened her mouth it was to tell him this was a mistake. Hell, he knew that, but he’d wanted to kiss her for the last hour. Recently he’d been too busy and submerged in the business to act on what he wanted.

  Tonight was different. Tonight he had time and he wanted Zoe.

  She didn’t resist, so he slid his arm tighter around her waist and pulled her close. His eyes locked on hers, and he saw something come to life. Her gaze was hungry and sexy... for him. God, if she only knew what she was doing to his raging body. He leaned forward. There was that long heartbeat of time when he waited for his lips to touch hers.

  Then he kissed her.

  Her lips were warm and soft and her mouth held the molasses aftertaste of Guinness. A twist of excitement shot through him. He’d missed the feel of a woman in his arms, and Zoe was a perfect choice. Soft, inviting, smelling like vanilla and tasting like heaven.


  He heard his sister’s grating voice and groaned. Breaking the kiss, he stepped back and opened his eyes. Two brawny men held his sister under her arms. They half-dragged, half-walked her over the floor.

  Aine tipped her head up and tried to smile then her head lolled back down.

  “Do you know her?” one of the men asked.

  Should I answer this? “Yes, she’s my sister,” Carrick said.

  “She bought six shots of our best whiskey. I thought she was taking them to friends, but when I turned around, she’d downed them all. She can’t weigh more than a hundred pounds. You’d better keep an eye on her for alcohol poisoning.”

  Carrick wound Aine’s arm over his shoulder to hold her up.

  Zoe pulled her phone from her back pocket. “I haven’t had time to look for a hotel.”

  He ground his back teeth. “If it’s not too much bother, can we go back to your apartment where her cases are? If she gets sick, I will pay for a cleaning service.”

  Carrick sat in the back seat of Zoe’s car with Aine’s head on his shoulder. “She’s in the numbs tonight. Dead-to-the-world drunk. So much for coming across looking like a professional company,” he grumbled.

  “This has nothing to do with your business or how my company will view yours. Besides, what happens in Seattle-stays in Seattle.” She caught his gaze in the rearview mirror and winked. “Nothing will be said in the meetings tomorrow at Innovative Creations. You have my word.”

  “I appreciate that... more than you know.”

  When they arrived back at her apartment, Zoe and Carrick somehow managed to get Aine’s dead weight up the stairs and inside.

  Karen, who had stayed at the apartment to look after Aine’s dog, left for the night to celebrate the rest of St. Paddy’s Day.

  “We’re lucky this is an old building— there is a Murphy bed behind that curtain.” Zoe pointed and slung Aine’s other arm over Carrick. “Hold her upright while I take down the bed. I recently washed the sheets after my mother came to visit.”

  Carrick didn’t say anything. She could tell how angry he was.

  “She’ll be fine. Tell you what. You don’t want to deal with girl stuff, so why don’t you sleep in my bed and I’ll stay out here on the couch?

  “No,” he said in protest. “I couldn’t do that.

  “You want to change her into pajamas and out of this poured-on dress?” Zoe cocked an eyebrow.

  “” Carrick scratched his chin. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “I’ll stay out here in case she gets sick.” Zoe guided Aine over to the bed and stretched her out to lie on her side. Aine mumbled something, and then began to snore. “I promise you, she will be fine in my care. You know where the towels are. If you want a sandwich, I’ll take you on a quick tour of the kitchen. Only the finest four-star cuisine when you’re staying at my digs. The sad part is you missed out on the Irish stew.”

  Carrick stepped close. “I missed out on many things tonight, lass.”

  She wanted him to kiss her again, but Aine needed her. Zoe’s cheeks heated as she stepped back and hurried out to the kitchen.

  Zoe woke in the middle of the night, and her heartbeat kicked up a notch. Something wasn’t right. She tried to adjust her eyes to the dark room. She sat up on the couch and twisted the light switch on.

  Aine wasn’t in the bed.

  She swung her legs over the side of the couch. The bathroom door was slightly open but the light was off.

nbsp; Zoe rapped her knuckles. “Aine? Hey, are you in there.” She pushed the door with the tip of her toe. “Aine?” she called again. The bathroom was empty.

  She looked around the bedroom. Nothing. Zoe hurried out into the hall. She wasn’t in the kitchen, Karen’s room, or living room. Panic seized her chest.

  She ran down the hall and pounded on the bedroom door. “Carrick,” she cried.

  After a moment, he answered. His dark hair stuck up in unruly dark tufts. He was bare to the waist wearing only a pair of plaid PJ bottoms. If Aine’s disappearance wasn’t so pressing, Zoe would have loved to admire Carrick’s fine, defined chest for a minute longer. First things first. Damn.

  “Aine’s gone.”

  “What?” Carrick rubbed his eyes and yawned. “How can she be gone?”

  “I checked the entire apartment.” Zoe ran over and peered out the front window. Her little white car gleamed under the street light. “She didn’t drive, and I would’ve heard if she phoned for a cab.”

  Carrick wiggled the front door knob. “It’s locked from the inside.”

  Zoe buried her face in her hands. “Oh God... I lost your sister.”

  “Shite... you didn’t lose anyone.” He looked in the bathroom, and then came back to the living room. “Wait...” he said as he dropped down to his knees and looked under the bed. “Aine, get out from under there.” He flattened himself and crawled partially under the bed. After a second, he scooted back, pulling Aine out by the back of her pajama bottoms. She grumbled in her alcohol-induced sleep.

  Relief flooded through Zoe. “Oh, thank goodness!” She helped him lift Aine off the floor and drop her back on the bed.

  “She used to do this when we were wee ones.” Carrick frowned and sat on the bed next to Aine. He tucked a strand of fiery copper hair behind her ear. “She was scared when our parents left town. Aine told me she felt safe when she curled against the wall under her bed.”

  Zoe fluffed the pillow under Aine’s head then tugged the blanket higher to cover her shoulders. “I hope she’s okay.”

  “So how awake will YOU be at our big meeting at eight a.m. in your office tomorrow morning?” He smiled and shook his head, then headed back to bed.

  Chapter 4

  “I like the idea of sending our teas into specialty markets,” Carrick said interrupting Brown, the owner of Innovative Creations.

  Brown tried to smile, but Carrick saw him falter. Nothing about it was genuine. “Specialty... tea market? I...whose idea is that?”

  Carrick looked at Zoe and got the vibe he’d better not say more. The poor lass looked pale, or maybe it was green around the gills.

  Brown cleared his throat. “That is a completely different direction than what we have in the marketing plan for Celtic Leaf. Kelly, you need to think on a larger scale. Your company needs to mainstream. Big box stores. The more locations, the more sales. How can anyone dispute the numbers we formulated in the reports in front of you?”

  “I will need to think on this. It’s been a long day.” Carrick rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I have the binder of reports and I will take the next few days to look it over.”

  “Take all the time you need. Zoe is here to show you our beautiful state. You can take Carrick river rafting down the Skykomish. I know you used to be a guide.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened. “I... yes, I was a guide? River rafting?”

  “Kelly, I know you like the outdoors.” Brown stood and slapped Carrick on the back. Carrick coughed on his coffee. “Take the day to enjoy the fresh air; it will clear your head, and then you will be ready to make your decision.”

  The problem was, he’d already made his decision.


  “But, Mr. Brown. You never said anything about me taking Mr. Kelly river rafting,” Zoe questioned.

  He waved a dismissive hand in her direction. “I think it’s what Kelly wants—not you.” Brown narrowed his eyes. “Do you know anything about that nonsense Kelly was talking in the meeting? Specialty tea stores?”

  “It was just an idea I came up...”

  “It was your idea?” he cut her off. “You are not at the level in the company to come up with ‘ideas’. I don’t pay you for your ‘ideas’. And, if you screw up this contract, that may not be your only problem. Comprende?”

  Zoe needed the job, so she kept her groan internal. She couldn’t rely on Mom and Dad to help pay her bills any longer. “Yes sir, I understand. I will do whatever I can to persuade Mr. Kelly to sign a contract with us.”

  Carrick was a strong-minded Irishman, but Zoe needed to stick to her boss’s ideas for Celtic Leaf. She’d better cool the romance side, keep focused, and set her goals to Brown’s business plan.

  Zoe ran into Carrick in the hall outside the meeting room. He told her he’d made plans that evening to take his sister to a concert so Zoe texted her friends and met them at Shilling’s for drinks after work.

  When the four girls slid into the booth, Zoe reached in her purse and pulled out the headband she’d carried around for the last month. She dangled it between two fingers.

  Kara squealed with delight. “Are you telling us you’re passing on the Mobile Mistletoe, and you’ve been kissed?”

  “Yes... but before anyone gets too excited, hold the phone,” Zoe said tossing back the rest of her chocolate martini. “I was kissed, but it was by a possible client. I’m not sure it should count.”

  “You didn’t take money for it did you?” Jess rolled her eyes. “Geesh, girl. You make yourself sound like a call girl.”

  “Client— as in my advertising agency client. Okay, maybe I’d better back up. I have not decided to be a call girl... yet.” She grinned.

  Kara tucked her hands under her chin and leaned forward. “I knew when we said we’d take turns wearing the headband, it would work out.”

  “Excuse me?” Zoe made a z in the air. “No you dinna. You thought the idea was a disaster, but now that you’ve found Mr. Dreamy, you think this dumb thing has secret powers! You were willing to wear that Christmas headband all year until a guy kissed you. Give the rest of us a break.” She shook the headband at Kara making the feathers wave in the air. “It’s just a stupid hair decoration with plastic mistletoe attached, no secret powers.”

  “You said you’d been kissed. That was the pact. We wear it until a man kisses us, then pass it on.” Kara frowned and ran a finger along the rim of her glass. “I was excited for you. I didn’t say it to rub your nose in my relationship. I was happy for you.”

  “I didn’t mean it to come out that way.” Zoe felt bad she’d hurt her friend’s feelings. She slipped the headband back on. “I was only trying to clarify the rules. Do I get to pass on the headband with one quick peck at a bar?”

  “Was it like a New-Year’s-Eve-grab-whoever kind of kiss or did he mean to plant one on you?” Jess asked.

  Zoe was quiet for a minute. She thought about Carrick and the night in the bar when he’d kissed her. He looked at her as though she was the only woman in the world. It definitely wasn’t random. His kiss was meant for her. And the kiss. That was a whole other story. She could write a War and Peace size novel on that kiss. Earth-shattering. Mind-blowing. Amazing.

  These were her best friends, but she still didn’t want to come across looking like the biggest loser if things between her and Carrick didn’t work. She also wasn’t ready to tell her girlfriends that she was crazy about him.

  “His name’s Carrick Kelly. He and his sister Aine are visiting from Ireland and my company is trying to woo them as clients. I took them to O’Malley’s for Saint Patrick’s Day. We danced, it was fun, and he kissed me. The end.”

  “Are you going to see him again?” Jane asked.

  Zoe shrugged a shoulder. “My boss told me I’m taking him river rafting tomorrow. His company may open a Seattle branch, or he may go back to Ireland, never to be seen again.”

  “I think a kiss is a kiss,” Jess stated. “It seemed to work for you and Kara.” She snatched it
off Zoe’s head and slipped it over her hair. “Here’s to Mobile Mistletoe. Let’s see if it will bring me a man!” They raised their glasses in a toast.

  Kara cleared her throat. “Since we have our glasses raised. I’d like to make an announcement. I would like all of you to be bridesmaids at my wedding in July.”

  Zoe nearly choked. “Your what?”

  Kara held out her hand with a diamond ring on one finger. Jess and Jane screamed in unison. “Jack asked me to marry him. I know we’ve only known each other for a little over a month, but he’s the one. He’s more than Mr. Dreamy... he’s Mr. Everything. I love him so much... I just can’t believe it. It’s happened so fast.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

  Zoe hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I love all of you and want you to be part of the wedding.” Kara sniffed and turned to Zoe. “Will you be my maid of honor?”

  “Of course, we’ve been best friends since the third grade. We have been through a lot, and I’m sure we will be through more. There is no place I would rather be than to stand as your maid of honor.”

  “When’s the wedding?” Jess asked.

  “Right around the Fourth of July. My brother’s going to be home and I really want him to be there. I don’t have a ton of time so I will need all your help planning.”

  “Maybe there is something to this Mobile Mistletoe.” Zoe raised her glass again. “Here’s to Kara and Jack.”

  Chapter 5

  Carrick helped Zoe zip her wetsuit and noticed her chattering teeth. She’d pulled her mass of auburn curls into an unruly topknot, but strands blew free. She wore no makeup and her cheeks were pink from the cold wind. She was so naturally beautiful. Perfect really.

  They’d spent the last few hours on the drive up the river talking about their lives. Carrick was happy Aine decided to stay back in the city and shop. He wanted to spend time with Zoe, alone, and find out everything he could about her.

  This was crazy. He’d only known her for a few days, but every minute he spent with her, he thought of more reasons why he should open a branch office in Seattle to be near her. Zoe was smart, funny and sexy as hell. That morning he’d contacted a commercial realtor, but should he tell Zoe?


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