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Page 20

by Paul M. Schofield

  “Guardian, can you hear me?” Martin thought. There was no response. “Lieutenant, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, Martin, I'm still at the device. I think it's some sort of cloaking mechanism because I can't get through to anyone but you. I don't know why it is aimed at the nuclear-cutter, but I have a bad feeling about it.”

  “Stay there and keep me informed. I’ll be there soon.”

  Martin removed the blast helmets from the four figures and discovered they were all women, all alive, but unconscious. Their shield-suits prevented the bullets from causing them serious harm. He moved their weapons a distance away and mentally instructed Panther to guard them. Martin grabbed two helmets and his rifle and ran back to the blast gates, easily unlocked from this side. He started back through the corridors to the Lieutenant’s location.

  “Martin! The device is emitting a powerful beam toward the nuclear-cutter. If that overheats it will explode, possibly destroying CENTRAL!”

  “Is there anything nearby that could deflect or stop the beam?” he thought, running faster.

  “I have a laser-rifle but I'm reluctant to use it. It could start an energy cascade that would be just as dangerous!”

  “Move away from it, back toward me, I’ll be there soon. Panther is watching our captives.”

  He ran as fast as he could, not tiring at all, following the map in his head. He turned a corner and found the Lieutenant standing under a dim light. They ran to the device. It was continuing to emit an energy beam toward the nuclear-cutter, causing the cutter to glow a dull orange color. An acrid electrical smell hung in the air.

  “Can I use a bullet on the device?” He stared at it, trying to decide.

  “It's probably safer than a beam weapon, but I can't say for sure. We don't have much time, it may be our best hope.”

  “It may be our only chance!” he said. “Put on this helmet and get behind the corner!” They ran for the corner, Martin put on the other helmet, and flicked off the rifle’s safety. He leaned around the corner and put the cross-hairs of the scope on the part emitting the beam. “Here goes nothing,” he thought and squeezed the trigger. The 8mm rifle roared as the bullet sped to its mark, ripping off part of the device, stopping the energy beam.

  With no place for the incoming energy to go, the device began to whine and vibrate faster and faster. Slinging his rifle on his shoulder, Martin picked up the startled Lieutenant, and ran with all his might back down the corridor. The whine turned into a sickening shriek as he ran with desperate speed. The shriek turned into a deafening roar as the device exploded, sending pressure waves and flames racing down the corridors. He huddled in a corner, shielding the Lieutenant with his powerful, android body and waited for the fury to end.

  In a few moments it was silent again with an occasional crash and clatter of damaged parts falling to the floor. After a few more minutes nothing could be heard. The blast proof lighting was surprisingly still operating. The smell of burned fabric was about them, but they were unhurt, thanks to the blast helmets protecting their heads. Still huddled in the dusty gloom, they removed their helmets and gazed into each other’s eyes. The Lieutenant immediately reached her arms around Martin and hugged him tightly. “Now you have saved my life – I will be forever grateful.”

  Before Martin could speak, the Guardian’s voice came through the link. “We can finally see all of you on the sensor grid. Are you hurt? Do you need help?”

  Martin stepped back from the Lieutenant and answered the Guardian. “We are shaken, but not hurt. Panther’s guarding four suspects in the hangar area. Be sure to tell the reinforcements that he is on our side. A space-plane escaped, probably with Guardian V and Franelli aboard. You should have seen them on the NAV screens unless their ship is somehow cloaked, too.”

  Martin and the Lieutenant quickly walked back to the explosion site. “We stopped the energy beam aimed at the nuclear-cutter,” Martin said. “The device was totally destroyed, nothing left but junk. The nuclear-cutter is all blackened but seems okay. The wall it was against is black, too, but seems undamaged. We don’t see any obvious structural damage.”

  “Is CENTRAL safe and operating?” Rogerton quickly said.

  “We are running diagnostic tests – so far everything is normal. It was close, Lieutenant.”

  Specialists in white and light-pink uniforms could now be heard and seen moving toward the two standing by the wreckage. At the same time Security Specialists were entering the hangar.

  “A panther, Guardian? A black panther? He is an android? Yes, I think I understand. We see him now! The four suspects are on the floor, huddled together. Their faces are white! The panther is close to them, roaring loudly. I am glad he is on our side. He's walking toward us! He stopped! He's stretching out his front legs and lowering his head to us!”

  Chapter XXXVII

  Earth Date: 475 N.V.A.

  Location: Earth, high orbit

  “We're approaching the freighter, Ma’am, and deploying the Phase Interrupter Laser,” Gornect said. The blue-green beam of the PIL swept out from the Daniela. The freighter quickly shut down, only emergency lighting and life support remained operating. Without their fusion reaction, the powerful transfer beam stopped and the cloak around the space-plane disappeared.

  “The space-plane is in our NAV screens now, Star-Commander. It's in the high atmosphere, we're on an intercept course, ETA eight minutes. I'm calling in two more Cutters to secure the disabled freighter. The other three freighters are standing down, they'll soon be in custody.”

  “Very good, Lieutenant-Commander, keep me apprised of the situation. Watch the NAV screens, Bestmarke is probably nearby. Are your reinforcements ready?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, cloaked and waiting.”

  “I am going to contact the space-plane on an open channel. Bestmarke will hear us if he is out there. Be ready for action.”


  “I hope Izax did not pay this joker too much,” Galen said as he watched the freighters surrendering to the Planetary Control Corps ships. “We'll have to change our plan, Brother. Hook up the link, we may need to move fast.”

  They put on the headgear and turned on the Level I interface, mixing their emotions, and pulling their separate thoughts into the same flowing stream of consciousness.

  “The space-plane has uncloaked. Fools!” Bestmarke said. “Izax should know that if you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself. It is amazing he has achieved what he has, depending on others.”

  “We'll have to skim the atmosphere,” Terran thought, changing the subject. “A Victorian Cruiser is on an intercept course with the space-plane. We can beat the Cruiser if we go underneath it, closer to the planet.”

  “Have you done that before?”

  “Yes. If we get a good run at it we can coast through without the engines.”

  “I don't care about the toxic engines.”

  “I don't either, but if we're coasting, we can be cloaked. We'll come right up to the space-plane and pull them in the port, snatch them out from under their nose.”

  “I like that,” Galen said.

  “Wait! COM message over the open channel.”

  “Space-plane L3971 leaving Earth, this is Star-Commander VanDevere of the New Victorian Empire ordering you to stand down.”

  “Not a chance, commander. We have two important people we need to deliver. If you want them safe, leave us alone. It's simple. I repeat, leave us alone and they'll be safe.” The COM clicked off.

  “Space-plane L3971 – space-plane L3971”

  “Short and sweet,” Galen said, slapping his arm-rest. “Johnny, take us to maximum starting thrust. Stelle, plug in with the Pouncer. Everybody strap in tight. We'll be skimming the atmosphere, it'll be rough.”

  “Maximum thrust in thirty seconds, boss. Prepare to drop cloak and go to full shielding,” Johnny said.

  “They used an open channel to try and pull us in,” Terran thought.

  “That's obvious. T
hey want us to show our hand and we will, right under their noses. Perhaps we will give them a bit of a bloody nose, too.” He began charging all his weapons.

  At thirty seconds the twin Zenkati fusion engines roared to life at maximum starting thrust. Pushed back hard in their seats by the oppressive g-forces, the inertia dampers struggled to maintain a safe level of gravity. Terran plotted his course along the top of the atmosphere.

  “Space-plane L3971,” Terran said, contacting them on a secure channel. “We will be skimming the atmosphere, cloaked. Be ready to move in close when you see us uncloak. We will grab you with the extension arm. When you see us, shut off your engine, we'll pull you in. Any questions?”

  “No, we understand. We're almost out of the upper atmosphere, we'll maintain our present course. A Victorian Cruiser is behind us, watch your back.”

  “We see them. Watch for us, you will need to move quickly when we arrive.”

  “Full thrust coming up,” Johnny said. The ship vibrated under the increasing strain of the powerful engines. “Shut-off in five seconds and full cloak.”


  “They're skimming the atmosphere, Ma’am,” Gornect said. “They've cloaked again, calculating trajectory, we can see the target.”

  “Bestmarke must be desperate,” VanDevere said. “He will try something. Remember, the safety of Guardian V and Franelli is paramount.”

  “Acknowledged, Ma’am.”


  “It's blazing hot in here,” Galen said. He held onto the seat as they bumped and bounced along the upper atmosphere.

  “Remember, Brother, space is cold, all we've ever needed was heat. Don’t worry, we're rising up into sub-space now. It will cool off soon.”

  “Braking thrust and cloak drop in two minutes,” Johnny said. “Space-plane port is ready to open, the extension arm is at stand-by.”

  Two minutes counted down and the braking thrust matched their speed to the space-plane.

  “Space-plane in position, port is open,” Terran said. “Taking us in closer. Put the arm out, Johnny.”

  “Space-plane hooked and pulling it in,” Johnny said. “Port is closed and tight. Space-plane will be secure in twenty seconds.”

  “Setting new headings. Go to maximum thrust when you are ready, Johnny,” Terran said. “Let’s see what these engines can do.”


  “He's dropped cloak again, using braking thrust, matching speed with the space-plane,” Gornect said. “They've pulled the plane in and increased speed on a different heading. Full pursuit, Ma’am, with our reinforcements?”

  “No, not this time.”


  “Yes, Lieutenant-Commander. Do this, however, before they cloak again. Send this coded message I am relaying to you in a one-second burst on the COM laser. It will penetrate their shields. It is brief enough they may not notice it or pay attention to it. Send it now, this may be our last chance before Bestmarke disappears.”

  “It's done. Is that all, Ma’am?”

  “Yes, Lieutenant-Commander. Bring the ship back to its parking orbit.”

  Chapter XXXVIII

  Earth Date: 475 N.V.A.

  Location: Leaving high Earth orbit

  “Why didn’t they follow us?” Galen said. “I was ready for a fight.”

  “It's because our new guests are too precious to them, they don’t want to risk a battle,” Terran said. “We got a burst on the COM laser frequency. It was short, I thought it was static.”

  “What was it?”

  “Just these words: ‘Good-bye Galen Bestmarke’.”

  “That's all? Why send that? Is it coded?”

  “No, I checked it out. They're just trying to get inside your head, trying to make you worry over nothing. They're playing psychological games with you,” Terran said, laughing at him.

  “That won’t work with me! Why do they think that will work with me? Do I look like a sucker? Are you sure it wasn’t coded?” Galen said, growing more agitated.

  “You see, it is working,” Terran said, laughing harder.

  “That’s not funny! Nobody plays games with me!” He scowled and began to curse.


  Estelle was ready to fight. She was strapped into her battle-seat in the defense cube linked to Tommie, her TMC-7 cat.

  “They backed off? They didn’t pursue us? Why? They always have before. That’s alright, though, isn’t it, Tommie?” she said to her only close friend on the ship, her orange striped tabby.

  “Stelle, you and the Pouncer can relax,” Bestmarke said over the COM. “Our good friends have decided not to visit tonight.”

  “Thanks, boss.” She removed Tommie’s headgear and straps, and then her own. She started to get out of her seat when a sudden sensation in her mind made her dizzy. She lost her balance and fell dazed to the floor. It wasn’t a pain, it was more of a blinding flash. She struggled back into her seat and fell into a deep sleep, so deep she appeared to be dead. Tommie started meowing, licking her hand, and rubbing against it. He climbed into her lap and curled up, purring and meowing softly, concerned for his best friend.


  Galen Bestmarke drew his stun-phaser and walked to the space-plane port. He was accompanied by two crew members, each armed with a laser-rifle. The port atmosphere was restored, the green light and chime signaled ‘safe to enter’. The three strode in and the crew members moved to the sides, their weapons raised. The space-plane hatch swung open. The pilot and his assistant timidly emerged, walking out with their hands raised.

  “You can put your hands down, I won't shoot, as long as you don't anger me,” Bestmarke said, sneering at them. “You're doing better than your friends. All four freighters surrendered to the PCC. They'll all have a permanent retirement program. Your scheme almost worked, at least you brought me Franelli.” Galen holstered his weapon. “As a reward, I will let you live. Our heading takes us near Luna One. You can leave then. If you're careful, you shouldn't have any problems,” he said, standing with his hands on his hips. “Is Mr. Franelli alright? Did you bring a guest along with him?”

  “Yes, sir. Mr. Franelli is in perfect condition and so is the woman with him. Thank you, sir, for allowing us to go. Do you want me to get them? They are locked in the back compartment.”

  “By all means!” We don't want to leave our guests locked up!”


  “Sondra,” Louis said, whispering in her ear. “You said you would accept whatever decision I make?”

  “Yes, Louis, I did.” She sat close to him, holding his arm.

  “Then I must play this out, I must play it out. Wait. I hear someone coming. They are unlocking the door...”

  “Follow me,” the pilot said. “Mr. Bestmarke wants you to come out.”

  Louis walked out first, followed by Guardian V.

  “Louis!” Galen said. “I'm so glad to have you back! It has not been the same without you!” He walked forward, his hand extended in greeting.

  “Hello, boss,” Louis said in his raspy monotone, shaking Galen's hand. “I was wondering when you would get me out of that stifling hole they call CENTRAL.”

  “Is this a friend of yours, Louis, this pretty woman all in white? Who is she?” Galen said, looking straight at her.

  “I am Guardian V, Mr. Bestmarke.” She calmly looked him in the face. “You may speak directly to me. I am not cowed by you or your reputation.”

  “Ah, yes, always the principled one, aren’t we? Did you say Guardian? Guardian V? How charming. We will speak more later.” He turned abruptly to Louis. “Is she a friend of yours?”

  “I worked with her many years ago when I was doing research at CENTRAL, boss. That’s all. They are all the same there. They didn’t like what I was doing then, and still don’t like what I am doing now. She was letting me do my research, keeping me occupied, and out of trouble,” he said, with no expression on his narrow face.

  “I was worried, Louis. I w
as afraid you might want to stay there.”

  “Boss, you give me freedom to do my work without always looking over my shoulder. Why would I want to leave that?” he said, staring at Galen without emotion.

  Bestmarke accepted his answer, unwilling to press him further. He pointed at the pilot. “You and your assistant, remain here in your ship. You can leave in a few hours.” He turned to his crew members. “Show our new guest to her quarters, keep a guard outside the door.”

  “Louis, your old quarters are ready for you,” Galen said. “We'll have dinner for our guests and celebrate your return tonight at 20:00 hours.”


  Estelle slowly woke up from her deep sleep to find Tommie lying on her lap and purring. “Tommie, why are you here? Were you worried about me? My mind is so fuzzy – I need to wake up more.”

  He jumped from her lap as she sat up, rubbing her short blond hair. Her head didn’t hurt, but she felt confused, unable to focus her thoughts. All she could remember was the blinding flash in her mind. Her thoughts felt like a great puzzle all in pieces, and she was attempting to reassemble it. Tommie was her corner piece. At least she had him as a beginning.

  The longer she thought, the more pieces started to fit together. The memories of the last three years fell into place and felt like genuine memories, no longer like an unconnected dream. There were other memories, though, that she couldn’t grasp or make sense of. How did they fit? Ideas would float through her mind, but were just out of reach. She tried to grasp them, but they were elusive, disappearing as she touched them. Maybe she just needed to wake up more. She tried to relax with only mundane thoughts. Tommie meowed and nudged her hand. He was hungry. “Alright, I'll get you something to eat.”

  Her quarters were separate from the rest of the crew, she needed to remain close to the defense cube in the bow of the ship. A place for Tommie was also provided as he needed to stay close to her, not wandering about as a common cat would do. Behind her quarters was the bridge. A small passageway let her bypass it directly to the mess hall and general crew quarters.


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