Page 21
“Hi, Cookie,” she said, entering the mess hall. “I need something for Tommie, please.”
“The usual, Miss?” he said, giving her a wink and a smile.
“That's fine. You look extra busy today. What are you cooking? It smells really good. Is something special happening?”
“The boss wants a special dinner tonight. Franelli is back and the boss wants to celebrate. He has another guest, too, but I don’t know anything about that. He was in a good mood and that’s reason enough to celebrate.”
Estelle smiled, thanked him, and took the provisions back to Tommie, waiting patiently. “Here you go, little guy,” she said, giving him his food. He purred as he started eating. The odor of the cat food contrasted with the luscious kitchen air.
Louis Franelli, she thought, her mind stuck on his name. She felt like she needed to do something but didn't know what it was.
Her train of thought was interrupted by the COM system. “Stelle,” Galen said in his booming voice. “Please join us for dinner tonight at 20:00 hours in the Captain’s dining room. We have a special guest. I think you will find the evening most interesting.”
“Thank you, sir. I'll be there at 20:00 hours,” she said, pondering his words. In all her time with him, he had never asked her to dine at the Captain’s table. “I don’t trust Galen Bestmarke,” she said out loud.
Saying the name, Galen Bestmarke, made it stick in her mind the same as Louis’s name had done. What was going on? Her thoughts flew to the date on the subprogram. Perhaps it was a mistake to see that. It was only on the subprogram once before it was changed back to the present date. She shrugged the thoughts away and walked to her wardrobe cabinet to find suitable clothes for the special dinner.
“Do you really think it wise, Brother, inviting Estelle to the dinner?” Terran said, demanding his attention. “She is our last line of defense if we are attacked. Do you want to risk alienating her? That could jeopardize her performance as a guider if she has it in her heart to pay us back for some embarrassment.”
“I'm not going to embarrass her! I just want to have a little fun with the Guardian,” Galen said, looking annoyed. “Stelle hates the Empire just like we do. She was banished, remember? She is a renegade, she could care less about that woman, that so called Guardian. Stelle will spit in her face if we give her the chance! You worry too much, Brother.”
“That's part of my job, to worry and reason things out. One of us needs to be practical.” Terran shook his head as he looked at Galen. “If we always did things your way, we would probably be dead now.”
“And if we always did things your way, we would most likely be dead from boredom. Come now, Brother, let's not argue. You know I'm always right. I will not embarrass Stelle. I just want a little sport with Her Majesty.”
“I hope it doesn’t come back to haunt you one of these times,” Terran said.
Chapter XXXIX
Estelle took a last look in the mirror before making the short walk to the Captain’s dining room. It had been a long time since she had rubbed a little Europa-Spice perfume on her neck or had worn her powder-blue outfit. It was dressy enough and well tailored, fit her perfectly, and matched her eyes. She had teased up her short blond hair, admitting to herself that it looked pretty good. If only her life-mate could see her now, blue was his favorite color. She forced another smile, trying to sweep away her sudden melancholy thoughts. She hadn't thought of him for a long time. Why should she do so now? It was all very odd. She dismissed the thought and headed for the dinner.
Estelle walked down the short corridor to the dining room and in through the wide, intricately carved door. She had never been in the room before and she was the first to arrive. She took her time and looked around the room. The wall paneling and ceiling were dark wood, and hand woven carpets and tapestries gave it a luxurious feeling. The heavy furniture was finely-grained dark wood, smelling faintly of polish. The tableware was pure platinum, complimenting the handmade china, crystal and fine linens. It was opulent, she was impressed. Her thoughts were interrupted as Galen and Terran entered the room.
“Ah, Estelle,” Galen said, using her full name for once. “I'm glad you're here. You look stunning tonight. I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Please, just call me boss.”
“Yes, boss, I guess that's what we're used to.” She smiled halfheartedly noting his black suit with pure gold edging and buttons.
“You look very nice tonight,” Terran said as he walked up to her. “Do you approve of our Captain’s dining room? We tried to incorporate early Victorian decor. I find it very comfortable. I hope you do, too.”
“Thank you, Terran. Yes, I find it very comfortable, quite impressive, in fact,” she said, noting how well dressed he was, too. His light gray suit was not as formidable as his brother’s and she liked the black edging and buttons, and the breezy hint of Mercurian Musk. Now, at least, she could tell him and Galen apart.
“Where do you put all this furniture when we have a battle situation?” she said.
“Oh, yes, Louis helped us with that. We store the small items in special drawers and the large pieces are magnetically locked down. We have had no shifting or movement. Louis is a genius.”
“Yes, he is,” Estelle said.
At that moment Louis and Johnny walked in the door. Estelle walked up to the tall, thin man. “Welcome back, Louis. I hope you weren’t ill treated at CENTRAL.”
“Hello, Estelle,” he said. He seemed nervous, social situations were difficult for him. “I was well treated. But I am relieved to be back in my own lab again.”
“Did you see anyone you had worked with before?”
His eyes darted and he appeared troubled, as if not knowing how to answer. He looked at Estelle. “Only one and she is with us tonight. She will be here soon, and then you will see.”
She didn’t know quite what to make of his cryptic answer and gave him a puzzled look. She was about to ask him another question when the door opened and Guardian V walked in, leaving her escort in the corridor.
Estelle couldn't believe it. They had captured a Guardian! No wonder Louis was nervous. This was the real reason Bestmarke had asked her there. He assumed she would react to her with scorn and hatred. She concentrated her gaze on the Guardian. She seemed familiar, but Estelle couldn't get her thoughts to focus. She felt she should know the Guardian's name, but how?
“Welcome to our special dinner, Guardian,” Galen said, breaking the silence. “Let me make introductions, please. This, of course, is Louis, my Chief Engineer. And this is my First Officer, Johnny. He fills in when Louis is not here.”
Louis and Johnny bowed slightly. The Guardian did the same and smiled at them both.
“This is my brother, Terran. He is my full partner and our Pilot.”
“The pleasure is all mine, my lady,” Terran said, bowing deeply. “We hope you enjoy our hospitality tonight.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bestmarke. I hope your heart is as pleasant as your words,” she said, smiling sweetly.
Galen’s eyes narrowed as he observed his brother. He clenched his jaw, fighting to control himself. After a moment he spoke again. “And here is our defensive weapons expert, our guider, Estelle Fairfield.” He paused for a moment and then spoke with a threatening smoothness. “Perhaps you already know her?”
“I am pleased to meet you, Ma’am,” Estelle said, her eyes cast down as she bowed slightly.
“And I am pleased to meet you, Estelle Fairfield. I hope at some time you will enlighten me on how you became employed by Mr. Bestmarke. And perhaps why he thinks that we should have previously known each other.” She smiled at Estelle, then at Galen.
“Yes, yes,” Galen said, growing red in the face, and becoming frustrated with the direction of the conversation.
Composing himself again, he invited them all to sit at the impressively set table. He sat down at the head. “Louis, please sit a
t my right with Estelle next to you. Guardian, sit at my left with Johnny next to you. And Terran, please take the foot, if you will.” Terran rolled his eyes.
A far door opened and Cookie appeared with two more crew mates bringing rich, dark red Burgundy wine, sharp cheese, and stone-ground bread as appetizers, filling the room with tantalizing aromas. This was followed by a classic Waldorf salad and more wine, most of which was consumed by Galen, Terran, and Johnny.
The Guardian noticed Estelle and Louis were not drinking much. Good, they needed to be careful with their words.
Cookie entered again and announced: “Our main course tonight is the Boss’s favorite, and one of Louis’s, too,” he said, beaming with pride. “Beef pot roast with pot roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions. We also have whole-wheat soft rolls with fresh butter and a pickle relish. Save room for dessert, which is Black Forest cake and freshly ground Martian-Mocha blend coffee?” With strains of Stravinsky in the background, all the party ate and drank with minimal conversation.
Finishing the cake and sipping her coffee, the Guardian spoke. “Well, Mr. Bestmarke, that was certainly delicious – my most hearty compliments to the chef. I have not eaten this richly in a long while.”
“Do you mean the queen bees of the Empire are not fed that well at CENTRAL?” he said, slurring his words, the wine loosening his tongue. He sneered at her. “I thought you would eat like royalty there, sitting on your thrones.”
“We eat very simply, Mr. Bestmarke. We choose to eat that way. It brings us good health and long life,” she said. She stared at him, no fear in her face. “Speaking of life, what do you intend to do with me, Mr. Bestmarke?”
“I haven't decided what to do with you. I want to know more about you, starting with your name. What is your name? I grow tired of these ‘Guardian’ titles.”
“Our names are unimportant. Guardian is not a title, it is a task, a responsibility. We are servants, really, of the Computer, CENTRAL. The Guardians take care of it.”
“I know all that!” Galen said. “Our mother tried to force your insipid ideals down our throats years ago. We don't care about or accept your Empire! Just tell me your name!”
“My name, years ago, was Michelle,” she said, remaining calm.
“You knew her back then, didn't you, Louis?” Galen said. “What was her name then?”
“I always knew her as Sondra.” He paused for a moment as he smiled at Galen. “Sondra is her middle name. Her first name is Michelle, but she always wanted to be called Sondra,” he said without emotion, looking at the Guardian.
“Michelle, you say?” Galen said. He glanced sourly at Louis. “And your last name?” he said, looking darkly at the Guardian.
“Anderson, Mr. Bestmarke. My last name was Anderson.”
Estelle was sitting quietly, drinking her coffee, and thinking. She knew the Guardian's name was Sondra. She couldn't remember how she knew it, though. And Michelle, that name was important, too, but how? How did this all fit together? She wondered absently, not paying attention to the ongoing conversation.
“Isn't that right, Estelle?” Galen said, staring at her.
“What, boss? I’m sorry I...”
“I told her highness, Michelle Anderson, that you are a renegade from her precious Empire!” he said, visibly upset. “Isn't that right, Estelle?”
“That's correct,” she said, looking down. And then, her temper rising, she looked him in the eyes. “I left the Empire on my own, boss. I wasn’t thrown out!”
“Well, yes, that is true,” he said.
“We do not make a practice of chasing down our citizens, Mr. Bestmarke, unless it is a judicial matter,” the Guardian said. “If Estelle chose to leave, that is indeed our loss. She has free will. We are not tyrants, Mr. Bestmarke, whatever you may think.”
His sport with the Guardian was not going the way that Galen intended it. He was becoming even more upset.
“You still have not answered my question, Mr. Bestmarke,” the Guardian said. “What are you going to do with me?”
His thinking clouded by wine, Galen jumped to his feet and yelled. “I will show you what I am going to do with you! Everybody, come with me!” He grabbed the Guardian roughly by the arm and lead them all down the central corridor of the ship to his prized trophy room. He unlocked the hatchway and they all followed him in.
Galen shoved the Guardian as he released his grip on her and ran to one of the pedestals, touching the switches on the side. He did the same with another. The faint sparkling sheen above them darkened, and shapes began to form above each, as if through a thick fog.
“Here is what I am going to do with you!” he said, screaming like a mad man. “I will preserve you alive, and torture you for the rest of your miserable life! This is what you will become!”
The first pedestal came horribly to life with an angry lion’s head, viciously snarling and roaring, escalating the hatred manifest in the room. The second pedestal was a marked contrast, a bleating deer’s head cowering in fear, unable to find escape from its frightening environment.
Galen stood between the pedestals, his eyes wild with rage, screaming at the Guardian. “This is what you will become! Louis will put you in one of these, won’t you Louis?” he said, looking directly at him.
“Whatever you want, boss,” Louis said with no expression. So matter-of-fact was his response that all the others stared at him.
All the others, that is, except the Guardian. “You still cannot frighten me, Galen Bestmarke. Even as we speak, you are being hunted down by our fleet. Star-Commander VanDevere will finally catch you whether you imprison me in this monstrous, inhuman device or not. You will never defeat us. Your own hatred will defeat you, and everyone that thinks like you and follows you. Star-Commander VanDevere will see to that!”
Estelle could hardly believe the hideous scene unfolding in front of her. She wondered why the Guardian was pushing him so hard. Where was she going with this and what did she hope to accomplish? Didn't she realize that this will force him to take deadly action against her?
Estelle looked at Galen with loathing. Then she fixed her gaze on the Guardian and felt deep admiration, even affection, for this seemingly defenseless woman. A strong protective feeling swept over her and she wondered where those sudden feelings came from. How did she know this Guardian so that she wanted to protect her, even with her own life? Was it something in Estelle's past she was trying to recall? Estelle held her head with both hands, moaning to herself. Why couldn't she focus? Why were her thoughts so confused?
Amidst the dreadful uproar surrounding them the Guardian calmly maintained her watch on Estelle, following her closely, until Estelle finally lowered her hands and looked up, straight into the Guardian’s eyes. They stared at each other. The Guardian quietly said a name but said it only once.
Estelle wondered why she did that. What did she say? Estelle tried to mouth the word. Van – Van – De – Vere – VanDevere. Star-Commander VanDevere. That’s what the Guardian said, twice to Bestmarke! That name must be important, but why? Estelle continued to say the name over and over in her mind. VanDevere! VanDevere! She knew that name. She was starting to remember. Somehow she knew her name was VanDevere. That felt right. Fairfield didn't feel right. But what was her first name? The name Estelle felt wrong. What names did the Guardian say? Sondra – Michelle – was it one of those? Sondra didn't feel right – that was the Guardian’s name. What about Michelle? Was that it? It was starting to feel right. Yes. Michelle was right. Yes! Her name was Michelle! Her REAL name was Michelle! Michelle VanDevere! She could remember! She could finally remember!
She repeated her name, many times, and each mention further opened the floodgates of her memories. She trembled and nearly collapsed from the overwhelming rush of hidden thoughts surging back into focus. She took a deep breath and stood taller, continuing to gain back her strength. Everything was clear now! She could remember all of her training and its purpose! She was not a renegade! She could now re
member why she was here! Her blue eyes were fully alive as she looked intently at the Guardian.
The Guardian returned her look and smiled. She knows now. Now she remembers.
Chapter XXXX
Terran could not let Galen continue, he had to stop this madness, the drunken fool was out of control. Terran quickly walked to both pedestals and turned them off. “Come, Brother, we have had enough excitement for one night.”
“No!” Galen's face was red with anger. He lunged at Terran who quickly sidestepped, Galen sprawled face down on the floor by the pedestals. He pulled himself up and rushed at Terran. “Traitor!”
Terran sidestepped again and jabbed hard to Galen's solar plexus, then a vicious right hook to his jaw. Galen crumpled to the floor. The room was suddenly quiet.
“I beg everyone’s pardon for my brother’s irrational behavior,” Terran said, still trembling from the rush of adrenaline. “I was afraid this would happen if he drank too much. I am sorry the evening has ended this way. It would be best if we each returned to our own quarters.” He called for the Guardian’s escorts. “Please see the Guardian back to her quarters, and then come and put Galen in his.”
During the confusion Estelle had swiftly moved into a protective position in front of the Guardian, preparing to spring at Terran as he finished off Galen. Guardian V reached forward and gently squeezed her hand. The message was plain. Estelle relaxed and stepped back taking the Guardian’s hand in hers, squeezing it affectionately, quickly letting go. She moved away unnoticed. Two crew members came to the hatchway and escorted the Guardian back to her quarters.
Terran approached Estelle and spoke in a mild tone. “I apologize for any embarrassment you may have suffered, Estelle. My brother can be unpredictable at times. He should not drink, it only makes the situation worse.”