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Atlantis Series Complete Collection

Page 76

by Gena Showalter

  “I don’t know if I can handle forever right now. Just one day at a time.”

  “That’s fair. Oh! Just so you know, I’m writing a book, and I just made a decision to change the direction of my plot. You are my heroine.” Shaye rubbed her hands together. “I will require daily reports.”

  Brenna arched a brow and tried not to smile. “What do I get in return?”

  She fluffed her pale hair. “The admiration of your queen.”


  VALERIAN PACED the length of the parapet, the rhythmic pounding of his footsteps reverberating in his ears. Waiting for the dragon army proved maddening. He was a man of action. A man eager to finish with business and return to pleasure.

  Finally, hundreds of soldiers crested the horizon. That the men had chosen to walk to the palace rather than flying in dragon form meant they were not overcome by rage and did not mean to attack—yet.

  With his next step, one of his boots snagged on a fallen branch and he stumbled. He braced his hands on the wall to steady and drew in a shaky breath. The wait had drained more than his patience; the wait had drained his strength. He needed sex. He needed Shaye. Soon!

  At this rate, he wouldn’t be able to win a battle against a bunny, much less a dragon.

  “My king.” Broderick rushed to Valerian’s side. “Are you unwell?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He’d gone a week without sex, something he hadn’t done in…ever. Not since his first time. “I’m well enough to do what needs doing.”

  He must. For Shaye.

  The wound in his arm had increased the intensity of his weakness. Had he made love with Shaye earlier, he would have already healed.

  But he couldn’t regret what had transpired between them. For one brief moment of time, she’d softened for him, not only welcoming his kiss and his touch but moaning for more.

  “After we deal with the dragons,” Broderick said, “we must deal with a stranger who now walks among us. He claims he’s a nymph, and he must be, since he’s sleeping with all our women. They talk of no one and nothing else. But I’ve never met him.”

  A new nymph? Impossible. Valerian knew every one of his people. But Broderick was right. Now wasn’t the time.

  “If the dragons come within a hundred yards of the palace,” he said, “fire a warning shot. If they take a single step after that, fire again and do not stop.”

  Broderick nodded. “Archers,” he called. “Prepare.”

  The men knelt and pulled their bows tight. Waiting. Waiting. Time ticked by slowly.

  Joachim limped onto the parapet, his features contorted by pain. He managed to stay upright as he approached Valerian.

  “What are you doing?” Valerian demanded.

  “Fighting,” his cousin said. “There’s to be a war, is there not?”

  “You have yet to recover.”

  “That’s no reason to remain in bed.”

  He searched the male’s face and found determination under the pain—he also found a need to make things right and nodded in approval. “Very well. Take your place in the lines below.”

  Joachim pivoted without protest, ready to do as commanded. Then he paused. Looking over his shoulder, he said, “I won’t apologize for challenging you, but I will respect your skill and your leadership from this moment onward. Majesty.”

  Respect? From Joachim? And even affection?

  Reeling, Valerian said, “Thank you,” and clapped his cousin lightly on the shoulder.

  Joachim turned and pulled him close for a—very manly—embrace. They broke apart a second later and pretended the hug had never happened.

  His chest tight, Valerian assumed a battle stance at the wall. He stared down at the field of wildflowers leading to the front entrance of the palace.

  Closer and closer the dragons came… Silver armor glinted in the day’s light. Trees rattled behind them, the ground visibly shaken. Colorful petals whisked through the air.

  Finally the dragon forces stopped and parted; Darius rode his stallion through the center. He held a sword, the long, menacing blade stained crimson from his many kills.

  Over the centuries, Darius had become known as a lethal killer. An unfeeling warrior with no conscience.

  A worthy adversary, to be sure.

  Valerian’s hand curled around the hilt of the Skull.

  “Hold,” he told his men. To the dragons, he called, “Welcome to my home, fire-breathers. You will understand if I do not invite you inside.”

  Darius scowled up at him. “You know very well the palace is mine.”

  He tsk-tsked under his tongue. “If you wanted to keep it, you should have sent a stronger battalion to guard it.”

  “What did you do with the dragons who were inside?”

  “Showed them mercy, allowing them to live, and locked them in my dungeon.”

  Blue eyes narrowed to tiny slits. “I have your word of honor they are alive and well?”

  “You have my word of honor that most are alive and well.” A battle had been fought, and a life or twelve lost.

  Darius nodded, the action clipped. “My wife has asked that I not slaughter your entire race for daring to steal what’s mine. I’ll heed her wishes—for now—if you do two things I require of you.”

  Curiosity got the better of him. “And what are those two things?”

  “Release my men and leave the palace. Within the hour. If you refuse, we war.”

  Valerian laughed with genuine amusement. “Not war. Anything but war.”

  The nymphs laughed with him.

  Smoke wafted from the dragon king’s nostrils. “You have no idea what the Guardian of the Portal is required to do with the surface dwellers.”

  “You’re wrong. I know. The guardian is to slay all humans.”

  “And yet you’ve allowed a human to sneak into Atlantis. He captured our Jewel of Dunamis.”

  Yes. Valerian knew the jewel had gone missing.

  His friend Layel, king of the vampires, was out searching. Valerian had sent a handful of his troops to scour the land, as well. If the human was out there and did have the jewel, the two would be found. The one who possessed the jewel, legend claimed, possessed the ultimate power.

  “I choose war,” he announced.

  “Do you know what happens when humans learn of Atlantis, Valerian? They tell others, and soon armies are marching through our land, destroying it—and us.”

  “Not if you keep those humans.”

  Darius pointed the sword in his direction. “How many other humans have you allowed to come through?”

  “I wouldn’t call them humans. I would call them mine.”

  The dragon king’s eyes glinted with fury. “You are a fool.”

  A chorus of hissing rose from the crowd of nymphs.

  Darius’s insult lacked any kind of sting. Being with Shaye was the smartest thing Valerian had ever done.

  “One day in the future, when you look back and think about the life you led, you will realize this was the day you welcomed destruction,” the dragon king said. “I will reclaim the palace, and I will take charge of the humans you hold.”

  Take charge…meaning slay?

  He dares threaten my woman? “Try,” Valerian said, his jaw clenched, “and I will kill you myself. The portal and everyone who has come through it belong to me. They are mine,” he reiterated.

  Smoke wafted from the entire dragon army.

  Darius regarded him with a strange mix of curiosity and fury. “The rumors are true. You found your mate. A human from the surface.”

  “Since the dawn of time, nymphs have traveled from one kingdom to the other, living with one race or another, sleeping in their beds, eating their food.” His voice rose with his ferocity. “We were good only for pleasure and war. Our women—all of our women—deserve a home of their own.”

  “As to that—” Darius’s lips curled in an arrogant smile “—I have your women.”

  Crackles of fury ignited inside him. “What did
you say?”

  “Your nymphs were on their way to the palace, and we captured them.”

  “If you’ve hurt them…”

  “No. They are safe.”

  “I…thank you,” he allowed. What Valerian really wanted to do was beat the dragon king until his blood flowed, a river of pain. Those women were his responsibility.

  “I know your men weaken without sex. The only reason I’ve allowed you to stay in my palace this week. Are you sure you want to challenge me this day?”

  He flashed his teeth in a scowl. “Worry about yourselves. We are plenty strong. You’ll soon see.”

  The dragon released another growl, no longer quite so smug. “Then I suggest a battle of sword skill—between you and me.”

  Another challenge. One that would save his men from battle. Very well. “Agreed.”

  “Shall we meet on the battlefield in the morning?”

  “Why wait?” He didn’t like the thought of Shaye locked away any longer than necessary. He wanted this over and done as quickly as possible. “We can settle this here and now.”

  “Agreed.” Darius grinned, his sharp teeth gleaming. Unlike the others, he wore no armor. “Winner takes the palace and everything inside.”

  “Winner takes the palace, nothing more, nothing less.”

  “But my king,” Broderick said, sidling up to him and speaking in a low, whispering tone. “You haven’t—”

  “Worry not, my friend. I will prevail.” He always did.

  Broderick remained unconvinced. “At least go to Shaye. Take your pleasure. She would hate for you to go down there while—”

  “Silence.” He held up his hand. He wouldn’t have Shaye’s first time be nothing more than a quick tumble meant to strengthen him.

  No, their first time would be slow and tender. She would be crazed with desire for him, and he would show her the most pleasurable place on her body…then introduce her to his.

  “I’ll be down shortly, Darius,” he called.

  The dragon king nodded.

  Valerian turned to Broderick and the other men even now circling him.

  “This could be a trap.” Joachim clutched his sword hilt. “Once you go down, they could close in on you and kill you. That’s what I would do.”

  “Keep the archers in place,” Valerian instructed. “If a dragon warrior appears to step out of rank, pin him in place.”

  Broderick nodded.

  “There’s something I must do before I meet the dragon.” None of his men said a word as he strode away.

  They knew what he meant to do—at least, they suspected. They were only partly right.

  He exited the parapet and found an empty corner room. While he would not visit Shaye, neither would he fight the dragon king without first doing something.

  He conjured his mate’s pale face in his mind, saw her lips part as desire glimmered in her velvety brown eyes. As he imagined sinking inside her soft, sweet body, he slipped a hand inside his pants and stroked the thick, hard length.

  He could almost feel her hot, wet tightness. Could almost hear her breathy moans and eager purrs. He increased his tempo because she was wild with need and craved a hard slamming.

  When she shouted his name in climax, he roared with his own. And with the release, came a wave of strength. It wasn’t as intense as if he’d been with Shaye, but it was enough. For now.

  He cleaned himself and stalked back to his men.

  “Here is your shield,” Joachim said. The change in his attitude was remarkable, and more than Valerian had ever hoped for. “The Skull is inside.”

  “Do you require your spear?” Shivawn asked.

  Valerian gripped the shield and cast a glance to Darius, who now stood in the center of a half circle, warriors flanking him. The dragon held a sword. No shield. No spear. He had no need of other weapons really. He would use his teeth, his claws and the fire he spewed.

  Valerian in turn would need every weapon at his disposal.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’ll take the spear. The dragon medallion, as well.”

  Shivawn gathered the items and handed them to him. “May all strength be yours, my king.”

  Valerian anchored the necklace around his neck and slapped Shivawn on the shoulder. “I finally have something worth fighting for. I won’t allow a dragon to keep me from her.”

  Broderick arched a brow at him. “Her? Do you not fight for the palace, our home?”

  “I fight for Shaye. I fight for all of our women, nymph and human, that they might have a home.”

  “Half of the men should come down with you,” Joachim said. “We can close the circle with your allies.”

  He nodded. “Excellent idea.”

  With a troop of nymphs marching behind him, Valerian sliced down the steps lining the edge of the wall and soon stood at the door.

  “Open,” he said, lifting the necklace. The door instantly obeyed, a crack forming between the white stones and slowly widening.

  He and his men filed out, never relaxing their guard. The dragons remained in place, growling at them. Nymphs snarled in response.

  Valerian’s eyes locked on Darius, the only blue-eyed dragon in existence. Darius had a stern face, harsh and savage. Up close, Valerian could see the scar that slashed down Darius’s face—a scar he himself had inflicted.

  “Did you beat your shaft like it owed you money, nymph?” a dragon warrior called.

  Laughter abounded.

  “Three cheers. The nymph king released many handcestors today. The children never to be born because he spilled on his hand.”

  More laughter.

  This. This was the kind of teasing he’d lived with his entire life. Nymphs were nothing but whores and jokes to most of the other races.

  “Careful,” Joachim said, his voice as cold as ice. “I can have every one of you begging for it within seconds.” The pheromone wafted from him and carried to the dragon army.

  The laughter died. Several men stepped backward, widening the distance between dragon and nymph.

  “This is amusing, really,” Valerian told Darius.

  The male arched his brows in a menacing salute. “And why is that?”

  “You took a human woman for your mate, same as I, and now you think to scold me. You are the fool. I will fight to the death—your death—to keep my woman safe.”

  The dragon regarded Valerian with something akin to understanding. “Long ago, I was ordered never to enter the surface and never to bring humans here.” He spewed a stream of fire at Valerian’s feet. “I fear you will bring the wrath of Poseidon to us all.”

  “Me? What of you?” Valerian leap forward, stabbing his spear at Darius’s middle.

  Darius jumped out of the way at the last second, spraying more fire along the way. Valerian rolled from its path of destruction, the flames barely missing him. The scent of charred hair filled his nose.

  No matter. He used the momentum of his roll, stabbing at Darius again.

  The spear whooshed, hitting only air. Another miss. Darius’s wings expanded in a burst, the thick length of opalescent membrane allowing him to hover.

  Valerian popped to his feet and immediately had to dodge left, away from another blast of fire. He spun on his heel, pretending to lunge. In truth, he swung his spear behind him to stab forward from the opposite side. The sharp tip grazed Darius’s thigh even though he still hovered in the air.

  The other dragons hissed; their king had been injured.

  Darius gave no outward reaction. He simply opened his mouth and unleashed a terrible inferno.

  Valerian raised his shield in the nick of time, blocking—but it wasn’t long before the metal began to blister his hand. Can’t stay down here. He leaped up and swung.

  Clang. Metal vibrated against metal, swooping up his arm and stinging the wound in his arm. He blocked the pain, moving with the impetus, and twisted, slicing his spear through the air to force Darius to duck.

  But Darius didn’t duck; he charged. Valerian ha
d to block and lunge, block and stab.

  “I can do this all day,” Darius growled. “Can you? Already you are drenched in sweat.”

  Valerian gouged his spear at a downward angle, hoping to slice into Darius’s other thigh. If he could hobble the dragon, forcing him to rely only on his wings, Valerian could gain the advantage. But Darius flew up and dropped quickly, snapping the weapon in two.

  Valerian slid the Skull from its scabbard inside his shield. A two-step run, a jump, and he cut downward. This time Darius didn’t move quickly enough and the blade sliced into his arm.

  Once again the surrounding dragons hissed, and once again Darius gave no reaction. It was as if he was impervious to pain. Unfortunately, Valerian was not any longer. His wounded arm throbbed, and his legs were growing shaky. If the fight didn’t end soon…

  Distantly he heard his men cheering for him.

  “For Shaye,” Broderick shouted. “Shaye. Shaye. Shaye.”

  Her lovely face flashed before his mind, and he gathered his strength. Rallied. He’d been pushed to the brink before. There had been times he’d gone without food and water, his people without shelter. He could prevail.

  Perhaps he should change his battle strategy. Instead of forcing Darius to fly, perhaps he should cut into Darius’s wings, grounding him?

  The dragon king slammed into him, knocking him down and hacking at his chest armor. Valerian tasted dirt, felt warm blood ooze down his face, and kicked backward. Darius soared over him—taking Valerian’s shield with him.

  Valerian didn’t bother rising this time. He spied Darius from the corner of his eye and simply extended his sword, jabbing the tip at his enemy, stabbing Darius between his arm and a rib.

  A collective gasp from the dragons, as if they couldn’t believe what had just happened. A hearty cheer from the nymphs.

  Victory is…mine?

  With a growl, Darius hit the sword with his own, proving the tip had actually slid through air rather than flesh.

  Valerian anchored his feet and leaped up while swinging behind him. Clang. Quickly he pivoted, swinging again. Clang.

  “Go now, and I’ll let you keep the women,” Darius said. Clang.


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