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Atlantis Series Complete Collection

Page 77

by Gena Showalter

  “And how will we shelter them without the palace?” He drew in a deep breath—and noticed the scents of blood and death that now thickened the air.

  “Vampires,” the dragons hissed in unison.

  Darius stilled. Valerian could have struck him. A blow while the male was distracted would win him the battle. But…too much did he respect the dragon’s strength.

  Will win with honor. No one will ever have the right to question my victory.

  He could see the vampires were interspersed with the contingent of men he’d sent to the rear of the dragon army.

  “You tricked me,” Darius snarled. “This wasn’t to be a fair fight, after all. You planned the vampires ambush all along.”

  “I didn’t ask them to come, but I certainly won’t send them away. They are my allies. You and I, we can finish this fight here and now.”

  “As if I’ll trust the vampires not to attack while I’m distracted. We will leave now, Valerian, but we aren’t finished with you and yours. You have my word.”

  Black-clad vampires closed in fast, floating rather than walking, constantly hurling curses at the dragons. The dragons, in turn, mutated into their bestial forms, wings sprouting from their backs, ripping every piece of their clothing. Scales consumed their skin, green and black and menacing. Fangs grew in place of their teeth. Tails sprouted from their lower backs.

  The beasts didn’t engage the vampires or nymphs in any way. No, they sprang into the sky, moving higher and higher, before disappearing from sight altogether.

  They would be back, just as Darius had promised. The next fight would be brutal. Violent. Nothing like the mild display today.

  There would be a bloodbath between races.

  * * *

  LAYEL, KING OF THE Vampires, came to an abrupt stop in front of Valerian. As the dragons disappeared from view, his men cheered.

  “Good to see you again, my friend,” Valerian said when the cheers died down.

  “I heard the dragons were marching toward you and decided to help.”

  Valerian clapped him on the shoulder. “Last time we crossed paths, you were holding court with the demon queen. Do you ally yourself with her still?”

  Layel smiled with slow deliberation. He knew the reason the nymph asked. Valerian despised the demons, as he should. As all of Atlantis should. They were the scourge of the land.

  “I never allied myself with her,” he admitted. “I used her, and then I killed her. I haven’t forgiven her people for what they did to mine.”

  Rapes. Tortures. Murders.

  Layel’s motto: Repay with interest.

  “My king.” One of his soldiers—Alyssa—approached. A distant relation, she had pale hair and blue eyes, just like Layel, though her features were much softer.

  I am as hard as nails inside and out.

  Usually Layel commanded his females to maintain distance with the nymphs. He made an exception for this one. She desired a specific male, but wouldn’t kill other women simply to win him, thereby igniting a war with the only friend Layel had.

  “Alyssa,” he acknowledged with a nod. Not exactly a fond greeting—he liked and respected Valerian, who’d helped him through the worst time of his life, and no other—but not exactly cranky, either.

  He’d just sent a dragon army running for cover. Today was a good day.

  “Permission to break rank, Majesty.” She avoided glancing at the warrior she’d come here to tempt, holding Layel’s amused gaze.

  “Granted.” And good luck. Shivawn, the one she “needed more than blood,” paid her zero attention.

  That. That was the crux of life. What you wanted, you couldn’t have. Or, if you were able to acquire it, you soon lost it, guaranteed.

  * * *

  VALERIAN STUDIED his friend, the brutal, violent vampire most of Atlantis feared. Layel appeared more aloof than usual, the shadows in his eyes hiding the grief and sorrow he’d carried since the murder of his wife.

  “You and yours are welcome inside. Come.” Valerian strode toward the palace. The door sensed the dragon medallion around his neck and opened automatically.

  Layel kept pace beside him, the others staying close to their king.

  “Did you ever find the Jewel of Dunamis?” Valerian asked as they entered the main hall. “I know you were on a crusade to unearth her. Darius claimed a human now has possession of the girl.”

  “He’s correct. She escaped us with the help of the human.”

  “She’s on the surface, then?”


  Unfortunate. If the girl were to stay here, no army would dare attack, even a dragon army, and Shaye would be safe. “Is there any way we can get her back?”

  “None, I’m afraid. We don’t know the surface world well enough.”

  He wished he could trust Shaye to return to her world, find the jewel and come home to him. But…

  The fact that Shaye would choose to remain topside began to bother him. If she wanted to leave him, shouldn’t he let her go?

  He scrubbed a hand down his face. He would ponder this later. Right now, he was weak and tired.

  “Broderick,” he called. “See that guards are stationed around the entire palace, top and bottom, inside and out.”

  “My men can help,” Layel offered.

  “I accept your generous offer. Thank you.” He would never decline protection for Shaye. “Dorian, show the vampires to their posts.”

  Layel’s brows winged toward his hairline. “There’s something different about you, my friend.”

  “There is.” He wanted to beat at his chest—a chest even now puffing with pride. “I found my mate.”

  The shadows in Layel’s eyes darkened. “Then you are both blessed and cursed,” he said softly.

  “Yes,” Valerian agreed with a sigh. “I am.”

  Taking pity on him, Layel waved him off. “Go. Go and be with her. There’s no need to keep me company. I’ll treat the palace and everyone in it as if I’m lord and master.”

  With any other male, Valerian would have taken the words as a threat and attacked. With Layel, he snorted.

  “Your kindness overwhelms me.” He slapped the vampire on the back and rushed off.

  I hope you’re ready for me, sweet Shaye.


  SHAYE KEPT HER BACK pressed against the wall farthest from the door—as far away as she could get from the prisoners. She didn’t want to accidentally release them. They’d begged and pleaded relentlessly, and she’d tried to distract herself with new anti-cards. Well, not really anti. All her ideas were for a new, not-so-anti collection. Things like, I think I’d enjoy spending more time with you. And, Being with you isn’t so bad.

  “Let us out!” one of the prisoners called. Again.

  Beasts, Valerian had once labeled them. Killers.

  The handsome men—or rather, boys—didn’t look like killers. They looked cold, their lips tinted blue.

  Brenna paced in front of her. “They’re little more than children. Can we truly leave them inside a freezing cell?”

  “Can we let them out and risk the lives of the nymphs?” she countered.

  “Please,” the youngest beseeched. “My name is Kendrick. Let us go. We have no plans to hurt you. We would never hurt a woman.”

  Yes, but what of the men?

  “Perhaps we can help each other. I will help free you from the nymphs’ spell,” he rushed on, his voice suddenly dripping with hate, “and you can let me go. Just touch the bars. That’s all you have to do.”

  She and Brenna shared a look. Kendrick’s hatred settled the matter. The boys stayed in the cell.

  “You’re speaking English. How did you learn? And why were you imprisoned?” Brenna asked.

  His eyes narrowed. “Our king married a human. And we’re here because we’re dragons. Why else? Because this is our palace and the nymphs stole it.”

  Just as she’d suspected. “They fought for it and won it. There’s a difference.” Th
e moment the words left her, she flinched. Was there a difference?

  Valerian would say he’d fought for her and won her, and she would say he’d stolen her from her home.

  That man is turning me inside out!

  “Sorry, boys. I feel for you, I do, but I can’t help you. Not at this time. However, I’ll speak with Valerian about releasing you into the wild. Alive. And uninjured.” Better to cover all the bases so there were no misunderstandings.

  Brenna nodded in agreement.

  “Don’t you see?” The bars rattled; a feat Shaye hadn’t been able to accomplish. The strength the dragons must possess… “You’re under Valerian’s spell. Fight it or you’ll remain his slave for all eternity.”

  Under Valerian’s spell…how true those words were. She hadn’t been herself since she’d first laid eyes on the sexy man.

  Had his nymphness enchanted her, though, or was Valerian the man responsible? She suspected the latter, because none of the other nymphs appealed to her in any way.

  “Even still.” She squared her shoulders, determined. “I’m leaving you in there. Setting you free would endanger too many—”

  “Where is she?” The shout sounded from beyond the cavern, the words filled with terror and fury.


  Her heart sped into a too-fast rhythm, beating against her ribs like a broken drumstick. Heat infused her cells. “Gotta go,” she told the boys. “I won’t forget you, I promise. Come on, Brenna.”

  “Shaye!” Valerian bellowed, unashamedly frantic. “Shaye!”

  “Don’t leave us here,” Kendrick pleaded. “Fight against his allure. It’s the only way—”

  She raced from the enclosure, Brenna right behind her. They rounded the corner and bypassed the back side of the portal.

  “I’ll return as soon as possible,” Valerian said to someone.

  He was about to step into the portal, she realized. About to search for her on the surface. Warmth spread through her.

  “I’m here, Valerian.” She moved into his line of vision. “I’m here.”

  Their gazes locked, and shadows of relief couched his features…followed quickly by a blaze of fury.

  He braced his arms over his chest. A battle stance. It was then that she saw what rested in his hand, and she almost cried. An orange. He held an orange.

  A barbed lump filled her throat. She had mentioned that she wanted one, and even in the midst of war, he’d found one.

  Her knees shook. Her nerve endings sizzled as she accepted the gift from him. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  His hair was sweat soaked and hanging in sand-coated tangles at his temples. Streaks of blood covered his face and arms, and his turquoise eyes shot sparks at her. Of the fury, yes, but also of lust.

  Lust that kindled the need inside her.

  A deep gash bisected his chest, and she gasped, horrified. “You’re hurt!”

  “I’m fine. Tell me how you escaped the cell.” The quiet statement crackled with menace and was far more ominous than if he’d shouted. When Brenna stepped beside her, he added, “I’d also like to hear your reasoning for endangering your friend.”

  Shaye, too, assumed a battle stance. If he wasn’t worried about the wound, she wouldn’t be, either. “We were never in danger. And for your information, I got out with a little thing called ingenuity.”

  He ran his tongue over his teeth. “How long have you been free?”

  Chin up. “Long enough to go through the portal.”

  He sucked in a breath. Then, bit by bit, his expression relaxed. “You could have gone through…but you didn’t. You stayed. Why?”

  Because…she wanted to pick up where they’d left off. She wanted his tongue on her and in her. Wanted, finally, to know the most erotic place on her body. Wanted him to bring her to a shuddering climax. Twice.

  She wanted to drip orange juice on his skin and lap up every drop.

  He must have read the desire in her eyes. His long legs ate up the distance between them as he backed her against the wall. Cold rock behind her, hot man in front of her. Goose bumps broke out.

  Dylan and Terran entered the enclosure, ushering the rest of the women from the cell.

  “Take this one, as well,” Valerian said, motioning to Brenna without removing his gaze from Shaye.

  “No,” Brenna said, shaking her head. “No touching.”

  “Take her, but do not touch her,” he corrected.

  Brenna squeezed Shaye’s hand before joining the group.

  Ameena spotted Shaye and frowned. “Why are you still here?”

  “Changed my mind,” she said—to Valerian.

  He flattened his palms at her temples, caging her in, becoming all she saw…all she wanted to see.

  Business before pleasure! “Listen. I was chatting with the captured dragons and—” She pressed her lips together.

  His nostrils flared. “You chatted with dragons?”

  Uh, maybe now wasn’t the best time for this conversation.

  “I put you in that cell to protect you, Shaye. Not only did you escape, you visited with dangerous dragons.”

  She drew herself to her full height. “That’s right. I did. So? I won’t tolerate being locked away. I told you that. Where’s my thanks for staying true to my word? Where’s my thanks for staying down here when I could have gone back to the surface?”

  “Your thanks? Your thanks?” He pounded a fist into the wall, cracking the rock. “The dragons could have spewed fire at you.”

  The heat drained from her cheeks. Well, crap! She’d never considered that.

  “Did they touch you in any way?” he demanded.

  “No. I’m fine,” she said, using his own words against him. “And since we’re on the subject, I think you should let them go. They’re just boys, Valerian.”

  He straightened, backed away from her—as if he feared what he would do to her—and smoothed a hand down his face. “They are dragons, Shaye. You shouldn’t go near them.”

  “So give them back to their king. Problem solved.”

  “That’s my plan,” he said, throwing his arms in the air. “I’m going to trade them for the nymph females Darius captured.”

  Oh. Maybe I should have had faith in my man? “Good.”

  “Good,” he mocked. Then he sighed. “I like that you are stepping into your role of queen, and I even like that you are advising me and issuing orders. But you are in dire need of a tongue-lashing, woman.”

  Erotic shivers danced through her. Her eyes lowered. “Tongue-lash me, then. Go ahead. Do it. You know how much I hate it.”

  Any lingering hint of his anger evaporated in an instant, leaving only white-hot lust in his gaze. “You hate it? Truly?”

  “So much,” she whispered. Her stomach clenched.

  This man…despite their separation, he’d never stopped making love to her, had he?

  Her desires had simmered, waiting for the perfect moment to rise up and consume her…

  Every moment with Valerian was perfect.

  She, the woman who’d so often prided herself on remaining distant from everyone and everything, could no longer fight the nymph king’s…what had the dragon boy called it? Allure.

  Once she’d found comfort in a frosty attitude. Now she quaked with potent vulnerability, desperate and needy, raw and emotionally exposed.

  She had no defenses with this man. With Valerian, she didn’t need defenses. The girl who’d once felt as if she were standing on top of a mountain, screaming and begging for love and affection she’d never received, was now cherished.

  Slowly, never breaking eye contact, she closed the small gap between them. This was the first time she’d ever willingly gone to him without being asked, and the closer she came, the hotter the air became, chasing away the chill. Her nipples beaded, as if reaching for him, definitely yearning for contact.

  “You want me?” he asked, his voice as rough as sandpaper.

  “I do.”

  His pupils flared,
like ink spilling over an ocean. “I won’t stop this time.” A warning. “Not for war. Not even if the fortress burns down.”

  “Good. We agree about something else.” Touch me. She didn’t care that people were just beyond the rock. She only cared about Valerian. Finally they would assuage the ache they’d ignited in each other.

  “Run,” he said softly.

  She blinked, certain she’d misheard him. “What?” Was he sending her away? Without—

  “Run. Run to my room. Right now. Do not stop.”

  “Wh-why?” The breath in her throat snagged. She backed away from him, her heart skipping a beat. His expression was intense, savage and utterly wild.

  “Run,” he repeated. “Now.”

  Clutching the orange, she sprang forward, racing around him, careful not to touch him. Her arms pumped at her sides as she pounded up the stairs. She remembered the path to the room and whipped around the proper corners.

  Soon, footsteps began to echo behind her.

  Excitement bubbled in her veins. He was chasing her.

  Warriors roamed the halls, collecting their bed partners. Panting, she barreled past them. Thankfully no one tried to stop her. Valerian’s intensity had been frightening. And arousing. And startling. And arousing.

  There! The door to his suite. She made it inside but didn’t stop. She passed the outer bathing pool. What was he going to do to her when he caught her?

  The door slammed closed.


  She squealed as she darted into the bedroom—a hard weight slammed into her from behind. She soared through the air, dropping the orange as Valerian wrapped his arms of steel around her. Just before they hit the bed, he twisted, absorbing the bulk of impact.

  In one second, only one, he flipped her over, so that she lay on top of him, and stripped her of everything but her panties.

  “Why did you chase me?” she asked between panting breaths.

  “Fastest way to get you in bed.” With his hands under her arms, he lifted her, placing her breasts directly above his mouth. He sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  Pure heat engulfed her, her gasp of surprise turning into a moan of pleasure.

  Somewhere along the way, abandoned his armor. She scraped her nails over his chest, mindful of his injuries. His silver nipple ring proved cool to the touch yet somehow burned her in the most delicious way.


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