Book Read Free


Page 11

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Nine’s better. There’s a nice neighborhood bar about a half-mile from here.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll meet up with you at Champion.”

  “Okay. See you.”

  Army just stood there staring at her, and she didn’t move either.

  “Go on inside. Make sure you put the alarm back on. I’ll wait until you lock up.”

  Warmth spread through her at that small gesture, and she stepped back and closed the door.

  After locking up and punching in the code, she turned off the lights in the living room and peeked out the window, watching Army walk over to the car, his stride slow and confident. He stood beside the vehicle, tall and straight, the moonlight shining down on his chiseled features, and as if he sensed her presence, he looked over at the window and lifted his chin, then went inside and backed out of the driveway. As he drove away, a sinking emptiness descended on her, and she stayed peering out at the empty road long after the taillights melted into the darkness.

  “What am I doing?” Mia muttered, kicking off her boots. The phone buzzed against her thigh and she dug it out, scanning the screen. Ronica’s picture flashed intermittently, and she debated whether to answer or not. The buzzing stopped then started up again, like a persistent fly. A sigh escaped her lips, and she put the phone to her ear.

  “What’s up, Ronica?”

  “Are you still on your date? I hope I’m not interrupting you in the middle of something.” She giggled.

  “I’m alone. Army just left.”

  “So early? Was it that bad?” The sound of Ronica clucking her tongue annoyed the hell out of Mia.

  “No. Not at all. We had a great dinner and talked a lot. He behaved.” She threaded her fingers through her hair. “I have to be at the salon early in the morning.”

  “Hot, mind-blowing sex is a great reason to forgo sleep. Was it his or your idea to end the date before midnight?”

  “Mine. I guess I didn’t trust myself if I invited him in.”

  “He’s a hunk. It’s required that you have the best damn sex of your life with him. What’s wrong with you, girl?”

  Mia sank down on the couch. “I don’t just want to be another woman he banged. I don’t know. Maybe if we just met at a bar, were both drunk, and would never see each other again, then yeah. I know Taylor, and Army’s real supportive of him.” She reached for the water bottle she’d left on the coffee table earlier that day. “And I know him now. He’s not a stranger anymore.”

  “Nice speech, but you wouldn’t have done the hookup if you’d met him at a bar,” Ronica said.

  “I guess I’m just not that way. Maybe I’m rebelling against my mom, who was exactly that way. Every damn weekend there was a different guy at our house when I was growing up.” She took a drink of water. “I have to know a guy, but with Army, he’s not a good bet. He doesn’t live here, and he’s got some real trust issues with women. He’s never been in a relationship for Christ’s sake. I want something more than a guy who only has hookups.”

  “I can see your point. You’re not a risk taker when it comes to men. Actually, you seem so wary of them all the time. I mean Jorge had to practically beat down your door before you’d started going out with him. Army’s faring much better. I think you could be the one to tame this wild beast, but I get why you may be afraid to take the chance.”

  Mia moved her neck from side to side, cracking it. She was tired and didn’t want to hear Ronica psychoanalyze her. Once a week with her therapist was enough, and besides, she knew the reason for her wariness, but then no one knew what’d happened to her except for Army. Ronica would be so pissed at me for telling him and not sharing it with her. A groan slipped from her lips.

  “What’d you say?” Ronica asked.

  “Nothing. I’m real tired. We can talk tomorrow, okay?”

  “Oh … sure. Did he ask you out again?”

  “We’re going for a drink tomorrow night.” She rolled her eyes when Ronica’s excited squeals filled Mia’s ears. “No more questions. I have to go to bed.”

  Mia scooped up Snickers and headed upstairs with Pumpkin padding behind her. After a while, she slid between the sheets and placed her arm over her eyes. A carousel of images spun inside her head—all of them featuring Army. She flung her arm off and squeezed her eyes tight as if to push away the pictures. Excitement mixed with fear as she lay there realizing that she’d enjoyed their date a bit too much.

  Ugh! I like him too much.

  And she had no clue what to do about it.

  Chapter Ten

  Groups of young teens congregated on the street corner, several of them staring at Army as he waited for the red light to change. Scattered around the area were rundown houses with weeds and dirt in front as landscaping, plenty of liquor stores with iron grates over their windows, colorful tagging on storefront walls, and garbage strewn all over the street filling the gutters and sidewalks.

  Still stuck at the light, Army glanced to the left then right, checking for any badges hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce. Some of the teen boys pointed at him and a couple yelled out, but with the windows up, he couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  He looked in the rear view mirror and saw a car approaching from behind. Suddenly it accelerated, changed lanes, and blasted through the red light. Army watched the car race down the street, and from the corner of his eye he saw two teenagers coming up to the car. Fuck this. He put his foot on the accelerator and zipped through the light, as the two boys yelled and waved their fists at him until the darkness swallowed them up. Army didn’t have time to deal with the fucking punks. He was looking for Lil’ Donnie and had a strong hunch he’d be right in the thick of things on Buena Vista Avenue, where the hookers and junkies hung out.

  Passing a slew of liquor, convenience, and gun stores, he knew he was in the hub of illegal activity for the neighborhood. Women in cheap, tight-fitting clothes that revealed too much, hung around in the shadows of graffitied buildings, venturing out only when a car slowed down. In the darkened corners, Army saw quick drug deals, and he turned around and circled back looking for the black fedora Lil’ Donnie usually wore.

  Army had planned to find the dealer the following day because he was certain he’d be spending the night with Mia, but she’d told him no. That alone was a surprise, but the thing that fucking floored him was he wanted to see her again. Normally, he’d have moved on at this point, deeming the chick too much trouble for a fuck and gone on to the next one. He rarely had to do that because more times than not, the women wanted to have some fun with him.

  He slowed down and stared at an alley where two guys stood outside by the streetlamp. A woman with Daisy Dukes, thigh-high fishnets, and a red sequined bikini top teetered over to him in high-heeled boots. Army smiled, thinking of how sexy Mia had looked that night in her stilettos and snug jeans.

  A knock on the window refocused him, and he rolled it down.

  “You looking for something?” the blonde asked, batting her fake eyelashes.

  “I’m looking for someone.”

  “You found her. You’re a good-looking man.”

  “Have you seen Lil’ Donnie around here tonight?”

  The woman averted her gaze. “You a cop?”

  Army laughed. “Fuck no. Just need to do some business with him.”

  The blonde stared at him and smiled, then rubbed her tongue across two chipped front teeth. She leaned over the window to display her more than ample cleavage. “What’s in it for me?”

  “I got you covered.” He opened the armrest console and pulled out a fifty. “That’s when you tell me, and you get another if you’re not bullshitting me.”

  Her eyes widened. “He’s in the alley off Vance Street. Just do a U-ie and go two streets down. That’s Vance. Turn left and you’ll find him in the first alley to your right.”

  “If you’re fuckin’ with me, your ass better not be here when I come back.” Army put the car in gear, and the working girl backed away as h
e took off, hanging a U-turn as she’d instructed.

  Vance Street was dark as hell because all the streetlight bulbs were broken. Army turned off the lights in the car and slowed way down as he looked out for the alley. He pulled over, then reached out and grabbed his Glock from the glove compartment along with a thin-bladed knife, slipping it into his pocket. He killed the ignition and went to look for the snitch.

  As he approached the alley he heard low voices and hung back, then keeping himself plastered against the wall, he slowly inched toward the entrance.

  “I’ll cover you this time, man, but you already owe me ten bucks. If you don’t got all the dough next time, there’ll be fuckin’ trouble. Got it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I will. I just need something to take away the tension, you know?” The desperation in the voice was that of a person who’d gone over the edge and the drug owned every bit of him.

  “Next time I won’t be so nice. And if youse take your business somewheres else, I’ll find you and beat yo ass.”

  “I got it. I’ll make good, dude. Thanks.”

  Army saw a skinny man stumble over the broken sidewalk as he walked away. Army slipped into the alley and watched Lil’ Donnie using the phone’s flashlight to count a wad of dough.

  “Business good?” Army asked.

  The drug dealer jumped and dropped his phone. “Fuck! Shit! Why the goddamn hell are youse sneaking up on me?” He bent over and picked up his phone.

  “Here’s the money the club owes you. You’ll get the rest when this all goes down.” Army took out a thick roll of bills and handed it to the informant.

  “I’ll let youse know,” he panted, his fist clenching over the money. “Next time, don’t give me no fucking heart attack. Fuck, man.”

  Army walked away sideways, his eyes darting between Lil’ Donnie and the alley entrance. He unlocked the car and slid inside then headed back to Buena Vista Avenue to give blondie the other fifty.

  Before returning to Taylor’s apartment, Army had stopped at the neighborhood liquor store and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels and a twenty-four pack of Coors. He hauled the case on his shoulder and walked up the three flights of stairs and tapped the door with the toe of his boot. Footsteps grew louder on the other side until Taylor opened the door and moved aside.

  “I have beer in the fridge,” he said as Army marched into the kitchen.

  “I like Coors. I got us a bottle of Jack. You got any ice?” He slid the case on the bottom shelf of the fridge then grabbed two glasses from the cupboard and opened the bottle of whiskey.

  “Just one shot for me,” Taylor said, leaning over the breakfast bar.

  “What’d you do tonight?” Army handed the glass of whiskey to his brother then poured three shots into his.

  “Nothing much. I didn’t get back from Champion until ten.” He took a sip. “How’d it go with Mia? I hope you remembered to call her that tonight.”

  “It went great. Tonight she was more Mia than Stiletto.” With the glass in hand, he walked over to the couch and plopped down, then kicked off his boots and took a big gulp, relishing the sting as it burned down his throat and into his belly.

  “Where’d you go?”

  “El Señor something. The food was fuckin’ good.”

  “Sol. It’s El Señor Sol, and the food is great.”

  “I should’ve figured out the name with all the crazy ass grinning suns. How come you didn’t tell me about the place?”

  “You don’t come down that much, and when you do, I rarely see you. It seems like you either have a woman around or are hanging with your club members.” Taylor put the empty glass on the table and gave a half-shrug. “Anyway, I never thought to.”

  “How the fuck could you forget that Mexican food is my favorite? Remember the killer enchiladas Mom used to make?” As soon as he asked the question he knew the answer was no. How could Taylor remember? He’d just turned four when she left. He massaged his forehead as he idly stared at nothing.

  Taylor shifted on the other end of the couch. “Did you respect Mia tonight?”

  For a few seconds Army was eight years old, sitting at the kitchen table and wolfing down the plate of enchiladas as his father told him to slow down and his mother laughed. He could still hear her laugh … like wind chimes on a clear spring day.

  “You didn’t,” Taylor groaned. “Fuck, dude. She’s not one of the floozies you hookup with.”

  At first his brother’s voice was distant, then it came in clearer and stronger. “What?” Army looked up. “Sorry, dude. I zoned out. What were you asking?”

  “Did you respect Mia?”

  Army frowned. “Of course. I’m not some goddamn barbarian. We had a nice time.” He got up and refreshed his drink. “What time do you have to work tomorrow?” Taylor had a job at a sporting goods store.

  “Around nine. Aren’t you leaving tomorrow?”

  “I thought I’d stay around until the end of the week.” Ignoring the scowl on Taylor’s face, Army rested his feet on the coffee table and swirled the amber-colored liquor around in the glass. “I want to spend some time with Dad,” he said, hoping that would allay Taylor’s fears and stop any more questions.

  “Are you sure you’re not staying to spend more time with Mia?”

  “I just told you I wanted to visit Dad.”

  “So you’re not going out with her again?”

  Army gripped the glass. “Now you’re starting to piss me the fuck off. You told me you weren’t interested in her.”

  “I’m not, but she’s my friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

  “That’s fuckin’ noble, but last time I looked she was all grown up. You’re not her damn dad or brother. She can make her own choices.” He threw back his drink.

  “But it’s not a fair playing field. She doesn’t know you like I do.” Taylor put his empty glass on the table. “I know how you treat women.”

  “Every chick who goes out with me knows the fuckin’ score. I don’t lead them on. I can’t help it if some of them think they can change me.”

  “Did you tell Mia the score?”

  Army rose to his feet. “We went out for dinner, for fuck’s sake. There’s nothing to tell.” He rinsed out the glass and put it in the dishwasher.

  “Why’re you getting so mad?”

  “Because this is pussy bullshit we’re talking about. I’m done.” Army picked up his boots and went to the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Gripping the hem of his T-shirt, he tugged it over his head then shrugged off his jeans and tossed them on the floor next to his shirt. He slipped on a pair of sweat pants and went over to the square four-paned window. Looking out, Army could see the building across from Taylor’s and what the residents had on their balconies: grills, pumpkins, hanging plants, and patio furniture. A small courtyard filled with flower boxes, winding walkways and clusters of ash trees, whose leaves had now taken on various hues of red, yellow, and orange, separated the buildings. For the most part it was quiet, except for the few muffled voices from unknown apartments that bounced off the stuccoed walls and the rustling of branches in the wind, which sounded like trees whispering. Gradually, the lit apartments went dark and soon the only lights were the dim lampposts lining the sidewalks, the soft spotlights under the trees, and the glow from the tip of Army’s joint.

  That night had puzzled him because it was unlike anything he’d ever experienced with a woman. It was the first time he’d been with a chick where the night didn’t end in sex. That alone surprised him, but what blew him the hell away was he’d had a great time even though they hadn’t fucked. For Army, women were for pleasure, and it never occurred to him that he could have a good time with a pretty chick without screwing. He actually enjoyed talking to Mia and getting to know her. Army knew more about her in the short time they’d spent earlier that night than he did about any of the club girls or Willow, who he’d been fucking for several months. The crazy part of it all was that he wanted to know everything abo
ut Mia and spend more time with her. She’d gotten into his head and under his skin, and that was a first for him. Mia was like a shot of whiskey, only smoother and more potent.

  I don’t have time to get involved with her. We got a possible war with the fuckin’ Pistons looming. I have to focus on that. But thinking for even a moment that he’d never see her again brought up emotions inside him he wasn’t ready to deal with. This had never happened to him with a woman and he couldn’t believe it. I’m just all riled up because we haven’t fucked. She’s teasing me, and I’m a natural hunter. Of course I love the challenge. It had to be that because he didn’t get involved with any woman. He thought Steel, Paco, Goldie, Diablo, Sangre, and Muerto were damn fools for tying themselves down to one chick. He didn’t want or need that shit … but at that moment, the only woman he wanted was Mia. No … Stiletto ’cause right now she’s busting my fucking balls. I should hook up with Willow. She’d take the edge off for me.

  Army stared at a raccoon scampering across the sidewalk. He wouldn’t hook up with Willow or any other woman because, for now, he just wanted Mia, and he was positive she’d be worth the wait. He didn’t plan on keeping her; he just wanted some time to fuck her out of his system. As much as he enjoyed their time together, at the end of the day, women couldn’t be trusted. All the years his mother told him she loved him were nothing but damn lies. She walked out of their lives without a backward glance. And that’s love? The women he fucked all had other men they banged on the side. No one gives a damn, that’s the way it works. Just have a good time.

  Army pushed away from the window, a hard expression tightening his facial muscles. That’s all it’s gonna be, sweetheart—a good time. I’ll give you my cock, but there’s no fuckin’ way you’ll ever have my heart.

  He lay down on the bed and rested his forearm over his eyes. Mia was front and center in his mind, and for a long while, he kept replaying their night together and every other instance they’d shared thus far. Turning on his side, he punched the pillow and tried to get comfortable, but the images kept running through his mind like a movie reel. After a couple of hours, he finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.


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