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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

Page 18

by Alicia Rae

  “I’m going to devour every single inch of you,” he said, all gruff and low.

  Then, he was on me.

  And, oh, did he devour me.



  The next morning, it was back to reality. I walked into Jennings Accounting Services with a clear and refreshed open mind, hoping to accomplish great things while trying not to dwell on the fact that my perfect mini getaway with Damien had ended far too fast.

  Once I was inside the building, Kate was the first to greet me, “Hey there!” She beamed, glancing up at me from her computer screen. “I’m so glad you’re back! How was your trip?”

  “Too short”—I paused at her desk and released a dreamy sigh—“but lovely. Thank you.”

  “Vacations always seem to fly by, even the long ones.” Kate snorted.

  “You got that right.” I laughed.

  “So, are you ready to party and celebrate Iris’s graduation at Jeffrey’s Bar and Grill later tonight?” Kate’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she swiveled back and forth in her chair.

  “I am.” I grinned, feeling elated for Iris.

  She’d worked so long and so hard to complete her master’s degree while working two jobs. I couldn’t wait to find out how she’d done on her exam today.

  “Awesome! Me, too!” Kate sang before retrieving at least a half-dozen sticky notes from the corner of her desk to hand them to me. “These are what’s left of your messages. Cale and Ashton handled the rest as they came in.” Next, she passed a white sheet of paper to me. “This is your schedule for today.”

  “Thanks,” I told her while eyeing my calendar. My brows furrowed in confusion when I noted my last appointment was at one thirty this afternoon. I looked at Kate. “Where’s the rest of my calendar?” I asked, wondering if there was a mistake.

  Kate shifted in her chair, fidgeting with a pen in her hand, seeming rather uncomfortable. “Cale has all of your meetings concluding by two in the afternoon for now.”

  “Does he now?”

  “I’m sorry, Raelyn. I was just following his orders.” Her voice was sincere.

  “It’s not your fault.” I exhaled deeply as my hands crinkled the papers in my grasp. “Is Cale here yet?”

  “Yes, he’s in his office.”

  I was already in motion, heading for Cale’s office, when Kate called out, “Would you like me to unblock the afternoon time slots?”

  I was too focused on giving Cale a piece of my mind to answer her. He had some nerve, making changes to my schedule without consulting me first.

  Without knocking, I shoved my shoulder against the door and barged into his office. Cale was sitting at his desk, surrounded by a ton of papers, where he was talking to Ashton, who was listening intently to him while standing to his side.

  “What made you think it was okay to mess with my calendar?” I bellowed out, sending the door in motion to close behind me without a backward glance.

  Two heads whipped up to stare at me. Shock plastered itself across Cale’s and Ashton’s faces, stunned at my entrance.

  Cale set down his pen. “I thought it would be best for you to finish by two, so you wouldn’t overdo it again,” he said delicately, breaking the silence. Then, he frowned. “Would you rather be done by noon, so you could go home for lunch?”

  Is he kidding? I didn’t think so.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “That’s not your decision to make, Cale. I plan on continuing to work full days while eating lunch at work, like normal people do.”

  Cale’s expression told me he wasn’t going to go down easy. He never did. “You need to rest, Rae. That’s what you should be focusing on.” His eyes were soft and sympathetic.

  “That’s my choice to make, Cale. You had no right to do it for me.”

  Cale rose from his chair. Ashton moved out of his way.

  Cale placed his hands in the front pockets of his trousers as he came toward me, seeming remorseful. “You’re right, and I’m sorry for that. I crossed the line.”

  Ashton neared, closely observing Cale and me.

  Cale added, “But you have Ashton and me here, both full-time. Give us the extra workload to handle for you. Put in your five or six hours, and then give yourself a break and go home. Or, hell, you can even stay to oversee things here. But don’t weigh yourself down with a hectic schedule. You don’t need the stress. Let us carry the burden for you until you’re one hundred percent back on your feet. That’s what we’re here for.”

  Cale glanced over his shoulder at Ashton and murmured, “You wanna jump in here and help a guy out before she gives me the third degree, bud? Anytime now would be great.”

  “You’re on your own.” Ashton chuckled under his breath. “I’m not looking to get a verbal lashing, unlike your dumbass.”

  “Pussy,” Cale muttered to Ashton.

  These two were conversing like they’d forgotten I was in the room.

  I bit back my amusement at their banter. “I’m standing right here, guys. I can hear you.”

  “Rae,” Cale drawled, giving me that big-brother look, the same one he used to give me when he was watching out for me back in our college days, “there’s no shame in easing yourself back into a full work day.”

  “We’re all here to support and help you,” Ashton chimed in.

  I knew I was in denial here, and damn, did it hurt. Maybe I really did need to accept that gradually returning to a full workweek was a necessary step to keeping my levels of stress low.

  “All right,” I sighed, relinquishing the reins to step back. “I’ll give it a go and work until two.” I pointed a finger between the two of them. “But, if I feel up to staying longer, you’d both better believe that I will, and neither of you two will grill me about it.”

  “I can live with that.” Cale beamed.

  Ashton mirrored his sentiments to a T.

  “Okay, it’s settled then,” I said, smiling at both of them. “If either of you needs me, I’ll be in my office, sorting through my messages, until my first appointment at ten.”

  “All right, we should be good. We’re finishing up a quarterly summary for Bryson Hendricks’s account. Cale and I have a meeting with him at one,” Ashton said.

  I nodded, vaguely recalling that account. It was a large one that Cale had landed earlier this year before his departure. “Good luck,” I told them. Then, I quietly dismissed myself.

  Heading straight for my office, I went inside and shut the door. I walked over to my desk and sat down where I redirected my attention to the papers in my hands to start sorting through them. One sticky note caught my attention. It had Annabelle Faye’s name on it. She’d called both days I was out of the office. There were also tally marks for what I assumed to be the number of times she’d phoned.

  I shook my head. The woman was crazy if she thought I’d actually speak with her. I had nothing to say to her. Annabelle needed to leave both Damien and me alone.

  I wadded the yellow note into a ball and tossed it into the trash before looking at the others. Most of them were regular clients with easy questions, so I dived into action and called each of them to answer their concerns. I took notes along the way, creating a master to-do list to complete after lunch.

  Then, I worked my way through two client files and updated their monthly figures. I made sure I kept myself focused on the task at hand without any distractions in hopes of increasing my accuracy. There was no room for errors in my line of work, and I was determined to do my job correctly.

  Tim knocked on the door and peeked his head inside the room. “Hey there. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “Hi, Tim. Yes, actually, there is.” I picked up the two completed files and held my arm out. “Can you make copies of these, file the papers accordingly, and bring the files back to me?” I asked.

  “Sure thing.” He came over to me and took the stack from my hand. “Anything else?”

  “No, that’s it. Thanks.” I gave him a friendly smi

  He left the room as my cell phone beeped.

  I flew into action and grabbed my cell phone from my desk, eager to see if it was Iris. It was. I hastily slid my finger across the screen to open the text message.

  Iris: OMG, I PASSED!!! 99.4% Yay!

  A huge grin made its way across my face.

  Me: Of course you passed. I knew you’d rock it! YAY! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  Iris: Thank you! I’m so happy, I could cry! I’m finally going to have some free time again. No more late nights of studying! We still going to Jeffrey’s Bar & Grill tonight at 7?

  Me: Yep! I’ll see you then. SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!

  Iris: Thanks! ♥ Can’t wait!

  Beaming from ear to ear, I set down my phone and returned my attention to my files. The faster I got my work done, the quicker I’d get to see my friends and celebrate with Iris.

  My first three appointments had gone extremely well. I’d been fully prepared for the meetings. I hadn’t stuttered or yawned in any of them, and all my numbers were exactly where they should’ve been. It was a huge relief, to say the least. There was nothing more embarrassing than being an accountant and being incorrect. Numbers were my cup of tea, and I prayed they stayed that way forever.

  The legal contract for my business merger with Ashton had also arrived from my attorney. I’d given Ashton his copy to look over, and the two of us had planned to come into the office this Saturday morning at eleven o’clock, so we could have some quiet time to meet and sign the documents. It was perfect timing, too, because Damien had plans to meet with Tryston for an early lunch on Saturday to look at a vacant building to be the office front of Kingsley and Heathman Commercial.

  My last appointment of the day was a new consultation with Macie Cooper, a prospective client who’d personally requested me by name, which thrilled me. I loved tackling new accounts. It was undoubtedly more of a challenge, but it was that much more rewarding when I finished, especially if I impressed the client.

  I decided to see Macie in our conference room since it was vacant, so I grabbed a fresh client spreadsheet, a folder, pen, and notepad before I went to the waiting room.

  Macie was sitting in a chair near the window with a white briefcase propped up against her leg. Her bright cherry-red lipstick stood out as she tapped on the screen of her cell phone.

  “Ms. Cooper?” I said kindly.

  A smile spread across her slender face when she lifted her gaze to mine, and she rose from the chair, clutching her briefcase. “That’s me.”

  “I’m Raelyn Jennings. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” I outstretched my hand.

  “Likewise.” She took my offering, her eyes skirting over my face, as if studying me.

  I let go of her hand and gestured to the hallway where the conference room was located. “Right this way, please.”

  I led her inside the large space and closed the door behind us before going to the end of the long rectangular table to pull out a corner chair for her. I took the one to the right of her, so we sat at an angle from each other.

  “So, Ms. Cooper,” I said, momentarily glancing at my notes from Kate, “I don’t have much of your information. What can I assist you with today?”

  “I’m tremendously disorganized with my finances. A dear friend suggested I check into hiring an accountant to help me get my savings and assets in order, so here I am,” she replied with a wave of her hands, rather theatrically.

  “Sure, I understand.” I smiled. “Are we talking about personal finances, or are you a business owner?”

  “Just personal.” Macie fiddled with her phone. She opened an app with what appeared to be a microphone icon and tapped a button. She set down her phone in her lap and then returned her attention to me.

  “All right,” I murmured, confused by her actions. I motioned to the device in her lap. “Are you recording something, by chance?” I wasn’t one to normally pry, but the concept made me uncomfortable. This was only a consultation. There was no reason to record it, if my guess was right.

  “Oh, this thing?” She gestured to her lap with a dismissive wave of her hand. “No, no. I was turning off my recording app. I’m a reporter, and I’m used to having it on all the time for my job, so I was just making sure it was off.”

  “Oh, okay.” I wanted to believe her, but my gut wouldn’t stand for it. The hair at the back of my neck prickled with trepidation.

  Macie pulled a bunch of documents out of her briefcase and set them between us. “These are all of my personal banking statements for the past two years, including a savings account, my 401(k), several bonds, and my revolving debt. That’s pretty much all I have.” Her tone was sincere. “I seem to lack the extra funds to beef up my savings account, and I’m desperately seeking to achieve some financial stability, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to find a miracle.”

  I tried my best to ignore my intuition to walk away from accepting her as a potential client, but the end of her speech hit my soft spot. I was here to assist people in attaining their financial goals.

  “All right, I’ll begin with the necessary protocol to analyze your finances. Once I’m finished, we can schedule another appointment to discuss my findings, and I’ll make some suggestions.”

  “That sounds perfect.” She beamed.

  “Great.” I gathered all the documents to make copies of them, so I could return her originals.

  Her eyes focused on my left hand where she reached out and gently grasped it. “Wow, what a beautiful ring!” Awe filled her voice. “Congratulations on your engagement!”

  Stunned, I said, “Thank you. How did you know I was engaged?” I could be married, for all she knew.

  “I just assumed since you have no wedding band,” she murmured. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t speak out of line.”

  Unsure of how else to respond, I smiled. “No, not at all.”

  Realization settled over her features. “Wait, are you the one dating Damien Heathman of Heathman Enterprises?”

  Okay, this is getting weird. “Yes…”

  I inhaled a sharp breath, immediately realizing my foolish mistake. I’d just spilled the beans to a reporter that Damien and I were getting married. I wanted to cry.

  “I thought so!” She squealed, the high-pitched noise resembling nails scraping down the length of a chalkboard. “I’ve been trying to interview him for months and months! His secretary, Cathy, says he doesn’t do interviews.” She released a troubled sigh and leaned back in her chair. Then, she flew forward and fanned her face, mouth agape. “What a catch you have!”

  I really had no idea what to say at this point. I was drawing a complete blank. This woman was all over the place. It was awkward. And she was practically fangirling over my man. I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “Th-thanks. Well, I’ll be in touch soon. I-I will walk you out,” I stammered. Flustered by the direction our conversation had taken and frustrated with myself for losing my cool and stuttering, I rose from my chair and tilted my head toward the door, feeling overwhelmed.

  She leaped from her chair and caught my elbow before I turned for the door. “Wait! Do you think you could get me an interview with him? Damien Heathman is a secretive man for being such a successful, rich billionaire. And, considering he is going off the market soon and will no longer be a bachelor, this is really newsworthy,” she gushed, making my stomach roll. “This could be the big break I need to jump-start my career. It would mean so much to me if you could talk to him for me. I’d forever be in your debt!”

  I opened my mouth, snapped it closed, and opened it again while blinking several times. This girl had some serious lady balls; I’d give her that.

  I cleared my throat, tightly grasping on to my professional courtesy that had been instilled in me. “I’m sorry. You’ll have to schedule an appointment with Damien’s secretary to see him. Also, I’m going to have to reconsider accepting your account. My schedule is truly full.” I faked a regretful smile. “I’ll be sure
to pass this along to one of my colleagues, so you get the attention and care you deserve.” I gestured to the door once again. “I apologize. I really must be going now though. Our office will be in touch with you very soon.”

  Her eyes had gone wide somewhere in the middle of my speech, and her jaw hit the floor. “Wow. I didn’t believe it until just now…but you really are as rude and prissy as Annabelle and Drake said you’d be. And, now, you’re going to brush me off to another accountant?” Macie huffed and snorted in an unladylike manner while snatching the files from my hands. Ice emanated from the woman as she seethed, “You don’t deserve my business.”

  A shiver raced down my spine as I watched her storm out of the office.

  Fan-fricking-tastic. I’d ended my day by telling a reporter I was engaged to Damien Heathman, and I’d managed to piss her off. Even worse, she apparently liked to chat with Annabelle and Drake.



  By nightfall, I’d finally rid my mind of the remnants of the nasty meeting with Macie Cooper and put my worries to rest. It was time to move on and focus my attention on my night out with Iris and our friends, so I slipped on some sexy black lace undergarments, a knockout black dress, and a pair of red heels. I had even gone all out by curling my hair and giving my eyes a smoky look.

  Damien walked into our master bathroom right as I was leaning over the countertop with my makeup, applying a light pink lipstick.

  “Damn…” Damien said gruffly, making me look at his reflection in the mirror.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I straightened and pivoted on my heels to face him where I was forced to take in the full impact of him.

  Damien was casually leaning up against the doorjamb, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and shoes. His shirtsleeves were rolled up his thick forearms, revealing his hot tattooed sleeves. His hair was lightly styled with gel, giving it that glorious tousled appearance, which made him look irresistible. Those stunning grays of his were dark—so dark that, if I wasn’t wearing such little clothing, I’d be overheating at the mere sight of him.


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