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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

Page 19

by Alicia Rae

  Utterly rapt by the intensity of his stare, my eyes remained fixated on his as he neared. The drum of my pulse spiked with each of his steps.

  When he paused at my side, his hand connected with the center of my inner thighs. His fingertips spread out and trailed upward, causing my mouth to part into an O.

  “I’m not sure I can let you leave the house in this…” he drawled.

  “Why ever not?” My legs quivered at the sensation of him skimming the edge of my lace panties.

  I fought to steady my breath. It was useless. This man only had to touch me, and I would be a raging mass of hormones.

  “This dress is far too short.”

  It was not short. To my overprotective alpha, maybe it was, but it wouldn’t be to anyone else’s standards. Not even close.

  “You’re going to have to deal with it because I’m not changing,” I stated as evenly as I could while trying my best to sound unaffected by him, which I was sure I was failing to do.

  “Maybe we should just stay in tonight.” His breath on my neck made me shiver. “I can think of several ways I’d like to peel you out of this dress.”

  I had to focus here. Otherwise, we’d never leave our bedroom, and I’d miss a night out with Iris and Kate. It took all the strength I possessed to fight off his potent touch and rotate to face him. The movement made his hand fall to his side.

  I nestled into his chest, and his hands automatically gathered at the small of my back.

  “Date night out with our friends first, and then you can ravish me later.”

  “I guess I can compromise and wait a couple of hours”—he grinned devilishly—“but only because I love you.” He kissed the tip of my nose before checking his watch. “Are you ready to go? It’s a quarter to seven.”

  “I am.”

  I grabbed my lipstick off the counter and slipped it into my clutch. Then, I followed Damien to the garage where we both got into the car.

  The drive to Jeffrey’s Bar & Grill was short. With only minutes to spare, he pulled into the parking lot and chose the first available parking spot. He shifted the car into park, turned off the ignition, and came around to my side of the vehicle to open the door. His hand reached for mine as I grabbed my clutch and rotated toward him to exit the vehicle.

  His eyes roamed up and down the length of me with appreciation. “That dress really is something else.” He bent at the waist to kiss my cheek, making the beat of my heart increase. “You look stunning.”

  “Thank you.”

  His compliment had me smiling up at him. Even when I was in heels, he towered over me.

  We strolled across the pavement and up to the sidewalk, hand in hand, until we reached the bar where he opened the door for me. A big guy with bleach-blond hair and the bluest eyes I’d ever seen checked our identification cards.

  This was a fairly quiet place with an earthy tone and industrial feel to the building. It was the perfect setting to have a drink, chat, and eat a spectacularly grilled dish with friends without being drowned out by loud music.

  Kate and Noah were waiting along the right wall, so Damien and I went over to them. Iris and Joshua approached us from behind, so the six of us all greeted one another.

  “Hey, graduate! Congratulations!” I grinned at Iris, who looked dashing in a white miniskirt and black top, and I hugged her hard.

  “Thanks!” Iris had an equally big grin on her face when we parted.

  “Congratulations,” Damien told her next, embracing her, before Kate and Noah did the same.

  A table along the front window opened up with a nice view of the main road, so Damien quickly snatched it before someone else had the chance. Kate, Noah, Iris, Joshua, and I all followed behind him where we each took a seat next to our significant other.

  A waitress came up and made her rounds, taking orders. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries with a Miller Lite while Damien selected a fish fillet and a Corona.

  When the waitress finally left, Kate asked, “So, Iris, what do you plan to do with all your extra time now that you’re done with school?”

  Stars danced in Iris’s eyes. “Well, I’m hoping to spend my extra time with this guy.” She playfully nudged Joshua with her elbow, making Kate and me chuckle.

  Joshua draped one arm around Iris and pulled her close. “I think that’s a fine idea.” He grinned at her.

  The waitress returned with our drinks and discreetly set them down on the table before excusing herself. Everyone had ordered a beer, except for Kate. Apparently, she’d opted for water.

  I questioningly stared at her, wondering why she wasn’t having her usual fruity alcoholic drink.

  Damien looked over at Iris and asked, “Are you going to stay at Westland Medical Group, or will you move on to something different?”

  “Yes, I plan to advance within Westland. I will also keep my part-time job at Keith’s Bar and Grill a little while longer though. I found a house that I absolutely fell in love with, so I made an offer on it this afternoon.”

  “Oh my gosh, Iris! That’s wonderful!” I exclaimed.

  “Thank you!” Iris smiled while picking up her beer. “It needs some serious TLC, but I have this vision in my mind of what I want it to look like once it’s remodeled, and it’s going to be the perfect starter home for me.”

  “That’s great.” Damien smiled. “If you need a good contractor, let me know. I’d be happy to pass the info along.”

  “Awesome. I’ll definitely take you up on that if the homeowners accept my offer.”

  “So, Iris, are you relieved to finally kick the schoolbooks to the curb once and for all?” Noah asked before drinking a sip of his beer.

  “Heck yes.” Iris laughed. “I won’t miss studying until the wee hours of the morning.”

  “Don’t forget the hour wasted on trying to cover up the giant raccoon eyes that came along with the lack of sleep.” Kate snorted, making us all chuckle.

  “Or the hand cramps from taking so many notes,” I added with a sigh. “Those were the worst.”

  “Won’t miss any of that. Not one bit,” Iris chimed in. “But, in six months, when those college loan payments officially kick in, I’m sure I’ll change my mind and wish I were back in school!”

  “True.” I cringed, recalling how outrageous my own college debt had been not long ago.

  Iris had been working two jobs for the last couple of years, and she was already paying down the loans, so I prayed that would save her some stress.

  Joshua shook his head and murmured, “Ah, those huge monthly payments were a bitch. I’m so glad those are done with!”

  “I’ll definitely be celebrating again when mine are paid off…someday.” Iris laughed before turning to look at me. “Speaking of celebrations tonight, Raelyn and Damien, don’t you two have something you’d like to share?”

  My heart sped up, slamming into my rib cage, as I realized exactly what Iris was hinting at. She was going to make me spill the beans.

  “Go on,” Damien urged me with a smile before taking a pull from his beer.

  I stared around the table at my friends. “Damien and I are engaged!” I beamed, feeling my chest swell with too many emotions to place, for I was truly that happy.

  “Congratulations!” Iris, Joshua, Kate, and Noah all cheered.

  “Let’s see the rock!” Iris stood up to hug me, as did Kate.

  I blushed as I outstretched my hand to show them my ring. My cheeks were beginning to ache from smiling so much, yet I couldn’t resist the urge to do so. I still wasn’t quite used to seeing it on my finger. It was so beautiful. I couldn’t wait to start this new chapter in my life.

  “Wow, it’s gorgeous!” Iris cried, releasing me to embrace Damien. “I’m so happy for you guys!”

  “That’s gorgeous!” Kate’s voice rang with admiration before she redirected her attention to my man. “Dang, Damien, you did good!”

  “Uh, thanks.” Damien chuckled, giving her a quick hug. Then, he wrapped one arm around
me to pull me back toward him.

  As Iris and Kate took their seats again, I noticed Iris was eyeing Kate and her water. I snickered inwardly, knowing Iris was about to call her out.

  “So, dear Kate…is there any particular reason you’re sipping water and not knocking back a drink with us?” Iris probed Kate, just as I’d anticipated. Her voice was a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

  Kate nearly spit out her water.

  Iris added, “Do you and Noah have anything you’d like to celebrate tonight, too…maybe without alcohol?”

  “Um, well,” Kate murmured, glancing between Iris and Noah. Her eyes glowed brightly. “Noah?” She chewed on her lip, as if chomping on a bit.

  Oh, there is definitely news to be shared here.

  Noah nodded knowingly at Kate, and she shifted to face us all.

  “Noah and I are going to have a baby!” she said, bursting at the seams with joy.

  “What? You really are? Oh my heavens, I can’t believe it!” Iris gaped before her expression split into a grin. “I’m so happy for you guys!”

  “Yep, our little family is expanding,” Noah said, inching Kate closer so that he could place his palm on her belly and gently rub it.

  “Congratulations!” Iris, Joshua, Damien, and I all exclaimed at once.

  “We were going to wait to tell everyone after we told our families.” Noah quirked a brow at Kate. “But I knew that Kate over here would never be able to survive keeping her lips sealed for that long, let alone be able to throw off Iris’s detective eyes over here,” he added, making Iris giggle.

  “You got that right.” Kate grinned. “And we’re so excited!”

  “Wow, this is so neat. We all have something to celebrate tonight!” Iris beamed.

  “We do,” Kate agreed.

  “Have you guys picked out any names yet?” Iris asked.

  I missed Kate’s and Noah’s response to Iris’s question. Their conversation dimmed to distant background chatter as my attention was completely distracted by a woman standing outside the window. From the corner of my eye, I noticed she was frozen, staring at our table. Her eyes held a sense of shock and grief and disbelief, so profound that I found myself reeling with unexplainable sorrow. It was an instant, swift alteration to my mood.

  I willed myself to glance back to my friends to see who the woman was looking at, but I couldn’t pinpoint anyone. By the time I looked back out the window, the woman was gone.

  “That’s awesome!” Noah was laughing hard, as were the others. “I hope you got a picture of that, Joshua!”

  I had no idea what Noah was talking about or how long I’d zoned out.

  Iris leaned toward me and put her mouth near my ear. “Raelyn, what’s wrong? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Confusion settled over me. Maybe I had. It wouldn’t surprise me if my mind was playing tricks on me.

  No, I was positive I’d seen a woman.

  “I-I’m not sure,” I murmured aloud. I discreetly gestured to the window. “Someone was staring at us.”

  Joshua must have caught wind of our conversation because he draped one arm around Iris’s shoulder and asked, “Hey, everything okay, babe?”

  “Joshua?” A woman’s voice fell over the table. Her tone was eerie and filled with that same wretchedness I’d felt moments ago.

  I swung my head around to the left and gazed up at her.

  We all did.

  Sure enough, it was the same woman from outside the window. I hadn’t been daydreaming.

  “Autumn?” Joshua sputtered, leaping from his chair. He pivoted on his heels to face the stranger. “Jesus, what are you doing here?”

  Joshua’s wide eyes bounced between Autumn and Iris, over and over, while Iris’s gaze repeatedly darted from Joshua to Autumn.

  “I’m meeting Haley, my cousin, here for her bachelorette party.” Autumn’s arm shook as she pointed toward the private dining rooms at the back of the restaurant. “And shouldn’t I be asking you the same question? Why aren’t you still in Dallas for work?”

  “Oh, fuck,” Noah swore under his breath, apparently jumping to an unfortunate conclusion of the situation.

  The muttered curse was barely loud enough for me to catch. It made my heart hit the pit of my stomach, as I feared the worst for Iris.

  “I-I just got back yesterday,” Joshua stammered at last.

  “Huh, I hadn’t heard.” Autumn glanced from Joshua to Iris. “Who is she? And why did you have your arm around her?”

  My gaze slowly went to Iris as she straightened up in her seat. Her eyes briefly caught on mine. Realization as to who Autumn was to Joshua was evident in her face. Shock plagued her features, and tears clouded her normally bright hazel eyes.

  “Joshua, what the fuck is going on?” Kate went off. “Who is this woman?”

  All the color drained from Joshua’s face as he went pale. He looked at Iris when he breathed, “She’s my wife.”

  Something inside me snapped. Angered and hurt for my best friend, I leaped from my chair and went toe-to-toe with Joshua, my emotions taking over.

  “You’re married?” I yelled, struggling to control myself. “How could you do this?”

  In a heartbeat, Damien had his chest pressed along my back, as if I needed backup. I didn’t. I was confident I could take this prick.

  “I-I’m so sorry.” Joshua’s eyes darted back and forth between me and Iris. “Autumn and I have been separated for over seven months—”

  Autumn interjected, “Joshua, we’ve been trying to work things through. I thought we were trying to save our marriage.”

  “Recently. You and I have been talking only recently.” Joshua gave his attention to Autumn. “But it’s too late. I’ve already fallen for Iris. I just didn’t know how to tell you, Autumn.”

  Joshua lowered down onto his haunches in front of Iris and scooted her chair toward him when she refused to face him. “Iris, you have to believe me. I wanted to tell you the truth that I was married time and time again. Yet, every time I was with you, I just couldn’t find the words. I didn’t want to hurt you because I was falling in love with you. I want to be with you, Iris. I love you.” He put his hands on Iris’s shoulders. “Please tell me you want the same.”

  Iris was quiet for a long moment as we all waited for her response. Autumn sobbed while the rest of us stood in complete silence.

  In one stealth move, Iris connected the palm of her hand with Joshua’s cheek, slapping him clean across the face, hard. “How. Dare. You.” She was seething, trembling violently.

  Joshua closed his eyes and bowed his head in shame. “I’m so sorry, Iris. Please, please, forgive me.”

  “You let me fall in love with you,” Iris began, her voice rising with each word. “I gave all of my heart and soul to you. I planned a future with you. And, all this time, you belonged to another woman? You’re married!” she cried in shock.

  “On paper, yes. But not in my heart. It belongs to you. Only you,” Joshua declared solemnly.

  Iris lowered her head, shaking it. “Not anymore.” She rose to her feet and looked Joshua straight in the eyes. “I’ll have all of your things packed tonight. You can pick them up outside my apartment tomorrow morning.”

  “Iris, please,” Joshua pleaded nervously, trying to reach for her.

  “Don’t touch me.” She dodged his effort. “Good-bye, Joshua.” Without another word, Iris stormed off en route to the exit.

  I spun on my heels and began to run after her. A loud smacking thud, followed by what sounded like something breaking, reverberated throughout the room. I briefly hesitated, but I glanced backward. Joshua was sprawled out on our table, rubbing his jaw, and Damien was walking toward me.

  “Fucking piece of shit,” Damien grunted, catching up to me.

  I smiled lovingly at him before whipping around to break into a sprint after my friend.

  Iris had ridden here with Joshua, so I wasn’t surprised to find her standing next to Damien’s ca
r. The evening breeze cooled my skin as I went to her. Damien was less than a couple of steps behind me. He unlocked the vehicle with his key fob, opened the passenger door, and flipped the seat forward. Iris climbed in first.

  I came forward and paused at Damien’s side. “Take us both to Iris’s, please. I’d like to stay with her tonight.”

  “Of course,” Damien said with a nod. His eyes were soft.

  Reaching up on my toes, I briefly pressed my lips to his before entering the backseat to sit by Iris. Her whole body shook as I put on my seat belt. Iris rarely cried, especially in front of others. I could tell she was holding herself together by a fine thread, so I reached for her hand and held it tightly.

  Once inside the apartment I’d once shared with Iris, she went straight to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine while I slipped off my heels.

  “You want one?” she asked me.

  I didn’t really care for another drink, especially to go from beer to wine, but I couldn’t let my best friend drink alone. “Sure.”

  I walked to the kitchen island to sit on a stool as Iris filled a second glass. She came around the counter and handed me the red wine.


  Iris plopped herself down next to me and took a long sip of her drink. Wanting to give her a moment to collect herself, I followed suit.

  “Today was supposed to be a memorable day. Hell, I’ve finally graduated with my master’s, you and Damien are officially engaged, and Kate and Noah are having a baby.” Her chest deflated. “Instead of us all celebrating, I’ve been crushed by a guy whom I trusted enough to think I’d spend the rest of my life with him.” She set her wine glass on the island and covered her face with her hands. “God, how stupid of me!”

  “I’m so sorry, Iris. No one deserves to be deceived like that.” I set my hand on her shoulder and rubbed it back and forth, trying to offer her solace. “You’re not stupid. Joshua is. He was the one living a lie.”

  Iris laughed humorlessly. “You want to know what makes the situation even worse?”

  “What?” I held my breath, unsure of where she was going with this.


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