Anatomy of a Genocide
Page 42
Tarnów, 137
Tatars, 7
Telakowski, 26
Tel Aviv, xv, 1, 348n
Thieberger, Józef, 145
Thomanek, Paul, 182, 199, 350n, 352n
arrests by, 194, 196
court judgment against, 196
physical appearance of, 194–96
and violence against Jews, 193–96, 208, 257, 353n
Thoroughfare IV, 186
Tischler, Simcha, 152, 361n
Tłumacz, 346n
Tłuste, 233–34, 259–62, 276, 362n
Todt Organization, 177
toleration tax, 16–17
Trembach, Julija, 279–80
Trembowla, 114
Trościniec, 132
Turkowa, Jadwiga–Wanda, 130–31, 145
Ukrainian Army, 70, 111, 161–62, 161
Ukrainians, Ukraine, x, xi, xiii–xiv, 2, 4, 63–81, 219, 276–82, 312n, 349n–50n, 355n–56n
anti–Semitism and, 21, 101, 121, 126–27, 332n
arrests and, 150, 162, 242, 248, 273, 277, 286, 338n, 342n
Buczacz taken over by, 65–71, 317n–18n
civil war between Poles and, 268–74, 268, 297–98
cultural and educational societies of, 20, 105–11, 106, 107, 121, 328n
deportations and, 138, 147–48, 150, 153–54, 225, 269, 271, 273–74, 285–87, 297, 339n, 342n, 367n–68n
education and, 26, 90–93, 103–5, 107–9, 118, 122–23, 136, 148, 149–50, 331n
elections and, 33, 104, 110, 115, 144, 146, 338n
end of rule in Buczacz of, 70, 72
ethnic conflicts and, 35–36, 78–81, 79, 80, 103
finances of, 20, 95, 104, 110, 127, 137
illiteracy of, 110
independence of, 298
insurgency of, 106, 124–25, 125, 139, 267, 269–71, 284–87, 290, 297–98, 298, 365n
Jewish landownership and, 23
Jewish politics and, 101–2
and Jews saved by Poles, 282
job discrimination and, 104, 117, 120
and maintenance of law and order in Buczacz, 72–73
martyrdom claims of, 289–91, 298
militance of, 103, 110–11, 122–24
nationalism and, 19, 27, 35, 77, 79, 84, 101–3, 109–11, 115, 120–27, 133, 153–56, 162, 267–68, 273–74, 286–88, 293, 297–98, 332n, 338n, 341n
and Nazi invasions and occupations of Buczacz, 93, 159–63, 165–70, 175, 178–84, 195, 200–201, 204, 206–9, 215–16, 218, 219, 222, 223, 225, 235–37, 239, 241–45, 248–51, 256–58, 267, 272–74, 277–80, 278, 290, 294, 338n, 341n–42n, 346n–47n, 349n, 365n–66n, 368n
and Nazi occupation of Poland, 153–54
and Nazi takeover of Galicia, 156
Polish Constitution Day and, 117, 120
and Polish rule in Buczacz, 120
and Polish rule in Galicia, 102–4, 107, 111–15, 117
politics and, 101–2, 106, 110–11, 115, 117, 119, 135, 274, 284–85, 292–93, 327n, 329n, 335n, 339n
and population of Buczacz, 115, 271, 288, 330n, 367n–68n
press and, 129, 139–40
relations between Jews and, 42, 54–55, 112, 119, 121, 126, 151–53, 155–56, 195, 216, 240–43, 245, 247–49, 251–54, 256, 258, 261, 281, 294, 361n
relations between Nazis and, 123–24, 126–27, 152, 267
relations between Poles and, 68–73, 75, 77–79, 101–3, 110–15, 117, 119–28, 132–34, 136–39, 149–50, 153, 155, 266–67, 269–70, 272, 279–80, 288, 290, 317n–18n, 333n–34n
and relations between Roman and Greek Catholics, 120
relations between Russians and, 76–77
and rescues of babies, 236
resistance and, 178, 260
and Soviet invasions and occupations of Poland, 130–41, 144, 146–55, 160, 271–73, 277–78, 280, 284–88, 290–92, 338n, 366n, 368n
and struggle between Nazis and Soviets, 268
in struggle with Poles over Galicia, 64–65, 69–71, 74–79, 81, 103, 105, 109, 268–70, 274
violence against, 252, 256, 268, 270, 272–73, 276, 286–87, 290–91, 297–98, 328n, 338n–39n
and violence against Jews, 69–70, 159–60, 162, 165–69, 176, 179–84, 195, 204, 206–9, 222, 229, 235–36, 238, 240, 243–44, 247–51, 253, 259–62, 273, 277, 279–81, 290–91, 294, 296–98, 332n, 349n, 353n, 359n, 366n
and violence against Poles, 78–81, 79, 80, 103, 267–72, 284–85, 287, 297, 359n, 363n–64n
and violence against Soviets, 285
and war between Soviets and Poles, 73
World War I and, 42, 47, 54, 63, 105, 108–9, 160
World War II and, 119, 132, 138
Ukrainska Povstanska Armiya (UPA, Ukrainian Insurgent Army), 106, 125, 139, 265, 267, 268, 269, 285–87, 290, 292–93, 297–98, 298, 365n, 368n
Ukrainska Viiskova Orhanizatsiya (UVO, Ukrainian Military Organization), 103, 333n
Ukrainske Natsionalno Demokratychne Obiednannia (UNDO, Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance), 106, 110–11, 121–26, 331n, 334n
United Buczaczer Ladies Auxiliary, 99, 326n
United States, 312n, 341n
and demoralization of Jews, 99
entrance into World War I of, 29
Jewish immigration to, 28–29, 33, 100, 157, 358n
and Polish–Ukrainian struggle over Galicia, 75, 77
Uście Zielone, 265
UVO–OUN, 333n
Vathie, 261–62
Velde, Hans, 192, 351n
Vienna, x, xi, 18, 24, 83
elections and, 34
Jewish community in, 32
World War I and, 42, 46, 53, 55
Vienna, University of, 30
Volhynia, xi, 58, 62, 113, 267, 270, 297
Voronka, Ostap, 211, 328n
Voronka, Roman, 301, 328n
Wacher, Nusia, 362n
Wächter, Otto, 217–18, 365n
Wagner, Esther Rivka, 82
Waisman, Mojsze, 189
Warsaw, x, xi, xiii, 53, 75, 116, 121, 123, 157, 186, 215, 257–58, 282, 346n
ghetto in, 26, 213, 257
Waruszyński, Zbigniew, 146
Waşik, Franka and Stanisław, 235–36
Wattenberg, Wolcio, 347n
Wechsler, Beno, 348n, 361n
Weingarten, 136, 325n
Weisser, Liuba, 349n
Weksler, Genia, 241
Werdum, Ulrich von, 10–11
West Ukrainian National Republic (Zakhidno–Ukrainska Narodna Respublika, ZUNR), 64–65, 69, 73, 75, 78–79
Whitehead, Wilfred James, 76–77
Wiesenthal, Simon, 26, 292
Willig, Shraga Feivel, 82, 171
Winiarski, Władek, 41
Wiszniewski, Ignacy, 260
Wizinger, Moshe, 167–68, 172, 174–75
Fedor Hill massacre and, 181–82
on Pahl’s violence, 203
resistance and, 254, 348n
Włodzimierz, 114
Wojciechówka, 242, 360n
Wolf (also Wolff, OD chief and Gestapo collaborator), 194, 361n–62n
Wolf, Sofia, 194
Wolf, Ursula, 221–22, 224
Wolfthal, Izrael and Tyla, 326n
Wolgner, Józef, 72–73, 319n
Wołkowa, Maria, 146
Wołkowski, Władaysław, 269
Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO), 98
World War I, 22–24, 27, 35–36, 37, 38–65, 45, 58, 60, 62, 68, 82–83, 95–96, 160, 313n–16n, 350n
anti–Semitism and, 24, 40–42, 44–45, 47–48, 50–54
casualties in, 36, 38, 44, 46, 51, 53–54, 56–60, 92, 313n–14n, 316n
conscription in, 24, 40–41, 43, 46, 54
education and, 72, 74, 91
Galicia and, 38, 42, 46, 54, 56, 58, 62–64, 75–76, 315n
and Jewish hospital in Buczacz, 31, 98
and Jewish immigration to Palestine, 85
Jewish landownership and, 22
Jewish orphanage
and, 88–89
peace negotiations in, 62–63
and politics of Jews, 88
refugees in, 42–43, 55, 61, 63, 314n
Russian invasions and occupations of Buczacz in, 44–56, 58–61, 61, 313n, 315n
Russian offensive in, 58–59, 316n
Russian retreat in, 52–54, 63
and socioeconomic status of Jews, 95
and Ukrainian cultural and educational societies, 105, 108–9
U.S. entrance into, 29
violence, plunder, and destruction in, 46–50, 48, 52–55, 59–60, 69
World War II, xi, 4, 73, 81, 98–100, 109, 118–19, 122, 127, 132–35, 138, 148, 154, 172, 174, 176, 185–86, 193, 196, 200, 205, 215, 224, 237, 240, 249–50, 250, 256–57, 260, 270–71, 279–83, 292, 294, 296–97, 316n, 342n, 359n
ethnic cleansing and genocide in, 78
Jewish communism and, 133
and population of Buczacz, 271
Prosvita and, 106–7
refugees and, 266, 282
and Soviet occupation and rule in Poland, 132
Worman, Emanuel (Bazan), 150, 175, 344n, 346n, 348n
Wrocław, 282
Yad Vashem, 174, 253–54, 359n–60n
Yakutsk, 151
Yerevan, 129
Yiddish, xiii, 2, 5, 30, 59
Jewish landownership and, 23
and rights and privileges of Jews, 19
Yom Kippur, 23
Zaleszczyki, 276, 364n
Za Nove Zhyttia (For a New Life), 129, 139–42, 141
Zarian, Nairi (Hayastan Eghiazarian), 129
Zarivny family, 243–44, 359n–60n
Zbrucz River, 62, 71, 113
Zeigermacher, Etel, 60
Zieliniec, 281
Zielona, 46–47, 290–91
Zilber, Anna, 283
Zionists, Zionism, 22, 25, 31–34, 98–99
comparisons between socialism and, 31
deportations and, 154
education and, 98, 331n
elections and, 33–34, 96, 116, 311n
finances of, 85–87
Jewish communists and, 102
and Jewish immigration to Palestine, 83–87, 89
Jewish orphanage and, 89
Jewish political organizations and, 96
and Nazi invasions and occupations of Buczacz, 87
and Soviet occupation and rule in Poland, 150, 152, 154
World War I and, 41
Żnibrody, 259
Zuler, Jankiel, 346n
Zych, Franciszek, 26–27, 44
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Copyright © 2018 by Omer Bartov
Excerpt from The City Whole (Ir u-melo'ah) by Shmuel Yosef Agnon, © 1973 Schocken Publishing House. All rights reserved. Translation by Omer Bartov.
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Jacket Photograph Courtesy Of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
Caption: Buczacz, Pol And: Erecting A Memorial for the Jews after the War
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ISBN 978-1-4516-8453-7
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