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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 13

by CR Guiliano

  “The clan leader took my family, and made them move to the Outskirts, a place on the very fringes of Fae land. It is rife with violence, and hunters. My mother, and father were killed the first day, trying to protect my siblings. One by one, they were picked off, until only Jenyi was left. He snuck back into the clan, hoping to save me, and Kayal. They…they paraded Kayal in front of me, tortured, bleeding, and broken. Fae are immortal, and if not for Kayal’s familiar bond with me, what they did to him would have killed him.”

  Allisia was openly crying now, and Arri’s empathic instincts were trying to assert themselves. His omega nature wanted to sooth her, make her feel better. But he couldn’t do it. The female before him had abandoned him, and he wasn’t going to forgive her so easily. Not to mention, he was trying to wrap his mind around the fact, since he was half Fae, and they were immortal, what did that mean for his life expectancy? Would he outlive his mate? His pups? Arri didn’t even want to think about being alive in the world without Dryden, and Arrden, and the new pup growing inside of him. Or any others they might create during Arri’s heats.

  “A…a few months ago, Jenyi was able to garner some support, and get myself, and Kayal out of the cells, and escape the clan. Between Jenyi, and I, we were able to heal Kayal. Jenyi has not found his familiar, which puts us at risk of discovery. But, I will not return. I would rather die, than endure one more second in that clan!”

  “My mate. It sounds as if they have nowhere to go.”

  Arri knew what his mate was asking, but could he do it? Could he handle these three being a part of Woodlynn Pack? Around him, and more importantly, around his pups?

  “What kind of risk would the pack be in, if you stayed with us?”

  Arri couldn’t believe he’d asked the question, but then again, he was omega, and it was ingrained in him to help others. Allisia let out a sob, and buried her face in Kayal’s shoulder, unable to answer him. It was Jenyi who looked at them, sitting up straighter as he replied.

  “None. The clan will not approach a pack, especially a pack as large as yours. They are not strong enough. Our magic is powerful, but not in battle. The clan’s leader, Noth, would not risk shifters annihilating his clan. The Fae are dying out, there aren’t many of us anymore, and they stay hidden to protect those that are left. We would be safe with you.”

  Arri could see it took a great deal of humility for Jenyi to admit that, and the Fae’s face was red with what Arri could only assume was embarrassment by the time he finished.

  “Well, it seems we have three new pack members.”

  Dryden’s dry, resigned comment, almost had Arri laughing, until Jenyi spoke again.

  “No, actually…six new additions, if you’ll have us.”

  “Six? Where are the others?”

  Arri wanted to know too, but Dryden’s growl showed he wasn’t happy knowing there were other strangers in his territory he was unaware of. Arri suspected the sentries would be getting a lesson on watching for more unusual intruders besides other shifters.

  “We have them hidden in the forest. We didn’t want to bring them with us. They are…young.”

  ‘Young? As in pups?”

  “What you would call pups, yes. The oldest is only ten years.”

  Within the hour, Arri was looking down at three small pups…er, children, all clinging to the three older ones. The two older pups was snug against Janyi’s side, and Arri wondered if they were his uncle’s pups. When he got a good look at the smallest, held protectively by Kayal, and no more than a newborn, it was to see the same black hair as his own, his mother’s, Jenyi’s, and Kayal’s, but the small pup had Kayal’s silver eyes. It seemed Arri had a younger brother. He was overwhelmed with it all. He’d given up on his family, angry, and disappointed in them, only to find his own family with Dryden, Arrden, and the new one growing inside him. Now, he found he had more family, and wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Come on, my mate. Let’s go home. I miss Arrden, and I know you’re tired…”

  “…and overwhelmed. We’ll keep them under surveillance, and away from Arrden until we know we can trust them.”

  Arri relaxed, thankful his alpha knew his thoughts. He didn’t trust these strangers, family or not, and knew it would take a long time for him to come to terms with all of it. And, though he’d never asked the question directly, he hadn’t missed that none of them had said what Kayal was. Not Fae, and not shifter. So, what did that make him, and more importantly, what did that mean for Arri, and his pups?

  Chapter 17

  Vann was jerked awake by the pounding on the door. He blearily looked at the clock on the nightstand to see it was nearly 10 am on the fourth day of Truin’s heat. He could feel it was over, and they had separated sometime during the small hours of the morning, Truin now cuddled up against Vann’s side. Vann growled loudly, hoping the person on the other side would either go away, or at least stop banging on the door.

  No such luck, as the pounding continued. Vann growled again, then extracted himself from Truin’s hold. It amazed Vann Truin was sleeping through the noise, but then again, he’d been fucked by Vann so many times, he was probably comatose. Vann’s own body felt strong, invigorated, even though his muscles were aching, and his balls felt turned inside out and dry, his cock raw from all the friction it had withstood. He stomped to the door, unmindful of his nudity, unlocked the door, and yanked it open to glare at the shifter on the other side.

  Once again, Taron was there, scowling at Vann. He wanted to roll his eyes at the beta, but refrained, for now.

  “Alpha Hixon has been patient. He demands the omega be presented now. No more stalling.”

  Vann wanted to lash out at the other shifter’s belligerence, but he really couldn’t afford to make waves. He needed to stay calm, so he could make sure he could get Truin out of here, along with the betas from Rainier. He didn’t like Hixon, nor trust him, and wasn’t stupid enough to think the alpha would just let them leave without causing a problem. “Fine. We’ll be there shortly.” Taron didn’t bother to acknowledge him before he swiveled around and left.

  Vann noticed Micky, and Jusine hovering in the entryway to the kitchen. Neither said anything, looking everywhere but at him to avoid his naked form, and acting almost as if they were waiting for orders. Not that Vann would be giving any. He might be stronger than they were, and was starting to think he might be alpha, since he had an active knot—a very active knot—with his fated mate, though betas knotted with their fated mates as well. But when he thought about it, the red haze he’d experienced the first time he’d caught Truin’s scent in wolf form, could have been the blood mate fever. Something to think about later, because despite all that, Micky, and Jusine were betas, and this was their mission.

  “We’ll be out in a minute.” Micky nodded, and Jusine told him they would have breakfast ready. Vann turned away, and shut the door once more. He looked over to see Truin still fast asleep, the sheets bunched at the bottom of the bed, the covers on the floor, and the younger wolf fully exposed to his view. He moved to the side of the bed, and stared down at the other wolf—his mate—as he slept, his dark brown hair adorably ruffled, his lips still red, and swollen from Vann’s kisses. Truin’s pretty cock lay flaccid on his thigh, and his entire body was covered in the evidence of their couplings. From copious amounts of semen smeared, and drying on his chest, stomach, and groin, to Truin’s slick, and Vann’s seed still lingering between his legs, to the dried blood on his shoulder from Vann’s multiple bites.

  Vann could see faint bruises here, and there on Truin’s body. Around his wrists where Vann had held him securely while he rutted into him, finger shaped bruises on his mate’s hips while he’d pounded into him, bruising around his mating bite, from Vann’s hard, and repeated claiming. Vann had truly marked Truin in every way, his wolf’s instincts to do so evident all over Truin’s body. Vann owned the small male lying before him.

  Instead of feeling horrified, and ashamed at the marks he’d left, like h
e had with Mia, Vann couldn’t help feeling pleased, and proud, his wolf chuffing contentedly in his mind. He hadn’t expected such a reaction in himself, nor the extreme possessiveness that filled him at Truin’s naked vulnerability. Not to mention protective instincts so strong, Vann knew he’d kill anyone who tried to harm Truin.

  He turned away, and went to take a shower, then slowly dressed, as his mind circled around what had happened. He fought so hard not to claim Truin, convinced himself he didn’t deserve a mate, that now he had one, he wasn’t sure what to do. He’d noticed, the longer the bond was in place, the less hatred he had for himself, and the less anguish he felt. It was as if Truin’s bond with him, was healing him from the inside out. Which made absolutely no sense at all, but Vann could feel it, feel Truin strongly in his mind—and in his heart. Even more than what he felt with Dryden, which did make sense, since Vann assumed a mating bond would more powerful than the alpha beta link he had with Dryden. Or was that what it was, what he called an alpha beta link? It couldn’t be, if Vann was alpha, like he suspected. Which brought up more questions. Questions Vann had no answers to.

  Now they were mated, did he return to Rainier, and maybe make a life for himself, and Truin, joining that pack? Or leave, and find another pack, or start one of his own, if he was truly alpha? Or…did he return to Woodlynn, and hope his alpha, and friend forgave him for running away. He already knew Dryden forgave him for what happened with Arri. He’d felt it, still felt it. But what about Arri? Did he forgive Vann? And how would he act around them? Every time he’d imagined going back, he’d shuddered at his imagination of how things would go. The accusations in Arri’s gray eyes. The underlying anger in Dryden’s green ones. The need for the alpha, and alpha-mate to keep him from their son, not trusting him after all that had happened. It was part of why he knew he couldn’t go back, couldn’t go home, no matter how much he wanted to. But things were changing, and he was beginning to wonder. Maybe, just maybe there was a chance, now that he had Truin.

  “That’s some heavy thinking after such a long few days.”

  Vann dropped the shirt he had in his hands, and spun around to see Truin awake, and sitting up. His face flushed in embarrassment at being caught standing there like a statue, thinking, and then Truin’s words sunk in, and he grew hotter at the images flashing through his mind of the last few days. His cock twitched in his pants, and he almost groaned. There was no time for Vann to take Truin again, especially without the overwhelming need from his mate’s heat. And what about that? “I didn’t realize you were omega.”

  Truin shrugged, dropping his gaze. “I didn’t know either. It’s a…surprise.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you are full omega. Your father was a non-ranking wolf, yes? And what about your mother?” Truin looked uncomfortable at Vann’s questions, and maybe he needed to shelve them for now. They had Hixon to worry about. “Never mind. We’ll talk about this later. Right now, we’re expected in front of Hixon, so you need to get dressed.” Truin nodded, then climbed from the bed, naked. Vann drew in a quick breath at how exquisite Truin was, his skin smooth, and Vann knew, intimately, how soft it was. His dark hair longer than it was before, and brushing his shoulders, and was as silky as it looked. His body was slim, and supple, his muscles rippling as he moved. Vann’s heart skipped a beat, knowing this male was now all his, the possessiveness, and protective instincts merging with admiration, and lust now Truin was awake.

  “Do I have time to take a shower?”

  Truin was standing close enough Vann could feel the heat of his body. He couldn’t help it, he grabbed Truin, pulling him into his chest, and leaning down to kiss him. He ran his tongue along the seam of Truin’s lips, asking for entrance, and growling approvingly under his breath, when Truin opened without hesitation. He plundered, unable to stop himself, before he finally pulled back, in need of air. As much as he’d like Truin to be drenched in his scent when they met with the alpha, he knew his mate would feel better clean. Besides, it wasn’t hard to miss the dark bonding scent that coated them both. Truin was, without a doubt, mated.

  “Go ahead, and shower. Jusine says they have breakfast waiting.” His stomach growled, as did Truin’s, and Vann couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. He clamped his lips shut when he saw Truin looking up at him in awe, and surprise. He supposed the male had never heard him laugh before. Embarrassed, Vann let go of his mate, and gave Truin a gentle push towards the bathroom. “Go. Wash up so we can get this over with, and leave this pack.”

  A good half hour later, they were standing on the porch of the alpha’s house, and Jusine had just knocked. Taron answered the door, the male still scowling. He led them to a parlor in the back of the house, and told them to wait. Vann was restless, not liking being in the alpha’s house. Jusine, and Micky had settled in a couple of chairs, and Truin was hovering near a door that led out into a tangled, obviously neglected garden. Vann was pacing, his agitation growing the longer they waited.

  When Hixon entered the room, Vann stopped in front of Truin, blocking the alpha’s view of the younger wolf. The older male was followed by his pregnant mate, the female shuffling awkwardly. Vann almost growled at the way Hixon shoved his mate onto a couch, unmindful of her condition. The female winced, but remained silent. “Do you always treat your mate with such carelessness?” Vann heard Truin gasp behind him, but he wanted an answer.

  “What I do with my mate is none of your concern, wolf. She’s only here to see her son, and then she will be leaving.”

  Vann looked at the female, noting the dark hair, and blue eyes. It was easy to see the resemblance, now the female was in the same room as his mate. He looked over his shoulder at Truin, to see his mate with his head hanging, and wringing his hands. “She’s your mother?” When Truin nodded, confirming the relationship, Vann turned back to the alpha. “Regardless, you should treat her more gently. She’s carrying your pup after all.” Vann could smell the omega on her, which might have something to do with Truin being, at least partially, omega.

  “She’s carried more than you know, mutt. And I’ll treat her as I see fit.”

  Hixon motioned to a couple of enforcers who had come into the room with him. With considerable more tenderness, they helped the female up, and walked her out of the room. At least some of the males in this pack had more class than their alpha. “Say whatever you have to say, Alpha. You’ve declined the betas’ proposal, so there is no reason for us to stay here any longer.” Vann waved at Micky, and Jusine, then stepped back so he was touching Truin. He felt his mate grab his shirt, holding on tightly.

  “The proposal is irrelevant. The omega will stay here, as he’s born to this pack. The rest of you can leave immediately.”

  Jusine stood slowly, never taking his eyes off of the alpha. “As you have declined to align yourself with our alphas, then we will leave. But the omega in question is mated, and will be leaving with us.”

  Vann was a bit surprised the beta would defend him, but grateful nonetheless.

  “Unacceptable. He will stay here. If he’s mated, then he will be without his mate, and will still remain here. I know a shaman who can break the bond. Then he will mate with the female I chose for him. He has no choice in the matter.”

  Just as Vann had guessed, but Hixon was getting his hands on Truin over Vann’s dead body. “You will not be taking my mate away from me!” Vann felt Truin’s hands tighten, and his mate leaned against him, speaking under his breath.

  “Vann, don’t challenge him. If you do, you’ll end up alpha of Zenith pack. Is that what you want?”

  The fact Truin believed Vann would win in a challenge against Hixon without a second thought didn’t go unnoticed, but that faith paled to the rage his wolf was feeling. “I denied you for too long, pushed you away. Now that I have you, I refuse to let you go.” Vann snarled, his words more wolf, than human, garbled as his canines started to descend. The satisfaction, and happiness that suddenly engulfed their mating bond was all Van
n needed, to know Truin was truly his.

  “You would challenge me?”

  Vann turned his full attention to Hixon. “To keep my mate safe, yes.” Jusine, and Micky both gasped, then jumped to the side when Hixon lunged at Vann. In a heartbeat, Vann pushed Truin out of harm’s way, then shifted before Hixon even made it to him. He shook off his shredded clothes, even as he met the older shifter. Hixon had shifted as well, but he was much smaller, and thinner than Vann, not to mention quite a bit older. The whole fight lasted less than ten minutes, with Hixon bleeding out on the hardwood floor, and Truin’s mother screaming in the doorway.

  Vann shifted back, and hurried to Truin, crouching down by his side. His mate was huddled in the corner, his arms over his head, shaking badly. “Truin?” Vann toppled backwards, and landed on his ass, when Truin launched himself into Vann’s arms. He hugged his mate close, thankful he was unhurt. Truin buried his face in Vann’s neck, his thinner body trembling violently against Vann’s larger one.

  Chaos reigned around them for a moment, until finally it grew quiet. Vann looked up to see Jusine, and Micky standing nearby, between Vann and Truin, and several males who had come into the room. Hixon’s mate was nowhere to be seen, and Hixon’s body had been removed. Taron was in front of the others, and not scowling for once. He was trying to see past Jusine, and Micky, but finally gave up, addressing the betas directly.

  “May I speak with our new alpha?”

  Jusine looked over his shoulder, raising one eyebrow at Vann. Vann held in the sigh, and managed to bring both himself, and Truin to a standing position. “Can you get me some clothes, and then we’ll see what can be done about my impetuousness.” Micky snickered, even as he left to do as Vann asked.

  Soon, Vann was dressed, and sitting at the dining room table, Truin in his lap, and still clinging to him, his face tucked into Vann’s neck, Vann’s bonding scent hanging like a cloud around them. He couldn’t help releasing the pheromones, trying to sooth his mate. It seemed to be working, because Truin wasn’t shaking anymore but it was probably choking the other shifters, it was so strong.


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