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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 14

by CR Guiliano

  Taron sat across from him, and Jusine, and Micky on either side. He wasn’t sure where to begin. He was only on this mission as an enforcer for the betas. He wasn’t in charge, though now it seemed he had a pack he needed to sort out. Something he never, ever wanted, nor thought he’d have since he’d believed himself a beta all his life.

  “Do you intend to stay here, and take care of this pack?”

  Taron’s question was valid, but Vann had no intention of staying. He just needed to figure out what to do. He could appoint another alpha, but he didn’t think there were any. “Tell me, Taron. Are there any other alphas of age in this pack?” Taron shook his head. He didn’t look happy with Vann’s lack of response, but Vann really didn’t care. Well, he cared, but he wasn’t going to stay out of guilt, or even obligation. He’d find another way.

  “There are no other alphas at all. The pack only has twelve members left. The rest either died at the hands of the alp…um, Hixon, or fled the pack.”

  Vann was shocked. He had no idea the pack was so small, or that Hixon had murdered members of his pack. Once again, he was glad he’d ended the brutal alpha, though protecting Truin had been his main goal. “Does that include the pups?” Hixon had four pups, plus one on the way with the female. That would leave only seven, or eight members.

  “No, twelve adult members, and only six pups. The reason Hixon mated Chirana in the first place, and forced her heats, was to try, and make the pack bigger, and therefore stronger. Chirana is omega, and he knew he could beget a lot of pups off of her. It was why he was bent on having her omega son…to add to the members, even if he didn’t know whether your mate could do that. Chirana said she didn’t know her son was omega.”

  Vann felt Truin stirring in his lap, but his mate remained silent, listening. “Where is the fe…Chirana now?”

  “The two other females in the pack took her upstairs. She’s gone into labor.”

  Now that he thought about it, Vann had heard a few muffled cries from above him, and knew it must be the female giving birth. He hadn’t noticed it at first. “What about the rest? That makes three females only, the rest male. You are beta, and I know Hixon had, at least, two enforcers. That’s six. What rank, if any, are the rest?”

  “Hixon was the only ranking wolf. The rest of us are non-ranking. Even the enforcers, and myself.”

  Vann nodded, thinking about the implications. He’d assumed Taron was beta, but only omegas, and alphas had a scent you could actually detect, and only alphas could determine if a shifter was alpha born, beta born, or gamma born. There were exceptions, of course, but they were rare.

  Regardless, Vann couldn’t, in good conscious, leave these wolves to fend for themselves, without an alpha to guide, and protect them, or even betas to nurture them. But, he couldn’t stay here either. Gently, he pried Truin’s face from his neck, and lifted it, so he could see into his mate’s eyes. Truin looked tired, and Vann knew he needed to finish this meeting, so his mate could rest. “Truin, what do you want to do?” Vann wanted his mate’s input, but already suspected what Truin would say. He could feel his mate’s emotions, as if they were his own now.

  “I want to go home.”

  Vann knew where home was to Truin.


  In all honesty, Woodlynn was home for Vann as well, always had been, even if he’d not been born there. “I need to think. We’ll have the alpha burial ceremony the day after tomorrow. Will that be enough time for everyone to be ready?” Taron nodded, then stood to leave.

  “Whatever you decide, Alpha. I will support you.”

  Vann was stunned at Taron’s declaration, and it gave him even more to think about. After Taron left, Vann turned to the two betas. “What about you? Are you going home now?” Honestly, Vann could use the betas guidance, but knew he’d need to figure this out on his own. They belonged to Rainier, and didn’t have any say in what Vann did now.

  “I think we’ll stick around. If nothing else, to watch how this plays out.”

  Vann wasn’t sure he wanted that, either. Because, if he did what he was contemplating, the betas would learn where he came from, and that he already belonged to a pack. A pack they had heard a lot about. And how would it go, if he did what he was thinking of doing? Would he remain beta to Dryden? Resume being lead beta? And would his alpha still let him be alpha guardian? If he brought this dysfunctional pack with him to Woodlynn, what would happen to them? Would Dryden accept them into his pack?

  Knowing Dryden as well as he did, Vann was inclined to think his alpha would accept the wolves. Based on the feelings Vann got from Dryden through the alpha beta—or was that now alpha alpha?—link, Vann believed Dryden would accept anything, as long as it meant Vann had returned to him. But Vann didn’t know Arri as well, at least not intellectually, and he quickly pushed the memories of how well he knew the omega’s body away. He wasn’t at all sure the Alpha-mate would be so accepting, not only of Vann’s return, but bringing a bunch of strange wolves with him. Arri was a true omega, which meant he might be willing, but Vann wasn’t sure he wanted to risk these wolves getting rejected. They’d had enough to deal with, having had Hixon as their alpha.

  Vann looked up suddenly to see Jusine, and Micky making a late lunch, and Truin had fallen asleep in his arms, his body going heavy. Vann shifted Truin to a more comfortable position, and glanced out the window. What was he to do? He didn’t have any firm answers, and like Truin—he wanted to go home. Longed desperately to go home, only now thinking it might be possible. Thanks to the male in his arms.


  Vann turned to see one of the she-wolves at the entrance to the kitchen. “Yes?” Fates, but that was weird, to answer to that title. He wondered what Dryden would think of it? Did his friend have any idea Vann was alpha? And not beta, with alpha blood? Which, of course, led to the fact Vann’s father, a male he despised, was not his real father. A male who had hounded him to find an alpha female to mate with, and started him on the path of denying his fated mate.

  “The birth is over, but…”

  Vann stared. “What?” The female was acting as if Vann was going to jump from his seat, and attack her. Something Vann wouldn’t dream of doing. He may have lost his honorability in that farm house basement, but he’d never injure a female. Not on purpose, anyway, as he thought of the bruises he’d left on Mia more than once.

  “The fem…Chirana…she, she didn’t make it.”

  Well, fuck! Vann squeezed Truin to him, knowing he was going to have to break the news to his exhausted mate. “Is the pup okay?”

  The she-wolf nodded. “They live, if small.”

  They? Holy fates! “Okay, I’ll…um…well, shit.”

  “If I may make a suggestion?”

  Vann waved for Jusine to continue. He’d take any advice right now. Bad enough he was going to have to tell Truin his mother had died while giving birth.

  “Why not make the ceremony a dual one. For the Alpha, and Alpha-mate?”

  Vann didn’t believe either of them deserved a ceremony to begin with, but maybe it was for the best. They were gone, and could no longer interfere with Vann, and his mate. So, maybe a final good-bye, especially for the wolves left in the pack, would be okay. Closure for them, knowing Hixon was gone, and could no longer hurt, or subjugate them. Vann nodded at Jusine, agreeing with his suggestion. He turned to the female. “Have Chirana prepared for an alpha-mate burial ceremony, and place her next to Alpha Hixon.” The female curtsied to him—curtsied for fuck’s sake!—before she hurried out, and Vann had to turn away, unsure how he felt about that level of respect. Jusine stared at him for a second, looking speculative, before he turned back to his task of cutting cheese for their lunch.

  Chapter 18

  Arri was standing in his son’s room, watching Arrden sleep. His pup was growing so fast! Arri laid a hand on his still flat abdomen. Sometimes, he thought he felt a small flutter, but knew it was his imagination. The pup growing within him was still too small, t
oo new, for Arri to feel him…or her. Arri couldn’t wait to tell Dryden he was going to be a father again, but right now, his mate had a whole hell of a lot more to deal with.

  They had given Arri’s mother, her…familiar, Arri’s father, and Allisia’s brother, along with their young ones, suites on the other side of the mansion, on the unused third floor, and as far away from the alpha’s suites as possible. And, Dryden had placed Kirlane, and Talus as guards to the third floor west wing, to protect Arri, and Arrden. Ashwin would soon join them as Alpha Guardian to Arrden, once his training was complete. It seemed like overkill to have the two betas there, but Arri agreed with his mate’s need to make sure Arri, and Arrden were watched over. Especially now, when a new stranger was among them as well.

  Arri could feel Dryden’s anxiousness, his mate’s protective instincts roaring within him. He almost felt bad that he was creating this tension in his mate.

  “You are not to blame, my mate. Give it time. We’ll see if we can trust them. And this new threat.”

  Arri sighed, and left Arrden’s room, to wander into the living room. He was too tense to try, and sleep, even though he was tired. A soft knock on the door pulled him from his musing, and he went to answer it. He hesitated, worried about the betas letting someone by. But, when he caught the scent of Anrean, he relaxed, opening the door to the other omega. “Come in, Anrean.”

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you. I just thought, with Rovyn busy with the Alpha, you might like some company.”

  Wow, Arri was impressed. Anrean had gotten all that out, without his usual shyness. “I would love some company. How are you feeling?” Arri ushered Anrean to the couch, and went to grab some iced tea he’d made earlier. When he returned, it was to find Anrean ensconced on the end of the couch, his shoes on the floor, and his legs tucked under him, like usual.

  “I’m fine. Tired, but that’s to be expected, I’m told.”

  “It is.” Arri handed a glass of tea to Anrean, then made himself comfortable on the other end of the couch, mirroring Anrean’s pose, though without the shoes, since he’d not bothered putting any on after his shower. He could see Anrean’s belly had grown quite a bit since the last time he’d seen him, and grinned at the other omega. “So, what’s it feel like to know you’re going to have two pups? Is Rovyn still in shock?”

  Anrean blushed, and laid his hand on his extended belly, rubbing unconsciously.

  “I’m thrilled, of course, though I don’t think it’s quite sunk in with my mate. How is Alpha Dryden taking your news?”

  Anrean had looked up expectantly at Arri, and he gaped at the other omega. “How…um, you can scent my pup?” Anrean suddenly looked uncomfortable, and Arri wanted to kick himself. Of course, Anrean would scent Arri’s pregnancy. “I, actually, haven’t told him yet. It’s only been a week since my heat.” Anrean just nodded, staring at his hands. Arri leaned over, and grabbed them, making Anrean look up at him. “You’re fine, Anrean. You just caught me by surprise. I only sensed it this morning myself.”

  Anrean relaxed, and Arri let go of his hands, and leaned back again. “Actually, that’s very impressive, for you to scent the pup so soon.” Anrean blushed again, but looked pleased at Arri’s praise. “I’ll be glad when yours are born. Arrden is the youngest pup in the pack, and most of the wolves are afraid to let their pups play with him, being the alpha-heir, and all. Mia won’t let Ciltra come to the alpha house anymore, so your pups, once they are older, will make great playmates for Arrden. Along with this new one of mine as well.”

  “Rovyn, he’s hoping for males, though I already know what they are. He’s going to be disappointed.”

  Arri frowned at Anrean. “He won’t be disappointed just because you’re giving him females. He’ll love them the same, just as he loves you. I can sense it.”


  Anrean looked so hopeful, Arri was glad he had the omega gifts he had. “Yes, Rovyn loves you very much, and he’ll be happy with the pups you provide. Besides, it’s not like you’ll stop with those two, and you might have a son, or two later.” Anrean grinned, obviously happy with what Arri told him.

  “That’s true. Rovyn already said he’s looking forward to my next heat.” Anrean blushed again, but his grin never left his face. “Do you want to know what you’re having?”

  “No! No, I want it to be a surprise.” Anrean laughed, and Arri couldn’t help an answering grin of his own. The male should laugh more often. It was a beautiful sound. Anrean picked up his glass, and took a sip, before setting it on the coffee table again.

  “Do you know what all the mystery is with this newcomer that’s here?”

  Arri thought about it. He knew who the stranger was, Dryden’s mind open to him, but he wasn’t sure what he could say to the omega. Anrean’s mate might be beta, but that didn’t mean Arri was free to gossip about what went on in the alpha’s study. Of course, Rovyn might tell Anrean anyway, but Arri had always been very discreet when it came to Dryden’s alpha business. It was what had Dryden pleased when Arri had first come here, and his mate still thought him human.

  “Never mind. It’s just, there’s a scent in the mansion I’ve never encountered before, and I was curious.”

  Arri sighed. Somehow, he knew Anrean would dig, until he figured it out. He’d found out it had been Anrean’s curiosity about Kale that had led to Arri, and Vann being rescued. “There’s an alpha lion shifter meeting with Dryden right now. He’s here to negotiate for Kasp’s release. Seems, they are mates.”

  “Oh, Ashwin isn’t going to like that.”

  Arri was surprised. He thought Ashwin would be pleased to be rid of his brother. Arri certainly would be, though he knew his mate would have to consider Kasp’s crimes, before just blithely allowing him to leave with Alpha Osric. “Why do you say that?” Anrean shrugged.

  “He’s been talking about rehabilitating Kasp, though I don’t think he believes it’s possible.”

  Arri snorted, he couldn’t help it. “Trust me, there’s no redemption for Kasp. He was gone by the time I came to Woodlynn, but I’ve heard the tales. That wolf is just plain evil.” Arri shuddered as he remembered some of the stories he’d been told about Ashwin’s brother. He’d even talked with Ashwin about him, though the younger wolf wasn’t very forthcoming. Arri had gotten more information out of their parents, before they left the pack, than he had Ashwin.

  “You don’t think he deserves a second chance? Especially since he’s mated?”

  Arri could feel his face harden at Anrean’s comment. “No. I don’t. I’ve been the victim of evil. Sbrel, Baston, Kale, they all deserved what happened to them. Kasp is the same. It doesn’t matter that he has a mate. The lion was a fool to claim him, and he’ll pay dearly for that mistake.” Arri felt Dryden’s thoughts shift in his mind, and knew he’d upset his mate, the big alpha worried about him, and uncomfortable with the way Arri was talking about Alpha Osric. But Arri couldn’t find a shred of sympathy for Kasp, or the alpha lion. It went against his omega nature, but all he had to do was think about what had happened to him, and what Vann was going through now, to remember there were very bad shifters in the world.


  When Dryden had caught Arri’s thoughts, he wasn’t surprised his mate would be so judgmental and harsh, Arri had every reason to be, even if it made Dryden uncomfortable with guilt, and worry. Had he protected Arri like he should have, his gentle mate wouldn’t be thinking such thoughts. He pushed his feelings away in favor of studying the male in front of him. A male Arri had no respect for, since he’d mated with Kasp. Dryden would withhold his own opinion, until he’d heard the male out.

  He didn’t know what to make of the alpha lion sitting across the desk from him. The male had come alone, for one thing. No enforcers, no betas with him. He’d asked, politely, for an audience with Dryden, and once admitted, he’d been nothing but respectful. “You are aware Kasp is…deviant?”

  “I know my mate is unpleasant, and a criminal. He’s kille
d, and felt no remorse. He’s aberrant, and must be punished. I would like the chance to be the one who delivers that punishment.”

  Dryden tilted his head, wondering how the lion thought that was going to work. “But that goes against the mating bond. You shouldn’t be able to punish him, at least not corporal punishment.” Dryden tried to think what he could do, to punish Arri, if ever there was a reason to do so, and it made him shudder to even consider it. He could never hurt his mate.

  “I understand what you’re saying, however a mating bond in lion shifter culture is quite different than wolf.”

  “Explain.” Dryden realized he’d been a bit officious with that demand, and cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind. I’d like to have as much information as I can, before deciding whether to release Kasp to your custody.” Osric nodded, and Dryden relaxed, realizing he hadn’t offended the huge shifter.

  “From what I understand, and what you said, the bond between wolves is sacred, both mates unable to hurt the other, especially alphas. In our society, an alpha lion is…well, he’s considerably more dominant. Lions live in prides, but the alpha is the only authority. Not only must he protect his pride, but he must punish those who go against pride law, and that includes his mate.”

  Dryden puzzled over the difference. Alpha wolves were dominant, and pack law was laid down by them, especially since the shifter council had died out so long ago. What made lion’s different? He didn’t bother interrupting, since Osric was being so open. He did wonder at the sudden redness of Osric’s face.

  “Mating bonds with lions are always one-sided, the dominant shifter doing the claiming. I’ve bit Kasp, and claimed him as my own. My lion was adamant, even if I was reluctant to bind myself to such a wolf, and my other half took control. Kasp can bite me back, to satisfy his wolf, not that I expect that to happen, but there would be no claim. Alpha lions consider their mates as…property. We own them. And, therefore, can do what we want with them, without constraints, like not being able to hurt them. Kasp deserves punishment, not only for what he’s done here, but for the small family pride in my territory he annihilated.”


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