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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 15

by CR Guiliano

  Dryden’s head was spinning. He had no idea what to think, and went with the easiest question first. “You have other prides inside yours?”

  “Yes, I’m alpha of the whole territory, and there are no others, but there are small family prides, led by matriarchs within my territory. Most prides are ruled by a strong lioness, but only males can be alphas, and there are very few left in the world. I am one of the oldest, and strongest in our society.

  Our prides don’t seem so different than what I hear of you. You are alpha of Woodlynn pack, but you have East Woodlynn as well. Formerly Border pack? Do you have someone set in place to govern East Woodlynn, so you don’t spread yourself too thin?”

  Dryden gave a low chuckle, at not only Osric knowing about his absorption of Border pack, but the spot on assessment of what he was doing. “Not yet, actually. I’m having a tough time finding someone I trust to guide the wolves there, who will answer only to me, and not fancy themselves an alpha in their own right.” Dryden had thought Rovyn might be up to the task, but he needed the temporary lead beta here with the absence of Vann. He wouldn’t place an unmated male there, so that left out the rest of his betas. Massey was back in New York, and not inclined to return. Which left Dryden in a bit of a conundrum. Once again, he was assaulted with his need to have Vann back.

  If Vann was here, then Dryden could place Rovyn, and Anrean at Sbrel’s old alpha house, and know, without a doubt, Rovyn would answer to him, and give him regular reports on the wolves of the former Border pack. Eventually, given time, the merger would be seamless, and there would be no need to have a strong presence there. But, in the meantime, the wolves of Border needed to be watched closely.

  “I’m sorry. I can see you have a lot on your mind, and I don’t mean to add to it. May I, for now, see Kasp?”

  Dryden nodded. “Dyne, take Alpha Osric to the room Kasp occupies.” “Arri, my love, would you please tell Dyne to keep a very close eye on both Osric, and Kasp, and have Payim, and Criar join them.”

  “Of course, my mate.”

  Chapter 19

  When he heard the lock disengage to the room he was being held in, Kasp stood awkwardly from the floor, the shackles around his wrists, and ankles, clanking annoyingly, He looked expectantly at the door when it opened, then schooled his features to cover the surprise at seeing Osric enter the room. It hadn’t occurred to him he might see the huge alpha again. Not after being captured anyway. He ignored the beta who stood by the now closed door. “What are you doing here?” Kasp kept his voice low, and harsh, ignoring the way his heart sped up at just the sight of the large alpha.

  “I’ve come to see my mate, and possibly negotiate your release.”

  Kasp snorted, then shook his head. “Dryden’s never going to let me go.” Of that, Kasp was sure. He’d conspired to take over Dryden’s pack, had manipulated several other shifters, had killed, though Dryden didn’t know that, and was pretty sure he’d be spending his remaining days chained to the wall behind him. At least that’s what he had assumed.

  “That remains to be seen. Have you missed me?”

  Kasp gapped at the male, the alpha’s arrogance, and ego practically choking Kasp with its absurdity. Kasp tightened his hands into fists, wanting to wipe the smug look off the handsome male’s face with a vengeance. “No! I have not missed you!” Kasp was snarling by the time he finished his sentence. The loud laugh from the lion only made him angrier, and he yanked at his manacles. If he was loose, and armed, he’d be slicing his blade across the delusional alpha’s neck!

  “I think you have. I think, right now, your body is so primed for me, that you can’t think straight.”

  Kasp glanced briefly at the beta by the door, but the male’s face was blank, as if he hadn’t heard Osric’s comment. The conceit, and confidence in Osric’s words only made Kasp more enraged, especially since the insufferable male was right. Kasp’s cock was rigid in his pants, his body flushed, and even he could smell his arousal in the air. He gave an unmanly squeak when Osric took two slow strides forward, grabbed his neck with both large hands, leaned down, and proceeded to kiss the ever loving fuck out of him. Kasp tried to bite Osric, but the much larger male was in full control, not allowing Kasp to move in any way, except how the alpha wanted him. It made Kasp feel helpless, yet protected, and he hated every minute of it. He’d always governed his life, his destiny. He didn’t want a mate, certainly not a mate who could control him.

  There was a throat clearing behind Osric which made him finally let up on Kasp’s lips. He let go, and Kasp almost fell forward, not realizing he’d been leaning into the bigger male. Osric steadied him, then turned around to see who had interrupted them. Kasp sneered to see his little brother in the doorway, the unknown beta watching closely.

  “I seem to have interrupted something.”

  “Go away, you’re not wanted here.” Kasp was humiliated to have anyone see Osric dominate Kasp the way he had, least of all his little brother. Ashwin ignored him, his focus on Osric.

  “What are you doing?”

  Osric turned, placing himself between Kasp, and Ashwin. Kasp could just see past the big lion’s bulk, Ashwin frowning at them. Not that he cared. He’d never cared what his family thought of him, even if he didn’t like Ashwin seeing himself chained, and at the mercy of the shifter in front of him.

  “Reacquainting myself with my mate. Is there something I can do for you?”

  Kasp almost gave a malicious smile at Ashwin’s look of shock. Of course, his brother wouldn’t think anyone would want Kasp, not as a mate anyway. The smile never came, though, as Kasp reminded himself, he didn’t want a mate. Osric, and his wandering teeth needed to leave him alone. Kasp had no idea what Dryden planned on doing with him, but the moment he was able, he was escaping this trap, and going back to his plans of revenge.

  “That’s not possible.”

  Osric moved so quickly, that it was a shock when he suddenly grabbed Kasp’s hair, yanking his head back, and to the side, exposing the mating scar on his neck. He wasn’t gentle about it either, which made Kasp growl.

  “Proof Kasp is mine. Will you dispute my claim?”

  Ashwin’s face paled, his eyes rounding at the evidence right in front of him. Kasp tried to yank his head away, but Osric tightened his hold, pulling his hair, and making Kasp’s scalp sting. Fucking alpha! Kasp couldn’t wait until he was free. Osric would regret the day he let his fangs sink into Kasp’s flesh.

  “Now, is there something I can do for you? Because, as you can see, I’m busy.”

  Ashwin didn’t even reply. He turned, slowly walked out, the beta following in his wake, and shutting the door behind them. The click of the lock echoing in the room felt like a portent, and Kasp was filled with an unreasonable, and unwanted moment of panic, to be left alone with Osric, then growled again at his weakness.

  “Where were we?”

  Osric let go of his hair, and wrapped his big hands around Kasp’s neck again, before claiming his lips once more. This time, Kasp was ready, and managed to bite down on Osric’s lower lip, pleased to taste the metallic tang of blood. He gasped in pain when he felt Osric’s claw slide from his thumb, and enter the soft juncture under his jaw. He froze, both shocked, and worried having the big male’s claw embedded so close to several vital arteries. Osric never stopped kissing him, his blood smearing over both their mouths.

  Osric finally slowed, giving a few last pecks before lifting his head. Kasp glared at him, waiting for him to remove his claw, but the big male didn’t. He just stared down at Kasp, as if waiting for something. Kasp had no clue, he just knew he needed Osric away from him. He didn’t like the feelings coursing through him, didn’t like feeling anything. His blood was on fire, his cock throbbing desperately, and his breath harsh. He didn’t want the male, but his body was reacting as if they truly were mates. Intellectually, Kasp knew they were bonded, the reason he couldn’t get it up for anyone else once Osric had bit him, but he didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want
it to be true.

  “You will learn, my little mate. It may take time, but I will break you, and then train you to be the proper mate to an alpha lion.”

  Kasp hissed when Osric pulled his claw from his throat, then growled up at the male. “I don’t think so. The moment I’m free, I will slit your neck from ear to ear.” Kasp did not appreciate the booming laugh that radiated around the room from the big male. Osric’s hands were still on his throat, and when he struggled against the hold, and the chains, the lion squeezed, cutting off Kasp’s air supply. Kasp continued to struggle, until black spots appeared in front of his eyes, and he was in danger of passing out. He finally slumped, and Osric loosened his grip.

  “Never threaten me again, little one. I own you, and you will learn to obey me. Fight me, and you will not like the consequences.”

  Kasp concentrated on getting air into his lungs, refusing to answer the big male. He’d fight, he’d fight until he won, and escaped the obnoxious alpha, or he died trying. No one owned him! No one controlled him! He’d just bide his time, until an opportunity presented itself. Then…Osric would die.


  Truin sat on the bed, trembling, and trying to make sense of the feelings coursing through him. Vann had just told him his mother had died giving birth…to twins. He could feel his mate watching him closely, as if he was going to break down, or something. But that wasn’t it. Vann had insisted, after a breakfast Truin had no interest in, they return to the bedroom so Truin could rest. He was exhausted, but there was too much on his mind to sleep. Besides, he’d apparently taken a short nap in Vann’s arms, which suited him just fine.

  How he felt now was overwhelming. He was numb as far as his mother was concerned, her death a regret, but with no sorrow filling him. As far as Truin was concerned, she got what she deserved, abandoning him, and his brothers, in favor of returning to Zenith pack, and taking up with the sadistic alpha. The regret came from being unable to ask her questions, like why she left, and since she was omega, did that make him omega too? Except, he’d heard Alpha Hixon say she didn’t know he was omega. Fates, even Truin hadn’t known. And what of all the rest of them? Nine children in all, at least as far as Truin knew, with Truin being the oldest. Were any of them omegas? All of them? There was only three females, the newborn twins, and the young pup Truin had seen in his mother’s arms when they had first arrived.

  Male omegas were rare, or so he’d been told. Arri, and Anrean were the only ones Truin had ever met, or even heard of. Were any of the males, including Aybur, and Jeshin, omegas? Was he even a true omega? So, he’d gone into heat, but that was all as far as he knew. Then it hit him, the result of Arri’s heats…was pregnancy. Truin suddenly had trouble breathing, not being able to draw enough air into his lungs. It took a moment, but was finally able to slowly take a few deep breaths, common sense reasserting itself. Just because he had a heat, didn’t mean anything. It could have been a fluke, could have been a result of being around his fated mate. Truin’s heart slowed, but not his thoughts, as the returned to the problem at hand…the pups.

  That he had six half siblings was something he’d been unable to wrap his mind around at first, but there was no denying they all looked like him. The oldest was several years younger than Aybur. Was he now responsible for them all? Fates knew his father would have nothing to do with them. He barely acknowledged the sons he had, and these were not of his blood. And what would he do? He’d told Vann he wanted to go home—home meant Woodlynn, but could he drag a bunch of pups with him? And what about Vann? Truin looked up to see the big male watching him closely, his whiskey brown eyes intent, and his usual scowl in place. Truin felt like he needed to apologize to his mate, for bringing such trouble into his life. He’d never imagined Hixon would attack Vann, had no clue about his mother until they had arrived, and now look at the mess they were in.

  “You’re thinking too hard, Truin. You need to rest. We’ll figure everything out in time.”

  Truin closed his eyes, and felt along their mating bond. The regrets, misgivings, and hatred for himself were diminishing in Vann’s mind. Now, mostly what Truin felt was a great affection…for him, and a determination that was new. The other feelings were still there, of course, but not nearly as strong as they had been when Vann claimed him. Slowly, somehow, Vann’s balance was returning. Truin didn’t know how, and he didn’t really care where it came from, but he was thankful his mate was beginning to live again. He hoped that meant Vann would want to stay with him, and maybe, just maybe, Vann would be willing to return to Woodlynn.

  He opened his eyes when he felt the bed dip, and Vann was sitting next to him, with a smirk on his face.

  “I can feel you poking at my mind through the mating bond.”

  Truin’s face heated, and he ducked his head. He’d forgotten Vann would feel him, since he’d never been mated before.

  “You don’t have to do that. Just ask what you want to know.”

  Truin snorted. “Would you have answered me?” Truin watched Vann fidget uncomfortably, his face suddenly void of expression. “Exactly.” Truin didn’t elaborate, just stood, and walked away from Vann, before swiveling around to face his mate. “I’m not stupid, Vann. I can feel you now that we are bonded. I just don’t understand where the feelings are coming from, and I sure don’t understand why you fled Woodlynn, when the Alpha, Alpha-mate, and their pup need you.”

  Vann stood suddenly, taking the few steps he needed to reach Truin, and towered over him, his signature scowl as deep as ever. A very tiny fissure of fear raced through Truin, before he reminded himself Vann was his mate, and incapable of hurting him. He could also feel the sudden overwhelming pain Vann was in. Not physical, but emotional, and as much as Truin needed to sooth Vann, he knew the big male wasn’t going to allow it.

  “You don’t need to understand. You…you couldn’t possibly understand, even if I told you. That…that time in my life is over, and private. It’s not something I will ever speak of, so don’t ask; don’t push to know something that would drive you from me.”

  Drive him from Vann? What the fuck had happened in that basement? Truin was positive that was the time Vann was talking about, since that’s when he’d run. But what could have possibly happened to break a strong shifter like Vann? To utterly destroy a powerful alpha wolf? Truin stared up at Vann, his mate’s russet eyes troubled, as if he already thought he’d said too much. “Okay, Vann. You get what you want. I’ll not pressure you to tell me. But, someday, it’s going to have to come out, if you expect us to be happy together. I have no secrets from you, and I don’t want you having any either.”

  Chapter 20

  Ashwin let out a yelp when Rovyn’s boot connected with his head, knocking him to the ground. He groaned, rolling in the dirt, his head throbbing. He hated these sessions with Rovyn, and was still trying to understand why the Alpha, and Arri had assigned him as Alpha Guardian to their small pup. He was beta born, but it didn’t mean he had the strength, and courage to keep the alpha-heir safe. What if he failed?

  “Get up!”

  Ashwin glared at the lead beta from his prone position. He had no idea Rovyn could be so brutal until he started training with him. First to become a beta for Alpha Dryden, which he’d quit after his best friend, Truin, disappeared. He didn’t have the heart to continue without Truin. Now, as the alpha guardian to Arrden. Looking at the scowl Rovyn was giving him, it was if he didn’t even know the male. Rovyn had been hard on him from day one, and Ashwin had the bruises to prove it.

  “I said, get up!”

  The male’s growl had Ashwin scrambling from the ground, then dropping into a fighting stance. He was barely in position before Rovyn was lunging at him. He managed to evade a direct hit to the face, but was trying to draw air into his lungs, after getting Rovyn’s knee in his solar plexus.

  “Where is your head, Ashwin? You need to focus on what we’re doing.”

  “I’m sorry, Rovyn. I just have a lot on my mind.” Like the fact his b
rother, Kasp, was not only on Woodlynn territory, but being held by the alpha for crimes against the pack. And, apparently had a mate, a shifter Ashwin had never seen before, and who smelled funny. Then there was Truin’s brothers, both of them having moved in with Ashwin after his parents left, and wasn’t that a kick in the face? His parents, so against Kasp being here, they had abandoned the pack, and him. And what was up with his wolf? The beast had been pining ever since that beta from Border had left, returning to, now, what was called East Woodlynn. What was his name? Drae. That was it. Ashwin didn’t understand it. He’d never been attracted to males, preferring the softness of females. So why was his wolf insistent Drae was important to them, a wolf Ashwin didn’t even know? A hard smack to the head had Ashwin pulling from his thoughts.

  “You need to focus. I have a lot on my mind too, but I don’t let it interfere with my duties. You cannot be distracted when guarding a member of the alpha family, especially the heir. You’ve been given a very prestigious position, and you need to take it seriously.”

  “What if I don’t want the position? I never asked to be made alpha guardian to Arri’s pup.” Ashwin couldn’t help the bitterness in his voice. He’d not had a choice when Arri had approached him, and told him of his, and the Alpha’s decision. The shock on Rovyn’s face had Ashwin hanging his head in shame. He should be proud, and grateful for being chosen, but it was hard to feel that way when so much was going on in his personal life. A life that was now taking a backseat to what he had to learn, and do for the alphas.


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