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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 18

by CR Guiliano

  “I’ll talk to you later, Alpha-mate.”

  “Wait! Aren’t you going to stay? Figure out what’s wrong with me?”

  Breccan shook his head, and grinned. “Congratulations.”

  And then the healer was gone, leaving Truin in the room alone with Arri. “I don’t understand?” Why would the healer leave? As if there wasn’t anything wrong? Truin knew he was sick. He’d lost weight, couldn’t eat. Vann was beyond worried for him, making Truin worried himself. He didn’t want to leave his mate. Not now that he had him.

  “I see you finally got your male.”

  Truin could feel a blush creeping up his face. “There were…there were extenuating circumstances.” Boy, was that an understatement. Truin wasn’t so sure Vann would have claimed him, if he hadn’t gone into heat, making it impossible for Vann to reject him anymore, their biology too strong for the male’s resolve.

  “Yes, I can see that. I had no idea you were omega.”

  “It was a surprise, to both of us.” Truin didn’t know how Arri knew that, but, at the same time, he was also aware Arri was a very powerful omega, so maybe he sensed it. But that made Truin wonder how the male hadn’t known before, not that Truin would question the alpha-mate.

  “No doubt, but I suspect you are not full omega. Especially with the trouble you are having now.”

  Truin was confused by Arri’s cryptic comments. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, for one, if you were full omega, I wouldn’t be able to feel your emotions the way I can, and I would have known from the beginning. It’s also, probably, the reason the little one you are carrying is so hard on your body. You weren’t made to harbor a pup.”

  “Wait? What?” Arri could not have said what he just did. Truin was sure he misunderstood. There was no way he was…was…pregnant! Truin could feel his heart racing, his stomach flipping at the implications. Fates above! What the fuck was he supposed to tell Vann? “It’s impossible. I can’t be…I can’t be pregnant.”

  “You are, and because you are not full omega, that little one is sucking the life right out of you. We’re going to have to make provisions for his growth, or you, and the pup aren’t going to make it. And I won’t have Vann feeling guilty again, for something he perceives as his fault.”

  Truin suspected Arri was talking about whatever happened in the farm house basement, and as much as he was dying to know, he had to think of his health, and apparently, the health of his unborn pup, first.

  Truin narrowed his eyes at Arri, when the other male’s eyes glazed a little. He could tell the male was speaking telepathically to someone. “Who are you talking to?”

  “Vann. He felt your shock, and was worried.”

  “What did you tell him?” Truin desperately hoped Arri hadn’t spilled the beans. He wanted to tell Vann he was having his pup. He just wasn’t sure how he was going to do that.

  “I told him you were fine, that you had a bit of a shock, and when he asked why, I told him he’d have to talk to you.”

  Truin nodded, and relaxed against the pillows. He’d have time to figure out how to tell Vann he was going to be a father. Right now, he just wanted to sleep. He closed his eyes, then popped them open again when Arri touched him.

  “When did this happen?”

  “A little over two months ago. I went into heat, and it caused Vann to go into rut, and he claimed me.” It was embarrassing to talk about, but Truin was so thankful, he didn’t really care.

  “Hmm, that would be about the time I was in heat. I wonder.”

  “You wonder what?” Truin had no idea what Arri was talking about, and honestly, was too tired to bother figuring it out, his mind getting sluggish.

  “Dryden says there’s a connection of some sort between him, and Vann. I wonder if it wasn’t the other way around. When Dryden went into rut because of my heat, it didn’t cause Vann to go into rut, which resulted in you going into heat, since your body is not really equipped to go into heat on its own.”

  “How would you know that? No one even knew I was omega. Or part omega, or whatever. How can you know how it works?” Truin wanted to know, but it really didn’t matter how it happened, as long as the end was the same, he was bonded to Vann. He didn’t think Arri was right anyway, since he’d been feeling hot, and horny before Vann went into rut. Vann himself told the two betas from Rainier he was in heat, before he claimed him. He couldn’t help snapping at the Alpha-mate, and though embarrassed, he was just so tired, and wanted it all to go away for a while. Arri didn’t react anyway, so maybe he understood.

  “Just an instinct, though I could be wrong. Perhaps my mother might have more insight.”

  “Your mother?” Truin watched Arri laugh, wondering what was so funny.

  “A lot has happened since you took off after Vann. But we’ll talk about it all later, after you’re better. The only thing you might want to know now, is about your father.”

  Truin wanted to groan. What the fuck could his father have done now? And was Ashwin taking care of his brothers? “What?” The disgust in his voice was plain, even to his own ears.

  “Your father is dead, Truin. He was killed by a jealous human, when he was caught sleeping with the man’s wife.”

  Truin had tensed up, wondering what his father had done, and worried about his brothers, but relaxed at Arri’s words. “Good riddance. The male was never a real father to us.” Arri nodded, and didn’t seem surprised at Truin’s response.

  “Your brothers have since moved in with Ashwin, and are doing well. I’ll let them see you once you have had time to rest. No doubt, Vann will want to be with you, once he and Dryden are done talking.”

  Truin missed Vann already. He’d always felt saver with Vann around, and now slept better surrounded by his mate, and soothed by the bonding scent Vann exuded while he held him. But, Truin wasn’t a selfish male, and knew Vann had to reconcile with Alpha Dryden, not to mention figure out what to do with all Truin’s siblings, and the other shifters from Zenith. Truin yawned, even more exhausted by the thoughts running through his mind.

  “Sleep, Truin. And when you wake up, I’ll have something for you to eat, that should stay down.”

  Truin closed his eyes, the lids heavy. He tried to acknowledge the Alpha-mate, but he was already almost asleep. He hoped Vann would hurry. Unselfish, or not, he wanted his mate.

  Chapter 23

  Vann sat in the familiar spot in front of Dryden’s desk, the office door firmly shut, so they were not disturbed. Dryden was standing behind his desk, staring at the wall past Vann’s shoulder, his face a mask of stone at the moment. The emotions coming from him were convoluted, and intense, and Vann wasn’t sure where this conversation was going to go. Dryden’s sharp eyes finally zeroed in on Vann’s gaze, catching him in their glowing depths. His alpha’s emotions spiked for a second, but it was too fast for Vann to figure out which ones.

  “We’re going to talk about what happened in that basement, then it will never be brought up again.”


  Vann had been hoping Dryden would never want to speak of Vann’s actions against Arri, but he supposed he did deserve punishment for what he’d done. After all, he’d sexually violated the male’s mate, had rutted with an omega that was not his, and never would be. It wasn’t that he wanted to avoid the punishment, like a coward, he’d just never wanted Dryden to hate him. It’s why he’d stayed away, and would have continued to stay away, if Truin hadn’t fallen ill.

  “Arri told me what you did for him, for my son, and I knew it would be necessary to save our pup. But I’m not stupid, Vann. I know you, and what happened has to be tearing you up inside. I want you to understand, I may not like it, but I forgive you, as does Arri.”

  Vann didn’t know what to say. He was pretty sure Arri hadn’t told Dryden everything. Somehow, Vann didn’t think Dryden would be so forgiving if he knew Vann’s knot had swelled within Arri’s body. That he’d tied to his best friend’s mate.

  “Tell me, Vann
. I want to hear it from you, so I can let it go.”

  “Why?” Why was Dryden pushing to know, if Arri already told him? Vann didn’t understand what it would accomplish, hearing it from him too.

  “Because I need to know your perspective.”

  Vann stood, and started pacing by the door. It’s not like he didn’t know this might happen, but fates, it was difficult.


  Dryden’s growl had Vann pacing faster. “Arri told me what needed to be done. I did it, for my vow, and my link to you. End of story.”

  “There’s more, I can sense it.”

  “There’s nothing more to know, Alpha.” Vann couldn’t, just couldn’t tell Dryden the details of what happened. What he did that night had ripped him apart, had led to him fleeing, and staying away from the only male he found worthy to care about, before he bonded with Truin. His loyalty to Dryden ran deep, was a part of him, had been for years, and to live with the knowledge he’d violated the male’s mate was enough. He didn’t want to rehash his despicable actions.

  “You spilled in my mate, Vann. I think I deserve to know exactly what happened.”

  Fuck! “I did, because that’s what Arri said needed to happen. It’s not my fault I swelled…” Oh shit! He’d not meant for that to slip out, and stared in horror at Dryden.

  “You what? Wait, you knotted him?”

  Dryden’s roar was nothing compared to the power that rushed out, pinning Vann to the wall. He couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, Dryden’s dual alpha power pummeling him until he was frozen. He closed his eyes, unwilling to look at his alpha, as the male slammed his fists onto the top of the desk, cracking the wood, and growling long, and loud.

  He slit his eyes open when the door to the study slammed against the wall next to him, the sound barely audible over the blood roaring in his ears. His head felt as if it was about to explode, and his lungs were seizing from lack of air. His wolf was whimpering in the back of his mind, terrified of angering their alpha.

  “Dryden! Calm down!”

  Arri had come. He watched the alpha-mate lay his hand on Dryden’s heaving chest, as if to help sooth him, but Dryden stepped back from Arri’s touch.

  “You didn’t tell me? Why?”

  “Dryden, you’re killing him. Stop it now!”

  Dryden snarled at Vann, his eyes glowing dangerously, and it was easy to see the alpha was struggling not to shift. No doubt, to rip Vann apart. He couldn’t blame his alpha, but it was true. It wasn’t Vann’s fault his knot swelled. He didn’t even know why it did.

  “I swear to all the gods, if you don’t let him go, I will never speak to you again.”

  Arri had grabbed a fistful of Dryden’s shirt, and was trying to shake him, but Dryden was too big for Arri to move. Vann felt the power radiating off of Dryden ease some, until it disappeared abruptly, and Vann slid down the wall, to slump on the floor, leaning over on his hands to take great gulps of air into his starved lungs.

  “Why didn’t you tell me he tied to you?”

  The gravely tone of Dryden’s voice proved he was still struggling with his rage, and Vann was sure this was the end of their friendship. It hurt badly, especially after Dryden had given him the alpha bite, but it really wasn’t a surprise. When he’d imagined another male doing that to Truin, no matter the reasons, he had almost lost it himself. Only the fact no one had ever touched Truin but him, calmed him down. He glanced up briefly, to see Arri glaring at him for a second. He was probably pissed off Vann had told Dryden about the knotting. Except, Vann hadn’t meant to, it just slipped out. He’d no intention of letting Dryden know, but then now, there were no more secrets between them. He just didn’t know if Dryden would get over what had really happened in that basement.

  “There wasn’t any reason to, my mate. Neither of us knew why it happened, and it saved our son, that’s all that mattered to me.”

  Vann leaned back against the wall, and put his hands on either side of his head, agonizing pain still thumping through it from Dryden’s overpowering emotions.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Vann looked up to see Dryden scowling at him, and Arri glaring at his mate. Arri slapped Dryden’s chest with the back of his hand, obviously annoyed with the big male.

  “You nearly killed him, Dryden, and you have half the manor curled up in fetal positions, whimpering. The pups are overwrought, and the adults don’t understand what happened. Truin is freaking out, and he shouldn’t be stressed in his condition. Are you in control now? Can you have a decent conversation?”

  “Decent? There’s nothing decent about this.”

  Arri huffed, but didn’t bother saying anything. He came over to Vann, and reached out to take his hand, and arm, to help him stand.

  “What is wrong, Vann?”

  “His emotions…hurt.” Vann wasn’t sure he should have admitted that, after everything else, but the link between them was small potatoes to him knotting Arri. He figured, it didn’t matter now. He was sure Dryden was going to banish him anyway.

  Vann leaned against the wall, his legs feeling rubbery, and gently pulled his arm away from the alpha-mate. He didn’t particularly want Arri touching him right now, not with Dryden as angry as he was. He’d been right too, when Dryden stepped forward, and grabbed Arri, pulling him away from Vann, and tucking him against his side, snarling at Vann while he did it.

  “Knock it off, Dryden. You have nothing to be possessive about. I belong to you, and only you. Vann has his own mate.”

  Vann watched as Dryden took a few deep breaths, and was able to take a few of his own when the pain in his head diminished as Dryden found his balance. He turned away when Dryden nuzzled Arri’s head, and he knew they were speaking mind, to mind. He sometimes wished he, and Truin could do that. But Truin was not Fae, and though he had omega in him, Vann didn’t think there was enough there to give Truin that gift.


  Vann turned back to see Dryden sitting behind his desk now, with Arri on his lap. “Explain what?” Vann wasn’t above playing stupid, if it got him out of clarifying anything else that was uncomfortable, and it was all uncomfortable.

  “Explain what you meant, when you said my emotions hurt.”

  Fuck, Vann hadn’t thought Dryden had heard him, or had been too distracted to catch his whispered words. He stayed where he was, against the wall, pretty sure he wasn’t welcome to sit, and make himself comfortable. “There is an emotional link between us, that’s been there since we were pups. It’s one-sided. I can feel all your emotions, as if they were my own, but you can’t feel mine.” There, he’d told him. He took a deep breath, and hung his head, waiting for the fallout.

  “You can feel my emotions? All of them? Even the ones when I’m with my mate?

  Of course Dryden would fixate on that aspect, but even if there had been times Vann wished the bond wasn’t there, he couldn’t regret it when it had made him a very good alpha guardian. He looked up when he heard giggling, to see Arri with tears running down his face in mirth.

  “Can you imagine? No wonder Vann was such a mess every time you rutted with others, before you mated me.”

  Amusement bubbled up within Dryden’s emotions, and Vann relaxed a tiny bit.

  “So, for years, you have felt all my emotions?”

  Vann just nodded. There was no reason to expound on that, since Dryden was smart, and would work it out.

  “I feel like I should apologize for putting you through all that.”

  Vann shrugged. “It made me a good alpha guardian, and why I could anticipate your needs so well.” Vann didn’t know what to think of the speculative expression that came over Dryden’s face.

  “Can it be blocked?”

  A dull ache settled in Vann’s chest. “Not that I’m aware of.” Dryden wanted to cut himself off from Vann? But, when Vann thought about it, it was probably for the best. Except, as far as he knew, there was no way to sever the link between them.

nn, sit down.”

  Vann glanced at Dryden, and Arri, to see the alpha pointing at the chair in front of his desk, and the phone receiver in his other hand. Silently, he walked forward, his legs shaking still, and sat ungracefully in his usual chair. Dryden dialed a number, then hit speaker before setting the receiver down.


  “Good afternoon, mother.”

  “Dryden! How good to hear from you. How is that little mate of yours? And my grandson?”

  Vann contained the small smile threatening at Arri’s low growl. The alpha-mate hated being called little, or small. Before everything happened, Vann had found a perverse pleasure in teasing Arri about it, even if they had thought him human at the time.

  “They are well, and you are to become a grandmother again.”

  “Truly? That’s wonderful, my son.”

  “I’ve actually called for a reason, mother. It concerns Vann.”

  “How is young Vann? Keeping you in line, no doubt.”

  “Actually, mother, it seems there is a link between us, and Vann can feel all my emotions. It’s been there since we were pups. Were you aware of this?”

  There was a long silence, and Vann wondered if Dryden’s mother was going to answer him.

  “Let me get your father. This conversation requires both of us.”

  A few minutes later, there was a click, and Dryden’s father was there.


  Vann’s heart skipped a beat at the low, bass voice of the former alpha. The male had been more of a father to Vann, than his own. He missed him. Missed his guidance, and advice. He could have used it in the last few months.

  “Did mother tell you why I’ve called?”

  “She did. We weren’t sure, but now that we know, it makes sense.”

  “It makes sense? To you maybe. What’s going on?”

  Vann was a bit surprised at Dryden’s lack of respect, talking to his father that way. But, then again, Dryden was alpha now, and much stronger than the male on the phone.


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