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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 19

by CR Guiliano

“Where is Vann?”

  Dryden looked at Vann, raising an eyebrow. “I’m here, sir.” Vann heard the sigh across the line, and wondered why the former alpha seemed reluctant to speak with him present.

  “We knew almost from the beginning, your father was not your biological father, Vann. Deidra sensed the alpha in you, and we wondered if a true alpha guardian bond would form. But since we had no indication it had, we let it go. Being alpha guardian is not just about protecting the alpha, and alpha-mate. It’s a real bond, much like a mating bond, except, it’s supposed to go both ways.”

  Both ways? So Dryden was supposed to feel Vann’s emotions too? He didn’t know what to think of that, and wasn’t sure he’d like it. If Dryden had been able to feel Vann’s emotions the last few months, it would have destroyed him. It nearly destroyed Vann.

  “We think, and it’s only a guess, because I am a matriarch alpha, the bond may not have formed correctly between you both.”

  “Can it be blocked?”

  Dryden’s repeat of the question made Vann’s chest ache again. He wished he knew why, but then maybe he did. Dryden didn’t want Vann feeling his emotions, especially when they concerned Arri.

  “No, and you mustn’t try. Severing any bond is dangerous, and the alpha guardian bond is, like I said before, almost as strong as a mating bond.”

  Well, Vann could believe that. His feelings for his alpha were strong, always had been. Almost as powerful as his feelings for Truin. And the moment Dryden had bitten his neck, he’d felt that bond snap into place, and twine around both the alpha guardian bond, and his own mating bond.

  “Mother Deidra, do you know who Vann’s real father is?”

  Silence met Arri’s question, which led Vann to believe they did know. Just when he was about to ask Arri’s question again, he got his answer.

  “I am.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Vann could total understand Dryden’s incongruity. He couldn’t seem to wrap his mind around the fact Drethin, Dryden’s father, was his father as well. Especially when he vaguely remembered they had not been a part of Woodlynn Pack when he was very small. How could that have happened?

  “Carvin was causing havoc in a pack who’d lost their alpha. I, and a few other alphas, went to help. When we got there, Carvin had disappeared. Vilorin went into heat, and none of the other alphas were willing to help her because of pack law, so I stepped up, and serviced her to ease her agony. When I found out later, that she’d given birth to a son, I suspected it was mine, so let them become part of Woodlynn pack. Then Carvin, fool that he was, got involved with a territory dispute. When I confronted him, he attacked me, and I killed him. As with all mating bonds, Vilorin soon followed him into death.”


  Vann was sure Dryden wondered how his mother had handled the thought her mate, her fated mate, had serviced another female in heat. Vann couldn’t even imagine doing such a thing for anyone but Truin.

  “It took some time, but I finally accepted the fact my mate had sired a son by another. It’s known some can have more than one mate, even more than one fated mate, which is why I believe Drethin was able to help Vilorin at all. Otherwise, his mating knot would not have expanded, and he would not have been able to conceive with her.”

  Vann sucked in a breath, and looked at Arri. Was that why his knot swelled? Because Arri was not only Dryden’s mate, but his as well? But, that had to be impossible, because Truin was Vann’s mate. He glanced at Dryden, to see the alpha’s eyes narrowed at him, but he couldn’t detect any anger, just confusion, and surprisingly, curiosity.

  “Mother, do…brothers’…knots swell for each other’s mates?”

  “It’s been known to happen, which is why pack law forbids anyone from lying with a bonded mate, especially in heat. Why do you ask?”

  Please, please, oh please don’t tell her. Vann begged with his eyes, unwilling to speak. The slightest of nods from Dryden had Vann nearly collapsing in relief.

  “No particular reason. So, father, you went against pack law?”

  “I did, but I wasn’t going to leave her to go through heat with no relief. I’m not that kind of alpha. And, as your mother said, if Vilorin’s pheromones were enough to throw me into rut, it was meant to happen. I’m sorry we didn’t tell either of you before. We thought, since we didn’t see any evidence of the alpha guardian link, it didn’t matter if you knew you were related.”

  “Tell me more about the alpha guardian link. Is it for life?”

  “It is, and it might evolve, once Vann finds his mate, and claims him, or her.”

  “Evolve? You mean I’ll start feeling his emotions as well?”


  Well, shit. There went Vann’s relief Dryden couldn’t feel his emotions. He’d claimed his mate, which meant it might happen eventually. Vann really hoped it didn’t.

  “Mother Deidra, may I ask another question?”

  “Certainly, Arri.”

  “Have you ever heard of such a thing as a half-omega?”

  “Of course. Half-omegas come from omega bearers, and non-ranking sires. Full omegas only come from omega bearers, and alpha, or beta sires. I do believe you are an exception, Arri.”

  “And, do they have the same gifts as a full omega?”

  “Not usually, no. Some can bear pups, but most are just a bit more sensitive to others. And those who can conceive will have a difficult, and dangerous pregnancy. They will need considerable…um, attention from their mate.”


  “Yes, a lot of…rutting, and spillage. It keeps the hormone levels high enough to keep the pregnancy viable. Otherwise, both pup, and bearer could die.”

  Vann’s face lit up at her words, embarrassment flooding him. Arri wasn’t much better, and Dryden was smirking. Vann had the ridiculous notion to stick his tongue out at Dryden, but refrained. He was still trying to come to terms with the male in front of him being his half-brother. Oh gods, that meant Massey was related as well, and Vann had had a crush on the other alpha. He almost groaned, and covered his face with his hands. Thank fates, Vann had come to his senses, and claimed Truin. Shit, but what a clusterfuck this all was.

  Chapter 24

  Dryden sat in his study, now alone. He’d hung up with his parents, after a few more words, and the promise they would visit once Arri had their next pup. He’d sent Vann back to Truin, and Arri had gone to spend time with Arrden, and take a nap, his mate tired from the pregnancy.

  Everything they had discussed was running circles in his head, and he was trying to dampen his emotions, knowing now Vann could feel them. It wasn’t working. It’s not like he had control over them. Memories flooded him, of all the years with Vann by his side. He’d wondered how the male could anticipate so much, and now he knew why. He had to chuckle at Arri’s observation. Vann’s embarrassment at Dryden’s sexual exploits made perfect sense now.

  He just wasn’t sure how he felt about Vann sharing his most intimate moments with Arri. And, gods, Vann had knotted his mate. Dryden didn’t know if he was going to be able to come to terms with that, despite what his mother had said. He loved Vann, like a brother. Hell, his feelings for Vann ran much deeper than those for a sibling. He was everything but a mate to Dryden. It was why he’d instinctually given Vann the alpha bite. His wolf wanted it, needed it, after so long apart, and Dryden was helpless to resist. Having been without Vann for months had taken its toll on him, and the need to mark the other male as his was so strong, he’d sank his fangs into Vann before he’d even realized it. But he didn’t regret doing it. He was also exceedingly thankful he’d never rutted with the male, as he’d desired before. Even the thought made his stomach churn.

  A knock on his door scattered his thoughts, and he was thankful for the distraction. “Come.” He wanted to groan when Osric came in. He’d completely forgotten about the lion shifter.

  “Alpha Dryden.”

  Dryden waved at the chair Vann had vacated an hour ago.
It took him a moment to switch his brain from his personal troubles to his alpha ones. “What can I do for you?” He’d buy himself a minute, or two, waiting for Osric’s answer.

  “I was wondering if you had come to a decision regarding Kasp.”

  He leaned back, and pinched the skin between his eyes. By all rights, Kasp’s punishment for the things he’d done against pack law was Dryden’s responsibility. But, he had a sneaky suspicion any punishment Osric delved out would be worse than what Dryden could come up with. Dryden didn’t think any corporal punishment would do the trick, not with the manipulative way Kasp’s mind worked. Dryden was afraid whipping the wolf would only make matters worse. In all honesty, Dryden was at a loss. He couldn’t do what he wanted, which was kill the bastard, something his wolf was all for, since he’d challenged Dryden.

  “May I ask what punishment you might inflict?”

  “Certainly. I need to break him. Kasp needs to learn he is not the powerful wolf he thinks he is. There are many subtle, and not so subtle ways, to do that. And, as his mate, I have the right, and the ability to teach him his place.”

  Dryden contained a shudder. As strong as he was, and he could sense he was as strong as Osric, if not slightly stronger, he couldn’t imagine being so ruthless with his mate. A wolf bond simply didn’t allow it. But, as Osric had already explained, a lion’s mating bond was different, especially with an alpha such as Osric. It appeared Kasp would be getting exactly what he deserved, and it would be one less worry for Dryden. “I understand. I will release him to your…uh…capable hands, then.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. I appreciate your understanding. May we leave immediately?”

  “Of course, I’ll inform Kasp myself, so he doesn’t misconstrue he is now your responsibility, and not mine.” Osric nodded, and stood.

  “Just let me know when I can collect my mate, and return home.”

  Osric left, and Dryden was back to thinking about Arri, and Vann, and the new information he had. “Arri?” No reply. Dryden probed his mating bond, to feel Arri sleeping. It was just as well. His mate needed all the rest he could get. He’d been curious about why Arri had asked his mother about omegas. Or rather half omegas. Dryden hadn’t known it was possible for a shifter to be only half omega. He wondered who Arri was talking about.

  He also had to think about the consequences of Vann’s return. The male was alpha guardian regardless. According to his mother, that was indisputable, and unalterable. But what about lead beta? He’d assigned Rovyn as lead beta in Vann’s absence. Now Vann had returned, did he keep Rovyn as lead beta, or allow Vann to have his old position back? Rovyn would soon be busy with two pups, and Dryden knew the beta wasn’t like him, able to juggle a family, and duties at the same time. As alpha, Dryden didn’t have a choice, and Arri, as alpha-mate, made it possible for him to split his time between his responsibilities as alpha, and his duty as mate, and father. Anrean couldn’t do that for Rovyn. He was too submissive.

  Besides, once the pups were here, Dryden wanted to send Rovyn to East Woodlynn, and have him keep tabs on the old Border pack wolves. But, then again, he could send Vann, with Truin there, and it would allow Dryden some breathing room to forgive Vann for knotting Arri. Except Vann was alpha guardian, and shouldn’t be away from the alpha, and his mate. For that matter, Dryden wasn’t convinced he could handle Vann being away from him again. It had been agonizing before, and Dryden would be fighting his wolf, if he decided to send Vann away.

  He’d almost lost his shift when he’d first found out about Vann knotting his mate, but his wolf hadn’t been trying to come free to hurt Vann, but to protect Dryden from his own fury. All the posturing, and snarling Dryden had done was his human rage, not his wolf’s emotions. Dryden’s wolf was as loyal, and bonded to Vann’s wolf, as Vann was to Dryden. He knew that, could feel it. It had been that way since they were pups. Which made him wonder if his mother was right, the matriarch blood running through him was why he couldn’t feel Vann’s emotions.

  Then there was what was left of the Zenith pack. He’d felt no threat from the shifters Vann had brought, not one of them a ranking wolf. And so many pups. Dryden couldn’t send them away, especially since most of the pups were related to Truin, though Dryden couldn’t figure that out. He, and Vann hadn’t had the time to talk about those things yet, and Dryden would have to make time to do so, to make informed decision on the defunct pack. He was still trying to wrap his mind around Vann being an alpha, and the fact he’d killed another alpha. And was his half-brother. And so many other things.

  Dryden shook his head, and stood. It was all a bit too much to try, and sort it out all at once. It would take time. Right now, he needed to go see Kasp, and let the wolf know he was leaving…with his lion mate.


  “Vann!” Truin had been absolutely beside himself with fear when the mating bond between him, and Vann had dimmed, and started to thin. Arri must have felt his panic, because he told Truin it was an issue between Alpha Dryden, and Vann, and that he’d go, and resolve it. It must have worked, because Vann had come in, and didn’t look as if Alpha Dryden had attacked him. “Are you okay?” The look on Vann’s face was hard to read, and honestly, Truin hadn’t been with Vann long enough to be able to read him easily. Their mating bond was back to humming nicely, and was thicker now than it had been before. Truin only hoped that meant Vann was all right.

  The big male didn’t answer Truin, but came over to stare down at him. Truin had gotten unbearably hot after Arri had left, probably hormones, and had stripped to his skin. Now he lay there, with only a thin sheet covering him from the waist down. His stomach was still flat, no telltale roundness showing his condition yet. Truin was thankful, because he wasn’t ready to tell Vann he was carrying his pup yet. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready, but Vann had the right to know, and before he found out from anyone else.

  Right now, though, Truin’s heart had sped up as Vann raked his gaze down Truin’s form, his whiskey brown eyes darkening, and starting to glow. Truin caught the dark bonding scent starting to waft through the room, and his cock twitched, and began to fill—just as there was a knock at the door. Vann closed his eyes, presumably to get his arousal under control. The big male took a deep breath, and went to answer the door.

  When he opened it, Arri walked in, a loaded tray in his hands. He came up to the bed, and slid the tray onto the side table, wrinkling his nose at the odor in the room. Truin almost giggled. It’s not like he hadn’t had a nose full of that scent when Arri, and Alpha Dryden were in the same room. Even now, that scent lingered on Arri’s skin, as if his pores had absorbed it somehow. Truin knew, one day, he would always smell like Vann, the bonding scent clinging to him, and indicating he was mated.

  Truin looked at the tray, and saw a large bowl of what smelled like beef broth. There was two smaller bowls, one with seared ham chunks, mixed with small cubes of cheese, the other filled with fruit, green grapes, watermelon, and juicy chunks of pineapple. A plate in the middle held dry toast, and crackers with peanut butter.

  On the right edge were two mugs, and when Truin peeked into them, they appeared to be weak tea. There was a stick floating in both of them. When he looked up, Arri smiled at him, and Vann had disappeared into the bathroom. Truin heard the shower start, and wished he was alone, and well enough to join his mate. The thought of Vann, naked and wet, was enough to make his mouth water.

  “Okay, most of what is here is high in protein, which you will need, since meat will be too hard for your stomach to handle. The mugs are ginger tea, the Gods gift to omegas in your condition. Actually, it was something Breccan came up with, and helps the females as well. I want you to drink one full mug before you attempt to eat, then drink the other after you’ve eaten. One will allow you to eat, the other will keep in down. If the ginger doesn’t help, then there are drugs you can take, but Breccan would like to avoid that if at all possible.”

  Truin just nodded. The shower shut off, and Arri glanced at the cl
osed bathroom door, before turning back to Truin. The alpha-mate fidgeted, and Truin stared. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Arri nervous.

  “According to what I’ve learned, a lot of…um…rutting, will strengthen the pregnancy, helping to keep you, and the pup healthy. Your hormone levels need to be kept stable, and high, and Vann can do that for you. Apparently, spunk has more protein than all of this combined, so ass, or mouth, wear that alpha of yours out.”

  Arri was beet red by the time he finished, but grinning, and Truin wanted to snicker. Nothing like having healer orders to fuck until he couldn’t anymore. Arri gave Truin’s forearm a squeeze, then left just as Vann came out of the bathroom. He was in nothing but a towel, and Truin was thankful Arri was gone, and felt his mouth water again. Vann was just so damn sexy, and Truin felt his dick, once again, jolt under the sheet. He didn’t bother to hide the evidence of his arousal, as the sheet quickly tented, and Vann stared at the lewd display. But then his gaze flicked to the food.

  “Eat, then I’ll take care of that little problem you’re sporting.”

  “It’s not a little problem.” Truin muttered under his breath in annoyance. He wanted Vann, and now, not after eating. He wasn’t sure, even with Arri’s words, he’d be able to get any of the food down. Vann turned away from him, and grabbed a pair of sweats out of his dresser drawer, putting them on, and covering that spectacular ass.

  Truin sighed, and picked up the first mug. He sipped warily, but soon enough had the mug empty, and just as Arri had said, his stomach settled. He picked at the food, popping a grape into his mouth, before attempting the ham chunks. Minutes later, he’d managed to finish everything on the tray, and his stomach was contentedly full, and not churning. He grabbed the second mug, finishing it quickly.

  Vann had been sitting in a chair by the door while Truin ate, absorbed in his thoughts. “I’m done.” Vann looked up when Truin spoke, and he decided to tease his alpha. He threw the sheet off, exposing his body, and grabbed his still semi-hard dick. He stroked, never taking his eyes off of Vann. A rumbly growl echoed through the room, and he watched as Vann’s canines lengthened. Fates, but that was erotic. Just watching Vann get turned on by him had him fully engorged within seconds, and he took a deep breath as the dark bonding scent coming from his mate thickened in the air around him.


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