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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  Rytsar looked up at the nurse, the rawness of his pain unveiled for a fraction of a second. He heard her sharp intake of breath as she responded to it. Rather than backing away in fear, she surprised him by reaching out to touch his shoulder.

  He instantly retreated into himself and looked the other way.

  “Mr. Davis is recovering, although it seems like a slow process. There is no reason to lose hope.”

  “Can you promise me he’ll recover?” he asked in a gruff voice, turning back to her.

  The nurse smiled sadly. “No.”

  Rytsar nodded curtly, glancing at her name badge. “Proceed, Nurse Abby.”

  Standing up, he put the railing back up and placed the chair in its original spot. “And thank you for your honesty.”

  He walked out of the ICU and addressed his men. “Titov is in charge of security at the beach house. Both of you will remain here to watch over Sir Davis. I do not want his wife to grow suspicious of your vigilance, so disarm her by smiling whenever she walks past. If she asks how you are, give her a pleasant answer. I want her to think you are here for Mr. Davis as a friendly courtesy of mine.”

  They nodded, their expressions somber. Rytsar pointed his finger at them. “Don’t fail to smile.”

  He headed down in the elevator to meet up with Brie and Tono outside the hospital entrance. He felt a twinge of jealousy when he saw them together and paused for a moment.

  It was apparent that the bond Nosaka shared with Brie remained strong. It was not common for Rytsar—this jealousy—and it left him feeling unsettled.

  That was another reason to get rid of the Asian Dom as soon as possible.

  Then he would have to deal with his old college friend—Brad Anderson.

  Rytsar watched the private jet take off, feeling a sense of relief as he wrapped his arm around Brie’s waist. “It’s good Nosaka can go back to his woman.”

  She nodded, smiling to herself. “I am pleased about that.”

  He guided her into the car and instructed his driver to take them to the beach house.

  “Wait. Why aren’t we headed back to the apartment?”

  “You’re joining me at my house while I’m here,” he explained. “Titov will be at your disposal whenever you need to leave it.”

  Brie did not look happy about the arrangement. “Rytsar, while I deeply appreciate the offer, I prefer to stay at the high-rise.”

  “I am sorry, radost moya. That is not an option.”

  “Why?” she pressed.

  “Unlike Master Anderson and Tono Nosaka, I am not willing to put you in harm’s way, even if it upsets you.”

  He saw the flash of defiance in her eyes.

  Rytsar raised an eyebrow in response to her willfulness.

  She frowned. “But what about my things? And poor Shadow?”

  “Your clothes are being packed and brought to my beach house as we speak, but what is this shadow you speak of?”

  “He’s a black cat.”

  Rytsar looked at her strangely. “When did Thane become a cat person?”

  “Shadow was charged to me when his owner passed away unexpectedly. Sir hasn’t met him yet.”

  Rytsar laughed. “I will be interested to see if this Shadow remains a part of your household after Thane awakens and returns home.”

  Brie gave him a devastated look.

  “Do not fret, radost moya. If you wish to have the creature join us at the beach house, I will have it brought along with your things.”

  “But you don’t understand,” she insisted. “He doesn’t let just anyone to touch him. Besides me, Tono has been the only one.”

  Rytsar scoffed. “All this concern over a cat? I’m certain my men can handle it.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Brie said, shaking her head. “I think I’d better go back and get him myself. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “You amuse me. You do realize my men have dealt with the bratva.”

  Brie still remained unconvinced.

  Rytsar smiled confidently. “If they have any trouble, I will retrieve the animal myself. I have something much more important in mind for you.”

  She lowered her gaze, obviously still struggling with being displaced against her will.

  “The upside to submitting to my demand is that I guarantee I will apprehend Lilly.”

  She looked up with a spark of hope in her eyes. “Really, Rytsar?”

  “There are spies everywhere, radost moya. It will not be difficult.”

  The hopeful expression quickly turned to one of concern. “You should know she carries a child.”

  “I have already been informed that she is pregnant, and I would never cause harm to a child.”

  “What exactly are you planning to do with Lilly?” Brie whispered in a hushed tone.

  Rather than answer her, Rytsar unbuckled her seat belt and pulled her over to him before buckling her back in. He laid her head against his shoulder. “You and the baby are safe with me.”

  Rytsar was gratified when he felt her relax against him. He smiled, content in the knowledge Lilly would pay for the harm she had done.

  Confronting the Traitor

  Knowing how long Brie had lived with the pain, fear, and uncertainty of Thane’s accident, Rytsar wanted to become her refuge. The first thing he did when they arrived at the beach house was to remind her of their past.

  He walked her straight into his bedroom and told her to strip.

  She looked at him questioningly but slowly undressed.

  He bound her to the middle beam, just as he had the night he’d won her for the auction. However, this time he only blindfolded her.

  Rytsar walked to the large windows that made up the west side of the room and opened them so the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves could fill the room. He then returned to her and whispered gruffly, “Your task is simply to reconnect with yourself.”

  He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  “Titov, remain here and watch over her. I have a pressing engagement with an old college buddy.” He smashed his fist hard into his hand and headed toward the door.

  Titov stopped him, handing over an envelope, stating, “It’s from Russia.”

  Rytsar took it from him and walked out the door. He glanced over the message on his way to Anderson’s place. Folding it back up, he stuffed it in the breast pocket of his jacket. He had to keep his mind focused and not allow it to wander. If his trusted informants were correct, there was little time left. Without a second to lose, the first thing on his agenda was taking care of Anderson’s mismanagement of the situation.

  He hadn’t warned the man he was coming. Anderson didn’t deserve the courtesy.

  Two of Rytsar’s guards followed him to the door to ensure he would not be disturbed during their “discussion”.

  Pounding hard on the door, Rytsar yelled, “Open up now, you cretin!”

  He continued to pound until the door opened. Rytsar was shocked to see a pretty little redhead answering the door. “Can I help you?”

  Rytsar frowned and demanded, “Is Anderson here?”

  “Why, yes he is. He was just getting…” She blushed, not finishing her sentence as Brad hobbled to the door on his crutches, his shirt only half tucked.

  Brad grinned warmly at him. “When the hell did you get in, Durov?”

  Rytsar didn’t even bother to respond. He pushed hard against Brad’s chest, slamming him against the wall inside his home.

  Anderson dropped his crutches, thrown off by the unexpected attack, and sputtered, “What the fuck, man?”

  The redhead screamed at Rytsar, pounding on his back with her tiny fists.

  Rytsar ignored her, getting right up into Brad’s face.

  “You never called me,” he hissed, his muscles twitching, aching to release the rage that was boiling to the surface.

  “Look, that’s not my fault. Someone else was in charge of it.”

  “Let him go,” t
he girl demanded behind him. “Brad has a broken leg, for heck’s sake!”

  “And I’m about to break the other one,” Rytsar growled in answer.

  “What kind of monster are you?!”

  “I am not the monster here.” He turned his attention back to Brad. “Have we not been friends since college? Why did you betray me like that?”

  Brad pushed against him, but got nowhere. “Look, my only concern was making sure Brie was safe. Nothing else matters. Not you, not me, or anyone else.”

  “But you called in Nosaka,” Rytsar shot back.

  “Nosaka was able to give her something no one else could.”

  “What? I’d really like to know.”


  Rytsar snarled, unimpressed.

  “I don’t think you understand how bad off she was,” Brad insisted.

  Rytsar’s blood pressure shot straight back up, and he pushed harder against Brad’s chest. “And the reason I don’t is because… You. Never. Called.”

  “Look, man, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know but I’m having trouble breathing here.”

  Rytsar let up, but only slightly, unsatisfied by the answers he’d received so far.

  “Who is this man?” the redhead cried.

  Brad glanced over at her and gave her a charming smile. “This here is my old college friend, Rytsar Durov.”

  He turned to Rytsar and introduced her. “Durov, this is my girlfriend, Shey Allen.”

  Keeping one hand pressed against Brad’s chest, Rytsar held out the other to shake hers. “I heartily wish we were meeting under better circumstances.”

  She shook his hand tentatively, while she looked at Brad in concern.

  “Don’t mind Durov. He wears his heart on his sleeve and right now he’s been put through the wringer.”

  Brad spoke directly to Rytsar. “I know it’s a shock. I still haven’t gotten over hearing the news of Thane’s plane crash. I can’t reconcile the condition he’s in right now.” He paused for a moment to collect his emotions.

  “Even if you believed I’d been informed about the crash, why is it you never bothered to pick up the phone to see how I was handling the news?” Rytsar accused. “Why was that, friend?”

  Brad nodded. “You’re right, you’re right… I failed as a friend, but I was in a spiral myself. Don’t you get that? I was barely hanging on by a thread. And here I was, in a new position as head of the Submissive Training Center but needing to keep Brie safe from that maniac of a stepsister.” His voice faltered slightly when he admitted, “I struggled to cope.”

  Shey came up to Rytsar and started gently tugging on his arm, trying to release Brad from his unforgiving hold.

  Rytsar admired the bravery of the girl. He pushed away from Brad out of respect for her—but was still furious at him.

  Shey rushed to Brad’s side, checking him over and asking if he was okay.

  “Of course, darlin’,” Brad answered, casually wrapping an arm around her. He looked at Rytsar and smiled. “This was just a simple greeting among friends. Right, Durov?”

  Rytsar huffed. “I do not forgive you.”

  Brad’s infectious laughter filled the hallway. “Nor would I expect you to. But why don’t you and I sit and have a drink in Thane’s honor?”

  “I will drink to Thane, but not because I forgive you.”

  “Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear.”

  Shey picked up the crutches and handed them back to Brad. As the two men moved into the living room, he asked, “Darlin’, do you mind filling up two glasses, one with whiskey and the other with vodka?”

  “Ice for Mr. Durov?” she asked him.

  “No, we both like it neat.”

  She glanced over at Rytsar. “Do you promise not to attack my boyfriend while I’m getting your drink?”


  Anderson laughed. “No need to worry, Shey. He and I go way back.”

  The redhead accepted his assurance and winked at Brad as she left to pour the drinks.

  Rytsar noticed Brad studying him closely. “What?”

  “I’m just wondering how long it took you to get here after you heard what happened.”

  “I left immediately for the airport, didn’t bother packing any bags.”

  Brad nodded, seemingly impressed by his answer. “Well, misunderstandings aside, I’m glad you’re here now. I’m sure Tono could use the extra hand.”

  “I sent him home.”

  “What?” Brad looked stunned and confused. “He’s already gone?”

  “It was the first thing I did after apologizing for punching him.”

  Brad’s jaw dropped. “You hit the guy?”

  “I thought he had it coming.” His expression became more menacing when he added, “But in reality it was you that fist was meant for.”

  Shey walked in with their drinks just in time to hear his threat. “Oh no, Brad has done nothing to incur your wrath, Mr. Durov. Ask anyone. He has busted his butt to keep the Center running while looking out for Mrs. Davis and myself. He does not deserve your violence.”

  Rytsar did not smile when he took the drink from her. He enjoyed the rabbit-like fear he saw in her eyes, but he also admired the girl for her obvious loyalty toward the traitor.

  So Brad had finally bagged himself a woman…

  Rytsar noticed her jump when he spoke. “Go get another glass, and bring the bottle of vodka back with you.”

  She looked annoyed, but went back to fetch the two items without complaint.

  “Are you a two-fisted drinker, Mr. Durov?” she asked when she returned, handing over the glass and bottle.

  The girl had spunk, Rytsar thought. Brad had done well for himself.

  He poured the vodka into the empty glass, filling it nearly to the brim before topping his own off, unsatisfied with the amount she’d poured him.

  He handed one of the glasses to her, stating, “If we are drinking in honor of Thane, you should not be left out.”

  Turning to Brad, Rytsar raised his glass. “To Thane, a man above men.”

  “Hear, hear!” Brad replied, the three of them holding up their drinks.

  Rytsar downed the fiery liquid and slammed the glass down on the table to pour himself another. He watched in amusement while Shey took tiny sips of her vodka.

  “You will have to train her better. This girl wouldn’t last a second in Russia.” Rytsar held up his glass to Shey. “A toast to you. It appears my college friend has finally met his match.” He downed the drink and grinned at her afterward. “You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, Shey Allen.”

  Shey blushed and then giggled, shaking her head, unsure how to respond to him.

  “Drink up,” he commanded, giving Brad a wink as he downed a third drink.

  When the redhead continued to nurse her first drink, Rytsar addressed her in a somber tone, “I will be deeply insulted if you do not finish that shot.”

  “This isn’t a shot, Mr. Durov,” she protested. “It’s a whole glass of vodka.”

  “Take it from a Russian, that is a shot and you are falling behind. To not drink what was poured you is considered a grave insult amongst my people.”

  Shey looked at her drink nervously but tipped the glass back and took several gulps before the fiery bite of the liquor got to be too much for her. She sputtered and wiped her mouth sheepishly afterward.

  Rytsar returned his attention back to Brad and said reproachfully, “Lilly came close to kidnapping Brie.” The simmering anger in his belly started to boil when he thought about how close it’d been. Rytsar spat in disgust. “That would never have happened if I’d been here.”

  Brad nodded, his expression pained and full of guilt. “I failed to grasp how truly dangerous Lilly is.”

  Rytsar glared at him. “She will be dealt with now.”

  When Brad started to protest, he raised his hand. “I know, I know, the beast is pregnant. The fetus will be spared.”

  Brad settled back
on the sofa. “I can say I’m actually relieved. No one has been able to stop her. But you? You are a true force to be reckoned with.”

  “No one hurts radost moya,” Rytsar stated. “And you? You still deserve a sock in the jaw for putting her in danger. You’re lucky Nosaka acted as your whipping boy.” Rytsar grunted, adding, “He took it like a man, by the way.”

  Brad held his hands up in surrender. “Look, I’ve learned my lesson. Either talk to Durov first or an innocent man will be made to pay.”

  “It is no laughing matter.”

  Brad nodded, the smile leaving his face. “I was wrong not to reach out to you.”

  Rytsar eyed him suspiciously.

  Brad stuck his hand out to shake Rytsar’s. “Seriously. It won’t happen again.”

  When Rytsar finally took the outstretched hand, Brad shook it vigorously.

  Shey gulped the last of her vodka and exclaimed proudly, “I’m done!”

  Rytsar knew the warming effects of the vodka were now flowing through her veins. “Good. I will leave unoffended.”

  He stood up and started toward the door with Shey following close behind him. He stopped her when he noticed her unsteady gait. “I appreciate the courtesy, but I can see myself out.”

  Rytsar put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face Brad. “Go back to your man and enjoy the effects of the vodka.”

  He left Anderson’s still feeling edgy.

  Not having the opportunity to release his pent-up anger by breaking bones meant he still had to carry it. Rytsar desperately needed a sadistic session of play, but knew there was no time for such things.

  Having promised Brie he would get the damn cat, he had his driver take him to Thane’s apartment. His men had done a good job getting Brie’s things together, and two large suitcases sat at the front entrance with a list of everything inside.

  However, the cat was not among the requested items.

  He looked at the two men who were standing at attention with their hands behind their backs. “What’s this? I specifically said the cat was coming.”

  The men shifted uncomfortably.

  “What? You’re telling me it escaped?”

  “Not exactly,” said the shorter of the two, revealing his arms to Rytsar. They were covered in angry scratches. Rytsar frowned and asked the other, “You too?”


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