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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 8

by Red Phoenix

  He only nodded as he showed off similarly slashed arms.

  Rytsar shook his head. “One cat did this to my men? My men who have fought trained killers?”

  They lowered their eyes to the ground in answer.

  “Fine, I will take care of it myself. Where is the beast?”

  “In the back bedroom.”

  “Get out of my sight,” he told them in disgust.

  His men grabbed the suitcases before leaving the apartment. Rytsar started down the hallway, shaking his head and muttering to himself, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”

  Rytsar entered Thane’s bedroom and was hit by a moment of grief. The place seemed vacant and depressing, only reminding him of what had been lost. He snarled at himself, having no time to get sentimental.

  “Hey, kot, I’ve seen what you did to my men. There’s no reason to fight me. I’m only here to deliver you to your mistress.”

  He looked around the room and saw no sign of life. Getting on his hands and knees, Rytsar checked under the bed. He saw two glowing eyes staring back at him. They narrowed as he met the cat’s gaze and a low growl emanated from under the bed.

  “I don’t have the time or patience for this. Come now,” Rytsar said, sweeping his hand as he grabbed for the cat.

  Claws and fangs met his attempt, and he instinctually pulled his arm out from under the bed. Rytsar looked down at the scratches, which were already started to itch. He growled angrily. “Oh yeah? Two can play at that game.”

  Throwing the mattress off the bed, Rytsar lunged for the huge black cat. It waited for him, not moving until it had a clear shot and attached itself to his chest. Rytsar roared as he flung the creature from him, panting heavily.

  “You are the devil,” Rytsar hissed. “Why she wants you, I’ll never know but you’re coming with me whether you like it or not. My will over yours, devil kot.”

  Rytsar ripped a blanket from the disheveled bed. “What I lack in claws I make up for in shrewdness.”

  It took a half hour to subdue the creature, but subdue him Rytsar did. Holding up the howling bundle in the blanket, he shouted, “Who’s the victor now?”

  Rytsar caught his sweaty, frazzled reflection in the mirror and had to laugh at himself. All this commotion for a damn feline? It was ridiculous! However, he had the menacing animal in his clutches and would be able to return it to radost moya unharmed.

  Now he, on the other hand, had not been not so lucky. The cat had gotten in several vicious attacks—but no matter. The spirited tussle had helped relieve some of his pent-up angst and he felt revived from it.

  Patting the squirming bundle, he exclaimed, “I cannot be defeated, no matter my foe.”

  One of his men cleared his throat, and Rytsar glanced up to see him at the entrance of the bedroom. How long he had been standing there Rytsar could only guess.

  “May I take it for you?”

  Rytsar nodded, handing over the moving bundle. “I will need this room put back together.”

  “Of course.”

  As they were walking down the hallway, Rytsar asked, “Are you impressed that I actually caught the damn beast?”

  “Da. Boris and I tried unsuccessfully for hours.”

  “That is why I am the boss, and you are not,” Rytsar said, smacking him on the back. The cat let out a long yowl in answer.

  “I do not understand pet people, do you?”

  “Nyet,” Rytsar answered, spitting on the ground. “I do not believe my comrade will be pleased when he finds out he’s now a cat owner.”

  Blood Bond

  While they headed back to the beach house, Rytsar reflected on Anderson’s claim that Brie had been through far more than he knew. He had no doubt it was true, and suspected Brie was in need of an escape—and, frankly, so was he.

  Rytsar called Titov and gave him new orders. Afterward, he sat back in the seat and watched downtown LA pass by as they headed toward the coast. The traffic was unbearable, so he closed his eyes, thinking back to that very first moment when he’d met Brie.

  The auction room was full, but he was escorted to the front along with Titov, his “interpreter” for the evening. Rytsar smiled when he saw the girl on stage getting blindfolded after being reprimanded for glancing at a Dom out in the audience during the auction.

  While Rytsar understood the reason for the correction, he strongly disliked the person who’d delivered it.

  He watched with interest as the girl took her punishment with grace and actually stood a little straighter, oozing a high level of confidence once the blindfold was secured. It was impressive considering how new she was.

  Thane had already shared with Rytsar his admiration of the girl, but Rytsar had chalked it up to a case of his American friend’s overactive libido.

  It pleased him to find that Miss Bennett was adept at playing out the role of the virgin captive she’d written about in her fantasy journal. She made the scene well worth the effort he’d put into planning it.

  Even now, his cock throbbed when he thought back to that moment when he’d sunk his shaft into her tight ass as tears fell from her eyes.

  He was the first to persuade her into doing something she hadn’t been prepared to do. That she’d submitted and embraced the spirit of the scene he’d carefully crafted, endeared her to him.

  That singular moment of her surrender remained etched in his mind years later. He’d felt her sheer terror when she’d clawed the floor trying to escape his clutches…

  Rytsar had taken her warrior fantasy seriously and wanted it to be fully realized for Brie. So, without reservation, he’d pulled her back and gently hushed her, wiping away her tears before he positioned his cock against her ass again.

  The girl, still new to submission, made the conscious decision to accept his desire—and her own—allowing her fantasy warrior to claim not only her body but her will.

  It was at that moment he knew Thane had chosen well.

  Rytsar shook his head, staring out the window at the sea of cars stopped in traffic. He adjusted his hardening cock in his slacks.

  He looked forward to spending the evening with Brie and sharing those memories together. He’d planned a brief escape into their past, adding a ritual that would cement his vow of protection now.

  With his comrade lying unconscious in the hospital, it was his duty and honor to fill that role.

  He spoke to Titov before rejoining Brie. “How is she?”

  “I heard quiet sobbing and checked on her. Mrs. Davis must have heard me enter because she suddenly stopped and has remained quiet ever since.”

  Rytsar nodded, stating confidently, “She needed this release.”

  He strode into the bedroom, making no attempt to be quiet.

  “Rytsar?” Brie called out.

  “Da, radost moya,” he answered. “It is I, your Russian knight.”

  As he approached, Rytsar noticed her blindfold was soaked with tears, but Brie wore a peaceful expression on her lips.

  Brie said aloud, in a wistful voice, “The ocean is eternal, Rytsar. The sound of the waves acts as an audible reminder that time never stops. The tragedies and triumphs of this world are washed away in their unrelenting movement.”

  “A profound musing.”

  She lowered her head and smiled. “The bound isolation, combined with the sound of the waves, has had a significant impact.”

  “Good. Those moments are needed when chaos reigns, and you are correct, radost moya. Nothing in this world is permanent. Not you, not me, or the land we stand on now.”

  She lifted her head, raising her chin a little. “Except true love. The vibrations of love never dissipate.”

  Rytsar shook his head and chuckled, tugging on a lock of her hair. “Still such an innocent.”

  She frowned slightly.

  Rytsar was captured by the look of her, bound and blindfolded, yet still standing up to him. “Respectfully, Rytsar, you should not be so quick to dismiss my belief. I see
in you the love of your mother and the love you hold for Tatianna. Love like that does not die. It makes you stronger. You still feed on it when you have need,” she declared gently. “Am I wrong?”

  Cradling her cheek, Rytsar answered, “No, radost moya. You are not wrong, but more than their love sustains me.”

  He placed his hand on her stomach. “My brotherhood with Thane, you, and the babe. You three give me strength I can no longer survive without.”

  Rytsar untied her wet blindfold and let it fall to the floor. Wiping her cheeks, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

  When he pulled away, she smiled until a look of concern came over her. “Oh no…what happened to you? Just look at your poor arms.”

  He looked down at the numerous scratches and shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  Brie shook her head begged, “Please untie me.”

  Rytsar undid her bonds and as soon as she was loose, Brie grabbed his arms to look at them more closely. “We need to take care of those. The last thing you need is an infection.”

  “Don’t make such a fuss, woman,” Rytsar protested when she headed to the bathroom to get supplies.

  Brie hurried back out with a washcloth and a container of rubbing alcohol.

  “I told you it’s not necessary to make a fuss,” he grumbled.

  Brie looked guilty as she poured the alcohol onto the cloth. “I take it by looking at your arms that Shadow didn’t come quietly.”

  Rytsar grunted. “Like you, he is stubborn.”

  Brie bit her lip as she started to clean the deep scratches. “I’m sorry it burns.”

  Laughing, he told her, “I’m a Russian. I do not cry over scratches.”

  “Still, he did a real number on you.” She looked worried when she asked, “You didn’t hurt him, did you?”

  “Nyet. Your little pet made it here safe and sound.”

  “Can I see him?”

  “Not yet. I have other plans for us first.”

  Brie nodded and went back to tending his wounds. The simple act reminded him of his mother, so he acquiesced even though it was not needed.

  As she worked, Rytsar noted a change come over Brie as tears started to fall. “We are connected—the three of us. I still remember how it felt when you left us in China after Sir’s mother died. It was as if a part of me was ripped away when you left.”

  “Da, I felt it too,” he answered gruffly.

  The loss then only echoed the extreme loss the two of them felt now. Rytsar hushed her when the tears did not stop.

  “I have a surprise for you, radost moya.”

  She looked up and attempted a smile. “A surprise?”

  Rytsar didn’t say more as he dried her tears before taking the cloth from her hand and laying it on the table. Snapping his fingers to alert Titov, he smiled at Brie while they waited.

  Titov entered the room holding a large box, which he handed directly to her.

  “Change into these and nothing else,” Rytsar commanded. “I will meet you outside.”

  He left her with a slight grin on his face, knowing her curiosity had been piqued.

  Rytsar headed out the front doors and whistled in admiration when he saw the stallion standing proudly before him. Voin was still as magnificent as the day he’d first laid eyes on the fine beast. He was a stunning equine, worthy of such a name.

  Hearing a giggle behind him, Rytsar turned to see Brie wrapped up in a short white coat and furry boots that showed off her bare legs.

  “Makes me think of our last encounter in Russia,” he growled huskily as he pulled her to him.

  “I look dressed for Russia, not the California beach,” she teased.

  “The evening air is cool, radost moya. We must keep you and the baby warm.” In a gliding motion, he jumped onto the horse and held out his hand to her. Brie grasped it and broke out into a peal of laughter as he easily hoisted her onto the horse in front of him.

  Already he could see his plan was working. The enthusiastic young woman he’d met at the auction was reflected in her actions and voice now as Brie stroked the mane of the stallion.

  “Rytsar, I never did ask you his name.”


  She repeated the word before asking, “It’s a fine, strong-sounding name, but what does it mean exactly?”


  Brie tilted her head questioningly, apparently unfamiliar with the term.

  “Mighty warrior,” he stated.

  “Ah…” She patted the beast’s neck. “Then it’s the perfect name for the fantasy he helped carry out.”

  Rytsar nuzzled Brie’s ear before biting down and saying huskily, “It was a memorable fantasy, radost moya, written by a woman with great imagination and inspired desires.”

  He wrapped his arm around her before nudging the horse with his heels to start them on their journey down the coastline.

  Brie leaned against his chest and sighed contently. “This is nice, Rytsar.”

  He smiled to himself as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon and the waves lapped against the stallion’s legs.

  “Da, I have often thought back on that evening with you.”

  She tilted her head back to look up at him. “Really? With all the erotic things you have done as a sadist?”

  “It was a tender moment—your surrender when I claimed your ass.”

  She trembled. “I was in awe and fear of you that night. Just thinking about it gives me pleasant goosebumps.”

  “You still feel that way?” he growled, biting lightly on her ear.

  “You definitely hold a unique power over me,” she admitted. “I’m both frightened and totally captivated by you.”

  “And you should be.” Rytsar clicked his tongue and Voin sped up, the horse falling into a gliding lope. He appreciated the feel of the ocean breeze, along with the whipping action of Brie’s hair against his cheek. Yes, this was a welcomed and needed escape.

  Rytsar headed down the beach until he came up to the fire that had been prepared for them. Brie squealed in delight as they approached and she saw the blanket laid out beside the fire ring.

  “Our own private fire on the beach. Just like old times!”

  “A stolen moment for you, me, and the babe.” He slid off the horse and offered his hand, helping her to gently dismount. Brie fell into his arms and gazed into his eyes.

  Time seemed to stop.

  He felt the same connection he’d had with Brie at the Russian cabin. She was easy to love and she was a part of Thane. It was easy to find solace in her arms.

  Only she could truly relate to the profound shock he’d felt upon learning of Thane’s accident. The uncertainty of knowing whether his comrade would recover and if he would be the same man only made it that much worse.

  There was always the chance his brother would not survive—which he would not acknowledge aloud—but it was the reason he wanted to bring her here tonight and perform the same ritual he had with Thane years ago.

  He was doing it as much for himself as he was for her.

  Rytsar led her to the fire and gestured to the blanket as he commanded her to kneel. Rytsar sat beside her cross-legged. Taking her small hands in his, he told her, “Radost moya, you know the deep friendship I share with your husband.”

  “Of course.”

  “You also know the love and respect I hold for you.”

  She nodded, smiling at him, her eyes luminous in the firelight.

  “It extends to the wee babe you carry.”

  Brie grinned, caressing her stomach. “I know how dearly you love moye solntse.”

  “Because of those three things, I wish to perform the ritual of blood with you.”

  She suddenly looked frightened and pulled away. “What are you talking about?”

  “Thane and I became blood brothers in college.” He showed Brie the old scar on his left wrist. “It speaks to our level of commitment to one another.”

  “I have always admired your brothe

  “Tonight, I wish to make a similar vow to you.”

  Her eyes widened, the flames of the fire dancing wildly in their reflection.

  “I promise you my fidelity, protection, and comradeship. It is the exact same promise I made to Thane.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I am truly honored.”

  Rytsar pulled out a mean-looking blade and presented it to her. The metal glinted in the firelight, highlighting its sharp edge.

  “Is this the knife you used with Sir?”

  “It is. You and I will mix blood as a symbol of my vow. I do not do this to take my comrade’s place, but to stand beside him, ensuring you and the babe will want for nothing.”

  Brie looked down at the fierce blade with fear in her eyes, but took a deep breath and nodded.

  “So you are willing, radost moya?”

  Brie pushed back the sleeve of her coat to bare her left arm to him, gazing into his eyes. Although frightened, she understood the meaning and significance behind his offer. “Sir told me the day we found out I was pregnant that I was to trust you if anything ever happened. It’s the reason we named you as our baby’s godfather.”

  “What? Why didn’t he tell me? I specifically asked the night I learned I was going to be her dyadya.”

  Brie smiled. “Sir said he didn’t want it going to your head.”

  Rytsar huffed in frustration. “He was in a jesting mood that night, wasn’t he?”

  Brie leaned her head against his shoulder. “Sir couldn’t wait to tell you about the baby, Rytsar, and he was the one who bought the vodka so we could tell you in a way only you would understand.”

  Rytsar felt his throat catch and had to wait a moment before he spoke. “I have that picture you sent as my screensaver on all my devices. I feel joy every time I see that bottle with the line through it.”

  “Sir would be glad to know that.”

  They both stared at the flames in silence. Speaking of that momentous night only high-lighted the significance of their loss now. Despite Rytsar’s stated optimism, he still feared he would not see his comrade again.


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