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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 10

by Red Phoenix

  He lifted his head and looked at Brie strangely. It was uncanny how much she’d sounded like his mother just then.

  Rytsar shook his head to clear it. “Although an assassin killed her, I knew who the real murderer was and I raced to confront my father. I found the fucking bastard at a poker table.”

  He roared in anger thinking about his father, the blood pounding in his head as red filled his brain. Rytsar was physically shaking, and had to push himself away from Brie, uncertain if he could control the hostility he felt.

  He explained as he made his way to the door, “If I say any more, radost moya, I will have to punch something. Neither it nor I will survive without something breaking.”

  Rytsar disappeared into his study to let the darkness in his soul pass. He watched with approval as the cat scrambled out of the room as if the hounds of hell were chasing him. In Rytsar’s current state, he was capable of anything.

  Sadly, his blind rage was the only notable characteristic his father had passed down to his son—the ability to become a berserker and annihilate everything in his path.

  The night of his mother’s death, Rytsar had gone into full berserker mode, creating a path of destruction in his wake. It would have been the perfect irony if his father had died that same night at the hands of his son. But the patriarch of the Kozlov family had denied Rytsar the satisfaction, having spared Rytsar’s life that night. The mercy shown had been out of sincere respect for him, but Rytsar had suffered for it ever since.

  It took several hours before Rytsar felt calm enough to return to bed. The dark rage he still harbored had no place here, not with radost moya to look after now.

  Rytsar wandered into the kitchen to fill up a large glass of water. He opened the fridge and glanced inside it for something savory. He spied some pickles and went to grab them when his eyes drifted over to the cooked bacon. Snagging it up too, he sat down near the cat, who was crouched under the far sofa thinking itself hidden.

  While Rytsar munched on the pickles, he held out the bacon to the cat.

  “Who can resist bacon?” he stated, wiggling the treat to entice the beast.

  It stared at him warily, making no move toward the meat.

  After several minutes, feeling foolish for even attempting to befriend the animal, Rytsar placed the bacon on the end table. “Suit yourself. Your loss.”

  He finished another pickle and gulped down the cold water before heading back to his bed. To her credit, Brie had remained in the bed, respecting his need for solitude.

  Rytsar had assumed she’d be asleep and tried to be quiet, but when he walked inside the bedroom, he found her kneeling beside the bed, patiently waiting for his return.

  He was touched.

  “You should be resting.”

  Brie looked at him with compassion. “I cannot sleep when I know you are suffering.”

  Rytsar felt a sadistic need to test her. “The only thing that would help is a good session with my ’nines.”

  The look of terror in Brie’s eyes made him smile inwardly.


  In a demanding tone, he asked her, “Radost moya, are you serious in your desire to ease my pain or not?”

  He felt a surge of inner excitement seeing her shiver.

  “Stand facing the pole if you are in earnest.”

  Rytsar was extremely curious what Brie would do, knowing well her fear of his cat o’ nines.

  Brie didn’t move a muscle for several moments, then nodded to him and gracefully made her way to the pole. She rested her body against it, willingly exposing her back to him.

  Her willingness to sacrifice herself for his well-being moved Rytsar far more than she could know.

  Determined to continue his wicked test, Rytsar walked over to Brie and grabbed the material of her nightgown, ripping it in two with his bare hands.

  She cried out at the violence of the action but stayed in place.

  Rytsar ran his fingers over her bare skin before picking up his ’nines. He started warming up his muscles.

  While the sound of the tails slashing the air excited him, he knew it frightened her and watched with pleasure as the muscles of her back tensed in anticipation of their cruel caress.

  It was hard not to hold back his mirth when he told her, “I am not in a gentle mood.”

  Brie let out a soft whimper but remained still. Her dedication to him was truly priceless.

  Rytsar let out a low animal growl, followed by the question, “Are you ready to receive my ’nines, radost moya?”

  Her body said no, but he heard a timid “yes” come from her lips.


  Approaching her trembling frame, he whispered in her ear, “Your willingness was all that I required.”

  Brie let out her breath and turned to him, her cheeks wet with tears. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Rytsar kissed her on the forehead, stating, “You are an extraordinary soul.”

  Brie suddenly frowned, understanding she’d been set up. “You, Rytsar Durov, are a wicked, wicked man.”

  He looked at her in pretend shock. “I would never hurt you unless you begged me to. Even then, I would have to consider the babe you carry.” He caressed her stomach tenderly. “Although you are not a masochist, I love that you are irresistibly drawn to my power.”

  He stared at her lips and leaned in closer. Brie did not move, inviting the advance.

  There was a burning need to connect with her after the devastation of the plane crash. It had left a gaping hole so deep that demanded to be filled.

  They could be that for each other…

  Rytsar stopped short. Rather than kiss her, he wrapped her in his muscular arms and pressed her naked torso against his. He could feel her heart beating rapidly like a scared little rabbit.

  “I must rest now. There is much I must accomplish tomorrow.”

  Brie nodded, stepping back when he let go, the flush of before returning to her cheeks. The mutual longing for connection was easy to read.

  “Will you be able to? Rest, I mean,” she asked.

  He answered by picking Brie up and carrying her to his bed. “Your devotion has eased my dark soul for the time being.”

  Brie curled up beside him, resting her head against his chest. “I have missed this kind of closeness.”

  Rytsar grunted in response, grateful that Nosaka had not filled that role while caring for her. The man gained more respect in Rytsar’s eyes. Maybe a gift was in order to make up for the sucker punch he’d given the Kinbaku Master.

  He would arrange something nice.

  “Go to sleep,” Rytsar commanded gently as he reached over and turned off the light. He noticed one of his men outside the glass window, walking the perimeter. It gave him a profound sense of peace.

  He was a Durov. He didn’t just get mad, he got even.

  Starting with the beast known as Lilly.

  Casting the Net

  The next morning, while Brie was still sleeping, Rytsar slipped out of the bed and put on a robe, heading outside to greet the pale light of a breaking dawn. The ocean waves were unusually big, the sound of them crashing against the shore an excellent cover for the discussion he was about to have with his men.

  “Titov, are you positive?”

  “Da. We know where she is hiding. It’s not far.”

  Rytsar looked at all of his men. “You understand what needs to happen today. It must be seamless.”

  They nodded in unison.

  “Leave nothing behind. Make it as if she never existed. You know the price if you fail.”

  Again, his men nodded.

  “And the man, Reese?” Rytsar asked, turning to Titov again.

  “He left the county the day of the incident and is keeping a low profile in the Virgin Islands.”

  “Then it should be easy enough to silence the maggot,” Rytsar snorted.

  “Only a matter of a day or two.”


  Rytsar reminded his me
n, “Be mindful the criminal is pregnant. While the woman will be made to suffer, there will be no harm to the child under your watch.” He made each of them agree individually.

  “I will be heading to the hospital with Titov this morning. Call me once you have secured the captive and I will join you.” Rytsar looked at his men and said somberly, “Move with stealth and purpose—succeed where others have failed.”

  The men pounded their chests three times in unison, physically voicing their commitment.

  With Rytsar’s plan now set in motion, he would have to share the details with Thane. It mattered little to Rytsar whether Thane remembered the conversation or not. This he was doing for his own peace of mind.

  “Go now,” he told his men. He watched as they headed out—the thrill of the chase being denied him. No matter; he would soon have his vengeance.

  Shedding his robe, Rytsar walked toward the ocean in the buff. He dived into a breaking wave, exhilarated by the rush of cold water. There was nothing like shocking the system when darkness consumed the soul.

  Rytsar smiled broadly when he walked out of the water and saw Brie standing on the beach waiting for him. “Would you like to take a dip before we head out, radost moya?” he asked, picking her up in his arms and twirling her about, covering Brie in cold droplets.

  She cried out in surprise and then started laughing.

  “Is that a yes?” he teased, as he headed toward the water.

  She struggled in his arms, pleading, “No, no, no… Please no water sports!”

  He chuckled dangerously, remembering fondly his impish joke at the cabin. “I’m sorry, that is not the proper response you were taught at The Center, now is it?”

  “Rytsar, don’t!” she screamed as he headed into the water, waiting for the right wave. When it rose up before them, he launched her into the air.

  He watched with pleasure as she disappeared under the swirling water, only to pop up a few seconds later whimpering, “It’s so cold, it’s so freakin’ cold…”

  The waves were strong, and unlike him, Brie could not keep her balance when the next one hit. Down under the icy waves she disappeared again.

  Taking pity on her, he grabbed a flailing hand and pulled her to him, cradling her body in his arms as he carried her back to shore and set her down.

  He took delight in her chattering teeth and the tiny goosebumps that covered her skin as they walked back to the beach house. “No need to thank me.”

  “For…what…?” she sputtered.

  “For clearing your mind,” he said, chuckling to himself.

  Titov opened the door as they approached and Rytsar picked her up carried and her to the oversize whirlpool tub already filled with warm water.

  He set her down into it, stating, “Wasn’t it refreshing?”

  Brie looked up at him, her lips blue from the cold and her teeth still chattering. “Nnnnn..o.”

  She stared at the steam rising around her and purred through her chattering teeth, “It’s so nice and warm.”

  Rytsar stepped into the tub to join her and Brie settled between his legs, leaning her back against his chest. Picking up a bar of soap, he lathered his hands before running them over her body. Had the situation been different, he would have found the encounter more sexual in nature and made advances to ravish her. However, in his current state, he found this moment a welcomed respite from the storm.

  Brie must have felt the same because she relaxed against him, letting his hands glide over her body. How long had it been since she had known the intimacy of companionship?

  “How are you feeling today, radost moya? Really?”

  She turned her head and looked at him sadly. “No matter what I’m doing or who I am with, I feel desperately alone without Sir.”

  Rytsar nodded in understanding, grateful for her candor.

  The pleasant sound of trickling water echoed in the large bathroom as he lifted one of her arms up and thoroughly lathered it before rinsing it off.

  “Your soul is torn in two,” he stated. “I understand.”

  “Yes… I never understood what a lonely place the world could be.”

  Her words struck a chord in Rytsar. Most of his adult life he had felt that way. The only time he’d truly felt connected to the world around him was when the three of them came together. Thane was his stable foundation—unmoving and true. And Brie was his heart—open and joyous.

  “It is a cruel and lonely place, radost moya. However, there is strength in unity.”

  He carefully washed the length of her other arm before heading for her chest.

  “Yes, I agree that there is.” Brie added with a sigh, “However, it’s not the same without Sir.”

  “No. It is not.”

  He put down the soap and wrapped his arms around her. “Thane will join the living again but, until he does, I will act as your foundation.”

  “Yes, Rytsar,” she said with a shy smile.

  That smile stirred something in him. As they were drying off, he took the opportunity to caress her body with the towel. He reflected on the softness of her skin, the tautness of her nipples, and the beauty of her womanly curves.

  It would be a shame to let this lovely creature wither away with need.

  “I have something for you,” he stated huskily. Once they were fully dressed, he snapped his fingers and one of his men appeared with a bouquet of flowers, which Rytsar handed to Brie with a slight bow.

  “What are these for?” Brie giggled in delight.

  “I know you like them.”

  She grinned as she lowered her nose to take in the scent of the colorful arrangement, not knowing they were silk flowers. She glanced up, looking at him oddly.

  “Do you know why I didn’t get you real ones?”

  Brie shook her head, looking confused.

  “I want you to know that my bond will not wilt or die over time.”

  Brie crushed herself against him. “Oh Rytsar…”

  Rytsar wanted to make the most of the time he had with Brie, and decided to share a secret obsession he and Titov shared. They took a slight detour before heading to the hospital. Brie’s interest became piqued when Titov suddenly parked the vehicle and jumped out, running to the opposite side of the street.

  “What is he doing?”

  Rytsar only smiled when Titov disappeared into a tiny donut shop and returned with a small white box.

  “Have you ever had one?” Rytsar asked her.

  “Donuts? Sure. Who hasn’t?”

  “These are not donuts,” he scoffed. “These are a culinary adventure for the palate.” His mouth began watering at the thought of biting into one of the unusual creations.

  Titov opened the car door and handed Rytsar the box before getting back into the vehicle himself.

  Rytsar stared down at the box, hesitating to open it. He looked at Brie and said gravely, “I’m serious, radost moya, you will be forever changed with one bite. It will become a craving you won’t be able to satisfy.”

  She laughed out loud. “You do realize you sound like a vampire right now.”

  He only smiled, taking his time to open the box for dramatic effect, revealing four distinctive creations inside.

  “This one,” he stated, pointing to a rich wine-colored one, “this is mine.”

  “Okay,” she replied with a shrug. “But it looks like a simple berry donut to me.”

  “Ah, but it isn’t. This is Blueberry Bourbon and Basil.”

  Rytsar could see he had her attention now.

  Taking a napkin, Rytsar picked up the powdered donut and handed it over the back of the seat to Titov. “His favorite is the Orange Olive Oil.”

  Titov grunted in agreement. “I enjoy the texture of this particular donut and the citrus powder it’s dusted in.” He kept one hand on the wheel as he took a huge bite.

  Rytsar looked down at the other two donuts. “I was unsure which you would prefer so I chose two.” Pointing to the chocolate donut smothered in chocolate ganac
he, he said with a smirk, “I know that you sometimes prefer it dark so I got you the Hot Chocolate.” He then pointed to the white one covered in melted sugar with a small squeezable vial of liquor syrup on top. “In case you were feeling a little more Caucasian today, you also have the Creme Brûlée.”

  Brie stared at both donuts hungrily and, without skipping a beat, picked up one in each hand. “I like it both ways,” she announced, first taking a bite of the dark chocolate and then biting into the sugary crunch of the brûlée.

  She closed her eyes with a happy smile and purred.

  Rytsar picked up the tiny vial of Cointreau. “You greedy little thing, let me follow that with a squirt of tangy liquid.”

  Brie quickly swallowed before she opened her mouth for him. Rytsar squeezed the orange-flavored liquor into her mouth in short pulses, making her giggle as the tiny bursts landed on her tongue.

  “I never knew donuts could be so sexual,” she said, wiping an errant drop of syrup from her bottom lip and swiping it over his lips with her finger.

  Rytsar winked at her as he licked it from his lips. He glanced at Titov through the reflection of the rearview mirror.

  Titov chuckled, taking the last bite of his donut and unceremoniously licking the powder from his fingers.

  “We are decidedly an uncouth threesome,” Rytsar asserted, finally taking a bite of his favorite donut. He closed his eyes to fully savor the bourbon glaze, and was surprised when he felt his donut move in his hand. He opened his eyes to find Brie taking a bite.

  Rytsar growled like an angry dog protecting its food. “Keep those sexy lips away from my donut.”

  “I’m sorry, Rytsar. I just had to take a little taste. It looks so delicious.” Brie licked her berry-glazed lips, adding enthusiastically, “And it so is!”

  “You have two of your own,” he reminded her harshly.

  Brie looked genuinely remorseful and held up her chocolate donut. “Would you like to lick my big black one? It’s so thick I can barely wrap my lips around it.”

  Rytsar had to keep from laughing and chose to snarl instead. “I’m not licking that.”

  Brie glanced down at his crotch and smiled innocently. “That’s what she said.”


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