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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  Laying the knife down on the blanket, he took out a white strand of cotton from his pocket, putting it on the blanket beside the blade. Rytsar then undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, shedding his clothes and laying both to the side.

  Brie’s gaze never left his as Rytsar prepared himself.

  “We do not want to bloody your pretty white coat,” he explained as he slowly unzipped it and helped her out of the jacket, laying it beside his own clothing. It left her naked except for her furry boots.

  Rytsar saw the goosebumps rise on her skin. He was certain it was caused by a combination of fear and the cool night air. It also had a pleasing effect on her nipples.

  Brie instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, but he commanded, “Hold out your left arm.”

  She sucked in her breath, but dutifully held out her arm to him. Rytsar noticed her tremble slightly and smiled to himself. Radost moya—his beautiful non-masochist.

  Positioning her wrist over the sand, he told her nonchalantly, “No reason for us to bleed on the blanket.”

  Brie let out a barely audible whimper but smiled at him hesitantly.

  Rytsar picked up the blade and held it before her. “Tonight you and I unite together with blood. As we mix our life forces, we bind ourselves to one another. This bond speaks to my undying loyalty to you and cannot be broken.”

  Having made his vow, he placed the blade just above his old scar and punctured his skin, dragging it slowly across. Brie gasped as blood started to flow from the new wound.

  Rytsar gave a low grunt of pleasure.

  Taking her hand, he grasped it firmly as he positioned the blade against her delicate wrist. He held it there for several seconds, wanting to prolong this important moment for her.

  Brie needed time to reflect on the bond being formed tonight.

  “Tell me when you are ready.”

  She looked up at him with a surprised expression. She’d expected only to submit to this ritual, but Rytsar demanded her participation.

  Gazing into his eyes, Brie made her vow to him. “I pledge my undying loyalty to you, second only to my Master.” She looked down at her wrist pinned by the blade and did not hesitate. “Now.”

  He pushed the tip of the sharp edge, breaking the skin. To her credit, Brie made no sound although her eyes became wide as he cut her skin.

  Rytsar thrust the bloody knife into the sand after the incision was made and picked up the strip of white cotton. He bit onto one end as he pressed his bloody wrist against hers and wrapped them tightly together.

  Crimson soaked through the first layers of the white fabric as he continued to bind them together. Once bound, he finished with a simple knot.

  “Lie with me,” he commanded, pulling Brie down onto the blanket and pressing her body against him. He stared out at the dark ocean, the constant crashing of the waves just beyond the light adding to the eternal element of their act.

  Brie pressed against him.

  “I am a berserker, radost moya,” he confessed solemnly. “I am a fierce protector. No one can hurt you now.”

  “I believe you.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “As far as moye solntse, she will want for nothing.”

  Brie looked into his eyes. “Please don’t spoil our child. I don’t want a sweet little brat on my hands.”

  He crushed her to him and laughed. “I make no promises.”

  Brie settled against him and he noticed her smile contentedly as she turned back to the flames.

  “I can imagine it already,” he whispered gruffly. “You holding the wee babe as Thane and I smile down at her.”

  “Or him,” she corrected quietly.

  “Or him,” he replied for her benefit even though he knew it was a girl.

  “Yes…I can see that too,” she replied wistfully. “It will happen.”

  “Of course it will,” he stated, but his heart was still troubled. “Moye solntse will know the depth of her dyadya’s love.”

  “I’m glad.” Brie did not correct him this time on the sex of the baby. She looked down at the white cloth that bound them together and asked, “Should I consider you my blood brother now, Rytsar?”

  He snorted. “Nyet. I am not your brother.” He pulled on her hair, tilting her head back to plant a firm kiss on her lips. He looked deep into her eyes, overcome with a sense of profound responsibility. “My role is to step in for Thane when he cannot.”

  Brie nodded, a poignant smile on her lips as she accepted his words.

  Rytsar squeezed her tighter. It felt as if she, like he, had left a part of her soul with Thane at the hospital. Until his comrade was with them in body as well as spirit, nothing would feel whole or right.

  He covered them both with the blanket to protect them from the cold night air. He stared into her honey-colored eyes as he thought back to the first conversation he’d had with Thane about the girl lying beside him now.

  “Hey, Durov, glad I caught you before you headed out for the day. I have a favor to ask.”

  “Shoot, moy droog,” Rytsar answered, short on time but curious about his comrade’s request.

  “We have a new submissive at The Center who intrigues me. Would you be willing to come to our first auction and bid for her?”

  Thane kept his distance from students—it was a rule he never broke. Rytsar’s interest was stirred. “What makes this particular sub so special?”

  “I can’t put my finger on it. It’s one reason I want you to come. I need your honest opinion of her.”

  Rytsar was left momentarily speechless. Thane was unusually adept at reading people, especially new subs. That he was seeking Rytsar’s opinion meant the girl was having an unwelcomed effect on him.

  That could actually be a good thing… However, not just any girl would do. Thane needed a woman worthy of his talents and strong enough to withstand the challenges he presented as a partner.

  It was only right that Rytsar was being called in, but sadly he had no time for a jaunt off to America. “You know normally I would say yes, moy droog, but—”

  “This is not an idle request.”

  His answer had serious undertones, grabbing Rytsar’s attention. “Go on.”

  “I have broken protocol and had sexual contact with the girl after class hours.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “I would chalk my behavior up to an uncommon level of lust but for one thing. When I finished, I did not feel the elation of conquest. Instead, I felt…”



  His confession struck Rytsar. He had only felt that way once—a long time ago—with Tatianna. No further urging was necessary. “I’ll come. What is the sub’s name?”

  “Miss Bennett. I want you to make her first auction memorable.”

  “Do not fear, moy droog. I will make it an evening she won’t forget.”

  “She’s not like the submissives you normally play with, my friend. Be gentle with her.”

  Rytsar grunted in amusement. “This girl, she has already stolen your heart.”

  “Don’t be absurd.”

  Thane’s immediate denial was telling. The reality that his comrade had fallen for a woman was sobering to Rytsar. There was a reason to hope.

  “It would be my honor to assess the girl, but if I find her unworthy, I will not mince my words.”

  “I’m counting on it, old friend. I need clarity and you are the only one I trust to give it.”

  Rytsar was determined to put this girl through the paces. If she didn’t prove a worthy match, it was better Thane knew now before he become more emotionally invested.

  “I’m afraid there’s one thing that may change your mind about coming,” Thane cautioned.

  “Nothing could keep me away, I swear it.”

  “Samantha will be on the panel.”

  Rytsar growled. To be in the same room with that woman would require more control than he could muster. “You are asking too much of me, moy droog.”<
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  “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need you here.”

  Rytsar glanced down at the scar on his wrist. They had a bond that was stronger than family. The fact Thane was asking this of him only highlighted the gravity of the situation.

  “Send me a copy of Miss Bennett’s fantasy journal.”

  “Good, I’ll see you soon then.”

  Rytsar chuckled reluctantly. “Apparently so.”

  Thane paused for a moment. “Thank you, brother.”

  “No need to thank me. I get to tease and fuck a sexy American. In truth, I should be thanking you.”

  “There’s just one more thing.”


  “She’s not for going back to Russia with you.”

  Rytsar burst out laughing. “No worries, moy droog. Trust me, I am not interested in your plaything.” After he got off the phone, Rytsar shook his head. It was clear that his comrade was in deep over his head.

  Tormented Past

  Looking down at the woman in his arms, Rytsar smiled to himself. Thane’s request that day had ended up changing the course of both their lives. Brie not only brought balance to his comrade’s life, but to his own.

  “Rytsar,” she said gently.

  “Yes, radost moya?”

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I was supposed to be here all along.” He glanced at their joined wrists and asked her, “Are you ready to be unbound?”

  She nodded.

  Rytsar helped her into a sitting position as the blanket fell away, leaving them exposed to the chill of the air. He noted again the pleasing effect the ocean breeze had on her pert breasts. Brie was truly a beauty, and with the blush of motherhood she’d become irresistible to him.

  He began unwrapping the cloth, now soaked with their blood. He picked up his bottle of vodka and splashed the alcohol on her wounds to clean and sanitize them.

  Brie sucked in her breath and he grinned. Yes, it stung, but it was the good kind of pain.

  “Now, we each carry the mark that symbolizes our blood bond.”

  Brie lightly traced a line just above her wound, which was still trickling a small amount of blood.

  Rytsar fished out gauze and bandaged up her wrist before taking care of his own. He then wrapped her back in the white coat and zipped it up, patting her on the head like a child. He felt a profound love for her and picked up the bottle of vodka to celebrate it.

  Pressing it to her lips, he commanded, “Drink.”

  “What about the baby?”

  “Just one sip.”

  Brie nodded and swallowed the fiery liquid, smiling at him afterward as tears pricked her eyes.

  He grunted in gratification, taking several long swigs for himself before setting the bottle down and putting his clothes back on.

  Rytsar helped Brie onto the stallion, then jumped up behind her.

  “This night will be forever etched in my mind,” Brie commented softly, lying back against his chest.

  He felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Already he had started the process of setting things right.

  When they reached the beach house, he helped her down and handed the reins over to one of his men who was waiting outside. Unbeknownst to Brie, they had been guarded by his men the entire time. He would take no chances with her.

  Once inside, Rytsar told her to check on the cat while he headed to the shower to steal a few moments for himself. He could feel the tick of the clock with each passing second he spent with Brie.

  His instincts were telling him there was very little time.

  Rytsar came to bed after toweling off. Brie was already sitting on it, petting the black creature. One look at Rytsar, and the feline jumped from Brie’s lap and made a beeline for the door. She stood up and smiled. “Shadow thought you were taking him away from me. I think that’s why he fought so hard.” Looking at Rytsar’s shredded arms, she added, “It wasn’t personal.”

  Rytsar shrugged. “I hold no grudge against it, but the animal has no reason to run now.”

  “I’m afraid that’s the way he is around most people, regardless of the circumstances.”

  “Except Nosaka,” Rytsar stated.

  “So far—yes.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. As long as you are happy, it can spend its days hiding like a coward.”

  Brie smiled, unconsciously glancing at Rytsar’s naked frame. A pink blush colored her cheeks as she looked away.

  It had been a long time since they’d been together intimately. He was certain the poor girl had not experienced release since Thane’s accident. He knew what she needed and would speak to his comrade about it in the morning. It was not healthy for Brie to lock away the passion of her soul, especially with a sex life that had been as intense and prolific as theirs.

  “Do you normally wear that to bed?” he asked, looking at the long white nightgown covering her feminine curves.

  “Not with Sir, of course, but I have been lately.” She looked down at the simple gown. “It was something I used to wear in college.”

  Rytsar eyed the unflattering nightgown but said nothing as he threw back the covers and crawled into bed, slapping the mattress, inviting her to join him.

  Brie lay down beside him and rested her head on his pillow, staring at him silently.

  “What are you thinking, radost moya?”

  She shook her head slightly. “I don’t think you want to know.”

  Raising an eyebrow, he told her, “Try me.”

  Brie took a deep breath before answering, alerting him to her discomfort. He hoped it was a filthy desire he could use in the future with her.

  “I was thinking back on our conversation about your mother in Russia. I’d like to ask what happened to her—now that you and I are bonded by blood and all.”

  Rytsar stared at her, saying nothing. Bringing up his mother required a complete reversal of thought. Speaking about his mother’s death only brought him great sadness, and with the current situation, it seemed unwise to delve down into that dark hole with Brie.

  Still…would he ever have the chance to share that part of himself with her if he didn’t do it now?

  Closing his eyes, he allowed the horrifying memories of his mother’s last moments to come flooding back and his heart broke all over again.

  “My mother was thrilled to see me when I unexpectedly came back from the States. I assumed by the lines on her face that she’d been worried about my well-being, although she had never confronted me on it.”

  Rytsar looked at Brie. “I never told her what happened between Samantha and me, but somehow I think she knew—a mother’s instinct. When Mama met me at the airport, she held on to me, refusing to let go.”

  A tear traveled down his cheek. “I loved her, radost moya. I am not ashamed to say that my mother held my heart in her gentle hands.”

  Brie hugged him, trying to keep her own tears back.

  He looked down at her sweet face and smiled sadly. “How I wish you two could have met. She never had the chance to meet moy droog…”

  Brie cocked her head. “I had no idea Sir never met her.”

  Rytsar let out a long, tortured sigh. “Mamulya only lived a few days after my return to Moscow.”

  Shaking her head in disbelief, Brie snuggled closer to him. “What happened to her?” she asked in the barest of whispers.

  “She was murdered. It was a hit, radost moya.”

  Brie stared at him, too stunned to speak.

  “My mother’s kind soul was snuffed out by a coldhearted killer.”

  “But I thought your family didn’t deal with the bratva.”

  “We don’t.”

  “It wasn’t a mistake, was it?” she asked in horror.

  “Her death was payment.”

  “For what?”

  “A gambling debt.”

  Brie looked confused. “But you don’t gamble.”

  “It was not my debt.” The vision of his mother’s death played out before him as he spoke.
“It is burned in my memory and is something I must fight off every day.”

  “I can’t believe you were there when it happened,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

  Rytsar pressed his forehead against hers. “I must live with the fact that I…couldn’t save her.”

  “Oh Rytsar…”

  He pulled away from Brie, forcing himself to voice aloud the vision in his head. “That night started off deceptively sweet. My mother had laughed so much that night when I’d shared the most humorous stories involving Thane, Brad, and me. She countered my college tales with her favorite pranks I had played as a young boy.” He smiled to himself. “It was a rare and precious moment.”

  Brie gently kissed his forehead, smiling sadly.

  “I left her just before nine, intent on spending a night out with my old gang.” He stopped for a moment, hardly able to voice the memory he had kept buried for so long. “I was jumping into my car when I happened to look up at the window and saw her waving at me.”

  Rytsar felt his world crashing in and had to clear his throat, pushing himself to continue. “I saw the outline of the assassin as he approached her from behind, his actions swift as he unceremoniously slit my mother’s throat. The man let her fall and looked out the window at me. I raced to the door, but I had locked it on my way out and had to fumble for the keys.

  “I knew even as I rushed up the stairs I was too late to save her. Mamulya lay in a pool of blood as her heart steadily pumped out the last of her life. The assassin was gone, and I had the choice to chase after him or stay with my mother during her final moments.”

  He paused, his voice choked with emotion. “I chose to stay.”

  Brie silently wept the tears he could not.

  “As my beautiful mother lay gasping in my arms, she wore a surprised expression on her face. She tried to speak to me, but only gurgled on the copious amount of blood as I watched the light slowly ebb from her soulful eyes.”

  A chilling cry escaped his lips at the memory of her final breath.

  Brie pressed his head against her breasts, letting out a strangled cry of her own. The two became silent as the echoes of that loss played out.

  “Anton,” she whispered, “I am so sorry you carry this burden.”


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