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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  “Is there anything else?” Yegor asked.

  “Yes, be sure she gets the proper nutrition. If she refuses to eat, you have my permission to shove it down her throat.”


  Rytsar smiled. “I will be back in two days. I have a special gift in mind on my return.”

  He chuckled to himself as he left, plotting the many ways he would make Lilly pay for the harm she had caused his little family—Thane, Brie, and his tiny moye solntse.


  Rytsar awoke energized about the day ahead. Not only would he have the honor of attending Brie’s appointment, but if the obstetrician agreed, he would be introducing her to blessed release that night.

  He could hardly contain himself as he took his morning dive into the ocean. He was definitely seeing his life in a far more positive light. The darkness that had haunted him for so long was beginning to lift. Even if this was only a temporary illusion, he was determined to embrace it fully.

  Having the Lilly threat locked and contained only added to his overall feeling of exhilaration. It was a good day to be alive.

  When he walked into the bathroom for his warm bath afterward, he found Brie waiting for him.

  “While I am not into cold dips in the ocean at dawn, I do enjoy a warm bath with a Russian.”

  He smiled as he dropped his robe and helped her into the tub. “Today is a most special day, radost moya.”

  Brie settled down in the tub, resting her hands on his thighs, and leaned back, sighing contentedly. “Yes, it is. Today you get to join me at my appointment and see the ultrasound. I will love not going to the appointment alone.”

  Rytsar wrapped one arm around her and pressed Brie against him. “It was never meant to be that way, radost moya. You will always have at least one of us by your side from this point forward.”

  Brie laid her head against him and said in a wistful voice, “I feel completely safe.”

  “Today we will add completely satiated to the list.”

  Brie turned her head and questioned him with a hint of concern. “What exactly do you have in mind, Rytsar?”

  “Trust me,” he said as he began to lather both their bodies up.

  “But you’re a sadist and a wicked-mean prankster.”

  Rytsar held up his wrist to her without saying another word and went back to work, rubbing his hands all over her slippery body with soap.

  Brie settled back against him hesitantly. “Fine, I will trust you.”

  He chuckled as he splashed her with water.

  Rytsar guided Brie into the doctor’s office and told her to sit down while he signed her in.

  “I’m here on Thane Davis’s behalf,” he said proudly. “I was told there would be an ultrasound today for Mrs. Davis and just want to confirm.”

  The receptionist smiled pleasantly as she checked the schedule on her computer. “That’s correct. And your name is?”

  “Rytsar Durov, a relative of the family’s.”

  The receptionist glanced over at Brie. “It’s so tragic what happened to her husband, isn’t it?”

  “Agreed, which is why it’s important I’m here as support until he recovers.”

  The woman blushed, responding to his natural Russian charm. “Mrs. Davis is certainly lucky to have someone as handsome as you as her support.”

  Although inappropriate considering the circumstances, Rytsar understood her plight. It was hard to resist the allure of his masculine dominance. He gave her a curt nod and sat down next to Brie.

  “You know I’m perfectly capable of signing in myself,” Brie chided gently. “It’s not like I’m helpless.”

  “Radost moya, it is my pleasure to care for you and the babe.”

  She wrapped herself around his muscular arm and sighed contentedly. “I’ll admit it’s nice to be pampered.”

  Several minutes later, the technician called Brie in, instructing her to change into the hospital gown and lie on the table.

  Once the man left, Rytsar helped her out of her clothes and tied the gown securely before sweeping her off her feet to set her on the table himself.

  Brie giggled as she lay down on the crinkly paper. “Well, I’ve never had it done so swoon-worthy before.”

  Rytsar smiled but once she was settled, he stood still, feet apart, arms crossed, and a stoic expression on his face.

  “Aren’t you excited to be here?” Brie asked after several minutes had passed in silence.

  He glanced down at Brie without moving his head, not wanting her to know just how anxious he was about seeing moye solntse for the first time. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  Brie held out her hand to him and smiled. “I’m touched you feel that way.”

  When the door opened, Rytsar shook the technician’s hand firmly, keeping his tough outer exterior, although his heart had started to race.

  The man looked over at Brie. “And who is this?”

  “Thane’s brother, Rytsar Durov.”

  The technician turned to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet Thane Davis’s brother. We’re all pulling for him.”

  Rytsar nodded curtly, not trusting himself to speak.

  The technician glanced at Brie, uncertain how to take Rytsar’s lack of response. “Well, I suppose we’d better get to it then.”

  “Agreed,” Rytsar stated impatiently, taking Brie’s hand as he watched the ultrasound technician lift the gown and spread clear gel on her stomach.

  “Today we’ll be checking measurements,” he explained.

  “Will you be checking the sex of the baby as well?” Rytsar wanted to know.

  The technician smiled. “No, it’s still too early to determine that.”

  “Ah,” Rytsar replied, squeezing Brie’s hand a little harder, disappointed Brie would not have confirmed what he knew to be true.

  Rytsar watched with interest as the technician glided the instrument over her stomach, revealing globular shapes on the small computer screen.

  “Which one is the babe?” Rytsar asked.

  The technician traced his finger around a small peanut-shaped glob. “This is the fetus.”

  Rytsar pulled out his phone. “Do you mind if I take a picture?”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Durov, that’s not allowed.”

  Rytsar grunted and shoved the phone back in his pocket, hiding his disappointment.

  “But I’ll print a picture when I’m done,” the technician offered.

  “Good,” Rytsar said gruffly, his eyes glued on that image on the screen. He couldn’t believe he was actually seeing the tiny babe.

  “Now, if I zoom in here, you can see the heart beating.”

  Rytsar felt his own heart stop for a moment as he watched the little miracle of that magical fluttering movement. He moved in for a closer look and turned to Brie. “We can see her heartbeat, radost moya!”

  Brie’s face was glowing and she giggled joyously. “I know. I can’t believe it.”

  Tears welled up in Rytsar’s eyes as he turned back to the screen. He watched in reverent silence as the sonographer recorded all the measurements. When the man was done, he handed Rytsar two copies of the picture.

  For the first time since entering the room, Rytsar smiled at him, slapping him hard on the back.

  The technician was taken aback and cried out in surprise, then laughed awkwardly. Adjusting his glasses, he turned to Brie and informed her, “Your doctor will be meeting with you in a couple of minutes after he’s had a chance to look over the results.”

  “Is anything wrong?” Rytsar demanded.

  “Simply hospital procedure, Mr. Durov,” the man assured him.

  Rytsar looked at Brie to make sure she had not been upset by the man’s words. Instead of worry, he saw the glow of motherly confidence reflected in her eyes.

  It gave his own soul peace, and he did not accost the man for more answers.

  The technician efficiently cleaned the gel from Brie and started toward the door. Rytsar held up
the prints and barked a quick, “Thanks.”

  For some reason, the technician turned and put his hand to his head in a salute before leaving the room.

  “A bit odd, that man,” Rytsar complained.

  “I think he found you intimidating, Rytsar.”

  “What? Me?”

  “Yes, you. Why did you get all serious on him?”

  As Rytsar helped Brie into a sitting position, he told her, “I don’t like that he wouldn’t allow me to film it, and why couldn’t he simply tell us the baby is fine? I don’t trust his silence.”

  Brie placed her hand on his arm and smiled gently. “That’s what they did the last time. I remember feeling scared too at that first ultrasound, but the baby was just fine. And we just saw that little heart beating away. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  Rytsar stared down at the little peanut in the picture and nodded. He leaned over to kiss Brie’s stomach before whispering, “I see you, moye solntse, and you are even more beautiful than I imagined.”

  There was a knock on the door before the obstetrician stepped in. “Oh, I see we brought a bodyguard with us today.”

  Brie laughed sweetly. “Yes. This is Thane’s brother, Rytsar Durov. Rytsar, this is Dr. Peterman.”

  “Good to meet you, Mr. Durov,” the doctor said, giving him a firm handshake.

  Rytsar’s first impression of the man was favorable, which was important since he was in charge of both Brie and the babe’s care.

  “Now, let’s get down to business,” Dr. Peterman stated, wheeling the stool over and sitting down next to Brie. “Looking at all the measurements, it appears the fetus is smaller than most but completely within normal range.”

  Rytsar blurted, “I was afraid something was wrong. Tell me, was the babe hurt when she was drugged?”

  The doctor held up his hand. “I understand your concern, but everything is checking out normal. There is no reason for worry.” He looked at Brie and smiled. “In fact, why don’t we listen to the heartbeat? I’m positive it will ease both your minds.”

  Rytsar took ahold of Brie’s hand again and returned to his stoic state as the doctor had her lie down again and he placed another coating of gel on her stomach. With a smaller device, he began sliding the instrument to the left side of her stomach. Seemly out of nowhere, the loud sound of a quickly beating heart filled the small office room.

  Rytsar was overwhelmed by that sound of life. He felt no shame when a couple of tears escaped. “She sounds so strong…”

  “Now we don’t know the sex of the child at this point,” the doctor corrected, “but yes, that is a healthy heart rate.”

  Rytsar glanced at Brie and said nothing.

  She nodded in response, both of them lost in the wonder of moye solntse’s heartbeat.

  The doctor was about to remove the device when Rytsar asked him, “Do you mind if I record it for the father?”

  Brie’s eyes lit up. “Yes, can we please?”

  “I see no reason why not,” Dr. Peterman answered.

  Rytsar hit record and let it run for several minutes before nodding and saying thank you afterward.

  While the doctor cleaned off the gel, he told them, “Unless you have any other questions, we’re done here for today.”

  “Actually,” Rytsar answered, “I do have a question that I would like to ask privately.”

  The doctor looked at Brie. “Only if you allow it, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie gazed tenderly at Rytsar. “My husband and I trust him completely.”

  “Very well. Meet me in my office in a few minutes.”

  The instant the doctor disappeared, Rytsar picked Brie up and twirled her around in the small room. “She is healthy and strong, radost moya!”

  Brie laughed as he set her gently on the ground.

  “I am going to be a dyadya.”

  “You’ve known that for months now.”

  “But this is the first time it has felt real.”

  Brie smiled, leaning her head against him. “Yes, I can understand that.”

  Rytsar escorted her back to the waiting room before heading into the doctor’s office. Dr. Peterman asked him to sit and shut the door so they could talk.

  “This may seem strange of me to ask, Doctor, but with Mr. Davis in critical condition and his wife without his company, I was wondering if this device would be safe to use even though she’s pregnant.” Rytsar handed the man his phone with the Sybian website already cued up.

  “Ah…” the doctor said, looking surprised as he examined the sex machine. “I can’t say that I am familiar with this particular tool.”

  “It was created by a scientist with the sole purpose of satisfying women. The level of vibration is controlled by the user and there are different attachments depending on the woman’s body type and level of need.”

  “What kind of attachments?”

  Rytsar took the phone back and flipped to that page, showing him. “As you can see, it varies from simple external stimulation, to small internal inserts, and even life-size phalluses. The internal attachments can simply vibrate or move in a circular motion to stimulate the G-spot, or do both at the same time.”

  “I see.”

  “Do you think using this would compromise the health of the baby?”

  “Having no experience with the product myself, I cannot recommend it. What I can tell you, however, is that normal vibrators are perfectly acceptable as long as they are cleaned thoroughly. Avoiding forceful penetration, especially with rigid devices, is important.”

  “Of course,” Rytsar agreed with a smirk. “No rigid phalluses.”

  “Dildos,” Dr. Peterman amended. “I’m speaking about vibrators.”

  “That’s what I assumed we were talking about.”

  “Good,” Dr. Peterman said, looking uneasy. “It’s important for me as her doctor to be clear on this.”

  “And you were,” Rytsar assured him, looking amused.

  Dr. Peterman regained his composure and ended their conversation with a professional summary. “Basically, a woman achieving orgasm will not hurt the baby as long as the device used does not stress the mother internally.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  Despite his confident stride, Rytsar headed out the door weighed down with concern. The Sybian was well-known for its strong vibration. In fact, many women had to build up to the intensity of the rotating phallus and its heavy vibration to achieve a mind-blowing orgasm.

  He’d assumed it was the perfect solution to sex without Thane present, but he was wrong. Now he’d have to switch to Plan B. Well, it couldn’t be helped—and who’s to say he wouldn’t enjoy the change of plans?

  Rytsar headed back to the waiting room to find Brie.

  “Did you get the answers to your questions, Rytsar?”

  “I did. You have a fine doctor there—humorous too. And I’m taking his suggestion under advisement.” He wrapped an arm around Brie. “But now it’s time to share the heartbeat with your husband.”

  “Yes! Let’s,” she agreed enthusiastically.

  When they entered Thane’s hospital room, Rytsar noted that his comrade’s condition hadn’t changed from the days before. However, rather than get discouraged by that fact, Brie grinned as she took Rytsar’s phone from him and skipped to Thane’s bed.

  “Sir, we just came back from my latest baby appointment and guess what? Rytsar recorded our baby’s heartbeat for you! Here, let me play it.”

  She placed the phone near his head and set it on speaker so the room filled with the life-affirming sound. Both Rytsar and Brie watched with excitement as Thane’s heart rate increased as he listened to the recording of his child.

  Brie turned to Rytsar. “He knows! Sir can hear his baby’s heartbeat.”

  Rytsar nodded, too choked up for words. This was proof positive that his brother was cognizant, despite the lifeless stare of his eyes.

  “Do you feel it, moy droog? Hope is yours to claim.”

  Rytsar watched w
ith interest as his friend’s heart rate continued to increase—so much so that the nurse came in to check on him.

  “What’s going on here?” Abby asked as she hurried in.

  “It’s the baby,” Brie answered. “Sir is listening to the baby’s heartbeat.”

  Abby put her hand to her mouth, a look of cautious optimism on her face.

  Brie returned her gaze to Thane. “You totally hear it, don’t you, Sir? Let that beautiful sound carry you back to me.”

  Rytsar stayed with Brie beside Thane’s bed for the next few hours. Eventually his comrade’s heart rate returned to its slow, steady beat and he stopped responding to the recording.

  “What happened?” Brie whispered, her tears falling onto the bed. “He was so close. I could feel it.”

  “He’s simply tired. Moy droog needs time to rest so he can fight again tomorrow.”

  Brie buried her head in Rytsar’s chest. “It hurts…”

  Rytsar held her close, feeling equally devastated. He remained by her side until she could take the silence no more.

  “I need to get out of here.”

  “Why don’t we go back to the beach house?”

  She stared at Sir for several minutes before nodding. “Every positive change is a step toward recovery, right?”

  “Yes,” Rytsar affirmed.

  Brie gave him back the phone before stroking Thane’s cheek. “Rest now, Master. I will keep waiting, but I am impatient for your return.” She gave him a soft, lingering kiss before following Rytsar out the door.

  Brie was unusually quiet on the ride home. After such a momentous day, it was disturbing for him. “You must keep your spirits up if you want to help your man recover.”

  She gave him a sideways glance and rested her head against the window, saying nothing.

  When Rytsar arrived at the beach house, he asked Titov to set things up in the bedroom while he grabbed a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. He sat down in the big leather armchair and motioned Brie to join him at his feet.

  She smiled sadly as she settled down beside him.

  “I know you cannot partake with me, so I thought I would stroke your hair while I celebrate meeting moye solntse.”


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