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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  Brie looked up at him with those big doe-like eyes, shivering as his fingers played through her brown curls. She closed her eyes and purred softly, laying her head on his thigh. She shivered again, goosebumps rising on her skin as he made another slow pass. “It feels so good.”

  Rytsar took a big gulp, embracing the burn of the alcohol. “Ahhh…I couldn’t agree more.”

  They stayed there enjoying each other’s quiet company long after Titov returned to let Rytsar know the room had been readied.

  The fact was, he enjoyed this quiet moment with Brie. Experiencing the highs and lows of the day had bonded them closer and he wasn’t in the mood to rush things. After downing his second glass, however, Rytsar finally gave in to the girl’s unspoken needs and helped Brie to her feet.

  “Undress in the bedroom and kneel in front of the gift set out for you.”

  Brie tilted her head. “Gift?”

  “Yes, today we are taking a step toward bringing balance back into your life.”

  He stayed behind to share one more shot with Titov. “Today has affected me deeply.” He put his hand on Titov’s shoulder. “I am grateful for your service these many years.”

  Titov scoffed, brushing off his praise. “Phhft… You pay me well.”

  Rytsar squeezed his shoulder firmly. “I am serious.” Pointing to his own eyes, then at Titov, he said, “I observe everything and I reward loyalty. You will be able to retire handsomely if I survive, or…” he added with a shrug, “you will die a terrible death for associating with me.”

  Titov chuckled. “Such is life.”

  Rytsar raised the glass to him and grinned. After he downed it, he bit into a salty pickle. The tart flavor burst in his mouth, bringing forth a grunt of pleasure.

  “It is good to be magnificently, unapologetically Russian.”

  “Da,” Titov chuckled.

  Retiring to his room, Rytsar shut the double doors and turned to face Brie.

  She was kneeling on the ground, her head bowed, her body open in the pose of submission. He stopped for a moment to appreciate the beauty of her pose before approaching her.

  “Do you know what that is?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ve seen them at the clubs before. I believe it’s called a Sabian.”

  He laughed. “Close, but incorrect. You’re naming a race of people. This, however, is known as a Sybian.”

  Rytsar noted her blush at being wrong and defused her embarrassment by adding, “A mistake easily made, radost moya. But we wouldn’t want to offend an entire group of people, now would we?”

  “No, we would not.” She giggled, smiling up at him.

  “So you’ve seen them, but this is your first time up close and personal?”

  A shy smiled played across her lips. “You know Sir. He’s not into mechanical fucking machines. He’s all about the sensual touch.”

  “But have you been curious?” Rytsar persisted.

  She unconsciously bit her bottom lip, her body language answering his question for him.

  Rytsar smirked. “Let me introduce you to this bad boy,” he stated, pointing to the saddle-like seat bound in black leather that hid a very powerful motor inside. “This one is a stallion among sex toys.”

  She looked at the Sybian with interest, paying particular attention to the electrical cord and control dial. “I know you’re supposed to sit on it, but I’m not sure how it works exactly.”

  “You have to add an attachment,” Rytsar explained.

  She grinned, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “What kind of attachment?”

  Rytsar nodded toward the large leather box beside the Sybian and held out a key. “Why don’t we open it up so you can find out?” He unlocked the top of the box, lifting the lid slowly, but not allowing her to peek inside.

  Rytsar pulled out the first two attachments and set the lid back down.

  “How many do you have in there?” she asked, giggling.

  He only winked.

  Brie glanced at the two items in his hands. “They look like chocolatey goodness…”

  Rytsar held up both a smoothed and nubbed attachment. “These two fit on your stallion for those times when you only desire clitoral stimulation or your Master doesn’t want you to take your clothes off.”

  “Oh…” Brie leaned closer. “How do they feel to the touch?”

  He held one out to her. “Judge for yourself.”

  Brie ran her fingers over it lightly. “It’s soft, kind of like silicone.” She immediately turned her attention on the small rounded bits at the front. “Look at all those little nubs of pleasure.” She gazed up at Rytsar. “I bet they do a number on a girl’s clit.”

  He smirked in answer.

  Laying the two attachments down, Rytsar picked out another from the box—a thin little rod in the shape of a human finger.

  Brie giggled when she examined it closely. “So is this how a girl gets fingered by the stallion?”

  Without answering, Rytsar slid a thin plastic rod onto the machine for rigidity before slipping the attachment over it.

  He grabbed the dial, turning on the rotator at its slowest speed. The look on Brie’s face when she saw it begin to rotate in a circular motion, was priceless. He then switched on the vibration and her eyes widened.


  He increased both the rotation and the intensity of the vibration. Brie drew closer like a moth to a flame. Turning both dials on high, he watched with satisfaction as her jaw fell open. The impressive sound of the motor ramped up and the Sybian’s spirited vibrations filled the room.

  “O M G!” Brie said, slapping her cheeks with her hands, her lips making a perfect “O”.

  Now that she’d been introduced to the power behind the machine, he wanted to familiarize her with the many variations available to her.

  Turning off the Sybian, Rytsar pulled out a cock-shaped attachment from the box. “Can you imagine the fun you could have with this, radost moya?”

  “I can,” she said, sounding eager.

  He set it down beside the others and took out another with a ball on the end. “What about this?”

  “What is it?” she laughed.

  “A G-spot stimulator.”

  “Oh my…” she gasped, having new respect for it.

  He laid it down and picked up another. “Now if your Master is feeling particularly wicked, he can attach the larger G-spot stimulator.”

  Brie squirmed where she knelt, obviously turned on by the idea.

  Rytsar set it down and pulled out the next with a naughty grin. “And if you are hungry for more cock, this is a nice large one.”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “I like!”

  He pulled out the next with a wink. “And if large isn’t enough, then you can have extra-large.”

  “Oh, now that could be fun.”

  He set it down and reached in for another. “And if you are feeling particularly adventurous, there is the jumbo-size.” Rytsar pulled it out slowly to tease her.

  “Now that reminds me of Boa and Master Anderson,” she cooed.

  He held up the beast of a phallus to her and asked, “You really think you could take it?”

  Brie’s eyes sparkled with delight when she answered. “I would definitely be up for the challenge. I can’t even begin to imagine what that will feel like on full blast.”

  Rytsar gestured to the extensive line of attachments. “I chose the darker set for you because I knew it would contrast nicely against your skin.”

  “And you know I love chocolate…” she replied breathlessly as she took them all in.

  He reached into the box for the final one.

  “What?! There’s more?”

  “I saved the best for last. You can use this one whenever you are feeling particularly lonesome for me,” he said as he revealed the doubled-headed attachment.

  “Double penetration? You’re the absolute best!” she gushed. Brie looked up at him lustfully, her libido kindled and ready to be set on fire.
“How shall we begin?”

  He commanded her to stand up and cupped her chin, leaning in close to graze those luscious lips with his own. “You give each one a kiss while you carefully pack them back into the box.”

  She looked at him, suddenly suspicious. “Why?”

  “Because your good doctor has banned it while you are pregnant.”

  “No, no, no…” she cried out in misery.

  Rytsar couldn’t help taking pleasure in the depth of her disappointment, so carefully and lovingly crafted by him. Her sad expression as she kissed each toy and placed it in the wooden box warmed his heart and loins.

  Although she would not be enjoying the wonders of the Sybian tonight, he was not going to let her suffer for long. Today, she would know blessed release.

  “Well done, radost moya,” he praised as he locked the box and placed the key in her hand. “Consider this a gift for you and your Master…once the babe is born, of course.”

  “Thank you, Rytsar,” she answered forlornly, unable to hide her bitter disappointment.

  “Find a safe place for the key and come to bed,” he ordered as he began to undress.

  Brie slipped the key into her purse and dutifully joined him on the bed, burying herself under the blankets and curling into a ball.

  “What’s this?” he complained.

  “I’m sad,” she whimpered from under the covers.

  Rytsar grinned as he took his Magic Wand out from the nightstand drawer and plugged it in before switching it on.

  Instantly the covers flew off. Brie stared at the toy with a look of longing.

  “Are you sad now?”

  She gave him a crooked smile. “Only if you tell me the doctor banned the Hitachi as well.”

  Rytsar burst out laughing, shaking his head slowly. Growling lustfully under his breath, he commanded, “Lie back and I will show you exactly what’s allowed.”

  She laid her head on the pillow and stared up at him. The look in her eyes was full of angst and unfulfilled need.

  He fed off it as he separated her thighs and pressed the vibrating head against her swollen clit. Her passionate moan the instant the wand made contact, sent his libido into overdrive.

  Rytsar ignored his own sexual needs, concentrating solely on her. Claiming Brie’s lips, he continued the pressure on her clit as his finger slowly entered her scorching hot depths. He began caressing her G-spot slowly, thoughtfully.

  He gazed into those honey-colored eyes as she stiffened in his arms and came for him.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. “It has been a long time for you.”

  She nodded as he pulled the Hitachi away. Brie lifted her head and kissed him on the lips.

  “It is not healthy to ignore your sexual needs. That part of your being requires nurturing and care. To deny it is to neglect an essential part of your spirit.” He bit down on her throat as he swirled his finger inside her, teasing her G-spot. Soon, Rytsar felt her ravenous body tense before exploding in another orgasm, her inner muscles squeezing his finger with powerful rhythmic pulses. “You have been cruel to yourself, haven’t you?”

  She moaned again, her entire body trembling as he coaxed another orgasm from her. He felt for the girl, knowing her energy and attention had been focused on Thane since the crash. It was his sincere pleasure to give this gift of release.

  It took hours before Brie was completely sated.

  Brie lay on his bed, drenched in sweat, her pussy hot pink and swollen, her eyes glazed—her lust fully quenched.

  Rytsar lay down beside her, feeling proud of his accomplishment. Not once had he given in to his own lust, and yet he too felt satisfied. There was a certain level of sexual fulfillment to be gained in pleasing another.

  He snorted. Hell, was he suddenly channeling Brie’s submissive side?

  “Thank you, Rytsar,” she murmured, her eyelids fluttering as she looked up at him.

  He gazed down at her and smiled. “My pleasure, radost moya.”

  She was asleep a few seconds later. Chuckling to himself, Rytsar covered her up and mused as he stroked her long hair.

  What he wouldn’t have given to share moments like this with Tatianna…

  His heart ached at the thought.

  Seeing her face again would be worth a thousand deaths. Settling down, he gathered Brie into his arms and joined her in slumber, feeling more at peace with Fate.

  Rytsar woke just before dawn.

  He looked down at Brie before he left the bed and noted the slight smile gracing her lips as she slept.


  He left her and headed out to greet the ocean. The icy chill of the water shocked his system and invigorated his soul. Today he would be seeing Lilly again, and gifting her with something she would never forget. It would live with her day in and day out for the rest of her life, causing cold sweats whenever it came to mind.

  Such a simple and effective form of torture…

  He pushed up out of the churning ocean waves and roared with sheer excitement.

  It would be a spectacular day.

  Rytsar was gratified to note Brie’s many glances and shy smiles upon his return. A satisfied woman was a beautiful creature indeed.

  “Good morning, Rytsar,” Brie said, twisting in place where she stood.

  “It is a good morning, isn’t it?”

  She played with her hair, blushing under his intense stare. “Will we be heading out soon to see Sir?”

  “Actually, I have some business to take care of the next few days. Titov and Grigory will be attending to you in my stead.”

  Rather than question him on it, Brie accepted his answer—although it was easy to see she was unhappy about it.

  “You look as if you have something to say.”

  She glanced away nervously before meeting his gaze. “Please be careful.”

  He chuckled lightly, touched by her concern. “Have no fear. I am going to be a dyadya. I will take no unnecessary chances.”

  “Good, because I couldn’t bear losing you.”

  Rytsar could tell she was still teetering on the edge emotionally, and assured her. “We are bonded now. You are never getting rid of me.”

  She stared at him for several moments before nodding.

  Brie turned to Titov and asked, “Do you mind if we go now? I’m anxious to see my husband.”

  “Certainly,” Titov answered, calling Grigory to join them.

  Brie turned back to Rytsar. “When can I expect to see you again?”

  “Tonight, and every night, until my business is concluded.”

  She beamed him a smile as she walked over to him. Standing on tiptoes, Brie wrapped her hands behind his neck and whispered, “Then stay safe, my Russian knight.” She slowly let go of him before turning to follow Titov.

  As Rytsar watched Brie leave, he smiled to himself.

  This Russian knight is about to kick ass.


  Rytsar returned to the compound, anxious for the fun to begin. He was pleased to find Lilly in a foul mood.

  “How dare you!”

  A bald, naked creature with a giant round belly came rushing at him, screeching like a banshee, her arms flailing wildly in a desperate attempt to hit him.

  Rytsar laughed, having no difficulty holding her at bay. The hideous fiend standing before him looked much more akin to the ugly soul hidden underneath.

  With her claws cut, she had nothing to attack with. He grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, forcing her to kneel on the floor while she begged for him to stop.

  Rytsar did not loosen his hold, demanding her silence. When she continued to whine, he tightened his grip until she cried for mercy. “Okay, okay…enough. I’ll be quiet.”

  Rytsar waited until she became completely still, not loosening his grip, and asked her, “Did you enjoy the food?”

  Lilly looked up at him and snarled, her expression made that much more grotesque by the heavy lines of makeup smeared on her face.

“You mean that gray viscous crap? It’s not food.”

  “But it is. In fact, it was specially formulated by a top obstetrician. The ‘shake’ might not be tasty or have a pleasant texture, but I assure you that the baby is getting exactly what it needs.”

  “I fucking hate you!”

  “How arrogant of you to think I care.”

  Rytsar released his hold on her and watched Lilly scramble back to her feet, rubbing her arm, which had come dangerously close to popping out of its socket.

  “Are you planning to ask me more stupid questions?” Lilly sneered.

  Rytsar looked her up and down with open revulsion. “Again, you amaze me with how obtuse you are.”

  She backed away from him and growled. “I’m not the stupid one, you idiot!”

  “Let me make this perfectly clear for you,” he said in a patronizing tone. “I gave you the opportunity to tell the truth before. I would not waste my breath asking again. You lied to me, and now you will pay the consequence. There’s no escaping it.”

  Her eyes widened in fear before she snorted. “Nice try, you wannabe commie. You think that cutting off my hair and clipping my nails is going to break me? Huh! Just goes to show how truly dim-witted you are.”

  Rytsar raised his eyebrow but said nothing.

  She gestured to her naked state. “And you think I care if I have clothes? I’ve nothing to hide. I stand before you proud and unashamed,” she said, caressing her bulging belly, “because I am carrying Thane’s child. I can’t wait until he finds out how you treated the mother of his own flesh and blood.”

  “It is unnecessary to perpetuate the lie, pizda,” he replied coldly. Rytsar turned from her and started toward the door.

  “Oh, that’s it. Run away, you fucking coward!” He noticed that she did not try to follow him. Her shoulder would continue hurting for days, even though she was trying hard not to show it.

  Rytsar turned and smiled pleasantly once he reached the door. “I have a gift for you. It is something that holds special meaning for me. I hope it burns a hole into your heart.”

  “What? What are you going to burn?” she cried.

  Rytsar ignored her as he closed the door.


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