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Trusting an Angel

Page 14

by Missy Jane

  “Unfortunately, there’s more and it has to do with Jake. You said you’ve noticed changes in him?”

  “Yes. He’s much more…aggressive, I guess.”

  “I’m sure he is. Probably a lot more volatile and quick to anger. I’ll bet a year or so ago he wouldn’t have tried to force himself on you. He probably would’ve been appalled at the mere suggestion.”

  She frowned and really thought over Jake’s actions and personality the past few months. Though she hadn’t been around him a whole lot, it had been enough to notice small changes she didn’t like. “Yes. You’re probably right.”

  He gave her a sympathetic look. “I think I can explain why. Just as there are angels there are also demons. They are creatures who have been twisted by evil, created out of chaos and sin. They prey on human souls and blood, and it’s our job to keep them out of the human realm.”

  Her jaw dropped. He still held her hands and she turned them so she gripped him, too. “I wish you were kidding.”

  He frowned. “Me too. Unfortunately, I’m not. Jake has somehow summoned a demon, a really nasty high-level demon. He’s in up to his neck with it and it’s using him for its own evil intent. That’s why he attacked you. That could also be why Alice spoke to you like she did. He may have influenced her and Bill in some way.”

  Her chest seized and a full-fledged panic attack hit her so quickly she couldn’t catch her breath. She stared at Zerach helplessly as the air left her lungs and spots started to form in her vision.

  “Dora? What is it? Isadora!”

  She was losing consciousness, listing to one side as her oxygen-starved body gave in. Zerach released her hands and placed one large palm on her chest. Suddenly the pain eased and air filled her lungs. She gasped and fell against him coughing.

  He pulled her into his lap and rubbed her back. “It’s okay. It’s all right, baby. I won’t let anything else happen to them, I swear.”

  Tears poured down her cheeks, and she gripped his shoulders, looking up into the face she had begun to trust and rely on. “P-please, Zerach. Please. They’re all I have.”

  He nodded as if she made perfect sense even though she knew she was babbling. The fear of losing her godparents was so great she couldn’t even wrap her mind around it. It was one thing to be estranged from them but know they were physically all right. But if they were under the influence of a demon…she didn’t even want to think about it.

  He rocked her against his chest and ran a hand over her hair. “I’ll do everything in my power to protect them. I just asked Rafe to go check on them, okay?”

  Rafe had to be just as capable as Zerach. He was certainly of the same build physically. And if he was an angel too, then they couldn’t be in better hands. Still, she wanted to see them with her own two eyes.

  “Can we go there, please? Can we go right now?”

  For a second, indecision warred in his gaze. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he said no. Running over there alone to possibly face a demon would be reckless and stupid. But how could she not at least warn them? Finally he nodded and some of her fear eased.

  “We’ll go. But let me speak to my brothers first, okay? If Jake and the demon are there then I don’t want you anywhere near that house. I’ll take you to Mike’s house where you’ll be safe.”

  “I don’t want to be alone.”

  He ran a finger down one side of her face before placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “I understand. I don’t want to leave you alone anywhere, either. But if it’s safer to leave you there, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

  She would have argued but she had no better suggestion. “All right.”

  He had her pack an overnight bag and grab Stanley’s things. Soon they were in her car and headed down the highway. After almost an hour, Zerach exited the freeway then pulled into a quiet suburb on the outskirts of Houston and into the driveway of a cozy looking house.

  “This is where Rafe lives. Everyone else is here already. He said your godparents weren’t home when he checked.”

  She glanced at the clock in the dash and frowned. It was after eleven and way past Alice’s usual bedtime. There weren’t any events tonight that she knew of where they would be staying out so late. “They should be home.”

  “I know, baby.” He turned off the ignition and went to her door. “Come on. We’ll figure this out.”

  She let him help her out, then she grabbed Stanley’s carrier.

  “I should warn you, Rafe has a houseguest,” he said as they approached the door.

  “Oh? A woman?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, but it’s not what you think. She’s not human.”

  That almost stopped her in her tracks. But then the front door opened and Rafe walked out with open arms. He pulled her into a hug and guided her into his house before she could have second thoughts.

  Chapter Ten

  Bill and Alice Goodman were missing, and all their combined efforts to find the couple had proven fruitless. Zerach paced around Rafe’s guest bedroom on silent feet honed from centuries of practice. Dawn approached and Dora slept in exhaustion in the bed he’d just risen from. His brothers were all camped out in the living room while Asta slept in Rafe’s bed. Alone as far as he knew, but he wasn’t positive. They had all noticed Rafe acting uncharacteristically protective of the demonling.

  Dora sighed and rolled over in her sleep, freezing him in his tracks. The first hint of sunrise burst through the blinds and illuminated her perfect form. She had slept in an oversized nightshirt again. But still she was sexy as hell. He watched her for a moment and let his soul feel the ease and contentment she gave him. Even with the disappointment of the night she still trusted him. He just prayed her trust wasn’t misplaced.

  He had felt her rising panic as hour after hour passed and they still couldn’t find her godparents. He’d never felt so powerless. But she hadn’t blamed him or his brothers; she had, in fact, thanked them for their efforts. Then she’d collapsed into a heap on the bed. Somehow she’d found the strength to change clothes while he waited in the hallway. As soon as she unlocked the door he’d come in and tucked her into bed. That had only been a couple of hours ago. He planned to let her sleep the day away.

  He and his brothers wouldn’t be sleeping. Not only because they didn’t need to, but because somewhere in Houston a demon already wreaked havoc on the human population. They could all feel it. The main problem was a city this size always had some kind of violent disturbance in the ether. They could be on a wild goose chase all day if they weren’t careful. Also, splitting up wasn’t exactly safe.

  The last time only three of them had faced Armoros, over five hundred years ago. It had been banished with the help of a chorus of human priests and a whole lot of holy water. Zerach wasn’t so sure they could use the same method twice. Armoros seemed stronger this time, more sure of itself. Stepping into the human realm took some serious balls for any demon and Armoros had laughed at them. Apparently it knew something they didn’t.

  His thoughts turned to Dora again and he wondered how she played into this mess. There was no doubt she did, but just as Jake’s prize? Somehow he doubted it. Her aura of purity and goodness would be a feast to the demon. But how in the hell had the thing noticed her in the first place? Jake had most likely called attention to her somehow. They still had to figure out how he had summoned it. Who had given him that knowledge?

  A light tap on the door caught his attention, and he opened it just enough to face Asta standing in the hallway.

  “I made breakfast. The others are already eating.” She walked away without waiting for a response.

  Zerach glanced at the bed, but knew Dora wouldn’t be waking anytime soon. After ensuring the locks on the window held, as well as the metaphysical bonds he and his brothers had enabled, he slipped out of the room with Stanley at his heels. One of their most potent powers was protection. It was strongest with the seven of them, but even without Gabriel they were able to guard the house again
st evil and unwanted visitors. Nothing could get in without their permission.

  He entered the spacious kitchen to find all his brothers eating and praising Asta’s culinary expertise. She just rolled her eyes, but they felt her pleasure at the compliments. Zerach was sure he’d even spied a slight blush on her cheeks. He wondered if she’d ever been complimented before. Though they didn’t really need to eat, the brothers had taken on the human trait and continued to do so out of habit.

  “Have a seat, bro. I’m done,” Cam said as he vacated a spot at the table.

  Asta set a fresh plate of scrambled eggs and bacon down as soon as Cam removed his plate. Zerach sat and she tossed a fresh baked biscuit on top of the food.

  “This looks and smells wonderful,” he said.

  “She’s an amazing cook,” Rafe replied. “I’ll probably be too fat to fly soon.”

  They all chuckled. No matter what they put into their bodies they always stayed at their peak physical form.

  “Thanks,” Asta said with a laugh. “I think.”

  “That was definitely a compliment coming from him,” Uri added. “Rafe is the one who most appreciates food. We don’t actually have to eat, you know.”

  “Oh?” She asked. “Can you teach me that trick?” She patted the very slight hump of her abdomen.

  Uri rolled his eyes but Rafe frowned. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your body.”

  He gave her a heated look that definitely caused a blush in her cheeks. She abruptly turned away and headed for the refrigerator.

  Rafe didn’t take his eyes off her as she poured Zerach’s coffee and returned to the table. She placed it in front of him and stepped away as if afraid Rafe would reach for her. Zerach broke off a piece of the warm biscuit and held it out for Stanley, who immediately snatched it away.

  “So, any more ideas on where the Goodmans might be?” Mike asked.

  They had scoured the city most of the night, going to every property Jake and Bill owned. They’d visited all of the family members of both households and still came up empty.

  “Nope,” Zerach said. “If Jake does have them then it’s probably somewhere remote. It’s been long enough, they might not even be in Houston anymore.”

  “And Isadora knew of no other properties outside of Houston?”

  Zerach shook his head. She had wracked her brain and given them all she had to give. Until the demon called attention to itself they simply had to wait.

  “I’m going to turn on the news,” Cam said before leaving the kitchen.

  “I guess I should join them,” Zerach said as he rose from the table.

  The news was on and showing a live report from the hospital district. An unexplained electrical surge had caused a small explosion and power outages. The staff of three different hospitals were frantically working to secure their patients in more stable areas. Most of the generators had kicked on but one had malfunctioned. People in scrubs were running across the screen interspersed with firefighters trying to control the situation.

  “What a fucking mess,” Cam said.

  “I’m on it,” Uri announced before quickly leaving the house. He had the power to control lightning and anything electrical.

  As they watched, things began to calm. Uri would’ve taken no time at all to fly there. He restored the power to all three hospitals and stopped the current feeding the fire. It would be up to the humans to actually put out the flames and clean up from the explosion, but his actions made it safer for them to proceed. Soon the live feed switched to something else. A ferry in Galveston had capsized. Luckily the early hour meant very few cars were on board.

  Mike nodded to Cam and he headed out the door. They didn’t know yet what he could do to help, but there was no way to ignore the need.

  “He’s pulling us all over the place, one by one,” Mike said.

  “Uri will be back soon and Cam shouldn’t take long,” Zerach replied.

  “Yeah. But what if he does this shit all day? Wild fucking goose chase.”

  Mike ran a hand through his shoulder-length hair. Zerach sensed his frustration and shared it. But their hands were tied for the moment. Simply too much violence and chaos existed among the humans for them to pinpoint the demon’s activities without a doubt.

  “Maybe we’ll luck out and Jake will call. He does want Dora,” Zerach said. It killed him to admit that but he knew she might be their best chance at finding the bastard.

  “Yeah,” Mike agreed. “Maybe.”

  They watched the rest of the newscast in silence. There were other disturbances around the city but nothing big enough to be a demon’s playtime. Uri returned just as it ended, with Cam on his heels.

  “I sensed some light demon activity in Galveston,” Cam said. “But I couldn’t pinpoint it. It was fading fast so might have been from days past. Perhaps the demon was summoned on the island and brought here after.”

  That gave them something to think about. A certain type of demon thrived on water and could cause tsunamis, tidal waves, and mass destruction in very little time. Galveston Island was densely populated with its own homeless problem. Finding a human sacrifice would be easy.

  “It couldn’t hurt to look into it,” Mike said. “Uri, go back with Cam and look for the point of summoning. Perhaps we can send the spawn back the way it came through.”

  “If there’s nothing else for now, I’ll be with Dora,” Zerach said.

  Mike grinned but didn’t argue. He just shrugged and headed back to the kitchen.

  Zerach found Dora just as he’d left her, sleeping soundly. He was torn between the desire to watch her and the desire to wake her. Her body called to his on a primal level. A soft meow from outside the door caught his attention, and he opened it just enough for Stanley to run in. The kitten disappeared beneath the bed with a contented meow.

  He smiled. Everything about Dora was sweet and innocent, soft and warm. Did he really have the right to insert himself into her life? She might be safer away from him if he could keep Jake from her. But now that she’d won her way into Zerach’s heart there was no way he could give her up. He loved her.

  The warm emotion filled him, and he closed his eyes to bask in the glow. It was so different from the love he had for his brothers and the love he shared with human children. It was almost raw and much more intense. He sensed it could bring out both the best and worst in him given the right circumstances. He would do absolutely anything for Dora, fight, kill…die. She would be his and nothing would stand in their way. Now to convince her.


  Isadora woke slowly, sensing she hadn’t had nearly enough sleep. But something had woken her. It was subtle, like the feeling of being watched. She rolled onto her back and stretched before rubbing her eyes. When she finally opened them it was to find Zerach sitting on the side of the bed.

  “Good morning, gorgeous. I’m surprised to see you waking so soon.”

  For a second, happiness filled her just from seeing him first thing. Then the activities of a few hours ago came back to her and her smiled faded. Her godparents were missing and it was all her fault. If she had just given Jake what he wanted none of this would have happened.

  “Any word?” she asked.

  He shook his head and ran a hand through her hair. “Not yet. But I’m sure we’ll hear something soon. I left your cell phone charging in the living room so someone would hear if it rings.”

  He placed one large palm against her belly and rubbed a slow circle. Heat filled her cheeks at the intimate gesture, but she didn’t even think to make him stop. They’d slept in each other’s arms more than once now. He had seen her in the throes of orgasm multiple times, and she had done things to him she’d only read about. There really wasn’t any reason to be embarrassed. The heat in his gaze called to her and she wanted nothing more than to answer. But still one obstacle remained.

  “Zerach, did I ever tell you about the house fire when I was eight?”

  He shook his head. “No, baby, you di

  She took a deep breath and sat up, dislodging his hand as she scooted against the headboard. That put her out of his reach but was probably for the best. She grabbed a pillow and held it in her lap like a barrier, hugging it to her. “Our house burned down, and I was trapped inside. A firefighter saved my life but I was burned over seventy percent of my body. I’ve endured operation after operation over the years, such as skin grafts, and I was still in the process of healing when my parents were killed.”

  She glanced at him and saw she had his undivided attention. She had to swallow a couple of times before she could continue. “Bill and Alice know about the scars. They know I plan to use my inheritance for more operations. I’m hoping one day I won’t look so…hideous.”

  He moved closer and put his hand on her knee. It was still covered by the blanket. Most of her skin remained covered, like usual.

  “I would never judge you by your scars. You know that, don’t you?”

  She wished she did. “You’re so perfect. How can I?”

  Her throat tightened as she confronted all her fears and insecurities. She covered her face with both hands to hide her tears. Suddenly she was in his arms. He held her tightly and rocked her back and forth. She tried to calm down but it was too much. Fear over her godparents, fear of losing Zerach’s interest, a lifetime of insecurities. She just couldn’t fight the tide of emotion any longer.

  He held her through the storm, placing soft kisses on her head and speaking low, calming nonsense. It worked. His soothing voice and strong arms eventually penetrated the fog.

  She sniffed away her last tear and lifted her head to look him in the eye. “Please, tell me what happens next, Zerach. How long do I have with you?”

  If the question surprised him it didn’t show. He kissed her gently before answering. “A lifetime.”


  Zerach felt Dora’s curiosity as if it was his own. A sure sign of their strengthening bond. He needed to finish telling her everything and be absolutely certain of her feelings before they reached the point of no return. Once he made love to her the bond would be almost complete and there would be no turning back. He would be her fallen, and she would be his…everything. Although angels had sex with humans on a regular basis an intimate bond between a fallen and a chosen took on a much deeper, more significant, meaning.


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