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Trusting an Angel

Page 15

by Missy Jane

  She was so beautiful she took his breath away and all doubt fled. His sweet Isadora was more than enough to take his brothers’ place. She would be beside him through all trials and help him learn to live as a full-blooded mortal for whatever time they had left on this plane.

  “What do you mean, a lifetime?” she asked.

  “My brothers and I have a special bond that only certain types of angels can share. We feel each other’s emotions to the depths of our souls and can use that knowledge to communicate and locate one another. It’s a form of telepathy, but that term kind of oversimplifies exactly how we’re bound to each other.”

  “That’s very interesting.”

  “That’s not all. Each of us also has the choice to replace that link with a single special bond to one other. One chosen who we become bonded to. Doing so makes us mortal. Not quite human, but mortal enough to age and live out a lifetime with our chosen partner. It’s an irreversible step that few decide to take, but only because finding someone worthy is so hard to do.” He cupped her face in his hands. “But I’ve found my chosen in you.”

  “Zerach, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  He chuckled. “What do you think I’m saying?”

  “Um, if I understand you correctly, it sounds like you’re offering me something here. Are you…um, offering?”

  He held her gaze so there would be no doubt in her mind. “I’m offering you everything I am, Isadora. I’m offering you a lifetime by my side. Will you accept?”

  Her eyes widened and the blood drained from her face. Fear crept into his gut. She looked confused and uncertain. Not at all what he had expected. Maybe he was moving too fast?

  “Are…are you proposing?” she finally asked.

  He wanted to laugh but kissed her instead. “I’m asking much more than that, but it’s a start.”

  She opened her mouth but nothing came out. He smoothed his thumb over her bottom lip and she pursed her lips to kiss it. “I wasn’t expecting this, Zerach.”

  “What were you expecting then?”

  “I don’t know… I guess I wondered whether this is serious to you? We’ve only been together the past week.”

  “I’m very serious about you.”

  That was apparently what she needed to hear. She fell against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He gave in to the craving for her lips, tasting the plump sweetness for long moments. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and she met him stroke for stroke. Desire hit him like lightning, and he wanted her more than ever. Finally he pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

  “I love you, Isadora. I want to make love to you.”

  She smiled, but her nervousness was still palpable. He wished for the power to ease her fears.

  As her smile faded away she dropped her gaze. “I’m scarred.”

  That simple statement said so much and tears filled her eyes again. His chest ached with the years of pain, both physical and emotional, she had endured.

  “You have to know that won’t matter to me. Besides, I’m a healer, Dora. I can take away your scars.”

  Her head snapped up and hope burned in her gaze. “Really?”

  “Really, love. But there’s no need to fear my reaction. I want to see all of you.”

  She swallowed loudly and pulled away from him. Letting her go was a lot harder than it had been a couple of days ago. He watched in silence as she stood and gripped the hem of her shirt. She glanced at him again before lowering her head. Then she slowly pulled the shirt off. Standing there in nothing but a pair of plain white cotton panties, she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat and reigned in his lust as best he could. Even with the scars, Dora was glorious. Her faith and trust humbled him, and he prayed to be worthy of her. She was sweetly aroused. He smelled her musk and gloried in it. He’d known she was a virgin from the first moment he saw her, but now that knowledge shook him to his core. She was his and only ever would be his. He closed his eyes and fought to calm his eagerness to claim her.


  The uncertainty in her voice had his eyes shooting back open. She had crossed her arms over her breasts, and he cursed silently. “I wasn’t closing my eyes against your scars, baby. You’re so beautiful, I’m trying to control myself.” He held out his hand. “Come here.”

  For a second he thought she’d refuse. She stared at his hand for almost a full minute. When she finally placed her small palm in his much larger one he could breathe again. He slowly pulled her to him, widening his legs so she could step between them. He set his hands on her shoulders, and she shivered.

  “Look at me,” he said. It seemed to take an interminable time before she finally lifted her head. “I love you.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and a small smile lifted the corners of her lips. “I love you too.”

  He placed a quick kiss on her mouth before looking her over again. This time he used a critical eye, because he had to. He’d healed burn scars before, on children. But hers were more extensive than any he’d ever healed before. It was critically important for him to get this right. He didn’t worry about her judging him, but he worried she would judge herself. If he left any marks behind it would only keep her self-conscious.

  “Close your eyes. You’ll feel warmth and see brightness behind your lids. Stay still and don’t open your eyes until I tell you.”

  She nodded, and to his surprise leaned forward to kiss him again. Then she dutifully closed her eyes and lifted her chin, stilling her body.

  “Relax, baby. This won’t take long.”

  Excited impatience rolled off her in waves, and he wanted to laugh. The children he healed were usually unconscious. He always had to do small patches at a time over an extended period of time so their parents and doctors wouldn’t notice. He prayed doing such an extensive healing all at once wouldn’t be too much for her.

  The scars started just under her breasts. He placed his hands flat against her skin and slowly ran them down her abdomen. Her breathing sped up but otherwise she didn’t move. A warm glow illuminated his fingers and grew stronger the longer he worked. If she saw it she made no sign.

  He moved down to the top of her panties and stopped. “Baby, are you scarred beneath your panties?”

  She nodded. He stopped the healing to slip the garment down her legs, doing all he could to ignore the paradise he revealed. Soon, he told himself. Now was the time for healing.

  It took about twenty minutes for him to fully heal her front and back. She had to lie down so he could complete the work on her inner thighs. With her knees bent and her legs splayed wide it took all of his concentration to work. However, as soon as he finished he couldn’t ignore her offering a minute longer. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into an enticing triangle pointing straight to where his interest lay. He was on his knees on the bed with her legs on either side of him. Her eyes were still closed and her hands were clenched at her sides. He moved until he was lying on his stomach.

  She said nothing about his palms resting against the inside of her thighs. But then he moved his thumbs through her pubic hair and she shivered. “Zerach?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “What are you doing?”


  She lifted her head and opened her eyes. They widened in amazement as she spied her now healed body.



  “You…oh my God.”

  With shaking hands she touched the skin beneath her breasts where the scars had begun. She slowly ran her palms down her body and to the tops of her thighs. Wonderment filled her face as tears pooled in her eyes.

  “You’ve always been beautiful to me, Isadora.”

  Though she nodded, he could tell most of her attention was still on the wonder of her unscarred skin. He grinned at her for a heartbeat before leaning forward to place a kiss on her clit.

  “Oh my God,” she repeated.

>   “Mmmm. You’re delicious.”

  With a groan he bent to the task of heightening her arousal, placing soft kisses against her curls. He licked her clit with the tip of his tongue before moving up her body again.

  “Your clothes,” she panted. “Take off…your clothes.”

  He slid off the bed and made quick work of stripping. Then he stretched out over her once again. He kissed her forehead and down her cheeks to her mouth. He spent a few minutes suckling her tongue and each plump lip until she began to squirm beneath him. Then he moved down her chin to her throat and bit lightly. She moaned and her short fingernails dug into his shoulders. He smiled against her skin and moved lower.

  Hardened pink nipples tipped her firm round breasts, and he lavished his attention on each one equally. He gently tugged them between his teeth until she cried out in pleasure, then he suckled hungrily. His mouth stayed on one as his hand pleasured the other. He moved on, briefly kissing the now smooth skin of her belly. She tensed and whimpered his proper name, Zerachiel, making him ready to spill from her voice alone. The sweet scent of her arousal called to him from between her firm thighs. He answered the call with a swipe of his tongue.

  She screamed and her pleasure shot through him as if it was his own, firing his blood and stealing his breath. He continued to run his tongue through her wet folds, pushing her to the inevitable release she craved. Moving his fingers over her soft skin, he found her hidden treasure and rubbed her clit with his thumb. Her knees tightened against his shoulders and she fisted her hands in his hair.

  Her moans and whimpers grew more insistent, and he knew her body teetered on the precipice. He suckled her and pushed her over, screaming his name. With a last kiss against her moist curls he rose up and settled his erection against her. She lay boneless, still panting from her orgasm. Zerach looked down at her, at where they would soon be joined, and joy filled him as never before. He had well and truly fallen and gloried in it.

  “Isadora, look at me. Look at how our bodies join as one.”

  She opened eyes still dazed in pleasure and slowly smiled up at him. “I love you.”

  He smiled down at her and nudged his cock into her entrance. Her smile melted into a look of pleasure and concentration as she looked at his welcome invasion. It was an arousing sight. She moaned and held onto his forearms as he gripped her hips. She was wet and ready but tight, and he feared hurting her. He fought to go slow.

  “Relax for me, baby. Let me into your body.”

  She looked up at him with trust shining in her eyes, and he pressed in a little further.

  “Yes, Zerachiel.”

  Her whispered words set him on fire and sweat poured down his back. He pushed in again before slipping out a bit, easing his way through her barrier.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “You could never hurt me.”

  Then she tightened her knees against his hips and thrust forward, pulling him into her fully. He groaned at the sensation of being seated within her. She stilled as if trying to adjust.

  “Are you okay?” He panted and couldn’t think straight, but held still for her answer.

  “Yes. Please. Please, love me.”

  No other words were needed to urge him on as he began to move against her. He thrust slowly at first, glorying in the feel of her body around him. She was perfect and he was awash in pleasure. Her sounds of approval egged him on, and soon his climax burned at the base of his spine. He leaned down onto his elbows and kissed whatever skin he could reach, as her breath hitched and her pulse raced.

  “Oh, Zerach…again. I’m coming again.”

  He moved faster, pulling the orgasm from her in waves, and she scored her nails down his back. She cried out her climax as he reached his peak and he poured into her with a shout. His mind filled with a white light and love poured from Isadora into him, to be returned from him into her. Complete ecstasy filled every inch of his soul.

  They both lay panting. He levered himself above her on his elbows and knees. As the white light dissipated from his mind, he opened his eyes and noticed rays of sunlight pouring into the room. Exhaustion settled on him and he rolled to his side, pulling Isadora against him. She stretched and mewled like a satisfied kitten. He searched for the energy to rise and place her beneath the covers to no avail.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart. You’ll just have to keep me warm.”

  His eyes shot open, and he raised his head to look down at her resting on his chest. “You heard my thoughts?”

  She looked up and blinked at him, furrowing her brow in thought. “You didn’t say that out loud, did you?”

  He grinned. “Nope.”

  She bit her lip and widened her eyes. “Oh, uh…what does that mean?”

  He ran a hand over her hair, smoothing it back from her heart-shaped face. “It’s a sign of our bond. All we need is a gathering of my brothers and I’ll be mortal.”

  “A ceremony?”

  He dropped his head back onto his pillow. “Kind of, but it’s not exactly formal. We’ll be winging it since I’m the first of us to fall.”

  She sighed and snuggled closer to his side. “Whatever it takes, Zerachiel. You’re mine now.”

  He smiled in agreement, his heart too full for words to form.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zerach tried to keep Dora in bed as long as possible. Not only for his own selfish reasons, but also to keep her fear and worry at bay. Now it had returned in full force and with their bond he felt every bit of it. He sent her what reassurances he could, but couldn’t hide his own concerns.

  “What have Cam and Uri said about Galveston?” he asked.

  Mike shrugged as he swallowed a bite of lunch. “It’s as they thought, a summoning circle was found. Whether it was for Armoros or some lower level demon, they’re not sure yet. They’re still there investigating it.”

  “And if it is?” Dora asked.

  “Then we try to lure the demon back to that area. It would be great to get it to the exact spot, but it’s too smart for that. Getting it in the vicinity will help since it’s still tied to hell. The point of it crossing over will call to it regardless of how hard it fights it.”

  “So, you’ll try to send it back?”

  “Send it back or banish it. Whichever we’re able to when the time comes.”

  Asta sat down and tapped her black-painted nails on the tabletop. “You said it can take human form?”

  “Yes,” Rafe said. He stood behind her, leaning on the kitchen counter. “It can take any form it chooses, but it can’t hide what it is from us. Some sensitive humans can also tell it isn’t what it seems. Being half-demon, and its daughter, you’ll be able to see right through any illusion it throws around itself.”

  “Does that mean she goes with us?” Zerach asked.

  “No,” Rafe said.

  “Yes,” Mike replied at the same time.

  They looked at each other for a moment but Rafe looked away first. Mike had been their leader for eons. One young demonling couldn’t change that.

  “What if I don’t want to?” Asta asked. She gestured toward Dora. “Shouldn’t someone stay with her?”

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” Dora said with indignation.

  Zerach would have laughed, but the situation was far from funny. He didn’t exactly trust Asta but didn’t want to leave Dora alone either.

  “We’ll make that decision when the time comes,” Mike finally said.

  Both women looked away, hiding their thoughts from the men. But Dora’s thoughts were no longer hidden from Zerach so he knew she didn’t fully trust Asta, either. Just knowing she was half-demon made Isadora uneasy.

  Don’t worry, love. I won’t leave you unprotected.

  She smiled at him and finished eating.

  Sel walked into the kitchen and caught Mike’s eye. He nudged Zerach as he stood and Rafe took the hint as well. They left the women at the table and went into the living room. Zera
ch wanted to laugh. Obviously his brothers didn’t realize he’d bonded with Dora already. She would know anything they said to him.

  “What is it?” Mike asked.

  “I may have found them,” Sel said. “There’s an old property they used to own on Lake Conroe. The new owners are out of the country so it’s been empty for weeks. I went by and saw movement inside. There wasn’t enough cover to get close in daylight, but perhaps tonight I can.”

  Zerach felt Dora’s excitement and fear. He sent a calming thought her way as well as a request for patience. “Perhaps we can meet the neighbors first and find out what they might know.”

  Mike nodded and waved Sel away. “Yeah, do that first. We’ll join you when the sun sets.”

  Sel left as quickly as he’d arrived.

  “I hate this waiting game,” Rafe said.

  “You know it’s inevitable. If we move to soon the demon will only find another place to hide,” Zerach replied. “I just wish we knew what it wanted.”

  “I don’t think it’s a matter of what the demon wants.”

  They all turned to the soft voice behind them. Dora stood in the doorway with Asta at her side.

  “Why do you say that?” Mike asked.

  “You’ve said Jake summoned the demon, right? So he must be the one who wants something. He’s a rich and powerful man in his own right. What could he possibly want that he can’t get on his own, without a demon’s help?”

  That had them all looking to each other for ideas. They sat in the living room and tried to come up with a plausible explanation.

  “Tell us what you know about Jake, Dora,” Mike said.

  Zerach had pulled her onto his lap and was happy she didn’t resist.

  She sat up straighter and faced the others while twisting her hands in her lap. “Well, he’s an only child. His mother died just a couple of years ago but I don’t remember what happened to her. As far as I know he’s always had a good relationship with his father. He took over Deagan Enterprises a few years ago and turned it around just before they would have had to file bankruptcy. From what I’ve heard he’s done really well.”


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