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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 21

by Michael Berg

  Enrichment for all who sought would follow. Hearts would be taken to offer unencumbered, experiencing truth in its beating set free from outdated modalities, released from radiating self talk, and open to dynamic progression. Many would accept, some would refuse, and others would simply not see. As it was and is, and for many rendering images of life times portrayed upon the cosmic canvas, those who were idle and caught in the drift, were bound to its conditioning, hence its masters were to be their masters.

  As accomplices, both Miss Candice and Arthren would take their lives to new heights, experience truth and growth in authentic presence, and be open to love as creation and emotion. There would be few sentient beings across any of the known planets who would deny the appeal of such living. It would not be theirs alone for the wave of change Beth would bring was there for all to experience abundance whilst others would remain intent on depravity.

  Miss Candice felt something stirring deep within the female energies – it was such an element of doubt, she had to tell Arthren.

  “We should do something about her Arthren. If you won’t, maybe I will have to…”

  “We’ll both take care of her. Now this is set for Bethany, we have some spare time until the next moon cycle.”

  “She’s disappeared.”

  “Did you see her go?”

  “No. She must have left as we aligned the geometries.”

  “The intent for Beth’s rebirth has energies strong enough to smother most of what Valeena could have sent herself. Now it is aligned, its’ strength will grow and continue until anything she sent is gone.”

  “There is time and I don’t like her confidence. She is mad and yet she has purpose. It was not a simple grab for power. I feel she knew all along what her aims were Arthren. We cannot be entirely sure Beth’s arrival is strong enough. She is still vulnerable.”

  “I suppose there is more to being an accomplice than we both first thought.”

  “I wish Mister Bobby was here. He will come. In me, I feel we have a bond.”

  “Think of its relevance at this time. If you have a bond, then what makes it could certainly help keep the peace here in case Valeena conjures something.”

  “I will message him with all my heart. I hope he will hear me…so far in time, space…oh the stars. He can go faster than the stars Arthren. Our eagle…” Miss Candice dug deep inside grabbing all her love for Bobby and the others aboard the rocket and projected it at them with all the intent she could muster. She let out a gasp as she did so, mirroring her spirit in effort with her will with her breath.

  “We have one moon Miss Candice. When the third begins, our time here is done. This very day will commence our place. Your Mister Bobby needs to hurry.”

  “He is a fine listener Arthren.”

  Chapter 19

  Through distortion and then beyond concept of such confined within known parameters of physics until the time Bobby had traveled through time from the late eighteen eighties to nineteen sixty two, three men inside Eagle of Space, hurtled towards planet Dealas on a course avoiding detection by Vindor authorities. Upon Vindor, they were all mostly far too busy dealing with the sweep of emotional change overtaking their planet.

  Present were those who could feel. Those who could feel yet would not, did not, and…those who could not feel or see failed to find anything other than a faint memory of their childhood suddenly come from nowhere. Most did something through doing nothing aside from embrace. Some did something as they adjusted this change within their self modality framed by ego and the desire of need. Undeniably, so much change was engulfing all Vindor lives in a paradigm shift, those at station in place to monitor space movements, were often too distracted to view the readouts.

  All lives involved were to arrive at this reckoning – those of Vindor, of Earth, of Dealas, and now of distant Marnec. Beyond Vindor’s Aduna, beyond humanity’s Milky Way, from another galaxy to Shiva they came in ships faster than any and larger than any, carrying intent to those whom they sought. Minds measured in veracity with eyes of reptiles, scaled the distance of the interstellar void – a vast chasm of no galaxy and mostly a neutral zone to life.

  Yet it was across this zone they had once come unknowingly to them until now. Origins of legends spoke stellar voices of life carried from a distant planet upon the celestial carpet. They were of birth on a planet the third from its yellow sun, with one grey moon so they had searched their galaxy all to no avail. Now in the third eye of the galaxy of Shiva, their origins awaited as they hurtled across the great void of nothingness between galaxies and on this passage the reptile race of Marnec were not alone, for the Eagle of Space crossed the vestiges of nothingness on its way to a similar destiny.

  “She is signaling to me all the time. I cannot deny the feeling of this bond. Miss Candice wants us to arrive.”

  “She did tell Mister Livingston to travel here Mister Regal.”

  “Yes I know Weston. My logic is similar, yet another feeling is there, and as you know, since this all began, a lot more than just physics and mechanics have come into play.”


  “I cannot explain it, but I know it is there.”

  “Perhaps our understanding today at the stones is helping.”

  “No doubt. How much longer?”

  “About an hour.”

  “The urgency is hard to tolerate. What do you think Jonathon?”

  “I can feel it too. Like an itch you can’t scratch. It seems there is more than just timing involved for a tactical advantage.”

  “Much more. Try and think of ways we can secure Miss Candice and then finish this by returning to Earth. You will need to make some engineering considerations for the same thing Mister Weston. I have a feeling our path is set before us and we are going to find this place by keying into the energy we discovered at Stonehenge. There is no reason to doubt this if you consider events so far. Can you plot a Dealas escape for us Jonathon? I want to avoid any trace of our flight path and be able to make a direct landing on Earth. Once we have all the information we gather from this mission, we can take it back for ground based analysis to make sure it remains secure. I want us to go in and get out…but there is something troubling me by telling me it is not going to be so simple.”

  “Should I allow for weapons firing Mister Regal?”

  “Keep it in mind Mister Weston.

  “What do you think the deal is on Dealas Bobby? Is Miss Candice going to be able to leave? From what we know, she is part of something much bigger than us and so she might have to say goodbye to our escapades.”

  “Maybe…maybe not. She asked me to come and is urging me on now. This is urgent whatever way it unfolds Jonathon. We have to do what we think best in the circumstance.”

  “With the Stonehenge refinements, I can boost our power to bring us to Dealas twenty three minutes sooner Mister Regal.”

  “You are go to add boost then Mister Weston. How long until our arrival?”

  “Precisely enough to condition our thoughts, prepare our equipment, plot the final trajectory landing, and assume readiness.”

  “I have the final trajectory Bobby. The signal I scanned back there is picking up again the closer we come to Dealas. It matches the geometries of the stones. I say Mister Weston, do you see those output readings along the alignments?”

  “They are as if in boosted mode to the factor of nine or ten Mister Livingston. You might want to see Mister Regal.”

  “Could they be from the events taking place there Jonathon?”

  “Most likely, but we are seeing another signal…very distant and heading directly for the same target.”

  “Miss Candice’s urgency. Can you add any more boost Mister Weston?”

  “Perhaps four or five percent at best. The analysis is on-going, but hopefully by the time it comes for a Dealas escape, we can head for home at an accelerated rate.”

  “Then keep processing those mathematics. For now, Jonathon and I will prepare. I want you to
maintain energy boost. We have to get there.”

  “Aye Mister Regal. I will take the helm. We have at the most, about twenty minutes more.”

  When Bobby and Jonathon returned to the flight bridge of Eagle of Space, Mister Weston was instructed to prepare for planet fall. He had managed a few more percentage points of thrust, enabling them to gain a few more minutes. Bobby began the landing sequence from faster than light speed – the rocket had to go in fast and unseen. He had no time to waste and wanted no encounter with the secretive Dealas people.

  “She might not be finished what she has to do Bobby.”

  “I know Jonathon. The interstellar craft is still a few days away yet, but their speed. Have you ever seen anything like it? They must be significantly more advanced than us or Vindor. I think they are best avoided.”

  “Seeing them taking on hundreds of thousands of light years is pretty impressive and scary. We can’t help what will come though Bobby.”

  “Yes, but it is my mission to ensure safeguard of Earth for as long as possible. I want you to organize a scramble signal to make it just a little harder to track our exit from Dealas. Set it to automatically engage as soon as lift off.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. Charge up our electric pistols. Mister Weston and I can add to your ray gun.”

  “They aren’t as good.”

  “But they’ll have to do.”

  Guidance systems were taken over by an unknown force. Fate was delivering them as Bobby had predicted, just not quite in the way he had imagined. Miss Candice was beyond mere mortality as her essence was cast upon the energized geometries along with others seeking similar destiny for Beth with both forces combining to steer Eagle of Space right into the closest clearing nearby the spring and stones. As he did at Stonehenge, Bobby ordered they hover over the stone circles on planet Dealas before they landed and made way on foot to the spring.

  Valeena saw the rocket come in and Miss Candice was delighted upon first glimpse of the ship carrying Bobby, Mister Weston, and Mister Livingston. Arthren was nonchalant over this event – he knew what would unfold and his part would be relatively minor. It was a matter for Miss Candice and Valeena, for he had Beth to protect and prepare as the second moon cycle would begin in time too soon for any distraction.

  Bobby had arrived to be greeted in a way by two women who both sought his counsel. Valeena did not hasten to find him, preferring to allow his natural progress to the spring. Miss Candice held her place near Beth who could see all what was occurring and felt somewhat baffled. Her notions of self reawakening told her there would be just one man and one woman with her as she emerged to become queen custodian of the cosmic gold spring, yet here was a woman she almost remembered, and some others including a man she almost remembered.

  “You probably did not expect me did you Bobby.”

  “Something always tells me to expect you now Valeena.”

  “Only one more moon and then Beth learns to breathe gold Bobby. Do you think you can stop me?”

  “Your intentions are obvious. We don’t need to stop you…”

  “There are others.”

  “The ship between galaxies? Is it your doing?”

  “Arthren here and your pretty Miss Candice had no knowledge of my full abilities. They should have been more diligent. They come for the gold Bobby and they come for you and the rest of your foolish race.”

  “Why would they come to Earth Valeena? We will have a defense system in place…”

  “To no avail Steward. They exceed you…and us by millions of years. As you can see, they travel at many hundreds times light speed. They will arrive before the final moon has set.”

  “We will be gone and Beth will be untouchable in the spring.”

  “There will still be time, but not for you. As soon as they learn of your kind Bobby, they will swarm and overtake your feeble planet. There are many more of them than there is of you…many many more. It is only now as I realize my true place within obsidian, do I come to terms with all preceding us leading to the coming of Marnec. Earth will have nothing their beloved Steward can do to stop them. But…you could join me and forsake pretty Miss Candice and these others. What does she have over me anyway? We have shared so much Bobby. Our seed…”

  “Created with bad intentions Valeena. And you dragged Bethany into it. She was meant to be here, not you.”

  “You know nothing about where Beth needs to be.”

  “We know enough so don’t try anything. As soon as she can breathe, we are leaving this place and you can try all you like, but without a space craft, you are destined to remain here a long time. I don’t think the people of Dealas will take kindly to your presence here either.”

  “Marnec will give me passage and take me to reign Vindor. I will be seen as an oracle – the one who return the reptiles to their original planet.”

  “What reptiles?”

  “The ones flying here now. People should be more aware of the ancient stories, for at their heart lies truth, and at the heart of these reptiles, lies dominance. They will destroy humanity and take back what is rightfully theirs.”

  “There are stories Mister Bobby, of an ancient cataclysm on Earth.”

  “Listen to her Bobby.”

  “The legend says the people of planet Marnec originally came from a life fragment sent across the galaxies after a comet collided with Earth killing its dinosaurs. People of Marnec…”

  “Evolved over millions of years Bobby. They are reptiles capable of destroying you and they are coming. They want their home back.”

  “Miss Valeena, are you saying these Marenc are intelligent dinosaurs?”

  “Much more than dinosaurs Mister Weston. They are formidable and they will stop at nothing.”

  “And you summoned them here Valeena…and effectively to Earth. There is nothing we can do to stop them unless we stop you.”

  “You can stop me but not them Bobby. They will know by the residual energies here. It might take time, but they will track you down.”

  “Tie her up Jonathon and Weston. We need to keep a constant eye on her.”

  “I suggest we bandage her head to smother any telepathic energy she might have just in case.”

  “Good idea Miss Candice. Apply a thin film of alloy inside the bandage Jonathon. I know there is some lining the inside of the pack we have with us.”

  The second moon shadow fall gave way to passage for Arthren and Miss Candice to bring Beth from the waters. She swam right up to them accepting their arms as they pulled her glittering wet naked body from the spring. She had matured in spirit, in soul, and was so sensuous naked, Mister Weston and Jonathon could not help but stare for a moment. Beth then sat down on a rock with specks of gold covering her entire body and running though her hair now swept back from a forehead featuring a tapestry of gold seemingly like a tattoo, yet changing all the time as it formed geometries reflecting the alignment Beth was experiencing.

  Into the late hours of the day and then through the night, Bobby maintained a careful watch on the portable scanner showing the progress of the incoming ship. It was close enough now to see it was of no rocket design – the readouts showed a massive circular craft he estimated to be half a mile wide. Nothing in his, Jonathon’s, or Mister Weston’s experience could validate such daunting engineering immensity.

  “Are you certain of success for our transmission to Earth showing this ship’s progress before we arrived here on Dealas Mister Weston?”

  “As best I can Mister Regal. The energy patterns we used to establish the trans-light field do have a residue back to their origin.”

  “We can only hope they know of this phenomenon and have taken heed to prepare something.”

  “What of Vindor? This could add another factor to the war Bobby.”

  “My space command mind is working on such possibilities as we speak Jonathon. In my endeavors as Steward of Earth Defense, I have never come against such a monumental shift in strategy. Once Miss
Candice is free at the end of this moon, it will have to be Arthren who takes care of Beth…and Valeena.”

  “What if they want to come with us?”

  “I have no inclination to accommodate Valeena, as for Arthren, something tells me Beth is going to need him. He will stay, I am certain. How long on the scan Jonathon?”

  “About thirty hours until they arrive. It is about to breach the outer electric fields of our galaxy. Once they are in, I would expect their speed to increase though.”

  “So we have to move the moment Beth takes to the waters bonded with the golden essences. Both of you will need to place the rocket in launch standby. Make sure everything is fired up for a Dealas escape Mister Weston. I am glad they added level eleven to seven and nine. Bring the decoy flight path and other data online Jonathon – I want the rocket masked already. Return just after sunrise in case something happens when Beth transitions to the third moon stage.”

  Bobby did not bother Miss Candice for company during the night. He felt distanced from her during her role as an accomplice. How much change he had brought about in vivid contrast to the expectations of those involved, still astounded his sense as he felt a loving deep bond where the unexpected defied measure to bring about change through fate. She was attending her place with Arthren, and together they gave the feelings of pure intent to Beth as she came to know her own through their stimulus.

  Valeena was doing her best to influence Beth from her bound and shielded position. Beth had not even glanced her way as if she had not even acknowledged Valeena within her consciousness. It angered and saddened her, but she refused to give up trying to break through. She had not stopped sending summons to the craft either as it pulse phased vast distances in an instant on its way to Dealas.

  Weston and Livingston returned as the first gold and purple ribbons of a dawn sky, emerged from beyond the orchard. Mister Weston was quite pleased with the fruit he had sampled from the trees, imploring they were even better than some of the produce he had sold in Jonstown. He was still eating when he and Jonathon emerged into the spring scene. Bobby had awoken not long before, Valeena was lying asleep, and the two accomplices were preparing Beth for her last moments before the final moon shadow fall where she would become one with the spring as its queen. Soon she would send energy of elevated conscious into creation and sentience wherever it was found. Miss Candice and Arthren had done what was required in most part through their integrity and authentic energy given to Beth throughout the day, and soon they were to fall away to allow her next phase to begin.


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