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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 22

by Michael Berg

  “The ship is closing in Bobby. Weston has rigged some refinements were have taken from the mathematics we retrieved at Salisbury.”

  “I am hoping Earth command has been doing similar from the data we gave them during our stop at the moon.”

  “I am sure they will Mister Regal.”

  “How long until Miss Candice is finished. This process gets a bit boring.”

  “Apparently it is a one in a thousand year event. I guess if it doesn’t go right this time, it is going to be a long time before the chance occurs again.”

  “What of Valeena?”

  “Exhausted from her mental efforts. I knew there was something more to her. The way she went about things when I first met her indicated another awareness of method.”

  “Leave her to those who are coming. Who would have thought…anyway, the rocket is ready to go as soon as Miss Candice has finished extending virtues to Beth.”

  “It is strange but all comes together. Miss Candice has said nothing. Arthren keeps to himself. I suppose Beth will be the one to watch over the effect this place has when it sends the golden ratios across space…and dimension.”

  “I am thinking what she is doing is similar to becoming a conduit Mister Regal.”

  “My thoughts exactly Mister Weston. Beth is the circuit between or the link so this progress can occur.”

  “It doesn’t seem like much progress to me Bobby. So far it has brought a potentially very dangerous threat. What the gold does is anyone’s mystery.”

  “I think once it has taken place, we will come to realize why. You could likely see the transition period as being tough.”

  “A facet of life.”

  “It seems as if it will be a transition for numerous worlds now Mister Regal.”

  “Indeed, and of one we cannot escape Mister Weston.”

  Valeena keenly awaited the arrival of the final moon shadow fall. She had overheard Bobby saying he wanted to leave immediately after Miss Candice became available. ‘He is running scared,’ she thought.

  All feelings for Bobby were lost – their intimacy forsaken for her alias with Marnec. Her desperation had unleashed a potential cataclysm as sight of her connection, her seed with Bobby, was lost to history. In relinquishing her feelings, her time with him was reduced to mere fact, void of emotion as Valeena now entered into a void. Within this she saw herself intoxicating the Marnec through evocative sensuality on her way to her own rebirth equal in opposition to Beth. They were a demanding race and she sought to make them demand of her.

  Bobby watched Valeena knowing she would take this time to wait out seeing him leave. He could take her with them and be rid of what she might do here, but he knew it was too late. The thought of having her in custody was a waste. She could be shut away only then to require attendance.

  When the light in the sky changed to indicate the moon shadow was approaching, Bobby resigned to her knowing at least she could not help the reptile race precisely navigate their way to Earth. She had an idea but was no space pilot. His priority no longer concerned her, as it now was ensuring they all returned home safely to prepare for the coming of Marnec.

  Beth had taken to Miss Candice and Arthren. Their intent free of self, connected to the essences Beth would guard and give, had immersed her into her own reckoning of potential unlimited in aspiration. The force of life is strong. It was hers as it was theirs, and Beth could sense the divinity of eternity free from the limits her accomplices had also cast away. No presence of her could become without their place beside her now, and forever of their lives, projecting the reason of being for expression. A cosmic seed across embodiment in myriads of forms, sent the charge of electricity upon the alignments of crystal gold – the conduit, the giver…not asking.

  For the last moments of the second moon, Beth sat quietly talking with Miss Candice and Arthren. She had realized herself now as custodian of the spring, and as Bethany. Valeena had been constant in her reaching out – Beth remembered her now and chose to ignore her pleas.

  She was not of the sprit, of mind, of heart, or within any cell, to relate to her energetically. A live current flowed through her and she would soon embrace the spring to become activated within the golden circuit geared to creation from the ratio of dihedral angle of torsion…within DNA, within thought…of concept, and action mindful, aligned…precisely elemental.

  Moon shadow fell. Beth took both Miss Candice’s and Arthren’s hands as they walked to the water’s edge.

  “I love you both and all. I love you too Bobby,” she called out to him as he stood a short distance away. Jonathon and Weston were on their way to the rocket already. She did not wait for his reply. Arthren helped her over the last as she then slipped calmly into the water. He watched her standing aside Miss Candice as Beth swam away beneath the surface.

  Nothing happened for almost a minute – Valeena was doing her last effort to contact Beth. She was delaying her with an intrusion of probing energy using the deep bond they had shared in recent times, using the sensations, and their intimacy. Beth could not ignore the strength of her as she treaded water out of view to all behind the fountain at the spring’s center.

  ‘You and I are of similarity as all are Valeena,’ she thought projected to her. ‘Your learning must come as you allow it. For me, it is present as I am. We have loved and shared the universe, and now I must share the universe to those willing to live by this decree. I can protect it from you, for I see your failure through greed. I know I must protect it from you as I have been made aware of the coming tide upon here and Vindor…and our Bobby’s home of Earth. You defile him, us…this place Valeena. Your last intrusion now is our last to heart unless in some passing of time you emerge from your darkness…”

  ‘I can read you and I can read darkness Beth. Think clearly for my presence will ensue. All is to be revealed as it has for you, for Bobby, and those others of Vindor. Soon too, the Earth will come under the wrath for this event seen across interstellar space, is much more than any of you have so innocently considered. Your fetish for love in purity without direction will not be of the liking to those who come.’

  ‘Whatever they muster, you and they will suffer from such weakness. I see you dark queen of obsidian and I know you.’ Beth let go of the connection, choosing the moment to embrace the essence of the golden waters. She rose up through the fountain, took a deep breath and then transcended material to become a light being in presence aware far across time, space, and dimension. She was a beacon to the cosmos for light to spread as expression from rocky asteroids littered with craters, to the majesty of stellar jewels glittering the brightest in their region. Ethereal light sentience beyond the concept of body only to return to the body to channel soul expression was all Beth felt.

  In a few minutes it was over and she returned to being herself in embodiment – the connection remained as it always would. She now had this time to fully embrace this learning as one of many such custodians located in the depths where billions of light years of space separated galaxies of billions of planets, of billions of souls, in billions of bodies, traveling billions of light years.

  “Go Miss Candice. Arthren has the strength to watch me. Don’t worry about Marnec. We will not be overcome by their intentions, but they will eventually find you. Hurry. I love you.”

  “You will be alright wont you Arthren?”

  “Of course Miss Candice. Thank you for such an experience. How revealing in the least.”

  “Indeed Arthren, and thank you. Perhaps we will meet again.”

  “A destiny of an accomplice is likely to include such things Miss Candice. Farewell for now and travel well. I am sure we will meet in another sector of this galaxy sometime not so distant.”

  “I too think of such things. Goodbye. Goodbye Beth.”

  “There is no goodbye Miss Candice. We share eternity…”

  Miss Candice hurried to the other side of the spring to meet Bobby without delay.

  “I knew you would hear me
calling Bobby.” Miss Candice embraced his outstretched arms. Their bodies came together as their love grew.

  “We should leave.”

  “Did you gather any fruit? I would love us to have some to eat on the way home.”

  “I handpicked them for you myself. Jonathon and Mister Weston also gathered quite a stock.”

  “Good. We can have as much as we want. I am an accomplice.”

  “Let’s go then. Weston has the rocket…um Eagle of Space on standby. All systems are go for a Dealas escape.”

  “I do love the moment we go beyond light speed Bobby. The images and feelings are splendid…so exhilarating.”

  “They make you gasp in wonder. I’m sure Weston and Livingston are taking a liking to them. We are becoming quite a team.”

  “To the rocket then. I hope Valeena calms down and doesn’t make it too hard for them,” she said as she took one last look back seeing Arthren with Beth, and Valeena struggling around still bound with vines.

  “She is a lost person looking unfortunately at darkness for self definition.”

  Ten minutes later, Mister Weston enthusiastically embraced his good friend Miss Candice. Their separation had realized their closeness, opening their hearts to the foundations of their bond.

  “And of course Mister Livingston. How are you?”

  “I am fine Miss Candice and so very glad to see you.”

  “Are all systems ready Mister Weston?”

  “Ready to go Mister Regal.”

  “Take us home then please Mister Weston.”

  “Our destiny awaits. Engaging launch sequence in readiness for boost to Dealas escape at one thousand miles altitude.”

  The rocket launched quickly ascending through the atmosphere to position one thousand miles away. Mister Weston looked to Bobby with a look of confirmation to proceed to which Bobby replied with a similar look. Miss Candice caught Bobby’s eye as he looked over towards Jonathon, and for a moment all four met each other before Miss Candice engaged number eleven on the dial for their Dealas escape.

  Chapter 20

  “How far are they away from Dealas Mister Livingston?”

  “Just under an hour Mister Regal. We have twenty minutes of flight time until we land at central command.”

  “At least hearing they have been working with the data and the prospect of these Marnec visiting, takes some weight off our minds.”

  “Arthren told me he would do his best to stop Valeena. There is a cave not far from the spring where he said he will hide her. It might buy us some time.”

  “Let’s hope it is enough to make some progress in counteracting what is certain to be a very commanding presence when Marnec learn of Earth’s location Miss Candice.”

  “I am sure Mister Bobby will be able to provide great assistance, as you yourself no doubt will Mister Weston.”

  “We should prepare for the landing sequence now…”

  Miss Candice gave Bobby a cheeky grin on their way to meet with superiors immediately after landing.

  “I’m telling you sir, these Marnec have crossed interstellar space. We need to convene council and determine a plan. My guess is we have weeks at best before they arrive.”

  “We have considered the evidence Bobby and appreciate you coming here the moment after landing back on Earth.”

  “What about the mathematics? Have the scientists come up with anything?”

  “They are working on variables now. We should have news within a day.”

  “It is going to have to be a weapon based on the discoveries we have made in the past week or so. The only defense will be a weapon they can appreciate the power of, otherwise we will be overrun.”

  “How do you know we are their target? We must remain objective Bobby. This Valeena woman may have the story all wrong. After all, from what you have told me, it is conjecture pointing to Earth as being the origin of Marnec.”

  “The alignment is too unique. I suggest I take Mister Weston and join the science team in coming up with a weapon.”

  “You’ll need to take Miss Candice. Her insights will give us the ethereal energies we need to strike at their sub-conscious.”

  “Good idea. I’ll take the whole team. Jonathon knows enough after calibrating the scanner we used at Stonehenge.”

  They all looked up to the moon as they walked under the blanket of night sky from the main administration office to the science laboratories.

  “Moon escape drive engaged Mister Weston?”

  “Aye Mister Regal. So many stars tonight.”

  “One of them we cannot see Mister Weston. It is an ugly star isn’t it Mister Bobby?”

  “For certain Miss Candice. I can imagine Jonathon…you think similarly?”

  “I will test them if they dare…”

  “Here we are at the lab Mister Livingston. Now, please find some quarters amongst the rooms attached here. We need to be able to rest when required.”

  Miss Candice looked again to the sky after the others had gone inside. She wondered for Beth and for Arthren. Marnec were about to arrive. Soon enough, turmoil would overtake the spring. She hoped her and Arthren had done enough to protect Beth.

  The golden spring was all Beth required to know of the intentions from those whose arrival was imminent. Arthren could tell they were close – the air was heavy with their energy. It was a loathsome feeling as if purpose of spirit was being actively drained…and it was. The Marnec harnessed the intention of reality as a way to service their machine’s drive requirements, to service their machine planet’s requirements, and to pervade the malice of intent so deep in their hearts of domination. Where they went and so chose to conquer, they reigned supreme as dominion over any before them or those who in vain, opposed them. Known throughout their own galaxy as a marauding race intent only with finding their origins to fulfill their believed destiny of galactic supremacy, they came and they destroyed without mercy or compassion.

  “This woman of Vindor who summoned us injures our pride. We have been stained with her inadequateness as insult to our presence of dimension. Reparations are to be made to restore our injured feelings and then cast precedence over this galaxy and claim it in the name of all Marnec, for we are Marnec and our destiny is to reign as leader over all other sentient races of any region in space.”

  As their craft descended the atmosphere of Dealas, Beth sensed their approach. Whence three moons gave birth, the fourth gave death, and it was said those who with tenacity showed authentic sprit, would be the victorious. At half a mile wide, the Marnec ship cast forth moon shadow fall to make this number. Its’ darkness matched the minds of its occupants…and their hearts. No luster came from the craft – it was a dull black lacking any hint of giving.

  Arthren had taken cover and Valeena had sensed the arrival so was doing all she could to send her thoughts past the annoying alloy hat she was wearing.

  Those aboard looked down through their viewing instruments to see Beth alone in the waters. They knew who she was instantly and why she was here. They were the rightful to this golden moment, yet with all their might and foreboding, they could not oppose her. She was in authentic place and to enter or intrude into such divinity, could tear apart their fabric of them and of their ship. They would however, strive to find a way.

  “You of the spring. We come from vast distance to find who summoned us and to find our gold. You have our gold.”

  “I have nothing you own. This place transcends place and time – my place here is righteous.”

  “Then we must respond to your contest. Think not of security within those waters queen of the golden circuit, for we have ways where darkness will rule over those who attempt to stand in our way.”

  “You may try, but you still miss your origin point, and from there only then can you truly mark relevance against me.”

  “She who summoned us will guide us on ways against you and the others. We seek more than you could ever see…”

  “I see many things, and your own destini
es are not one of them.”

  “You lie. We will find our ancient alignment, and from there, nobody can ever stop us.”

  “Your search is long as it has been. Do not think this place will give you immediate answers.”

  “Think? Ha…we know it will. There has never been a stronger lead in our history. We must thank the woman who summoned us for knowing the ancient incantations. She is the true queen of darkness despite her foolishness.”

  “Your wisdom is lacking and try as you will, this spring protects me and protects others who of intention, cast out against you and your dark ways.”

  “Such feeble permeations of light are only temporary filamentary distractions to us.”

  “You will see. Your assuredness stems from concept and not nature.”

  “In time very soon, we will have what we seek and this spring will tell us where to find ourselves.”

  “You are distant from such a place. Struggle as you have and as you will, the dominance you seek is your undoing.”

  “Such a fine young thing you are queen. So petite and flowing. Against the strength of Marnec you appear weak. How can such an apparition as you are begin to pose a threat to us?”

  “It is not just me, but an accomplice will deliver…”

  “Deliver what?”

  “Legend. Only legend.”


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