A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
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activation, increase, 124
aid by white magician, 987-988
and aspects, 444
attainment of consciousness, 289-295
basic law, 574
by rneans of five senses of fifth principle, 696
causes, 53, 128, 312
close, factor in time between incarnations, 791-792
conscious forces, 616
cyclic, 275, 277-284, 925, 1032
definition, 231, 234
change with rounds, 671
effect of seventh Ray, 589
goal, 668
hastening now, 914
identity with essence manipulated, 448
lunar pitris, 681
status under planetary Logos, 673-674
Divine Spiritual, and human, 650
during form manifestation, 928
end, 51, 275, 276
factor of solar Angels concerned with fifth Hierarchy, 706-707
fivefold in this solar system, 164 force, 583
goal, 285
group, 548
higher planes, period, 275
and deva, interrelation and interdependence, 907
builders and building essence, 936-947
factor of astral plane, astral matter, astral vibration, 662-663
in this scheme, fourth globe, 497
objective, 7, 232-233, 235, 576
process in four Rays of mind, 112
production of revelation of first aspect, 767
Rays concerned, 441
spiritual, 680
stage of meditation and contemplation, 1007
subjugation of lower subplanes of mental plane, 187
vital factor, 440
fifth kingdom, 51
three worlds and egoic body, 764-765
Universe, 293
manifesting units of consciousness, 233-237
methods, 231, 238
microcosmic, sensory, 188
natural course, spiritual roen on this scheme, 706
nature of and procedure, 231237
objectives, 266-267, 810
advanced man, period, 807
atom, 7
centres, 171-173, 203-206
conscious entity, study by means of deva substance, 671
consciousness in three worlds, 633
consciousness, significance of 3, 4, and 5, 695
dense body of Logos, 632-633
deva kingdom, hastening, 914
devas of kundalini fire, 908
earth devas, 903
Ego, explanation, true, value, 815
Heavenly Man, 187
inner round, 299 love, 595
manas, 498, 499
matter, 49, 56
mind, 48
monadic essence, 75
Monads, 592
petals of egoic lotus, 816-840
planetary Logos, 207
reptiles, 894
senses, 188, 195
solar system, duality, 237-240
Son, importance, 242
Spirit, 49-50, 819-820
origin, 312
place of cycles, 300
plan, cooperation with, 440, 666, 713
planes, field of, 519
planetary, 297, 680
plans of Logos, aid to, 867
point in, those achieving and not achieving goal, 599
procedure, 231-237
processes, production, 1029, 1060
progress, cyclic, 273-284
relation to karma, 76
repetition, 273-276
scheme, entire, underlying thought, 232-233
solar system, along lines of duality, 237-243
spiritual, 610-611 subjective, 264-266, 267-269
termination, 51
trend, 952, 953
twelve types, 847
two lines, at-onement, significance, 906
work, 199-200, 946, 1006
arc, devas on, classes, 645-647
destiny of egos in Earth scheme, 778
deva giving man astral body of
positive power, 663
development, 231, 245-259, 266-269, 929-930, 952
entities, 52
manifestation in planetary scheme, method, 938
objective of units of consciousness, 232-233
process, 303, 483-486, 619, 643, 648, 731, 924
stage, blend and mergence of three, four, and five, 697
of nature, close relationship, 9697
twelve, definition, 845
twelve, goals, 844
two, merging in seventh round, 599
Evolving jiva, movement, 47
Existence on lower planes, termination, 52
Exit by way of etheric web, 101
Expansion of consciousness, 850
Experience, essence of personality lives, control, 576
Externalisation of Hierarchy in last quarter of century, 753-760
all-seeing, of God, 894
functions, 957, 958
force-directing faculty, future discovery, 1008
instrument of initiatory energy, 958
receipt of impressions, 894
of Shiva, 893-894, 1009
physical, development, 651
composition, 1009
development, 1012
formation, factors, 1009-1012
functions, 965-966, 974-975, 1007, 1008
link, 1130
opening, 894, 907, 1008, 1010
powers, 1010-1011
re-discovery, future, 1008
sends forth thought form, 1008
sign of white magician, 1010
study, 894
synonyms, 1008-1009
use in contemplation, 1007
vivification, 894
Eyes, physical, use in stimulating thought forms, 975
Faculty, all, storage in permanent atoms, 693, 856
causes, 927-928
in materialising concepts, cause, 927-928
in thought creation, causes, 975976
of majority of magical investigators, 1002
Failures less numerous in future, 133
bodies, use of glamour, 892
in bird realm, 895
of plant life, 914
water, 915
Family unit, protection and scientific development, 813
and Mother, mediation on each plane, 924
and Mother, Spirit and Matter, produce Son, 1019
and Mother, systemic marriage, 241
devas connected with, 920
expression, 4, 241, 519, 613, 624
positive electrical demonstration, 875
Mother and Son, correspondence in human being, 944
Father-Spirit-Will, union with Mother-Matter-Energy, 620
Fear in animals, origin, 932 Fertilisation, all, cause, 53
Fifteen rules of magic, 996-1026
in correspondences, 334-336, 585, 596, 693, 698-707
kingdom, key, 334-336
consideration, 689-707
effects, 693
expression of force from fifth cosmic plane, 691
stirred third aspect into self-conscious activity, 693
spirilla in atoms of lower man, importance, 697-698
subplane of each plane, importance, 585
subrace of fifth rootrace, fifth Ray, fifth law of Fixation, 596
systemic plane, fifth subplane of physical gaseous, 693
See also Hierarchy, fifth; Ray fifth; Round, fifth.
active, 52, 53; 57
at base of spine, 648-649
body of, 166-167
nbsp; builders, 963-1026
by friction, 35-220
channels, three, 55-64
cosmic, definition, 638
devas. See Devas, fire.
direction to throat centre, 900
disintegration by, 103
electric. See Electric fire.
elementals. See Elementals, fire.
essential, 52
first, 48
fivefold, demonstration, 37-38
human body, 52, 53-54, 135-140
human. See also under specific topic.
in macrocosm, 37-45, 53
in manifestation, 48-54
in microcosm, 45-47
interior, at centre of sphere, 52
internal, vitalising, 45-46
kundalini. See Kundalini fire.
latent, 45, 47, 52, 53, 72, 102, 108
Lord Agni. See Agni. mystery, 872-873, 876
manas, radiation from throat centre, 136
manifested Cosmos, 204-205
mind and spirit contacting each other, 50, 51
basis of all expression, 44
blending with fire of Spirit, 57
burns through etheric web, 125
burns up matter, 102
coherent impulse and purpose driving forms, 401
electricity, 310-332
evolving, 50
merging with fires of matter, 102, 136, 137
thinking self-conscious unit, manifestation, 46
See also Solar fire.
motion, dynamic, 401
planets, 51
sheaths, three channels, 55-64
solar Angel, 963
spirit and of mind, contacting through matter, 50
spirit blend, 610
spirit burns up matter, 102
spirit downflow, field of attraction for, 136
spirit electric, discussion, 1227-1283
spirit electric, Ego embodying or able to transmit, 963
spirit electric, positive energy, 4
spirit set free, 401
spirit See also Electric fire; Electrical; Electricity.
substance, 963
primordial, first cosmic ether, 626
purificatory, use, 838-840
radiatory, 52, 53
sea of, 43, 311
second, 48-49
seven Lords, 65, 66, 629
sevenfold, 628-631
solar. See Solar fire.
spirits, 66-67, 963-1026
systemic, 53
third, 49-50
types, 97, 316
wheel, 97
Fire by friction—
Brahma, physical sun, Fohat, 628
discussion, 35-220
electricity animating atoms of matter, 316
fire of matter, 37-220, 228, 240
lunar Pitris, 819
negative energy, 4
produces heat and radiation, 240-241
sevenfold, 629-631
substance with quality of heat, 803
three permanent atoms, 818
blending, results, 123-127, 340, 341
central basic, 641
forty-nine, 31, 522, 602, 631, 635, 905
inner, of atom, 64
inner, of earth, 60-61
basis of life, 51
discussion, 35-220 effects, 52, 76
macrocosmic and microcosmic, 906
of atom, 58, 64
of man, 51, 52, 53-54, 58
of man. See also Human body.
of planet, 52, 53, 58
of sheaths, 55-68
of sun, 58-59
of system, 51, 53, 59, 77-78
of three kingdoms of nature, 51
kundalini and pranic, 124-125
latent interior, 58
manipulation, conscious, 483488
atom, inner, 58, 64
cosmic love blended with fires of matter, 64
man, internal, 51, 61
matter and mind, merging, results, 136-138
matter and Spirit, burning, 124-127
matter dangers, 127
matter two blending and merging, 102
mental plane, 44
planets, 51
sheaths, macrocosmic and microcosmic, 55-68
system, active internal, 51
separation by etheric vehicle, 126
three electric, by friction, solar, 522-530, 606-612, 762, 888
three in man, at-one-ment, 963
transfer into higher centres, 864865
transmutative, 903
transmuting, off system, 698
Fish deva, 892
in correspondences, 587, 590, 604-605, 860-861
kingdoms, radiation in, 1074-1078
of monadic manifestation, 47
on buddhic plane at initiation, significance, 696
on mental plane at initiation, significance, 696
Ray Path, 1261-1264, 1276
streams o£ living energy, basic, 1183
Five-pointed star, 1224
Flame, Divine, 47, 51, 54, 57
Fleshy development, abnormal, cause, 109
Flowers, building and painting by elves, 914
Flux, universality, 1030
Fog enveloping humanity, products, 973
action of, 85
bringing latency into activity and potentiality into power, 72
connection with mind, 259
Agni, 603, 610
Brahma, 118
energising life, 118
cosmic Lord of Fire, 65, 66
energy, divine, 43
energy of matter, 603
fire of matter plus electric fire, 213
force bringing potentiality into demonstrated power, 72
outer man, 611
third Logos, 118
threefold Energy, 610
vitalising life, 602
essence of, 66
on cosmic plane, 72
seven brothers, 629
seven sons, vital forces, sources, 630
work, 66
current, 435
force, seven types, 358
impulse, effect on matter, 259
impulse, electrical manifestation, 313
animal, use, results, 645, 646
misuse and recommendations, 651
vegetable, use, results, 645-646
attractive, nucleus, 782
attractive, of all subhuman forms, 925
bringing latency into activity, 72
centres, energy wheels, 537-538
centres, vitalisation, factors, 967968
cosmic triangle of, effect on building of human body, 945-946
manifestation, 316
of centre, nature and quality, knowledge of, 358
utilisation, 426-427
Fohat bringing potentiality into demonstrated power, 72
fohatic, seven types, 358
inter-planetary, entry, permission, results, 954
negative aspect, lesser builders representing, 887
negative, line of least resistance for, 624
of cosmic—
astral plane, devas, 623-624
Being, 165
physical plane, 624-626
planetary, triple nature, manipulation, 1022
positive and negative, 832-833
recipients, sumtotal of living substance of plane, 890
relation to deva substance, 660
seven centres, 5
sevenfold, seven Deva Lords, 629
source, 862
three major streams, direction, 873
transference from lower centres into higher, 859
and effects of liberated force, understanding, 862
direct from higher planes to lower, 88
on physical plane via etheric centres and brain, 983
Transmitter upon atmic plane, 922
Builders, greater and. lesser, 612-619
cosmic, 621-626
dealing with substance aspect in man, 423-424
emanating from seven constellations, 1196
four, 847
generated and used in petal unfoldment, 871-872
of planetary influences, 424-425
on systemic mental plane, 622-623
playing on or through Agnichaitans, 637
units, involutionary and evolutionary, 654
vibrations within logoic physical permanent atom, 629
vitalising from fifth cosmic plane, downflow, 691
whirlpools, 167
Force-matter, lunar Pitris, 845
Force substance, dual, of cosmic physical plane, 621-622
balancing, conscious, 863
in Ego and egoic group, use, 867
triple emanatory, origin, 920
adaptation to life, 1188-1211
as treated in Secret Doctrine, quotations, 528, 1061-1062
aspect, work from in future, 1186
beginning, 312
blending with consciousness, 450
builders, devas, 472, 489, 637
aspect, Vishnu, 215, 218
attractive power of Spirit, 215
basis, 527
constructive work, factors, 447-450
energy, types used, 553
of dense body, analysis, 790
preparatory, destruction, 467
relation to Law of Attraction, 1186-1188
second aspect in Hall of Learning, 871, 1186
work, stages, 783-786
causation, 311
central blaze, 613
coherent, evolving lower self in, law holding, 583
cohesion, production, 489
comes into being, 582
composition on all planes, 491
consciousness of bodies of logoi, 781
conservation, 79
definition, 1061
at close of manifestation, 52
by energy of Heavenly Man before building, 467
for progress of evolving life, 569
disintegration, 154, 580
dissipation with death, 131, 132-133
divided into three aspects, 1186
divine, revelation, 893
effect on form, 276