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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 119

by Alice A Bailey

  electrical manifestation, 316

  energised, response to qualitative life, 294

  Entities indwelling, 50

  essence within, mergence, 232-233

  every, construction, 946

  every, divisability into three aspects, 1186

  evolution, 928 hiding a life, 275

  Indweller, realisation, expansion, gradual, 295

  intelligent, active, built for purpose, 612

  karma of, 75-76

  material, adaptation to indwelling Spirit, 45

  medium for contact between Flame Divine and Fire of Mind, 51

  molding to need, 436, 447

  Mother of, 472, 489, 619

  nature of, factor affecting, 1194

  note sounded, 275

  persistence and evolution, cause, 629-630

  prana, reception, 103

  preparation prior to occupancy, 707

  production, means, 441, 613

  production, method, tabulation, 925-936

  race, broken by cataclysms, 583

  repelled by Spirit, 275

  revelation to trained clairvoyant, 562

  seeds of, 1195

  spheroidal, 1094-1095

  substance of, 491

  taking by three aspects, 1194

  three aspects inter-related, 5

  true, planes, 916

  type, factor of quality of indwelling life, 1192

  use with wisdom, 241

  utilisation, separation into and escape from, 355

  withdrawal of Spirit from on Path, 275

  Form-cohesion, production, 489


  ability to produce in conformity with law, 930

  action on by ray of sun, 79


  devas nourishing and preserving, 924

  hidden forces, unlocking, 872

  materialisation on physical plane, method, 925

  nature of, 592

  attachment to, 75

  attraction between, causation, 275

  building, 580, 636, 783-791, 946, 1039-1040

  dense physical, all, nature of, 892

  densest, production, 637

  Destroyer, work, performance, 79


  and building, periods of transition, 589

  by three fires blended, 166-167

  on Path of Evolution, 581-583

  difference according to nature of force, 694

  energy vitalisation and production, 924

  ensouled by ideas, 595

  erection and destruction, factor, 436

  expressing second aspect, 888

  fabrication, 489, 580

  in which great ideals are embodied, breaking up, 581

  kinds, 93, 95-96

  life of matter animating, 654-655

  made when God speaks, 1188

  materialisation on physical plane, method, 925

  mineral, building, 640

  nature of, 4, 5, 492

  new, of greater capacity, evolving life, 583

  objective, production, 283

  of sentient life, vitalisation, 924

  on physical plane, manifestation, groups of devas, 890

  prana, 93, 95

  production, 799

  sea and watery, relation to animal, 935

  subhuman, attractive force, 925

  types, three main, 283

  utilisation, 426

  See also Thought forms.

  Formulas, use in white magic, 482, 772, 773, 1015-1017, 1019


  fires, 31, 522, 602, 631, 635

  groups of Agnichaitans, 635-636


  and six always closely allied, 431

  bodies, functioning of man in, 317

  ethers, mastery, continuity o£ consciousness, 120

  Heavenly Men, etheric vehicles, composition, 328

  initiations, 363

  Kumaras, 498

  Lipikas apply future karma, 112

  lower concrete’ planes, 330

  Maharajas, lesser Lipikas, apply past karma, 112


  Logoi, Lords of Rays, 361

  Rays absorbed into Ray of Mahachohan, 361

  Rays, control by, 588

  planes of Buddhi, deva Lords of, 113

  planetary Logoi, 112, 115

  Propositions, correspondences, 363

  Rays of mind, evolutionary process for man, 112

  solar physical ethers, facts relating to, 326

  types of force, four expressions and four qualities, 1106

  vibrations, light, sound, colour, 329, 331


  chain, 101, 362, 498

  cosmic ether, 120, 121, 320, 321, 430

  cosmic etherie plane, Manasaputras on, 690

  cosmic plane, 430, 431

  creative Hierarchy—

  and sixth Deva Hierarchy, 431

  evolution, 363

  in reality ninth, 585

  manifestation, production, 742

  of human Monads, 112, 120, 690-691, 742, 1099

  of manas, 363

  response to sound, 498

  vibration positive, 575

  dimensional activity, 847

  earth chain, importance, 114

  Element, 363

  ether, 115, 320, 326-327, 363, 431, 496, 498

  etheric plane, key to dominance of matter, 120

  etheric subplane of physical plane, importance, 101, 430

  globe, response to sound, 498

  human principle, band of devas, 498

  in order, earth chain; 362

  in sequence of planes and ideas, 431

  initiation in fourth-plane vehicle, 114

  initiation, liberating, 121

  kingdom and hierarchy of planet, 386-389

  kingdom, correspondences, 498, 588

  law, importance, 584-585

  law, Magnetic Control, 573-574

  manvantara of future, 115

  order, 115, 361-362, 363

  physical ether, coordination of astral body, 120

  physical ether, correspondence with fourth cosmic ether, 321

  physical sub-plane, 363


  Buddhi, 430, 498, 573, 588

  correspondences, 363

  plane of at-onement, 330, 431

  second Ray of Love-Wisdom aspect, 587

  vehicle, 114

  Principle, 363

  Race, 363

  Ray, harmony or beauty, 573, 585, 586, 588

  root race, attainments, 588

  root-race men, old Atlanteans, 430,574

  round, 63, 101, 114, 362, 363, 497, 498, 574, 586, 774

  scheme, importance, 361-363, 498

  solar plane, 114, 431

  solar system, fourth order, 361-362

  spirilla, 774


  Buddhic Magnetic Control, 574

  governed by fourth Ray, 586

  importance, 586

  of astral plane, 115, 430

  of mental plane, 114, 115, 120, 431

  of solar physical, 431

  Freedom for utilization of prisoners of planet, 1023-1024

  Frictional activity, 1106-1108

  Fruits, elementals, 914

  Furnaces, inner, 52



  body, fifth plane, logoic mantram, 928

  portion of manifestation, 897

  subplane, 702, 904-910


  definition, 383

  ours, receiving planetary polarisation, 362


  in bird realm, 895

  use of glamour, 892


  for Logos and man, 610

  universal, reached, 1100

  Goals of various lives, tabulation, 844


  definitions, 5, 7, 238

  life of, cyclically under influence, 703

  “speaks and the forms are made�
��, 1188

  Godhead, creative process, résumé, 962-963

  Gold from baser metals, secret, revelation, 640-641

  Grand Man of the Heavens—

  body, 255-256, 916

  definition, 233

  evolutionary objective, 234

  seven centres, 181

  Great Bear—

  constellation, force, vibration on Earth, 752

  effect upon our system, 795-796

  force from into solar system, 156

  mystery, 801

  Rishi, Spirit substance, 657

  Rishis, seven, 146, 273, 431, 515, 630, 692, 718, 801, 1162

  star, emanations, 920

  star with Pleiades and our solar system, triangle, 182

  vibrations from, thought forms, 553

  waves of energy, 1052

  Great Ones—

  conquest of Evil, 948-951, 966, 970

  See also Hierarchy; Lodge, White; Masters.


  activity, production, 436, 718


  energy of second aspect in Hall of Learning, 871-872

  on mental plane, 810

  true to future, 798

  antaskarana, 457

  benefits, 465

  characteristics on egoic levels, 797

  consciousness, 7, 294, 463-465, 619

  cooperation with by Ego on mental plane, 808

  desire, creation, thought forms directed toward, 954

  evolution, 548

  interplay, methods, twenty-two, 1222-1224

  karma. See Karma, group.

  liberation, achievement, 324 l

  lotus, urge to activity wakens ray units, 771

  manifestation, 1136


  devas connected with control of Manu’s department, 640, 642

  Knowers of future, 525

  Master, importance, 978

  or family, egoic, clue, 797-798

  relationships, 294, 874, 1213-1226


  definition, 335

  on involutionary and evolutionary path, comparison, 910

  return to of devas, 836

  stimulation, 465

  term relating to form of vehicle, 295

  thought forms, responsiveness to, 977

  tones and colours, 849

  unity, laws, 1211-1213

  urge, factor in incarnation, 770


  cooperation in, intelligent, 702

  of adept, 751 of devas, 489

  of lesser builders, 613-614

  of Masters, 978

  of solar Angels, 777

  of white magician, 985, 986

  seven laws, 1216-1222


  adaptation to influence from cosmic levels, 502

  aggregate forming one petal in centre of Heavenly Man, 803

  congery of, term relating to form of vehicle, 295


  classes, 849-857

  force animating, 622-623

  force centres on causal levels, 616

  work of Heavenly Man through, 619

  work of solar Angels, 712

  interaction between, understanding, 812-813


  devas, 626, 635, 636, 643-644, 665

  egoic lotuses, 769

  human beings, relation to Heavenly Man, 272

  lives, animation, types of energy, 946

  lives, distinctions, 1194-1195

  three, magnetic nature, factor in public life, 524-525

  transmission of thought substance between, 850-851

  utilisation by Masters, 966


  Angels in physical-plane incarnation, 913

  devas guarding each human being, 913, 914

  Guardians of Rites of Initiation, 644

  Guides of the race, ideas, manifestation, 969-970

  Gunas, qualities of motion, 129

  Guru, contacts with, means, 864


  Hall of—

  Ignorance, 849, 871

  Learning, 850, 867, 871

  Records, information regarding human Egos, 855-857

  Wisdom, 850, 867, 872

  Halls, three, 867, 881


  man and environment, 524

  of fourth Ray, 585-586

  production, 275-276

  Hatha Yoga, evils, 491

  He about Whom Naught May Be Said—

  Body, centres, 182, 292, 295, 511, 520, 553-554, 572, 1242

  Body, Heart centre, 520

  cosmic Logos, impulses, emanating, 1052

  manifestation in time and space, 801

  mystery, 1161

  plans, 242, 1126

  process on cosmic levels, 515

  purpose, aid by solar Logos, 393

  relation to solar Logos, 393, 718

  relation to solar system, 847

  vibrations from, 553-554, 718



  exit, 86, 133

  higher, activity, increase, results, 864

  major, awakens with pineal gland beginning to function, 964

  sevenfold, expression, 183

  sphere of influence, 168

  structure, 859-860

  synthetic, 136

  top, vehicle of Ego, 1009


  and kundalini, 136-137

  physical, awakened through alignment, 964

  physical, development, factors affecting, 967-968

  response to egoic contact, stimulation, 867

  three, functioning, 1010

  three major, activation, 124, 136

  tliree, work as unit, 962

  transmission of egoic energy or will to, 960, 962

  light in, 319

  top, connection with etheric body 85, 86, 125

  triangle, 135

  withdrawal of etheric body at death, 85, 86, 133, 944

  Healer, production, 53


  from group magnetism, 465

  methods, revelation, 911

  in future, 427, 429, 474

  occult, organ and process, 859


  aura, 53, 61, 84, 85, 645

  factors, 57

  group rules, 107

  laws, juster apprehension, 811

  meanings, 78

  physical, due to seventh Ray, 473


  guiding impulse of human life, 1009

  on all planes, 218

  on five planes, 188-192, 196



  force, expression, 699

  in brother, stimulator, becoming, 863

  relation to gaseous elements, 702

  relation to pituitary body, 964

  function in life of cell, 702

  generator of intelligent essence, 702

  of the Sun. See Sun, Heart of.

  physical, importance, 684

  spiritual centre within, awareness of, 863


  active, 43-44, 53, 102

  first seen, 312

  internal, production, 53

  latent, 43, 45, 53, 74, 105

  nature of, 803

  rays, storage and transmission, 57

  results, 52-53

  stroke, cause, 108-109

  Heavenly Man—

  achievement of consciousness of causal body, 499

  acquisition of wisdom and applied Love, 289

  aim, 305

  body, creation of deva substance, 655-656, 915

  body of expression, 232, 251, 299, 302, 352, 384

  causal body consciousness, 499

  central attractive point of human atom, 477

  centre in body off solar Logos, 357

  centres and substance, body of manifestation, 663

  centres, work through, 697

  comparisons, 271-272, 273, 352353

  connection with Sister of Pleiades, 657

bsp; consciousness, 290-291, 499, 690, 697, 808

  control partial, 291

  cycles, 304

  definitions, 80, 101

  dense physical form, building, 922

  dense vehicle, conscious and self-conscious life forming, 916

  description, 250-255, 295, 613

  divine, attainment, point, 590

  embodiment of electrical force flowing, 357

  etheric centres, 634

  goal and field of action, 232

  Grand, teaching regarding, 571

  heart impulses, 685

  in body of Solar Logos, 290

  in root race, 383 liberation, 610

  linkage, 367

  manifestation, 234

  manipulation of electrical force, 352

  marriage song, 1283

  mind developed, 343

  nature of, 613, 619

  obscuration, 503


  Earth Scheme, description, 360-367

  our planet, centres, vitalisation, 642

  our scheme, initiation, 387

  seventh Ray, nature, 442

  Venus chain, 291

  pranic vehicle, 697

  purposes, achievement by Forces of Light, 615

  relationships, 273, 288-307

  soul and body, 302

  Soul-Knowledge, expansion, 305

  source, focal point, and consciousness, 271-272

  subjective life expression, 294

  transmutation of cell activity, 306-307

  two great aspects of divinity, 667

  vehicle for functioning, 697

  view from group concept, 288-290


  consciously through centres, 697

  with logoic physical body, 632

  with negative aspect through positive force, 619

  See also Logos, planetary.

  Heavenly Men—

  appropriation of physical bodies, 692

  bodies of manifestation, building, 655-656

  centres, 180-181

  characteristics, 359

  consciousness, effect of Lords of three Rays, 463-464

  consciousness, effects on development, 300

  differences, 358, 359

  etheric web, 105

  evolutionary objective, 232-233, 234

  in physical manifestation, 612, 613

  initiation, first, 627

  karma, 103, 468

  linkage, 367, 370


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