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Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella

Page 7

by Gabriella Clark

  “Mmm. How’d you sleep?” he ate the piece of chicken and went back to nuzzling me.

  “Great actually. Is everything ok?” I asked gesturing to the phone he had placed on the counter.

  “Yes actually, that was the plant in texas. While some of the employees have quit the rest have decided to stay on and we’ve come to a mutual agreement”

  “ That's great!” I exclaimed as I grabbed the tray I had made up and turned to head to the couch. He followed behind me carrying the cups and placed them on the coffee table. He sat on the couch and drew me down next to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in tight. He kissed me on my forehead and grabbed the remote before turning on the tv. I snuggled into his chest and got ready to enjoy another night of movie watching, knowing there was no other place I’d rather be.


  I can't remember the last time I enjoyed myself, fully relaxing for the first time in ages. I thanked the gods for blessing me with such a sexy, smart, funny Ke’Ola. I was shocked but not terribly surprised my mating knot had came out last night. Usually That was not supposed to happen until the bond was already in my place, but I guess my body was a little impatient. It was something males had to ensure procreation, the knot raised up and stayed there ensuring the bonded pair stayed locked together for a few minutes after the act so nothing would be wasted.

  I remembered seeing the spot on her neck where I had bitten her sunday morning when I had gotten a little carried away. I hadn't seen it before as I had been gone but by now the mark should have faded. It hadn't and whenever I brushed my thumb over that spot she had shivered like it was still sensitive. I had heard of this from my father but as it didn't happen with every pair I hadn't paid it any attention. Though now that I was thinking about it I knew what it was. It was a claiming mark, sometimes in mates that hasn't gone through the bonding process these marks would appear. It served as both a warning to others and a statement to the one who bore it. It warned others that that person was taken and it showed the wearer that they were indeed claimed by another.

  I took this as just another sign that we were meant to be together but I knew I couldn't keep what she was to me secret any longer. Things were progressing quickly and it was unfair to her that she wasn’t getting full disclosure. I felt bad about not telling the whole truth about what Ke’Ola meant, but I still didn't want to overwhelm her while we were getting to know each other still. I resolved to tell he fully what she meant to me and the position she would have amongst my hale next weekend. Until then I would continue to woo her and do all I could do hopefully convince her to bond with me when the moment came. Anything worth having took time and patience, Mia was definitely worth the wait.


  “ Well well well” Shaye said as I walked into my office Monday morning, leering at me from where she was leaning against my desk. “Someone looks like they got some this weekend”

  I couldn't help but laugh as she added some corny bow chicka bow bow noises to the cabbage patch dance she was doing. “Are you done?” “ in 3..2..1..finished” she said finishing her dance and turning to look at me as I dropped down into my chair.

  “Now tell me everything! ” She said rubbing her hands together excitedly. “How big is his space ship?” She held her hands 8 inches apart and raised her eyebrows. I blushed and reached out tugging her hands further apart. “Nnnoooooooo” she breathed. I nodded unable to stop a satisfied grin from crossing my face.

  “Wow I figured he would be big, it's not like Kale is a small male but…” a gasp from the doorway interrupted her. We looked up to see Ly’lah standing there with her hand covering her mouth. I frowned over at her, I was pretty easy going and friendly with the others in my department. Still there should have been a knock on the door, it was common courtesy. Plus I was the director what if I was in the middle of a meeting?

  Ly’lah” I said gently “it's rude to come into someone's office without knocking”

  “Not to mention your boss's office” Shaye grumbled under her breath then stood “ I gotta get going anyways, we’re putting together ideas for a new addition to Bucket List. We’ll have lunch together” she headed out the door tossing me a look over her shoulder that let me know the conversation wasn't finished.

  “I'm sorry I should have knocked before coming in but the door was cracked and...where you discussing Mr. Kapena?” Ly’lah asked coming to stand in front of my desk. I raised my eyebrows a little surprised at her boldness. I thought about it and decided to answer, it wasn't like we were keeping it a secret and Kale had asked to officially date before he left Sunday night. “ Yes we were. He and I started dating over the weekend”

  She smiled a little stiffly before saying “ That's great. I don't know if you knew but he and I are from the same hale. If you have any questions about being with a Selkrian let me know. I would be glad to help” She nodded at me and turned to go. “Wait I was curious about one thing” I couldn't help feeling that Kale hadn't told me everything about what he kept calling me. Getting the meaning from another Selkrian would clear it up for me. “What does K’la mean.’

  She looked at me and hesitated “K’la? Are you sure?” I nodded “ I think so yes”

  “ well it means a bedmate, a lover but a temporary one someone you're not very serious about” I stilled and felt the happy glow from the weekend fade leaving nothing behind but ice.

  “Would you date a K’la?” I asked a little hoarsely being to be sure about where I stood. She looked at me and said slowly “ I do not want to cause you any distress… but no. A K’la would be more like a casual relationship”

  I nodded and forced a smile “thanks for the translation, did you need anything?”

  She shook her head and turned back towards the door “It's not important I'll stop by later” she closed the door behind her. I just sat and stared blankly at the wall, I had told myself not to get hyped by what sounded like an endearment. Human man did it all the time, they would say whatever, do whatever they needed to to get laid. Why should a Selkrian be any different? I put my elbows on my desk and held my forehead. Just because you felt a connection doesn't mean he did I thought sadly to myself.

  Heaving a deep sigh I stood up and did an all over shake. I would not let this get me down, I would take it for what it was a great weekend with incredible sex that unfortunately would not happen again. I wasn't into having casual relationships or being an on call lay, if that's what Kale wanted he could just find another earth girl to play with. I nodded my head firmly resolved to keep it strictly professional from here on out and sat back down, ignoring the twinge I felt in my heart.

  “Have you talked to him about it?” Shaye asked me over lunch later. I shook my head concentrating on my burger “ He’s been texting me today I haven't responded though”

  Shaye sighed looking pensive “ I think you should talk to him about it. I mean didn't he ask you to officially date? And I don't know what your definition is but a one night stand doesn't last a whole weekend”

  I looked at her irritably “Sure” I said sarcastically “I'll just go up to him and be like hheeeyyy I know you didn't make me any promises but were you just trying to hit it and quit it? Besides who's to say what he thinks dating is”

  She looked off to the side and groaned defeated “Alright I guess you have a point” she looked back at me and said “So what are you going to do?”

  I looked down as my phone vibrated and saw it was from Kale, it was the sixth one today I'm not sure what's going on or why your not responding. I hope it wasn't anything that I did. I put my phone face down on the table and looked at Shaye “Just keep it business. It shouldn't be hard to avoid him after all being the CEO should keep him plenty busy.”

  I saw I had spoken to soon as a knock came at my door as I was shutting down my computer the end of the day. I looked up as Kale came in and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door as we stared at each other for a few minutes. I bit my lip as I replayed the wee
kend in my mind. Not just the sex although that was fantastic but how we'd watched movies and cooked together. The conversations we'd had and the laughter that was shared. It hurt to think that I'd come so close to falling for him and the whole time it was just …. sex.

  I smiled at him brightly determined to keep my real feelings hidden, I didn't want to be more of a fool than I already was. “Hello Kale how are you?”

  He watched me closely, eyes narrowed “ I would be better Mia if I had heard from you today. Is everything alright?”

  I collected my purse from my bottom drawer and got out my keys “ Oh yes everything is fine, I was just super busy today and then Shaye ambushed me for lunch. Then I had some meetings today, It's just been non-stop” I wanted to get out of this enclosed space but feared I would grab onto him if I moved any closer.

  “Ok” he said slowly “how about I pick up some dinner and meet you at your place?”

  “Oh no that won't be necessary” I said hastily “ I have plans with Shaye that we made a while ago.” I had to get out of this conversation, this was awkward and all I wanted was his arms around me again. I started moving towards the door determined to leave. He watched me head towards him, standing straight but making no move from in front of the door. He leaned close to kiss me and I turned so it landed on my cheek.

  His jaw clenched “ Are you sure there's nothing wrong?”

  I sighed unable to keep this going “ Look Kale I'm sorry I just need some time to take this all in. I need to think about this” I peered up at him miserably and reached around for the door knob. “ I'll call you ok?” He nodded and slowly moved out the way. I opened the door and saw Ly’Lah there with her hand raised to knock.

  “Oh!” She lowered her hand startled “I was just going to leave you these policy revisions I finished” I looked at the stack of papers in her hand and nodded “Just leave them on my desk I'll look over them in the morning” Brushing past her, I hurried for the elevator. Listening to them speak in selk, I stared ahead as the elevator closed. I hadn't lied I did have a date tonight, only it was with my favorite fuzzy robe and a pint of cookie dough ice cream.


  I watched my Ke’Ola leave baffled as to this turn of events. When we parted ways Sunday night it was on good terms. I left her with a blush in her cheeks and a smile on her face looking forward to today when I could see her again.

  “Lakai” Ly’lah a Selkrian from my hale I'd known a long time stopped next to me and bowed her head. I had chosen her to help with the human relations department of Totality and with the Hale. She was a no nonsense maiden with a good head on her shoulders and a good grasp of human culture as she had been one of the first with me here on the planet. I murmured a greeting still staring after Mia even though she was long gone. I debated if I should go to her home anyways and press her to find out the real reason she was troubled or give her the time she had asked for. Ly’lah looked to where I was staring and then back towards me, her lips pursed into a thin line.

  “You should not be playing with the earth females, Lakai” Ly'lah said disapprovingly. “This one seems to think you I don't know why she is thinking that”

  I snarled rounding on her quickly “ You will be respectful in how you address me.This is none of your concern. But you will be extra careful on how you speak of my Ke'Ola!”

  She lowered her eyes quickly in a sign of submission but then raised them wide eyed “I mean no disrespect but after what she said earlier I thought…” she gasped “ Of course! Ke’Ola not K’la!”

  I felt a sense of foreboding come over me “What are you talking about?”

  She bowed her head again but said quickly “ I had no idea Lakai when she asked me this earlier. She pronounced it wrong and I told her what it meant and…”

  I cut her off impatient “Get to the point, what happened earlier?”

  She looked up at me and said simply “ I overheard her and Ms. Gordon talking about you. Ms.Jones told me you were dating and asked me what k’la meant….and I told her”. I looked at her dismayed a k’la was a plaything someone you just wanted to have sex with not a serious relationship, it was basically the earth equivalent of a one night stand. No wonder she was acting strange! She thought I was just playing with her, that I wasn't serious. My jaw firmed, I had to make this right “Call the Hale together, we meet this weekend so I can announce my Ke'Ola , our new Pilia”. I turned away as she nodded and headed toward the elevator, it was time to fix things.


  I lay on the couch in my favorite spongebob pajamas covered with a fuzzy blanket. Don't judge me ok? I like the show, spongebob was hilarious, besides tonight was about comfort as I dealt with disappointment. I dug a spoon into a pint of my favorite cookie dough ice cream while I booed at the tv. Relationships never worked out like they did on romantic comedies and I just wanted to let them know my feelings about this blatant display of false advertisement.

  I got up as I heard a knock on the door. “ Who is it?” I called as I looked through the peephole I wasn't expecting anyone. “ Cheese and crackers!” I hissed under my breath as I saw Kale standing there. Here I was looking like what Mr.Krabs drug in and he was standing there like a galactic supermodel. F it I thought it wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone anyways, I threw back my shoulders and opened the door. “ Hey” I said trying to sound casual as I leaned against the door jam. He didn't speak only crowded me back into the entryway and closed the door behind him. “Hey!” I cried indignantly “what's the big idea?”

  “This” he said roughly, pulling me into him and kissing me hard. Once my hands were clutching his shoulders and I was near breathless he let me go and said “I know what Ly’Lah told you, for the record I have never called you K’la, I called you Ke’Ola.” I smiled weakly and said “Oops” and moved towards the couch. I sat down and picked up the remote, turning the tv off before I looked up at him. “Well you should have told me the whole truth when I asked you. What is a Ke’Ola?.” He sat next to me and took my hand in his “I didn't want to scare you off since we were just getting to know each other and you seemed unsure of starting anything with me. We selkrians have a life mate, one partner we chose to spend the rest of our lives with.”

  “So you're basically talking about a marriage, we have that too I don't understand what the big deal is” I said frustrated. He placed a finger on my lips shushing me and continued “ It’s more than a human marriage, it's a joining of minds and spirits. Once I claim you as my Ke’Ola your lifespan will match mine and we will be able to speak mind to mind. I knew as soon as I kissed you that first time that you were it for me it's instinctive for us, but I didn't want to rush you.”

  I looked at him mouth agape wow I thought I really got the wrong translation! He watched me letting me have a few moments to let it sink in. One on hand it was really romantic but on the other it was a lot, I mean what if you made a mistake and tied yourself to the wrong person? What if someone cheated? I asked him those questions needing to be sure of what I would be getting myself into.

  “There can be no other outside of the bond” he said vehemently “ We revere all pairings, and those who find their Ke’Ola are considered blessed beyond belief. There is no mistake no choosing the wrong person, The marks show as proof.” He gently touched the crook of my neck in the spot he had bitten, the mark not having faded. I shivered as a pulse of heat traveled to my clit, I had noticed that whenever he touched it over the weekend I had this same reaction but I thought it was just because he was touching me. “What is this?” I asked curious, “These are bonding marks, they only appear on true matings. If you weren't my Ke’Ola I could have bit you all day and the mark would have faded and you wouldn't feel anything when I touch it”

  He moved his hand down touching the swell of my breast over my heart and then the inside of my thigh. “During the bonding process I will place a bite in these spots as well, once done we will be able to speak mind to mind and your lifespan will match mines. I wanted
you to be sure, I swear I was going to talk to you about this” I nodded my head I believed him, besides he was right this was a lot for someone to take in. I took a deep breath, I knew I had feelings for him, that I felt a connection but was that enough? Could I honestly say I loved him right now? I thought about living my life with him the laughter, children and light they could follow. Then I thought about not having him in my life, my breath caught and I knew I couldn't let that happen.

  He moved to kneel in front of me and looked deep into my eyes “I want there to be no confusion , no misunderstandings. Your mind? I want that. Your love? I crave that. Your spirit and all that you are? I need that. There isn't and never will be another female for me.” He reached into his pocket and withdrawing a ring box, he opened it to reveal a teardrop shaped amethyst surrounded by diamonds in a platinum setting. I held my hands in front of my mouth tears coming to my eyes, I remembered telling him my favorite stone was amethyst. I couldn't believe after all the talking we did that weekend he remembered.

  “I know it is human custom to propose on bended knee” he smiled up at me and I could see all the love he had for me shining in his eyes. “Mia Jones, you are all I could have hoped for, everything I could have ever dreamed of. I want you to be my Ke’Ola , the mother of my children, my partner for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?” I nodded speechless and watched teary eyed as he slid the ring on my finger. I threw myself in his arms and covered his face in kisses.

  “ So what else happens in the bonding besides some biting” I waggled my eyebrows at him suggestively. He laughed “ It's not a formal event the bonding happens in private with a celebration dinner happening a few days later.” His eyes darkened and he abruptly stood up bringing me with him, once we were on our feet he swept me up into his arms bridal style and started walking purposely to my room.

  “What happened?” I gasped startled holding on to his neck. I watched as his eyes started to glow “ You said yes, It's time to make you mine” I felt my belly clench as he placed a knee on the bed and lowered me to it. He started to strip the pajamas from but paused and stared at them. I could feel my cheeks burn as I blushed hard crap I had forgot about that. He looked up at me and laughingly shook his head. “It will certainly never be dull Ke’Ola” he murmured warmly.


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