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Hannah & the Dom Next Door

Page 19

by BJ Wane

  Hannah sank to the ground, sick and shaken but relatively unharmed. Several people swarmed around her, helped her back to her feet and walked with her into the bar and grill to wait for the police. A glass of strong smelling liquor was handed to her and without thought, she took a hefty swallow. The fiery burn made her cough and wheeze, the man standing next to her patting her solicitously between her shoulders.

  “Small sips, hon. You’re going to be all right.”

  “Sorry,” she choked. “I don’t drink.”

  “Here, honey, how about a glass of iced tea instead.”

  A woman dressed in a black skirt and white blouse with a name tag set the tall glass on the table and gave her a sympathetic smile. “We didn’t get a good look at that son of a bitch, but you should file a report anyway. There are the police now.”

  Hannah tried to smile reassuringly at the concerned faces surrounding her, especially Sandy’s. Without her timely intervention, she could’ve been hurt much worse or even kidnapped. She didn’t have time to dwell on what ifs after that or wonder what he was looking for. The police explained most muggings, in fact most crimes, were drug related. Her assailant was probably high and looking for his next fix and, as most muggings, a random act that she had been lucky to escape relatively unscathed.

  Thirty minutes later, Hannah was thanking everyone for their help and taking the cops up on their offer to drive her home. Aunt Mary’s house had never looked so welcoming and as she stepped out of the police cruiser, she felt her tense shoulders relax and was able to finally breathe a sigh of relief despite the nerves still dancing in her stomach and her unsteady hands. All she wanted now was to cuddle with Roxy and soak in a hot bath. Of course, she wouldn’t mind a shoulder to cry on also, but since Aunt Mary wasn’t here and Mitch’s truck was still gone, it looked like that wasn’t an option. It worried her how badly she was craving to see him, and this time not for the carnal pleasures he was so adept at giving her. It was probably a good thing he wasn’t home yet. She had no idea if their relationship extended as far as offering moral support in a time of distress. That pathetic uncertainty would be enough for her to end their affair now if she didn’t still want him so much.

  She didn’t have time to worry over long about those uncertainties because he took that moment to pull into his drive, his frown and concern evident when he saw the police.

  It took monumental effort for Mitch to get out of his truck and walk calmly over to Hannah where she was standing on her front porch with two policemen. Hannah would never speed, let alone break any other law, so that meant she had another problem. He didn’t know why she hadn’t called him with whatever it was, but he would get into that with her after he discovered what was going on. He had to forcefully tamp down the urge to demand an explanation, especially after he caught a glimpse of small red marks around Hannah’s mouth that were sure to turn into bruises.

  “Officer, Hannah. What happened?” Reaching out, he clasped her hand, noted the clammy dampness of her palm and the way she shifted her eyes away from him and quickly said to hell with diplomacy. “Hannah,” he snapped as he tugged her closer, “what happened?”

  “Who are you, sir?” the youngest cop asked.

  “I’m Ms. Hershberger’s neighbor and friend. Her very good friend,” he emphasized.

  “Well, she could use a very good friend tonight. Ms. Hershberger was mugged in a mall parking lot about an hour ago. I’m Officer Bellows and we escorted her home because she was too shaken to drive.” Turning back to Hannah, he told her, “You’ll want to add dead bolts to all your doors even though he didn’t get your keys, as well as cancelling any bank cards or checking accounts you had checks to. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but it never hurts to take extra precautions for a while. If we can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to call, however, you have to know it’s doubtful we’ll catch this guy.”

  “I know, and thank you officers. I’ll take care of everything like you suggested, but right now I’d really like to turn in.” Mitch was angry and she didn’t know why nor did she want to deal with it tonight.

  Mitch was trying hard not to be both angry and disappointed that Hannah hadn’t contacted him, but shoved aside both emotions until she recovered enough to discuss her reasons. “You’ll stay with me tonight,” he told her bluntly, receiving nods of agreement from both policemen.

  “Very good, then. Good night.”

  Hannah prayed Mitch didn’t notice how badly her hands were shaking as he took the keys from her fingers. “Roxy!” she exclaimed when her frantic barking and whining greeted her as soon as the puppy heard the front door open.

  Letting her go, Mitch shut the door and went to the kitchen to get the dog’s bowls and food and met Hannah in the hall by the front door as she came out of her office. “Take her out front while I lock up again.”

  “Mitch, it’s obvious you don’t want…” she started to protest.

  He bit off angrily, “Hannah, you have no fucking clue what I want. I’m not leaving you alone tonight and that’s that.” How could she possibly think he would, he wondered as she stepped outside and put Roxy down in the grass. Hearing about her attack, seeing the stricken look of lingering fear on her face made him wish he had that son of a bitch’s neck in his hands. Hannah was too good, too sweet to have been subjected to a crime.

  He locked her house again then picked up her hand and led her next door. This need to touch her, assure himself she was all right was new for him as was the lump lodged in his throat at the thought of how badly she could’ve been hurt. It was obvious, to him at least, that it was time to include Hannah in all parts of his life, which meant taking her to the club. It took her getting mugged to make him realize he wanted it all with her and the only way to see if that was possible was to introduce her to the rest of his sexual preferences and hope she was as accepting, and as responsive as she has been of everything else he’s introduced her to.

  Setting down Roxy’s food, he slid his hands under her shorter hair, lifting the multi-hued strands and letting them fall naturally. “Very pretty. It suits you.” Taking care, he kissed her bruised mouth lightly before saying, “Why don’t you feed Roxy while I fill my large, decadent tub with hot water.”

  “You must be a mind reader.” Hannah smiled at him, grateful for his take charge attitude. She couldn’t resent his highhandedness when this was one instance that she could appreciate it so much.

  “If I was I would know why you didn’t call me after the mugging. No,” he said, turning her toward the kitchen, “we’ll discuss that later. Right now, see to your baby.”

  Mitch had his tub almost full by the time she came upstairs, Roxy following close on her heels. He’s grown almost as attached to the little devil as Hannah and he took a moment to give her a rub when she bounced over to greet him.

  “Let’s get you in there,” he told Hannah as he stood and pulled her top over her head before she knew what he was doing.

  “I can do this,” Hannah protested when he quickly rid her of her bra before moving to her jeans.

  “Of course you can,” he muttered irritably. “But I’m going to do it for you this time.” Until now, Mitch had always admired her fierce independent streak, her determination to meet new challenges head on. Now, that attitude only irritated him. There were times everyone needed help or simply the support of someone close and she needed to accept that this was one of those times. “I doubt if there’s a Dummies book on how to cope with getting mugged, Hannah, so you’ll just have to suck it up and rely on me to be your guide. Step out.” Shoving her jeans and panties down, he breathed a sigh of relief when she braced her hands on his shoulders as he pulled off her shoes. “There, that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” he asked as he examined her body for injuries. Other than a rather nasty looking bruise forming on her hip, she looked good. More than good, he amended when her nipples tightened, beckoning for attention.

  “No,” Hannah conceded. She was h
aving trouble concentrating now that she was naked, and when Mitch lowered his head and drew her right nipple into his mouth, her brain turned to mush, any lingering fear from her attack being replaced by a need so strong it almost sent her to her knees. Luckily, he pulled back and guided her into the steaming tub before that happened.

  Mitch smiled when she sank into the deep claw foot tub with a blissful sigh, leaning her head back on the small pillow. He gave her a moment to relax while he played with Roxy and got his demanding cock under control. It never took much to get a rise out of him whenever he was near Hannah.

  “Mitch, I’m fine,” Hannah said without opening her eyes. She didn’t want him to feel like he had to cater to her and since he wasn’t getting naked and joining her, she guessed he wasn’t planning on sex right now.

  “Glad to hear it.” Mitch gave the puppy one last pat, grabbed a washcloth and moved to kneel next to his tub.

  One minute Hannah had been listening to Roxy’s playful growls and Mitch’s low laugh as the two played and the next her eyes flew open when she felt Mitch running a washcloth over her breasts, putting extra pressure on her nipples. Pleasure spread from her tips down to her core, making her shift uncomfortably. The hot water soothed her as his strokes tortured her senses until the combination had her aching for him to move lower.

  “Feel good?” Mitch asked, his dark eyes moving up to see the glazed look in hers.

  “Yes,” she sighed blissfully.

  “How about this?” Moving the cloth down, he cupped her pussy, rubbing the nubby material against her bare folds until her breathing increased and the flush on her face was from more than the heat in the bathroom. “Hannah?”

  She shivered at his deep tone, answering, “Yes, that too.”

  “Very good,” he praised her for her honesty. “Now tell me why you didn’t call me tonight.”

  “I thought about it,” she admitted reluctantly. She’d rather concentrate on the excitement he was building with his caresses, but she could tell from the look on his face he wasn’t going to give her the release she craved until he got the answers he wanted.

  “And?” he prompted as he entered her pussy with one finger, rubbing the cloth over her clit briefly, just enough to make her gasp and lift against his hand.

  “Our relationship has been about sex. I didn’t know if you’d…oh God,” she moaned when he rubbed her clitoris again, lifting his other hand to pull tautly on her left nipple.

  “You didn’t know if what? If I’d want to be bothered? If I’d want to know the woman I’ve been having an affair with was accosted, traumatized? If I cared?” It was the last remark he hurtled at her that bothered Mitch the most. How could she not know he cared? Then again, their relationship has been about sex, and he had to remember that, for someone like Hannah, who was raised in a completely different culture, he could see how she would think like she had.

  “Mitch!” she protested both his anger and his sudden departure from stimulating her into a frenzy of need.

  Releasing the cloth, Mitch lifted her left foot onto the rim of the tub then did the same with her right, leaving her legs elevated and spread eagle. “Don’t move,” he ordered harshly when she started to lift her feet from where he set them.

  Hannah swallowed convulsively, one part of her excited about this position and what he might do, another mortified at the way her sheath was so lewdly displayed, her labia spread to reveal the pink recesses of her vagina, her lack of pubic hair making her look and feel even more exposed. Gripping the sides of the tub, she did as he said and kept her legs where he positioned them, even though it was extremely difficult and required concentration.

  “Here’s how it is, Hannah.” Leaning forward, he kissed her before continuing. “I care about you and I want our relationship to expand, to introduce you to another aspect of my life that’s very important to me.” He didn’t tell her how important her reaction and her acceptance of his club activities were to determining how far their relationship could go. He needed her to decide if those alternative practices were something she wanted on her own, without worrying about whether or not her decision would hinder their relationship.

  “You do?” she breathed, both surprised and pleased.

  “I do. And I think you care about me too.” Mitch knew from almost the beginning of their relationship that a woman with such strict morals wouldn’t enter into a sexual relationship unless she felt something for her partner.

  “Yes, of course I do,” she quickly admitted. How much she didn’t know, but as his fingers played lightly between her legs, she found her concentration slipping again.

  Mitch saw her struggle, both mentally and physically, to stay in the position he placed her in as well as follow their conversation, which gave him the opening he needed. “It’d be easier,” he told her as he ran his fingers lightly between the soft flesh of her crotch, “if you were restrained. Then you wouldn’t have to struggle to do as I say, all you’d have to do is enjoy.” Slipping one finger inside her, he lightly grazed her swollen clit before retreating.

  “You want to do that? Tie me up again?” she squeaked, remembering the time he had tied her hands on the lounge. Once again she discovered the idea of not having to worry about displeasing him, not having to concentrate on anything except the pleasure he was so very good at invoking, very appealing. “You did that on the lounge.”

  “I did and it made it easier for you to relax and take what I was giving you, didn’t it?”

  “Honestly, I don’t remember.”

  “That’s right, you were coming too hard and fast to even note what I’d done.” Mitch leaned forward and drew her nipple into his mouth as he added another finger to her pussy. Taking a minute to arouse her some more, he dove deeply into her pussy, making the water swirl as he finger fucked her with sure, deep strokes while sucking hard enough on her nipple he was almost positive he was going to leave an old fashioned hickey behind.

  It only took seconds to have her moaning, to feel her hips surging against his hand as her slick channel tightened around his fingers. Pulling back, he bit back a smile when she gave him that irritable little frown, her chest lifting on a deep breath of frustration, her nipple berry red and contracted into a stiff peak, her hands tightly gripping the side of the tub.

  “I belong to a club, Hannah,” he admitted as he pressed her clit between his thumb and finger. “A sex club owned by Ethan’s brothers, Anna, Olivia and Kayla’s husbands and my best friends.” He watched her closely for her reaction, waited to see if dealing with his admission was more important than climaxing.

  “You do?” she breathed on a pant as he milked her clit just light enough to keep her hovering on the precipice of release, a much needed release. She didn’t know if her body’s instant response, the way she heated at his revelation, her nipples pulsed even harder, her core flooding with moisture was because he was tormenting her or because of what he had just revealed.

  “I do, and I want to take you there. It’s such an important part of my life, of who I am, that I want to share with you.” Mitch pressed a bit harder on her clit, watching her closely. Leaning forward again, he said against her lips, “I want to fuck you there, Hannah,” then kissed her deeply as he gave her what she wanted and let her explode in orgasm. It only took a few hard squeezes on that small piece of engorged flesh to have her screaming into his mouth, her hips thrashing as she exploded under him. Amazingly, she managed to keep her legs braced on the tub’s sides.

  Hannah was still reeling from her powerful climax, barely registering what he had said, when he helped her out of the tub. He shocked her again by bending her over his thick arm and swatting her butt with several hard smacks, landing one after another in quick succession. “Ouch! Mitch, what…”

  “This is for not calling me, for worrying me and for not trusting that I could be there for you.” Mitch swatted her wet buttocks several more times, finding it difficult to hold on to her squirming, wet naked body. “Hannah,” he warned t

  Hannah quit struggling, obeying that tone immediately. As soon as she stilled, the heat he raised across her cheeks spread to her sheath making her vagina pulse with renewed arousal. The next few swats were lighter, extended to the under curve of her buttocks and the top of her thighs and were just as arousing.

  “Very nice, sweetheart. Now you get rewarded.” It was difficult for him to ignore the tantalizing view of her reddened ass, but tonight was all about her so he continued to rein in his own raging lust. Thrusting three fingers into her pussy, discovering she was wet, swollen and ready for more, he quickly gave her another orgasm.

  Her body was still shuddering in pleasure when Mitch scooped her up and carried her into his bedroom. Laying her on the bed, he glanced at Roxy who was bouncing against the side in an attempt to join her. “Not tonight, Roxy.” Turning back to Hannah, he was happy to see the sated, relaxed and sleepy look on her face. “Get comfortable. I’m going to dig out an old blanket and make a bed for Roxy before joining you.”

  Hannah fell asleep thinking how sweet he was to see that Roxy was comfortable, to give her so much pleasure after her ordeal while withholding his own needs and to want to include her more fully into his life. At that last thought, her eyes flew open as she remembered what that meant. A sex club. Naked at a sex club, in front of others. Having sex in front of others. God help her, she really didn’t know how she felt about that possibility. Thankfully, she was too tired tonight to give the matter anymore thought.

  The feel of a small, soft tongue licking his ass woke Mitch several hours later. Since Hannah was spooned in front of him, his cock nestled nicely against her still warm ass; he knew it wasn’t her tongue on him. Which meant that the little devil had managed to get up on the bed all by her little three-legged self. Reaching behind him, he picked up the puppy and warned her, “Stay at the foot of the bed or else,” before giving her a push that way. To his surprise, she curled into a ball and promptly shut her eyes.


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