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Hannah & the Dom Next Door

Page 20

by BJ Wane

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t so lucky. A man could only take so much, he thought as he sheathed himself and slowly pushed into Hannah’s pussy from behind. It was his turn to shudder as he found her wet and accommodating. Peaking over her shoulder, he could barely see in the darkness but could tell her eyes were closed. As he started to move, he found there was something very intimate about being cocooned under the covers, fucking in darkness and silence. He didn’t know if she was awake, but when her hips started moving with him, he lowered his arm from under her breasts to her hips, pinning her back against him.

  Her soft moan followed by the feel of her vagina clamping around his dick had him increasing his thrusts, her soft ass cushioning his pelvis as he jack hammered into her over and over. Their harsh breathing echoed in the otherwise silent room before their low groans took over, and Mitch quickly followed her into that small world where nothing existed, nothing mattered but the pleasure sweeping through him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mitch drilled another screw through the dead bolt plate as he tried to ignore the way Hannah was pacing behind him, try being the operative word. He’s learned that Hannah paced when she was thinking deeply about something, and God knows, she’s had plenty to pace about in the last twenty-four hours. He didn’t mention the club again this morning, mainly because he wanted to get the dead bolts installed on her doors before leaving her here alone for the day, so he had no clue how she felt about it. But her bare feet kept passing through his peripheral vision and he found the sight of them distracting. Between her small, cute feet and the sight of her dressed in her new jeans, the ones that molded to her ass perfectly, he’s damn near drilled his hand several times.

  “I’m almost done here, Hannah,” he told her with a quick glance as he withdrew a screw from his tool belt.

  “You are? Okay, I’ll go,” Hannah said in a rush before she could second guess her decision.

  “Go where, sweetheart?” he mumbled around the screw he had placed in his mouth while he lined up the last hole.

  “To your club.”

  “Goddamn it!” Mitch cursed as he almost swallowed the screw then dropped his drill on his foot point down. He had work boots on so it wasn’t pain that made him cuss, it was the way she startled him by that ‘out of the blue’ comment. He turned, noted her frown and before she could reprimand him, he warned, “Don’t say it.”

  “Fine,” Hannah responded tersely then turned away and muttered lowly, “But you shouldn’t blaspheme.”

  Ignoring her dig, he said, “I thought we were past you tossing out surprises like that. What made you decide on the club? We haven’t had a chance to talk about it.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” And she didn’t want to reveal that it was the feel of intimacy she experienced last night when they had sex that helped make her decision, an intimacy that hadn’t been there previously. Mitch’s version of TLC last night had worked like a charm in making Hannah forget the trauma of her mugging. Despite the lingering effects from that spanking, she slept like a baby, that is until she felt him entering her from behind, his penis stretching her tight sheath in a way she had come to love. It had been highly erotic as well as intimate having sex in the middle of the night, shrouded in darkness and silence then falling back asleep completely relaxed and sated. She could get used to doing that on a regular basis, and the possibility that the sex meant more to her than just making up for everything she had been missing out on was what had decided her.

  “Why don’t you want to discuss it?”

  “Because you might talk me out of it if we do. I trust you, Mitch. Anna, Olivia and Kayla will be there?”

  “Yes. Would you like to meet with them before we go upstairs?”

  “Yes, that would be good.” She wasn’t about to call Anna again for advice and information and she already knew there wasn’t anything about sex clubs in her Sex for Dummies book. But she wasn’t opposed to giving Aunt Mary another call.

  “I’m going to be late tonight, but if you change your mind, we’ll talk about it when I get home.” Mitch kissed her then said, “Keep the doors locked or, better yet, take your laptop to my house and stay there today.”

  “I’ll be fine, Mitch. Both you and the police said it was highly unlikely a mugger would risk breaking into a private home. Thanks for the locks. Now go.” She knew it sounded cliché, but there was something really hot about a guy in a tool belt that made women want to drool and she was no exception. Watching him pick up his drill, she recalled the way his calloused hands felt on her sensitive skin, making her hope this protective mood he was in lasted a little longer and he stayed the night with her again.

  “I’ll call you later.” Mitch left quickly and didn’t look back, afraid he might be tempted to play hooky and spend the day in bed with Hannah. He had a feeling tomorrow night was going to be harder on him than on her. He wasn’t used to reigning in his lust at the club and Hannah wasn’t used to letting go with hers in public. It ought to be an interesting evening.

  After spending the morning in her office, both Hannah and Roxy were ready for some fresh air. Picking up her glass of iced tea, Hannah called Roxy and went out back, settling in the glider on the back patio before dialing her aunt’s number. She may have agreed to go to Mitch’s club, but that didn’t mean she was comfortable with her decision, and if anyone could understand that it was Aunt Mary. Without her ever mentioning it, she knew her alternative lifestyle with Patty has caused her emotional grief.

  “What’s wrong, Hannah?” Mary asked when she picked up the phone.

  “How do you know something’s wrong? Can’t I call just to say hi?” Hannah demanded guiltily.

  “Dear, you’ve called me twice since you arrived there; once to talk about Mitch and sex and the other time to tell me about Roxy and how the little darling is destroying my house. So, either you have an issue with Mitch or with Roxy. Not that I don’t want to hear it or from you, you know that.”

  “You know me too well, Aunt Mary. Roxy’s getting better. Mitch brings her chew toys, so she’s been leaving your furniture and my shoes alone.”

  “So, it must be Mitch. Am I going to be sorry I encouraged this relationship?”

  “No,” she rushed to assure her, “I’m not sorry I met him or agreed to the affair. But, Aunt Mary, he wants to take me to a sex club,” she blurted quickly before she could lose her nerve. “And I said yes.”

  There was a slight pause, then Mary asked quietly, “And how do you feel about that?”

  “I imagine about how you felt when you met Patty,” she told her bluntly.

  Mary laughed softly. “That excited, bewildered and confused, huh?”

  “Yes,” Hannah sighed, smiling when Roxy clumsily landed in a sprawled belly flop when she attempted to jump up and catch a butterfly. With the myriad of flower beds Aunt Mary and Patty had planted, there was never a shortage of colorful butterflies to amuse her.

  “You’ll never know if Mitch, and his lifestyle, are right for you, Hannah, if you don’t go. Then you’ll always wonder. Call me when you can with all the salacious details.”

  “Okay. Now, what exciting things did you two see and do this week?”

  Hannah listened to Aunt Mary’s travel adventures for thirty minutes and by the time she hung up, she found herself envious of all the places they’ve been able to visit so far. What the heck, she muttered ruefully as she called Roxy in, at this point, what was indulging in one more deadly sin going to hurt?

  Hannah didn’t have time Saturday to worry or fret over her rash decision to go with Mitch that night to his club. Her morning was spent with new clients, another newly engaged couple and two high school seniors, friends of Melanie’s. She didn’t get back home until after two and after visiting with Ethan, who, thankfully, had taken the time to get Roxy out of her crate to run around, she made a batch of homemade spaghetti sauce and a lemon crème pie before heading upstairs to shower before Mitch got home. He had insisted they spend the nigh
t over at his house again last night, but she was more comfortable bathing and dressing in her own space.

  Hannah came downstairs just as Mitch was coming in the front door carrying a small pink bag and grinning widely.

  “I’ve never seen you in shorts, Hannah. You need to wear them more often.” She had the prettiest legs, perfectly proportioned, her thighs softly rounded just like her breasts. She would turn heads tonight dressed just as she was; unfortunately, shorts didn’t give him the easy access to her body that he needed.

  “I’m still not comfortable in them,” she admitted, her face warming at the way he watched her descend the stairs. “You didn’t say what time we were leaving, so I made spaghetti, if you’re hungry.”

  “Starved,” he said, but held back from telling her he was hungrier for her reaction and responses to the night’s activities than he was for food. Given her acceptance and responses to everything he has subjected her to thus far, Mitch was hoping the hardest part for Hannah tonight will be how aroused she gets when she witness’s the club’s activities. “We have plenty of time to eat. I suppose Ethan and Roxy are joining us?”

  Hannah giggled at his put upon tone because she knew it was feigned. Any guy who didn’t go ballistic over being awakened from a puppy’s tongue on his butt had to be a dog lover. “Of course.”

  Ethan didn’t ask where they were going, but maybe that had something to do with the look Mitch gave him when he told him they were going out after dinner. Mitch knew Ethan had grown fond of Hannah over the past few weeks and felt protective of her, but that didn’t mean he had a say so in what Mitch did with her.

  “I’ll do these, Hannah,” Ethan said as he took her plate from her. Surprising both of them, he leaned over and kissed her cheek in a brotherly show of affection. “You and Mitch go have fun. The least I can do after all the food you’ve sent me home with is clean up.”

  “Thank you, Ethan,” Mitch said with a look of gratitude. Maybe the kid finally realized Mitch wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt Hannah in any way. “I got home later than I wanted and your sisters-in-law want to visit with Hannah at Casey’s for a bit.”

  Hannah took Mitch’s hand as he pulled her from her seat. “Thanks, Ethan. Pack up whatever you want to take home with you. My recipe makes enough for an army, so maybe your roommates will want some.”

  “They have been razzing on me a lot lately about my good fortune. Okay, I’ll take enough for the four of us, but only because it was the best damn spaghetti I’ve ever had.” Sending a dark look to Mitch, Ethan warned, “And don’t tell my stepmother I said that.”

  “I won’t,” Mitch assured him until he turned back and added, “unless of course, you don’t mind your p’s and q’s.”

  “Just what I need, another fucking older brother,” Ethan muttered. “Come on, Roxy; let’s get these dishes loaded so we can play.”

  “Maybe I should help him,” Hannah said as Mitch led her out of the kitchen.

  “Other than our dishes and the pot of spaghetti, you have the kitchen spotless. Come on, I have to get you ready before we leave.”

  Hannah trotted behind him up the stairs, asking, “Just what do people wear to sex clubs? Aren’t my shorts good enough?” From the way he had ogled her earlier, she thought she had dressed appropriately, then again, what did she know?

  “Most of the women don’t fuss with their clothes because they’re not in them long. Your shorts are fine, but not good for what I have in mind.”

  “And what’s that?” she questioned, ignoring his comment about women not remaining dressed long once they’re in the club.

  Entering her bedroom, he dropped her hand, turning to face her. “Easy access. Strip,” he ordered her succinctly. He had grabbed his bag of goodies from the foyer table before heading up and reached inside to pull out the two new toys he bought for her.

  Hannah eyed the objects in his hand warily as she took off her clothes. She was much more comfortable with her nudity around him now, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t leery about what he planned to introduce her to next.

  “Very good, Hannah. If you obey me that nicely tonight I won’t have to punish you on your first night. I really don’t want to do that, unless of course you wish me to.” He wiggled his eyebrows comically in an effort to get her to smile and relax. More than anything else, he wanted tonight to be fun for her.

  Punishment meant spanking and spanking meant awesome orgasms, so Hannah returned his mischievous grin as he cupped her right breast. “I’ll try my best not to disappoint you.”

  “You could never do that, sweetheart,” he told her seriously, his dark eyes meeting her light blue ones before he dipped his head, lifted her breast to his mouth and pulled with strong suctions on her already distended nipple.

  Hannah had to brace her hands on his shoulders as he tormented her throbbing bud into an aching pinpoint of pulsing arousal. She gasped when he finally released her with a plop then sucked in a deep breath when he wrapped a pretty red loop that resembled the petals of a flower around her distended tip. With a small click, the jewelry closed snugly around her erect nipple.

  “Almost perfect,” Mitch stated with satisfaction. He knew she had the perfect nipples to dress with nipple huggers. “These are designed to arouse you, hug your nipple just tight enough to make you want more. These,” he said as he pushed the metal flower petals against the soft flesh of her breast, “will also aid in keeping you excited. Every time you move, you’ll feel the pressure and want more.”

  “How would you know?” she muttered darkly, not sure she liked the idea of being constantly stimulated in such a way. It sounded more frustrating than arousing to her.

  “Well, that’s what I’ve been told. Comfortable?” He refrained from smiling when she frowned at him. There was no way she could hide her arousal. Her unadorned nipple was already puckered into a bud tight enough to attach the hugger around it and her slit, which was clearly visible between her freshly shaved labia, glistened with more evidence of her excitement.

  “Yes and no. Oh!” The other loop went on quickly, the snug fit just as arousing as its mate. When Mitch pushed on her shoulders and she sat on the bed, the slight sway of her breasts sent sparks shooting south, her legs tightening automatically in an attempt to shield her embarrassing reaction. She should have known that would be a futile endeavor.

  Standing between her legs, Mitch used his own to widen hers, leaving her folds gaping open to reveal every inch of her pink, shiny pussy. Giving her shoulders a slight push to send her plopping back, he laughed outright as her sputter of surprise turned into a moan of sheer pleasure when her breasts bounced enticingly. Going to his knees, he took one really slow, well aimed lick up her slit, curling his tongue around her swollen clit before tugging on first her right plump lip then her left, letting her feel the nip of his teeth on her most sensitive area.

  “Mitch,” Hannah moaned, unashamedly lifting her hips toward his mouth. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Remember that line for later. This,” he said holding up the other object he bought her, “is called a bullet vibrator because of both its shape and the bullet fast responses it can bring about.” The small vibrator slid easily past her folds, aided by her copious juices, which he took credit for.

  “You can’t be serious about putting that in me!” Hannah wasn’t about to admit her limited knowledge about vibrators was from the toy chapter in her Dummies book. She didn’t remember reading about one like the one he was slowly pushing inside her.

  “Very serious. Relax, this thing’s small compared to my cock. Look how easy it went in. Let me give you a little taste then you can relax.” Standing, keeping her spread widely, he grabbed the small control box, pressed the low setting and watched her eyes bulge and glaze over as she tried to close her thighs.

  She barely felt the small object until he turned it on, then all of a sudden soft pulses vibrated against that special spot as well as against her clitoris. Within seconds, her happy place went fr
om excited to ecstatic. As quickly as those tormenting pulses began they ended, the abrupt cessation making her swallow the first curse she has ever been tempted to utter.

  “Why’d you do that?” she complained, uncaring that she sounded like a petulant child.

  “Because,” Mitch answered as he pulled her up, “it’s way too early to get you off. I saw a pretty sundress in your stash of new clothes. Mind wearing that tonight?”

  “What? You’re not going to tell me to wear it?”

  “Only if you refuse. Meet me downstairs as soon as you’re ready and don’t mess with your goodies. The longer you take, the less time you’ll have to visit with your friends.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Mitch was escorting Hannah into Casey’s, maneuvering through the Saturday night crowd until he got to the table where the McGilley wives were seated and waiting for her. Hannah tried not to feel subconscious about her lack of panties under the bright yellow sundress she wore, reminding herself no one knew she was bare under there other than her and Mitch. Just walking made her braless breasts sway, which pulled the light clasp of her new jewelry which in turn raised her simmering arousal a notch. Without looking down, she knew her nipples were puckered tightly, knew the bumpy outline of her rigid peaks as well as the ‘huggers’ could be detected through the halter top even though it was lined. When Mitch pulled out the empty seat for her, she quickly sat with a sigh of relief.

  “Ladies, this is Hannah’s first time in a club, so I’m trusting you to take good care of her.”

  “Don’t worry, Master Mitch, we’ll take good care of your girl,” Kayla said flirtatiously.

  Mitch gave Kayla ‘the look’ that meant she better not do anything Mitch wouldn’t approve of or she’d pay the price, before bending to kiss Hannah thoroughly, giving her right nipple a light stroke then striding to the bar where he and Colin could keep an eye on them. He hoped he didn’t regret giving her some girl time before he took her upstairs. Hannah was about as green as they come and he wanted her friends to reassure her, not drive her away before they even got upstairs.


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