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Beyond the Lens

Page 9

by Hannah Ellis

  I caught the smile on Adam’s face and was happy he would be around for the evening.

  “Anyway, ladies,” Matt addressed us, moving further into our room. “I forgot my manners. You’re both looking cracking tonight! Come on, give me a twirl.”

  Chrissie came to stand beside me and we did a slow turn for Matt, who gave a low whistle.

  “Yeah,” he said. “You’ll do. I’ll take you both.” He moved to stand between us and offered us an arm each. I linked my arm through his and we all fell about laughing when we reached the doorway and bumped into each other in our attempt to squeeze through side by side.

  Carl was standing in the middle of the upstairs living room, his camera pointing at a guy sitting quietly on the couch. He was staring at us and I smiled politely.

  “All ready to party?” he asked and my eyes went wide at the sound of his voice.

  “Oh my God!” I let go of Matt and moved quickly across the room. “Wow!” I was staring, but I couldn’t help it. “What happened?”

  “I decided it was too hot for a beard! You didn’t recognise me, did you?” he asked with a cheeky smile.

  “Not at all!” Chrissie joined in with the staring and we both parked ourselves on the coffee table in front of Dylan to gaze at his lovely clean-shaven face.

  “Go on,” he offered, sticking his chin out. We both ran a hand over his silky-smooth jaw.

  “Oh, come on,” Matt threw his hands up dramatically. “I shaved, too … I’m as smooth as a baby’s bum.” He put his hands to his face. “I’ll let you have a feel!”

  There was a screech as Kelly appeared and caught sight of Dylan. “You look amazing,” she told him, sweeping over, looking stunning in a long white dress.

  “It really suits you,” Margaret chimed in when she joined us to huddle around a grinning Dylan.

  “Well, I think I’ll just go and cry myself to sleep,” Matt told us. “I’m sure no one will miss me. But, just in case, that’s where I’ll be … just crying myself to sleep while you all fawn over Mr Smooth there.” He stuck his bottom lip out. “Now I know how Ryan feels!”

  “What are you saying about me?” Ryan appeared from the bedroom wearing a crisp white shirt, his hair slicked into place with gel.

  “I think we need to go and drown our sorrows, buddy,” Matt sighed. “We’ve been cast aside!” He wore a boyish grin as he moved to put an arm around Ryan and led him to the stairs. “At least we’ve got each other …” He turned and gave a dramatic sniff before they disappeared down the stairs. Carl followed behind, and the rest of us were laughing when Matt shouted up the stairs. “Well, at least come down here to flirt with him! A party with two people is just awkward.”

  We joined them downstairs and found the tables elegantly dressed with white tablecloths and candles. In fact, there seemed to be candles everywhere.

  “Yes! We’ve got a bar.” Matt rubbed his hands together and moved to the other side of the pool – which was now covered – where a bar had appeared, complete with a barman in a suit. He introduced himself as Phil when we flocked over to him.

  “Do you do cocktails?” Chrissie asked as she approached.


  “And there’s a dance floor too!” Chrissie beamed at me and I followed her gaze to the makeshift dance floor, lit with coloured lights. “It’s everything I wanted!”

  “Can I get you all a glass of champagne to kick things off?” the barman asked.

  “I really want a cocktail,” Chrissie whined at the same time as Matt requested a beer.

  “You TV stars,” Phil commented with a chuckle. “You’re all divas!” He got to work making us drinks, and soon I was sipping on something called a Red Velvet alongside Chrissie.

  “I don’t usually drink cocktails,” I whispered to Chrissie, suddenly conscious of Adam, who was hovering in front of us.

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” she whispered back.

  “Look!” Kelly’s high-pitched voice reached us and we turned to see her jumping up and down excitedly at the other side of the room. We joined her and found a table laid out with a row of Rolex watches, all standing in front of photos of us. We reached to retrieve our prizes and I spent a few minutes admiring mine. I’ve never been very interested in material things, but I loved the watch, and it felt nice to own something so extravagant. I strapped it onto my wrist and gazed down at it.

  “I love it!” Chrissie told me, holding her arm out.

  “I thought this was all low-budget?” I commented, realising that seven Rolex watches and cars would add up to a fair amount.

  “Yeah, right!” Ryan said. “I reckon we’ll be aired at prime time and they’ll flick straight to a Rolex advert in the break.”

  “I need another cocktail,” Chrissie declared as she slurped the last of her drink through a straw. “Drink up! I need you to dance the night away with me.”

  “I don’t really dance …” I told her and caught the glint in her eye. “You guessed that, didn’t you?” I sighed and smiled back at her. “Am I really so predictable?”

  “Yeah,” she told me happily. “But it’s not really a bad thing. Plus, you could always surprise me!”

  I rolled my eyes and drained the rest of my drink.

  “You see!” she said. Chrissie skipped over to visit Phil at the bar. She returned with a green cocktail for me this time and I eyed it with contempt before taking a sip and deciding it was nicer than it looked.

  Moving away from our little huddle, I joined Dylan on one of the couches. “How does it feel to ditch the beard?”

  He rubbed his chin. “A bit exposed.”

  “I think it might be good for the busking,” I told him cheekily.

  “I might actually have to take it up when my dad fires me!”

  “I’m sure it will all be okay,” I said.

  “At least he’ll be happy the beard’s gone. He’s always telling me I have to look presentable at work, and somehow that always made me want to look as scruffy as possible. It seems ridiculous now, but being around my parents makes me act like a child.”

  “I think that’s normal. Although it was never really like that with my mum and me! There’s not much point worrying about things at home, though. You may as well just make the most of the holiday.”

  “I guess so. I should take a leaf out of your book and relax and see what happens.”

  “Why not? I’m having a great time,” I told him while I scanned the room. “And these cocktails are going down far too easily. Can you get your guitar out again sometime? I missed your show.”

  “No! I’m not sure how Matt talked me into that. Anyway, we have music tonight. You’re right, these are pretty good.” He picked up his bright blue cocktail and clinked his glass against mine before finishing it off. “In fact, I think I need another one, since Chrissie is insisting I dance with her later.”

  “Yeah, I think she’s determined to get us all making fools of ourselves on the dance floor.”

  “Do you want another?” he asked, standing up with his empty glass.

  I desperately wanted to say no but I suddenly heard my mum’s voice in my head telling me to be a yes person. “Yes, please!” I replied and he looked amused by my laughter. He shook his head and chuckled as he headed for the bar. It was a moment before I noticed Adam, who moved in front of me.

  “Oh, go away, will you?” I said. He smiled at me from behind the camera and I sank back into the couch as I took in everything around me.

  The atmosphere was relaxed. We spent the evening chatting and laughing in our beautiful surroundings. As we sipped cocktails in the fading light, I felt that I didn’t have a care in the world.

  “You were right about Dylan,” Chrissie told me when we found ourselves alone for a moment. “He looks so different.”

  “I think we did well with the guys here. They’re all pretty nice.”

  “Ooh, who are you interested in?” She giggled and leaned closer to me, wobbling slightly.

one,” I told her, too quickly. “I just think they’re all good guys. Everyone’s nice, aren’t they?”

  “Yes.” She sighed and linked her arm through mine. “I’m really glad you’re here!”

  She leaned her head against mine and I realised she was pretty drunk. In fact, everyone seemed quite merry. “I’m glad too,” I told her and squeezed her arm lightly.

  “I think it’s time to dance,” she declared.

  “I think you’re right!”

  We headed to the dance floor and Chrissie shouted for the others to join us. After a couple of songs I went inside to the bathroom, wobbling as I made my way across the lawn. I squinted while my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the living room, and I smiled at Margaret and Ryan who were laughing on the couch. When I made my way back outside a few minutes later, Kelly shouted from the bar that we were doing shots.

  “No way,” I told them when I joined them. “I don’t do shots … and I’m already drunk!” Matt ignored my protests and handed me a shot. I winced as I swallowed it and turned to Carl, who was standing just outside our circle. “I think you’re missing some action inside,” I told him with a hiccup. He raised an eyebrow and glanced at Adam who was standing at the other side of us.

  “What’s happening inside?” Chrissie asked, craning her neck in the direction of the living room.

  “Margaret and Ryan are kissing!” I informed her.

  “No!” Matt said. He walked quickly across the lawn and the rest of us followed to peek in the living room to spy on them. Carl crept inside and aimed his camera at them from behind the couch.

  “I can’t believe that!” Kelly said when we moved back towards the bar and fell about laughing.

  Matt seemed fairly traumatised by the sight. “That’s just wrong!”

  “She must be old enough to be his mother …” Chrissie commented.

  “She’s forty,” Kelly told us. “And Ryan’s twenty, I think.”

  “I need another shot,” Matt declared. “I’m in shock!”

  “I have to go to bed.” Dylan saluted us and walked back towards the house.

  “Dylan!” I called. “You work in a bar; you should have more stamina!”

  He ignored me and continued on his way.

  “I think I need a lie down,” Kelly told us and we watched her stumble over to the hammock at the edge of the lawn. She dropped down to sit on it and, as she attempted to manoeuvre herself to lie down, she wobbled and fell out the other side, cackling with laughter before getting up to try again. “I made it!” she finally called before giggling quietly to herself. Soon she was quiet.

  “Who wants to dance again?” Chrissie asked.

  “Not me!” I told her. “My feet are killing me.” I kicked off Chrissie’s wedges and walked over to one of the couches.

  “Go on, then!” I heard Matt relent when Chrissie tugged on his arm and pulled him to the dance floor. The music slowed and I saw Matt and Chrissie put their arms around each other and sway to the music.

  “That’s nice,” I told Adam, who took a seat at the other end of the couch. The cameras were becoming a familiar sight and, after all the alcohol, I don’t think I really registered Adam’s camera at all. “Everyone’s getting cosy.”

  I leaned on the arm of the couch and felt my eyelids start to droop. Adam shuffled along the couch and nudged me gently. “Bed,” he mouthed as I focused on him.

  “That’s a bit forward,” I said, chuckling to myself. “I barely know you!” I couldn’t stop giggling and I moved towards Adam, reaching for his hand. “I don’t know if I can get to bed,” I confessed. “Can I just sleep here?” He shook his head and I felt my eyes getting heavier. “Just stay here with me a minute …” I said to him as my eyes closed. “Just for a minute.”

  Chapter 16

  When my eyes fluttered open, my head was resting on Adam’s shoulder. I glanced at the camera lying beside him and didn’t dare move. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head slightly, hoping I’d be able to creep away without disturbing him. He stirred when I moved and stretched out, before putting his arm around my shoulders, drawing me to him before he settled back into a deep sleep.

  Part of me wanted to cuddle up and stay in his embrace, while another part of me was screaming to get up and run. I allowed myself a moment to relax and rest my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Then I moved my hand to his and ran my thumb over the back of his hand.

  I managed to extract myself without waking him and crept across the lawn in the moonlight. The house was still when I tiptoed up the stairs and slipped quietly into the bedroom.

  I woke not long later to the sun streaming through the windows, and turned towards Chrissie’s bed to find her looking in my direction. “Well, that was an interesting night,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I groaned. “What happened with you and Matt?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a sigh. “Well, okay, I kissed him!” A smile lit up her face before fading again. “I really like him,” she told me.

  “What’s the face for?” I asked. “That’s good, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure if he likes me or if it was just a drunken snog … Plus, it seems a bit embarrassing, drunkenly kissing some guy on a reality TV show. I don’t know what to think.”

  “I think he likes you,” I said. “I don’t think you need to worry about it. Matt’s a nice guy.”

  “He is, isn’t he? And what about you? Last I saw, you were draped over Adam!”

  “This is why I don’t usually drink much,” I told her. “I fell asleep on him. I’m really embarrassed.”

  “Was he still there when you woke up?”

  “Yeah.” I remembered the feel of his arm around me and the warmth of his body next to mine. “I crept away and left him sleeping.”

  “Sneaky.” A slow smile spread across her face. “I think Adam’s lovely.”

  “I was just drunk,” I said. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t worry about it. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. And anyway, he didn’t look too concerned.” She paused. “Anyway, there will be people with worse hangovers than us this morning …”

  “Ryan and Margaret!” A laugh escaped me as I remembered them kissing in the dark. “Alcohol is bad!”

  “So bad!” She laughed with me. “Do you think we can get away with staying in bed all day?”

  “I doubt it. Anyway, it’s already too hot to stay here. Maybe that’s why they didn’t bother with air conditioning, so we at least have to get up and move down to the pool.”

  “I think a swim might fix my hangover,” Chrissie told me.

  “I need to eat,” I told her as I sat up on the bed. “And I need water. And possibly painkillers!” My head was starting to throb. I forced myself to stand up, and opened a drawer to find some clothes.

  “Borrow another bikini from me,” Chrissie offered. “Just take whatever you want.”

  “I feel bad, borrowing your clothes all the time.”

  “Why? I brought far too much for a week anyway. And you can’t wear your swimsuit … not when you’re trying to impress Adam!”

  “I am not trying to impress anyone!” I said before catching her sly smile.

  “Here, try the spotty one.” She appeared next to me and pulled a bikini out of her drawer. “It’ll look cute.”

  “Okay,” I agreed. “Thanks.”

  “Hey!” I was taken aback by Chrissie’s tone – until I realised she wasn’t talking to me. “Get out, you pervert!” she shouted at the cameraman who had just stuck the lens of his camera around the doorway. She went over and slammed the door on him, leaving us in peace. “I guess we’re not allowed to hide in our bedrooms all day,” she told me.

  I went into the bathroom to change into Chrissie’s bikini and brushed my teeth furiously in a bid to remove the smell of the alcoholic rodent that had apparently died on my tongue. The door of Kelly and Margaret’s bedroom opened suddenly, making me jump.
br />   “Sorry.” Kelly was pale and her cheeks were streaked with last night’s eye make-up. “I think I’m going to throw up.”

  “I’m finished in here!” I told her as I put my toothbrush away and hurried back into the bedroom.

  “Wear this skirt,” Chrissie instructed me as she stood holding my denim mini skirt.

  “It’s very short. I’m not sure why I brought it. I was in a rush when I packed.”

  “I like it. Put it on.” She threw it at me and I noticed my T-shirt that she had in her other hand.

  “I just wear that one for bed,” I told her quickly.

  “Thank goodness! No offence, but it’s awful!” Her eyes twinkled when she asked, “Do you trust me?”

  “Yeah …” I replied slowly.

  “And this T-shirt holds no sentimental value? It’s just an ugly T-shirt that you happen to have?”

  “It’s just for bed,” I repeated.

  “Good. Here goes, then …” she picked up a pair of scissors from the bed and proceeded to cut the arms off my old baby-blue T-shirt and then slashed it across the neckline. “Ta-dah!” she sang, handing it to me.

  “Thanks,” I said cautiously and slipped it over my head before pulling my skirt on. I jerked at the T-shirt when it slipped off my shoulder. Chrissie slapped my hand away and tugged the T-shirt back off my shoulder before turning me to the mirror.

  “Oh!” I was pleasantly surprised. “How did you do that?”

  “It’s just my thing!” She grinned and picked up a hair slide with a white flower on it.

  “No …” I shook my head when she approached me. She ignored me and slid it into my hair.

  “Okay,” I agreed as I looked at my reflection again.

  “Don’t ever doubt me,” she told me. “Now, I’ll get ready and we can go and get breakfast.”

  “Kelly’s throwing up in the bathroom,” I warned her.

  “Oh no!” She put an ear to the bathroom door and grimaced. “You go ahead. I’ll meet you down there.”


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