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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 31

by BWWM Club

  And in this manner, they started to fully understand one another. And in this manner, the first seeds of a convenient love were sown.

  Chapter 9

  The surgery went well, surprisingly. Kizzy had been fearing a complication, something that would force her to abandon her plans to return to the city and stay there with her parents. In the back of her mind she had also been fearing something worse, something terrible, but that was the sort of thing that she did not want to bring to the forefront of her mind so she decided to stop thinking about it then and there.

  Once it was done, she spent about a month with her parents before returning to the city. And when she returned, she knew that it was time for her duty’s to start.

  She met Mike at a restaurant to discuss how things were going to go down.

  “All right,” said Mike. “We’re going to do it like this. You can work for me for about a week longer and then tender your resignation. I will make sure that you get an offer letter from a comparably large company’s CEO before you resign so that you can say that you quit because you got a better offer. Don’t worry about that, it’s all going to go well. The salary will be higher than what you’re getting here, and the boss is definitely going to be far less demanding. So in about a week, we can go and meet my parents for dinner.”

  “Okay,” said Kizzy. The worry and concern in her voice must have been noticeable because Mike immediately asked her if she was okay.

  “It’s just the thought of meeting your parents,” said Kizzy. “I know it’s ridiculous because it’s not like we are actually getting married or anything, but I really want them to like me. I don’t want them to think that I am just some girl that is trying to get at your money. I’m not like you, Mike. I’m not rich, I’m not extremely well educated. I mean, I graduated top of my class at my university but it was just some state university, it wasn’t Ivy League or anything like that. And I didn’t go to any fancy private school either, it was just some random public school. I wish that I was the sort of girl that your parents would like but I’m really not.”

  “You’re looking into this too much,” said Mike. “My parents are pretty snobby at times but they are going to love you because you are a girl that finally convinced me to settle down, at least that’s what you are going to be in their eyes.”

  “I know,” said Kizzy. “You’ve mentioned that before. But what if I embarrass myself? What if I say something stupid? What if they ask me about something that I am doing and I mess up? I have never been in this situation before.”

  “Look, no matter how badly you mess up the wedding is still going to be on,” said Mike. “At the end of the day, the decision to marry you is still mine, and it is always going to be mine. There is no way that my parents are going to stop that from happening. Even if they hate you, they’ll still be glad that I have chosen to settle down with somebody. And if they don’t like you, it could help during the divorce. After everything is said and done, if they don’t like you when I tell them that I am divorcing you it’s going to cause far fewer problems in the long run, and that’s a very good thing.”

  “You don’t get it,” said Kizzy. She let out an embarrassed laugh and then said, “I want them to like me, I really want them to like me. That’s what I’m trying to say. You are my friend even though you’re not really my lover, and I want my friend’s parents to like me. I don’t want them to think that I am just some bimbo, I don’t want them to think that I am doing this for the money. I want them to like me for me, even if we are not really getting married. That’s what truly matters to me here.”

  “I see,” said Mike. “Look, Kizzy. You are a confident, strong, independent woman. You have a great job, and you are going to have an even better one when you end up meeting them in a week. They are going to look at you and see the real you, the you that is powerful and strong and willing to do anything it takes to get to the top. I can guarantee you that they are going to like this about you. Say whatever you like about my parents, they know how to respect somebody that has the same bloodthirsty spirit that they do.”

  Kizzy laughed and said, “I don’t think I have ever been called bloodthirsty before.”

  “Get used to it,” said Mike. “I know a shark when I see one. When you enter the ocean of business you are going to eat up the competition like nobody’s business, and you are definitely going to end up getting a reputation as a result.”

  “I hope that’s true,” said Kizzy, “and I hope that you are right about your parents as well. If they don’t like me… I honestly don’t know what I am going to do.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” said Mike. “Also… you said that we are friends. Do you still think of me as a friend after what I have forced you into?”

  Kizzy paused thoughtfully, trying to come up with a response that would, at least to some extent, explain how she was feeling in this moment. “It’s like this,” she said, taking a deep breath before speaking so that she would be calm while presenting her thoughts. “I know that you are in a fix, and I know that this is a way for you to get out of it. You treated this like a business transaction, and that is something that annoyed me a great deal. You gave something in order to get something. But when I ignore that part of our relationship, all I see are good things. In fact, I see great things, things that make me want to keep you in my life. You see, I have never really met people that truly got me. I have never met many people that I actually wanted to be around. But when I think about it, I really want to be around you, you have become the exception to the rule because you seem to understand anything and everything that I am trying to do with my life, and that’s very important. Admittedly, the part of our relationship that I am ignoring is very significant indeed, but the rest of it is so good that I end up wanting to be your friend anyway, so it works out.”

  “So… after everything is over,” said Mike, “after we have gotten divorce and gone our separate ways… you would still want to be friends.”

  Kizzy sighed and said, “Yes. Yes, I think I would want to still be friends with you, because the sort of things I get from having you in my life are the sort of things that I have never gotten before. I would like to keep experiencing you.”

  “That makes me happy,” said Mike. “I was so sure that I had lost you, that I would never be able to have you in my life again. I was starting to think that I had lost out on something truly beautiful, all for the purpose of getting myself out of this God damned company. In fact, if you had told me that you were feeling really bad about this, if you had told me that you would not want to be friends with me after everything was said and done and we got divorced, I might just have ended up calling the whole thing off, even if it meant that there was only a small chance of us ever having anything in the future.”

  “Really?” said Kizzy. “You would have done that?”

  “Yes,” said Mike, “without a doubt. I have started to realize that… having you in my life is somehow more important that being out of the company. If I was still stuck in the company but I had you as a friend… that might just have made it worth it, you know? Even a small chance of continuing my friendship with you would have been enough for me to keep working in this company and calling the wedding off.”

  “That’s so sweet,” said Kizzy. “Nobody has ever felt that way about me before. I honestly don’t know what to say…”

  “I think the whole reason that you have never been told such things before, the reason no one has expressed such emotions to you in the past, is that you have never let anyone in,” said Mike. “This is no fault of yours, of course. There was just no one that you felt was worthy of a place in your life, and you decided to live your life on your own terms. But now that you have let me in, feeling this way is honestly the only option I have. You are just such an amazing person that I can’t help but feel drawn to you. I can’t help but crave you.”

  “You crave me?” asked Kizzy.

  “No…” said Mike, “no, I did not mean it like that at all.
I meant that… Oh I don’t know. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I’m so very sorry, I swear that I did not mean it in any sexual way at all.”

  “It’s okay,” said Kizzy with a laugh, “don’t be so apologetic. You have nothing to fear. I know that you meant it in a different way, and I understand what you mean. It’s just surprising that you feel this way about me.”

  She didn’t add just then that she would not have minded him feeling something sexual towards her either. She certainly felt a lot of attraction towards him, and she wanted to know if this was one sided. She did not know what she would do if she found out that he did, indeed, feel something sexual towards her. Little did she know, passion for her burned deep and hot within Mike. He was just not letting it show because he was not sure if his lust was reciprocated either.

  They talked like this for a moment, and then Mike had to return to work. The seeds of love that had been sown were growing, sprouting. The soil that the seeds had been sown in had been extremely fertile, and as a result the love was growing very fast indeed. They had a long way to go, but in the future they would realize that all of their worries had been for naught.


  Today was the day, the big day. Kizzy was going to meet Mike’s parents. She had asked him what to wear and had been shocked to hear him say that anything would be fine. She had been hoping for some sort of direction, some clue that would allow her to find something within her closet that would be perfect for the occasion. Mike, however, had assured her that there was no dress code, and that she could wear whatever she liked.

  She would have preferred knowing approximately what would be appropriate for this occasion, but in the end she managed to pick out an outfit that seemed fine. It was simple, just jeans and a shirt, but it worked. It was not too casual so it would not be taken as an offense or as a sign that she was not all that serious about what she was doing, and at the same time it was not so formal that it would end up being made fun of or embarrassing her in some way.

  She looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, she looked extremely sexy. The shirt was tight enough to show the shape of her body without being too vulgar, and her ass looked fantastic in these jeans. She hoped that Mike would like the way she looked right now, because a huge part of the reason she had been so worried about what she was going to wear had been that she wanted Mike to like what he saw.

  Mike picked her up and seven, and they set off for her parents place. The whole way there he assured her that she looked great and that she would do fine. He even gave her a few tips on how to impress his mom, something that Kizzy was anxious to do.

  When they got to the house, looking at it made Kizzy feel like she was going to end up fainting. It was enormous. These people were ridiculously rich. For a moment, Kizzy felt like she wanted to run away, and she might even have ended up doing that had Mike’s father not answered the door at that very precise moment.

  “Ah, the guest of honor finally arrives,” said Michael Senior, his eyes fixed upon Kizzy. “You look lovely, my dear. Please come in, make yourself at home. This is your home now, after all, you are our Mikey’s love, and that means that you are a part of this family.”

  Kizzy laughed nervously, said hello and entered the enormous mansion. Mike’s father seemed extremely warm, and his mother seemed even more so.

  “Hello dear,” said Tawny Gamble, giving Kizzy a hug. “My, you sure are a looker. I knew when Michael told me that our son had found a girl that she was going to be a knockout but you’re something else aren’t you!”

  “Oh thank you so much,” said Kizzy. Once again, she was glad that she was black because it gave her the ability to hide her enormous blush from these people.

  They sat down in the living room and drinks were served. The alcohol did a lot to calm Kizzy down, and soon she was enjoying herself quite a bit. The Gambles, it turned out, were very nice people, and really put a lot of effort into making their guests feel at home.

  “So, Kizzy,” said Michael Senior. “How is your job going? Mikey told me that you are working with Eric from Microtech. How’s he treating you?”

  “Oh he’s great,” said Kizzy. “He is such a hard worker, and he demands a lot from you, but he’s a great boss at the end of the day. He puts a lot of effort into making his employees feel comfortable, and he never gives me more work than I can handle. I work from nine to seven and I am home by eight, that’s pretty good in my opinion considering just how much money I am getting from him.”

  “Ah Eric,” said Michael Senior, “he’s a sly one. You should watch your back with him. Once you are comfortable with the role that you are playing he is going to start giving you a lot more work.”

  “I think I’ll be able to handle it,” said Kizzy.

  “Ah, you’re confident,” said Tawny. “I love that. I’ve always wanted our Mikey to marry a confident and strong woman.”

  “What else are you planning to do?” asked Michael Senior. “Something in business I think?”

  “Yes,” said Kizzy. “I mean, I don’t have a lot on my resume at the moment, but I would like to eventually become a CEO. I think after working for a couple more years as the assistant to a Fortune 500 CEO, a small startup would certainly hire me as their CEO.”

  “Excellent!” said Michael Senior, clearly delighted by the fact that his daughter in law to be had such high ambitions. “That’s the spirit. No one ever thinks like that. Once you have so much experience you will definitely be eligible for such a post. I think you can easily become a CEO by the age of thirty, and that’s extremely young. And once you start gaining experience, I think that you are going to go very far very fast. You are the sort of person that gets up and gets things done, I can always tell.”

  “I would like to think so,” said Kizzy, “but I think that thirty is way too old. I aim to become the CEO of a small startup by the age of twenty seven if all goes as planned.”

  Michael Gamble Senior roared with laughter, slapping his thigh in his mirth. “I love this girl. Mikey, I now know that you have chosen the perfect person to be involved with. She is the sort of girl that has ambition, not like that Madeline who just wanted to stay at home and paint her nails.”

  Kizzy felt a flush of pleasure rising up her cheeks at the enormous compliment. Mike’s parents really liked her, and his father had even said that she was better than Mike’s previous fiancé. It was silly of her to think like this, but she couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious when she compared herself to Madeline. Madeline had been a socialite, part of the upper class from birth. But now that Mike’s father had said that she was better than Madeline, Kizzy felt a lot better about the whole situation.

  Once everything was done, Kizzy and Mike got into the car. The chauffeur was going to take them home, since they were far too drunk to be driving in this state. The food had been delicious, the conversation had been stimulating, and everything had gone better than Kizzy could have ever hoped or dreamed.

  “That was so perfect,” said Mike, slurring a little as he spoke. “I can’t believe how much they liked you. I mean, I knew that they would like you, but they loved you and that was such a surprise! There was absolutely no resentment there, they didn’t care about the fact that I dumped Madeline for you. God, and you were so perfect too. You said all of the right things, assured them that their son had made the perfect choice in life partner.”

  “I am so glad that I was able to make them happy,” said Kizzy.

  “And you looked so God damned sexy too,” said Mike. He was looking at her now, no small amount of lust in his eyes. Kizzy felt his gaze and felt something stir within her too.

  “Really?” said Kizzy. “You thought I looked nice? I dressed up for you, I wanted you to have something nice to look at.”

  “You did a good job with that,” said Mike. “I mean, damn.”

  He reached out and placed a hand on hers. Kizzy looked at his hand and then at Mike. She then launched herself at him, pressing her lips hard
against his. His mouth was soft and surprisingly sweet. The inside of it tasted like sex, and Kizzy felt like she was going to go mad.

  Once they got off at her place, Mike got off with her and told the chauffeur to head home. They headed up to her apartment and as soon as they were in, Mike slammed her against the wall and started to passionately kiss her neck.

  Kizzy moaned as he bit her there, as he moved his hands up her body. She grabbed his hand and pressed it on her tit. Mike emitted an animalistic groan when she did this, pressing her tit hard and pushing her shirt off of her body.

  He picked her up and took her to the bedroom where he threw her onto the bed. She landed with a thud and moaned as Mike pulled her pants and panties off, burying his face into her pussy and licking up the juices it was emitting.

  He was ridiculously good at what he was doing, his tongue entering her wet and open cunt and licking her from deep within. As Kizzy got closer to her orgasm, she clenched her thighs around his head, unable to stop herself from clenching all of the muscles in her body.

  Mike grabbed her wrists and held her hands together, further stripping her of control. Kizzy loved every minute of it. She wanted to submit. She wanted to belong to this amazing man.

  But then, all of a sudden, she realized what it was they were doing, and in spite of her nearing orgasm she yelled, “Stop!”

  Mike immediately stopped and looked at her. “What’s wrong?” he said. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” said Kizzy, gasping. “Not at all it’s just that… I… I don’t know… this is wrong. We aren’t thinking straight right now. I mean the whole marriage thing was a ruse, we are just friends…”

  Mike got on top of her and laid down beside her. He held her close and said, “If you don’t want to do it, we won’t do it.”

  They slept together, and Mike did not try anything the whole night. The seeds of love grew fast that night. Kizzy had never felt safer before.


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