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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 32

by BWWM Club

  Chapter 10

  Kizzy woke up with a start. Someone was next to her, someone, close. On the same bed as her there was a man and for the life of her she simply could not remember who this man was. She turned slowly, ready to attack him if he tried something, only to see that it was Mike. All of a sudden, the events of the previous night came rushing back into her memory.

  She looked at Mike as he slept. He was a truly good person. He had been so into it and yet when Kizzy had asked him to stop he had stopped immediately, and he had not argued at all. There were very few men in the world who would actually stop when a girl asked them to, most of them were too out of control when it came to sex to even think about what the girl was feeling let alone stopping halfway through doing the deed itself.

  She stroked Mike’s face. She realized in that moment that what she felt for Mike went far beyond platonic affection. She did not fully understand it right now, but she knew that someday she would. Someday, it would hit her. But for now, it was enough to simply look at him and enjoy his presence.

  Mike stirred at her touch. He opened one eye.

  “I am so sorry,” said Kizzy, speaking in a hushed whisper. “Did I wake you?”

  “It’s okay,” said Mike. “I’m a really light sleeper, it’s not a big deal.”

  Kizzy turned to face him. Their bodies were extremely close. She could feel the heat radiating off of him and it turned her on to no small extent. She didn’t know how she was going to stand having him right there in front of her. It was just not something she could handle in this moment. But handle it she did, because she knew that it would complicate things a great deal. Life was complicated enough without her adding even more things that they would have to worry about.

  “I’m sorry about last night,” said Mike. “I don’t know what came over me. I was drunk and horny and I know that is really not an excuse but I know that what I did was wrong.”

  “Oh Mike,” said Kizzy, “don’t be silly. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just as willing as you were. It was just that as we were doing it I realized what an impact this would have on us. It would cause us to completely change the way we feel about each other, you know? It would change the landscape of our relationship. That has already gone through so many changes over the past few weeks, I just knew that we would not be able to survive another change. It would end up becoming too much for us to handle, and we would have regretted it in the long run.”

  You are absolutely right,” said Mike. “I wasn’t thinking straight. I know that you were horny and drunk too, but you were thinking just fine, you knew that what we were doing was not exactly right given the circumstances. But I just wanted to ask… some time in the future, whenever you are comfortable with it, do you think we would be able to discuss this? You can say no, of course, I will not argue with that at all. I am just asking because I want to make sure that whatever I am going to say to you is going to be something that you want to hear.”

  Kizzy smiled and said, “You have no idea how happy it makes me that you care so much about how I feel. I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. I mean, I know that we have a lot to discuss. There are… feelings that we both possess towards each other. Since we are both going to be very close to each other indeed for quite a long time, I do think that it is important that we talk about and discuss these feelings as much as we possibly can. But I just don’t want to think about that right now, if that’s okay. I just don’t think I would be able to handle it. My dad just went through surgery, I met your parents yesterday, so much is happening that I don’t think that talking about something so serious would be good for me.”

  “Of course,” said Mike. “Of course, we don’t have to discuss it until and unless you are ready to.”

  Kizzy smiled again and kissed Mike on the cheek. It was a light peck, something small and affectionate with no sexual intent behind it. Perhaps, given the current circumstance, with both of them lying naked in front of each other reeling from a barely prevented sexual encounter it was not the best thing to do, for it does not take much to spill water from an already overflowing glass, but she didn’t care. She could allow herself this small comfort, this little respite from the chaos of her minds. In this moment, everything was peaceful and perfect. This moment, it would turn out, would not last long.

  Kizzy got a call on her cellphone. She reached to her bedside table, picked up her phone and looked at the screen. It was her mom. Kizzy thought nothing of it. It was Sunday morning, her mom often called on such days. Kizzy did not think that this was out of the ordinary. She considered rejecting her mother’s call and telling her that she was busy. Her mother would understand, after all. She would know that today was the day that people who drank in their free time recovered from their hangovers. But Kizzy, for some reason, felt like answering this call was important for her. She felt like answering this call was the sort of thing that she should do, for not doing so would end up making her miss something essential in her life.

  She answered the call, saying, “Hey Mom, what’s up?”

  “Kizzy,” said Kendra. She sounded upset. In fact, she sounded positively distraught. Her voice was hoarse as if she had been screaming a lot and she sounded utterly exhausted. Kizzy’s heart immediately started to pound. It wouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to guess that something terrible had happened.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Kizzy. “Is it Dad? Is he okay?”

  “No,” said Kendra. It was not a voice that was coming from her mother in that moment, it was a constant wail of despair. “His arm started hurting at night. We thought it was nothing serious, his arm falls asleep while he is asleep a lot. But then it started to hurt a lot. And then the pain started to get to his jaw. And then by the time we got to the hospital, he was in so much pain that he couldn’t even talk straight or walk. The doctor’s told us that he had a seizure and a heart attack at the same time. I don’t know what to do, Kizzy. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Mom,” said Kizzy, her voice louder for some reason. Shouting seemed like a good way for her to keep her own tears at bay. She needed to stay strong right now. She needed to stay strong for her mother, so that she could help her mother who needed it most. She needed to be the adult now and take care of things. She could think about the fact that her father could be… no. She would not allow that thought to enter her head at all.

  “Mom,” said Kizzy again, positively shouting. “When did this happen? Can you tell me?”

  “They just took him into the emergency room,” said Kendra. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, Kizzy. I don’t know what they are going to do. I am so confused right now.”

  “Okay,” said Kizzy. “It’s all going to be okay. I am coming down, okay? I am not going to take a bus, I am going to drive. I am going to drive all the way there so it’s going to take me a little over an hour. It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Okay,” said Kendra. “Okay.” It was all she managed to choke out before she cut the call. Kizzy heard another wail of sorrow before the line was cut. She immediately jumped out of bed.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Mike. Kizzy jumped. In her panic she had completely forgotten that Mike was there. She looked away but did not move. “It’s my dad,” said Kizzy. “He’s… he’s in the emergency room. Something happened, something bad. They are going to operate on him or something. I need to go. God, I don’t even have fuel in my car, I am going to end up wasting fifteen minutes in the fucking line at the gas station. I need to get there now. Fucking hell…”

  “I can take you,” said Mike. “I have a sports car. It’ll get you there in forty minutes. It’s full up on gas too. I can tell my chauffeur to bring it here right now, as well. He will have to here by the time you are ready to leave. Just shower and get dressed, let me handle the rest.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Kizzy. “You really don’t have to do this, this is not your responsibility at all. This is something I have to do on my own anyway, these are my paren

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” said Mike. “Of course I am going to be here for you in your time of need. I am going to take you there, and it’s better if you don’t argue about it. We don’t have a lot of time to get there, and you need to shower and stuff.”

  Kizzy looked at Mike. A surge of loved burned up through her body. She loved him more than she had loved anyone in her life in that moment, except perhaps her parents. Everything was good because she had this man in her life.

  She went and showered, and by the time she was dressed the car was downstairs waiting for them. Kizzy panicked when she got into the car because she had not packed a change of clothes in case she had to stay there for a few days, but then Mike told her that he had done it for her. Kizzy loved him even more, in spite of the fact that this did not seem all that possible. She loved him so much that she could have done anything for him in that moment, whatever he asked her to do.

  They drove to Westfield, and Mike booked it. He drove so fast that a few policemen followed them, but he was so fast that they had to give up the chase. Kizzy was pretty sure that Mike was going to have to pay thousands of dollars in fines for driving so fast, and he was doing all of this for her. She honestly didn’t know how to feel about someone caring about her so much. She didn’t know how anyone could love to this extent.

  They got to Westfield so quickly that she barely had time to think. The car was so fast that it seemed like Westfield was an area of New York rather than a town outside of it. They got to the hospital and Kizzy got out, running into the emergency ward while Mike stayed outside to get the car parked. She ran all across the emergency room, the tears starting to flow down her face, until she finally found her mother.

  Kendra was sitting in a corner, weeping. Kizzy ran to her mother and flung her arms around her. Kendra seemed surprised at first, as if she had not been expecting anybody to come. Kizzy looked at her mom and realized that she was in shock. Kizzy couldn’t blame her. This was not the sort of thing that you recovered from all that easily.

  “Mom,” said Kizzy, “have they told you anything else yet?”

  “No,” said Kendra. “They just say that your father is in surgery, and that they are going to inform me whenever anything happens.”

  “Did they say…” said Kizzy. She did not have to complete the sentence, for her mother understood the terrible thoughts that were going through her head. She understood because these were the same thoughts that were going through her own head.

  “No,” said Kendra. “They ignored me when I asked, and that’s what worries me. If they knew that he had a good chance of… of surviving they would have told me. They don’t keep stuff like that a secret. But the fact that they are not telling me… it must be bad. That is the sort of news that they keep a secret, because they don’t want you panicking in the hospital.”

  “It’s okay,” said Kizzy, rubbing her moms shoulders. “Don’t think about that right now. It’ll all be okay.”

  All of a sudden, Mike came up. He was standing a little far off, rather awkwardly. He seemed ready to head off in an opposite direction and find somewhere he wouldn’t be intruding on a private moment when Kizzy spotted him. She walked up to him and brought him to her mother.

  “Mom,” said Kizzy, “meet my friend Mike. Mike, this is my mother Kendra.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” said Mike. “Kizzy has told me a lot about you. She loves you a whole lot.”

  “Oh,” said Kendra. She looked at Mike. “Did you drive her all the way here?”

  Mike was silent. It was almost as if he did not know how to respond, which was rather incredible because Mike always had a response to whatever you said to him. He was just that kind of person.

  “Yes, Mom,” said Kizzy. “He has a sports car so he was able to get me here in a really short amount of time. That’s how we got here so quickly.”

  “That’s such a nice thing to do,” said Kendra. “Come, sit down with me. Tell me about yourself.”

  Mike sat down and started talking about himself. It was quite obvious that the task made him quite uncomfortable but he took to it like a champ. He talked about everything there was to say, and by the end of it he had Kizzy’s mother laughing at everything that he was saying. Kizzy was amazed. Her mother and Mike seemed to have hit it off immediately, which was odd because Kizzy’s mother was the sort of person who usually did not get along well with people that she did not already know. Maybe it was something in the way Mike talked. Kizzy’s mother liked people that put an effort into conversation, and Mike was certainly that sort of person.

  After a few hours, a doctor came out of the OR. Everyone stood up.

  “He is going to be fine,” said the doctor. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. “He had a really bad allergic reaction to the pill that his doctor had prescribed him. I don’t know who it was, but he was a complete and utter idiot and almost killed him. He is going to be fine now, but I have changed his prescription. If he wants to complete his course and stay alive as well he is going to have to make sure that he dumps all of his old pills.”

  Kizzy was ecstatic. It was all going to be okay.

  Mike decided that he was going to spend the night at a hotel in town so that he could be with Kizzy and offer her some moral support. Kizzy insisted that he did not have to do that but Mike insisted that he knew, and that he was only doing this because it was what he truly wanted to do.

  Kizzy accompanied him to his hotel room to keep him company for some time. And it was here that the love that she had been feeling for so long boiled over and starting to pour out of her.

  She grabbed Mike’s face and kissed him on the lips. She bit him there, her passion getting the better of her, but Mike didn’t seem to mind. In fact, it made him feel a lot hornier by the way that he started to grab her tits and use her body.

  He ripped off her shirt. One fell sweep and her buttons scattered. Kizzy’s breasts were bare, and Mike was going to use them however he pleased.

  He pulled her bra off with a single flick of his finger as well, and once Kizzy was completely topless he squeezed her tit hard enough to make it hurt. Kizzy squealed. Mike clearly loved making it hurt, and Kizzy had to admit that she really liked it when he did this to her as well. It made the whole thing seem so much more primal, as if it was some kind of sex ritual that she had to undergo in order to pleasure her man. She was more than up to the task.

  Kizzy kneeled in front of Mike and took his jeans off. The sight of his cock made her drool. Thick, long and solid, it was rock hard as well. In short, it was a dream cock, the sort of cock that women everywhere wanted but never seemed to be able to get. Kizzy took it in her mouth. It seemed like the only thing that she could possibly do. The only other place it could possibly go was her wet and willing cunt, and she wanted to taste it before it went there.

  Kizzy took him deep into her throat, and Mike grabbed the back of her head. He pushed his cock deeper into her, forcing her to choke on it, preventing her from breathing. Kizzy trusted Mike so much that she did not panic at all. She simply submitted to his will, knowing that he was only doing this to make himself feel good.

  He pulled his cock out of her throat and Kizzy gasped. She took in ragged drags of air and barely realized that Mike had rammed her onto the bed and spread her legs. She only realized what was happening when his cock penetrated her soaking wet pussy. Kizzy moaned and squeezed her tits as Mike rammed her cunt. Her pussy seemed perfectly shaped for him. It seemed like over the course of her life, she had been shaped to be the exact way that Mike needed her to be in order to get the most pleasure possible.

  Kizzy wrapped her legs around Mike and squeezed. She placed her hands on his face and looked at him. Mike slowed down as he looked into Kizzy’s eyes. In that moment, nothing mattered except the fact that Mike was inside her. The intense ecstasy that was throbbing forth from Kizzy’s soaking wet cunt seemed like it was consuming her entire being. What else could possibly exist besides this?
r />   “Do you feel good, baby?” whispered Kizzy.

  “Yeah,” said Mike. “Fuck yeah, I feel so fucking good. Fuck…”

  “I want to make you feel good,” said Kizzy. “That’s all I want to do, just make you feel good. Please… use my body…”

  Mike started to increase the speed and intensity of his thrusts. He started to pound her, and as he slowly built himself up to a frenzy, Kizzy started to feel an orgasm well up inside of her. She was at the shore and coming in was nothing short of a tidal wave. She did not know how she was going to deal with it. It was going to break her apart with all of the force that it contained.

  Kizzy pressed her forehead against Mike’s chest and held onto him as he pounded her. “I want to make you feel good,” she gasped. “I just want to make you feel good, I’ll do anything to make you feel good…”

  “I’m going to pull out,” said Mike. “I have to come now, I can’t take it.”

  “No,” said Kizzy. She held on to him. “No, inside me. Come inside me, fill me up. I want it inside me, that’s what I’m here for baby, that’s my purpose. Use me for your come.”

  Mike roared as he pounded his come into Kizzy. Kizzy shook as her own orgasm tore through her, striking every thought from her mind. And in that moment of intense vulnerability, everything was changed. Nothing would ever be the same again, because Mike and Kizzy were now completely in love with one another.

  Chapter 11

  Kizzy held onto Mike as if it was the only thing in the world that mattered to her. What they had just experienced had been... something else. Both of them had had sex before of course, but nothing they had ever experienced had come close to this.

  Mike’s come was deep inside Kizzy and she knew that she had been waiting her whole life for this moment. Nothing else had made her feel so utterly complete.

  “I love you,” said Kizzy. She then realized what she had just said.


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