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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 34

by BWWM Club

  This was the last thing that she had been expecting. She opened the video, wondering if she should even play it. This might be more of the toxic stuff that she had been trying to avoid so far. But when she opened it, the content of the video surprised her to no end.

  It was composed of a number of different segments. Mike was very calm as he explained to her that it was all his fault for overreacting, and that he truly felt bad for the way he had behaved with her. In spite of the fact that he was at fault, he was asking her to just consider giving him another chance. He told her that he just wanted to explain himself. He told her that she was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and that if he ever wanted to be happy in his life he would put everything he had into trying to get her back.

  Once the video was over, Kizzy lay on her bed wondering if it was even worth it. He had asked her to meet him at a café, saying that he would explain everything to her when she was at the café. She knew that he would not try to trick her, but her trust in him had weakened after the enormous outburst. She was wary, the way she was wary of everyone else. Would it be worth it to go all the way there only to find out that the Mike she had seen in the hotel had been the real Mike?

  She decided to give it a shot. There was nothing else that could be done in this moment anyway. She got dressed up, trying her best to look her best for Mike. In a lot of ways, she hated the fact that he still made her want to dress up for him. But at least by doing this she would be able to put everything behind her. One way or another, she would know if Mike was worth it by going to see him.

  If he told her the truth and behaved the way a normal person was supposed to behave, she would know that it would be worth it to keep going with him. However, if he behaved the way he had behaved before, she would know once and for all that it would just not be worth it to go through with anything with him.

  All dressed up and ready to go, she gave herself one last look in the mirror before she left for the café. She looked beautiful as always. She hoped that Mike would see it.


  Mike waited for Kizzy at the café with bated breath. He had no idea how this meeting was going to go, and this concerned him more than anything else. He was the type of person that prided himself in being able to handle any situation. He was always able to see what was going on and understand the depth of how it functioned and how it could be resolved. With this, however, he was as clueless as any random guy, and this was what perturbed him more than anything else. He didn’t like feeling powerless, but that was just what Kizzy did to him. What truly shocked him was that in spite of the fact that this woman made him feel completely and utterly powerless, Mike wanted more of her. He couldn’t get enough of her, in fact.

  He wondered if she would even come. Had she watched the video? Had his plan worked? She might have just seen his email and deleted it and all of his effort would have been for naught. She was already ten minutes late, if she was any later he would start to worry that he was just wasting his time.

  Ten more minutes passed and Mike thought he should get up. If she wanted to come she would be here on time, after all. Why be late? That was just not in Kizzy’s nature. However, it was also not in Mike’s nature to give up so easily. He realized that there could be many reasons for Kizzy being late. Perhaps there was traffic, perhaps her car had broken down. It could even be something as simple as her needing more time before she came to see him, more time to decide whether seeing him was worth her time or not. It was a very real possibility that she had seen the video and then decided not to come. It was also a real possibility that she had seen the video and wrestled with the idea of giving him another chance.

  Ten more minutes passed and Mike was just about to get up when he saw her. She entered the room and nothing else seemed to exist anymore. It was just him and her in a vacuum, but it was a vacuum filled with blinding light all of which was coming from her indescribable beauty.

  Mike realized that Kizzy was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he had ever had the pleasure to see. He felt things for her for different reasons. He liked her for her wit and charm, and for her passion. He liked her for her ambition and for all of the things that she made him do in life. She liked the fact that she brought him out of his comfort zone and made him do things that he would never otherwise do. Even if she had not been this beautiful he would have wanted her, but her beauty was such that it could have stood on its own and Mike would have been completely and utterly transfixed. Nothing in the world would have mattered to him when she was in front of him, he probably would drive his car into a wall if he saw her standing on the road.

  He loved her. There was no doubt about it. He felt that love burning hot and bright within him, warming him up. Mike had been so cold for so long, when warmth had finally penetrated into the tepid core of his being he had thought of it initially as some sort of hostile invader that was trying to muscle in on his turf. He had thought of it as something that would try to hurt him. After all, when you are numb, the tiniest prick can feel like your arm is falling off your body. The pain is good, of course. In the long run it is necessary to help maintain your health. But Mike had been so used to the lack of feeling that feeling had terrified him and he had behaved the way he had. He was going to make it right now. He was going to make it all right. He was going to win her back.

  He stood up as soon as he saw her. Kizzy saw him immediately and walked up towards him, her face perfectly blank.

  “Hey,” said Mike.

  Kizzy didn’t say anything, but sat down on the chair opposite him. “Just say what you have to say.”


  Kizzy was unsure if this was a good idea, but it was far too late to go back now. Here she was, right in the thick of it, standing in front of the man that had made her feel true love only to snatch its warm embrace away from her the very next second. Whatever he was going to say, it had better be amazing because she was really risking her emotional well being for all of this.

  “I just want to say a few things,” said Mike. “If you can, listen to me until I’m done. If you want to get up and go at any time, just do it, I will not try to stop you. But please don’t interrupt me, because you are going to feel very differently by the time I am done, I can guarantee it.”

  “Just say whatever it is that you want to say, man,” said Kizzy roughly. “Get it over with and be quick about it.”

  “All right,” said Mike, “I’m sorry I’m taking so much time. Okay, so it’s like this. My whole life, I have been spoiled. I have been given everything I ever asked for. But the only thing that I did not get ended up being the only thing that a human being truly needs, and that is genuine love and affection. I had the financial freedom of the richest people in the world, but I had no one to teach me genuine emotional maturity. Do you understand?”

  Kizzy remained silent. She nodded, as it was obvious that Mike wanted a response from her in this moment, but apart from that she did not deign to respond to what he was saying. Quite frankly, she couldn’t be bothered.

  “Okay,” said Mike. “Now, I got so used to feeling nothing that I thought that this was just how people were. All of my friends slept around, so I started doing it too. Sex felt good, I guess, or as good as hollow emotionless sex can possibly feel. But I just assumed that was how all sex was, I assumed that sex is just something you do because it feels kind of nice and every else is doing it. But when I met you… it was like I had been living in a desert my whole life but now I was faced with an entire lake full of beautiful, fresh water. Do you understand? I saw so much beauty that I honestly did not know how to handle it at first. The moment I saw you I knew that nothing would be the same after I got to know you. For some reason, my mind tried to stop me from feeling what I truly felt. It was like an overactive immune system. Do you know how those work? An overactive immune system will reject every organ transplant, every blood transfusion. Women with overactive immune systems can’t get pregnant because their bodies see the fetus as a foreig
n invader and destroy it. So my brain tried to stop me from feeling what I truly felt, but in spite of that I was drawn to you. My mind was going one way, but my soul was going another, and I have found that the soul is a more powerful force in your body at the end of the day. When the soul moves towards something, there is nothing in the universe that can stop you from getting there.

  “And so, in spite of my ostensibly better judgment I started to get close to you. I started to get to know you. I started to… feel things. Just hear me out, please. And when I started to feel these things, I couldn’t help but care about you. I had never wanted anything in my life, if I am honest. I mean, I wanted to work at the company because it was what my father wanted me to do. It was a duty that had been assigned to me and I took to that duty the way any child that wants the love of his or her father would. But I never truly wanted something for myself. I wanted to escape the company because I felt like that would put me in the driver’s seat of my life for a change, but that was not the case either. You, Kizzy, you are the only thing that I have ever wanted because it made me happy. You were not a guess, you were not a gamble. You were something that came in and set alight my starry night. I lived in starlight and then you came as the sun, burning and fierce, and nothing was ever the same again. Gardens started to bloom within my soul, the cobwebs of disinterest and disillusionment were banished from me, until the only thing that really mattered was the fact that I needed you.”

  “What are you saying?” asked Kizzy. She honestly didn’t know where this was going, so confused was she by the rant that Mike had just unleashed.

  “I’m saying that I love you,” said Mike after taking a deep breath. “I’m telling you that I love you more than I loved anyone in my life, and this is all I want to feel for the rest of my life. We are getting married and it’s technically a sham, but I think that we are really compatible. I think that we can live life the way we want to live it as well, there is no need for us to lie to people anymore.”

  Mike got on his knees. “Kizzy,” he said. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all my heart, with everything that I have. And I promise that I will always love you like this, no matter what happens. Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?”

  He took a ring out of his pocket and held it out before him. Kizzy was dumbstruck. She had honestly not been expecting anything like this. The beautiful thing was that she could be sure that he wasn’t trying to pull any tricks. He just wasn’t that sort of person. This proposal was genuine and legitimate. He really did love her, and he really did want to marry her.

  “Yes,” said Kizzy. “Oh my god, yes. That is all I wanted, Mike, I’m so fucking happy. Yes, I will marry you!”

  Mike lifted Kizzy up into the air and kissed her hard on the lips. Everyone in the café applauded at the romantic scene, enjoying the feeling of warmth that one gets when one sees true love being expressed. “We can invite your parents now,” said Mike, “and we don’t have to worry about people finding out because we really are in love!”

  “This makes me so fucking happy, Mike,” said Kizzy. She kissed him three times in quick succession and then held him tight. “Okay listen to me.”

  “Yeah?” asked Mike, looking at her intently.

  “I think we can safely say that we are official now,” said Kizzy. “We are going to get married and everything. So what I wanted to ask you is… do you want to head back to your hotel and fuck each other’s brains out?”

  Mike threw his head back and laughed. “Fuck yes,” said Mike. “That is all I want to do right now. Let’s go.”

  They headed back to the hotel, barely able to contain their excitement about what had just happened.

  As soon as they entered the room, they were at each other. Mike had pushed Kizzy onto the bed and pushed her shirt up. Kizzy was passionately kissing Mike, enjoying the feel of his tongue, enjoying the feel of his lips. He tasted so fucking good. The way someone is supposed to taste when you love them.

  She stroked Mike’s crotch and moaned when she felt how rock hard he already was. She pulled him close and said, “I want you to hold me down and fucking come inside me. Pound your fucking come into me.”

  Mike grabbed her by the neck and pushed her into the bed. “You want it like that?” he said, his voice taking on a far more visceral and primal tone than it usually adopted. “Is that how you fucking want it?”

  “Yeah!” Kizzy moaned, “Just like that baby, give it to me just like that. That’s how I fucking want it all the time.”

  Mike did not deign to unclothe Kizzy fully. All he did was pull her pants off along with her panties and spread her legs open. Once she was there, ready for him to take her in any way he liked, he rammed his cock into her. He did not care to make her wet this time, she was to take it the way he wanted her to take it. She was his, and Kizzy did not want it any other way at all.

  Mike held her down, his hand on her mouth as he thrust deeper and deeper into her. Once he reached the deepest point of her, he held his cock there, pushing it in with all his might, and looked her in the eye, with her hands held together and her mouth covered, Kizzy was completely powerless.

  “This is where I am going to come,” he moaned into her ear. “Do you fucking understand? Nod.”

  Kizzy nodded. There was no option for her, it was the hottest experience of her life. He had asked her to nod, and that was exactly what she did for him.

  Mike let go of her hands and Kizzy immediately took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him. She was holding on to him as if for dear life as he pounded himself into her. No two people had ever been as intimately connected as these two, and as they edged closer to their ultimate goal of climaxing at the same time they felt their passion increase ever more.

  “Love me,” she moaned. “Love me just like that. That’s all I want, baby, that’s all I need.”

  “Just from me,” said Mike. “Say you want it just from me, baby.”

  “Just from you,” said Kizzy. “I want it just from you, I swear to god.”

  “That’s my girl,” said Mike. “I want to do this to just you, I swear. Just you, baby.”

  “Oh my fucking God, just like that!” Kizzy screamed. “I’m going to come, I’m going to fucking come so fucking hard I can’t fucking take it!”

  Kizzy raked her nails across Mike’s back as she came. Her orgasm destroyed her, ended every aspect of her consciousness. Only pleasure remained within her, the intense pleasure that came with finally getting what you had been craving for so very long. She was almost complete.

  “Please fill me up,” said Kizzy. “I need it, I need your come inside me all the fucking time… it’s been too long, I can’t take it anymore… Please, baby? Please can I have you inside me? Please…”

  “Of course my love,” said Mike. “Take it. Take it now!”

  Mike began fucking her even harder, and finally when he came he bit her neck hard. It was going to leave a mark, but Kizzy would honestly not have it any other way at all. She wanted to be marked as his, both inside and out.

  “That’s it,” she cooed into his ear, “fill me up just like that, as hard as you want baby, that’s what I’m here for…”

  “Oh my fucking God,” said Mike. He was shaking. Kizzy stroked his back, kissing him on the forehead and lips.

  Mike pulled out and practically collapsed next to Kizzy. He held her tight and said, “I love you more than anything. I don’t ever want to lose you as a part of my life. Promise me you’re mine, and I will promise you that I am yours.”

  “I promise that I am yours,” said Kizzy, “and I promise that I don’t want to be anyone else’s. I am going to stay yours.”

  “I promise that I am just yours too,” said Mike. They held each other and went to sleep. Nothing else in the world mattered right now. They just needed each other, and that was all.

  Chapter 13

  Everything went extremely smooth after the proposal. After the weddi
ng was planned and things were sorted out, Kizzy and Mike started to plan their lives together. However, with everything there was going on, they realized that they had an opportunity to make both of their lives immensely better.

  “I have an idea,” said Kizzy. “We can do something together.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Mike.

  “I mean that we can collaborate,” said Kizzy. “After all, you are going to sell off your shares. And the great thing is that you don’t have to worry about your parents feeling like you have cheated them because you and I are going to stay married. So when you sell off your shares and start your business, you can become the CTO and I can become the CEO.”

  “That actually sounds like a really good idea,” said Mike.

  “But I think we should discuss money beforehand,” said Kizzy.

  “I agree,” said Mike. “Money is the kind of thing that ruins the greatest of marriages, so we should make sure that we have everything in order so that we can simply enjoy ourselves with what we have and rely on our game plan to push us through past the final stage.”

  “Okay,” said Kizzy. “So I have an idea about how we are going to sort money out.”

  “How is that?” asked Mike.

  “Look, you are starting the company, the investment is yours,” said Kizzy. “You can be a sole proprietor, of course, but I think it makes legal sense to split ownership a little. You should give ten percent of the company to me, conditional to the fact that I stay with the company. That will make sure that I do not use it to go anywhere else.”

  “That’s true,” said Mike. “We trust each other completely, but when we go to investors we are going to need stuff like this to convince them that everything we are going is entirely above board and legal.”

  “Exactly,” said Kizzy. “So ten percent to me, ninety to you. And we can earn our salaries as well from our respective positions.”


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