Angels Among Us
Page 32
Reznik collapsed onto the floor, sitting in front of the picture, and let herself tremble with the excess of adrenalin surging through her system. Seren put her hand on Reznik's shoulder.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Oh sure. We're trained to act and not fall apart until after the danger passes.” She laughed shakily. “Whew!”
“I'm glad you took to your training so well,” said Seren.
“I'm glad you're not one of those stupid people who stop to ask ‘Why?’ when someone says, ‘RUN!'”
“I was already creeped out, anyway,” said Seren. “The reason I came after you in the first place was that I felt you were in danger.”
“Good instincts! Hang on to her, Daffyd—and listen up when her intuition yells,” said Reznik.
Daffyd had helped Seren to her feet and still had a hand resting on her shoulder. Reznik grinned up at him and Seren moved a step closer to lean against him.
During this exchange, Rapsim had been consulting the multi. He turned troubled eyes to Reznik, who had looked again at the creature in the painting and was just turning to glare at the Kerialdan. Rapsim was opening his mouth to tell her something when she spoke.
“That's Randarma, isn't it?” she said in a controlled voice. Rapsim nodded unhappily. “RAPSIM BA SHARAVAL, you sent me to RANDARMA? What were you thinking?”
“I'm so sorry, Gerri,” he said. “I couldn't get an accurate reading on what planet it was until just now. The signature said our reality, the painting suggested a human colony ... it looked promising.” He looked miserably upset. “Gerri, I would never have let you go through, if I had known. You know that.”
She did, too. Besides, he was calling her ‘Gerri', which he almost never did. The incident had shaken him badly. “I know, Rap. Anyway, the time is wrong there. That had to have been just before we got there a few years ago. I found ... parts upstairs.” She shuddered. Rapsim looked revolted.
“Am I being impertinent when I ask if you care to let us in on what just happened?” came Daffyd's dry tones. Seren nodded. They stared at the other two. Daffyd had picked Devany up and had pressed her face into his shoulder and neck so she wouldn't see the thing in the painting.
“Sorry,” said Reznik. “It's just.... “She puffed out a breath that fluttered her bangs. “Long story. Okay. Some years ago, a colony of humans from several worlds, settled on a planet in the Muran sector. They picked an area that the scout ships had said looked promising, dug up the native vegetation, planted crops and grass and trees ... all that good stuff, and made a life there.” She exchanged a quick glance with Rapsim, then continued. “So, there they were, building homes, businesses, raising crops and livestock and children. It was a lot like any small town in the early twentieth century U.S.
“Of course, they were in contact with the Recruits. We're kind of the glue that holds the colonies together. Then, they didn't check in for a week or more, and the last ship that had stopped there also lost contact.” She looked at Rapsim again. “Do you want to tell this part?”
He shook his head. “No, Rez, you're doing fine.”
She took a deep breath. “We were sent to investigate. Number One thought it was probably a commsat problem. We didn't know about those things.” She gestured with her thumb over her shoulder at the toothsome face in the foreground of the picture. “I didn't recognize the store because I didn't get there. Lucky me, I was in the group that searched the school house.” Her face twisted in remembered horror. “It was one of my first Missions. Only a few colonists had survived, and only by luck and circumstance. The school had no survivors.... “Her voice trailed off.
“Oh, Gerri,” Seren breathed. She examined the creature behind Reznik's shoulder. Her vivid imagination painted hideous pictures of the things a pack of those fierce-looking things could do to a room of helpless children. She felt nauseated. She glanced up at Daffyd. His expression said that his imagination was at least as strong as hers.
Reznik looked back at the picture, and then scrambled backwards away from it, making a sound of revulsion in her throat. Rapsim put a hand on her shoulder.
“What is it?” His gaze followed hers. On the floor below the painting, taloned claws twitched spasmodically. The creature's front paw had been neatly severed when Rapsim had closed the Portal. He squatted and peered more closely at the thing on the floor. It resembled a raccoon's little hand, with nimble-looking digits, but with long, wickedly curved claws.
“Pass me a paintbrush, someone,” said Rapsim, holding out a hand. Seren looked around, took a brush from one of the jars and put it into the waiting hand. Rapsim held it by the bristle end and pressed the other into the palm area of the amputated paw. The digits spasmed and closed around the brush, causing everyone to jump. One of the toes moved again, and where the curved underside contacted the wood, a long sliver peeled off the brush.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Seren. “The claws are sharp the whole length?”
“Oh yes,” said Rapsim. “Like little sabres.” He, too, had been part of that Mission, and he vividly remembered seeing what those claws could do. Wooden doors, plaster walls, even solid logs couldn't stop them for long. Poured concrete slowed them some; steel was better because the shrill sound it gave off as they gouged into it was shrill enough to hurt their ears, and they soon stopped.
“We've got to get rid of it before it hurts someone. Is there a box or a jar or something?” Rapsim looked around.
Seren dumped the rest of the brushes out of the big glass jar and gave it to Rapsim. He put it on its side and, using the brush, deftly flicked the abomination into the bottle. He stood the jar upright. The hideous thing inside twitched once and was still.
Daffyd picked up the jar. He had given Devany to Seren, who settled her comfortably on a hip, as she had done with all her own children when they were little. “I'll just take this downstairs and burn it,” said Daffyd, looking at it with distaste.
“That's a capital idea,” said Rapsim. “Perhaps we should all come down. I think we'd all like to see it destroyed.” He picked up the painting. “This, too, I think. I shudder to think what might happen should someone unprepared go there.”
Silently they trooped down to the kitchen. Daffyd soon had the fire roaring. He opened the whole top of the firebox, and emptied the jar into the leaping flames. An unpleasant odor assailed their nostrils. Devany made a choking sound and coughed.
Rapsim came forward with the painting. He set it in the stove to burn. As the fire licked hungrily at the frame and then the canvas, eagerly tasting this new morsel, unearthly howls and shrieks filled the room, seeming to come from nowhere in particular, and everywhere at once. The sounds lasted only seconds, but left everyone covered with gooseflesh, the hair on the napes of their necks standing on end.
“What the high holy hell was that?” exclaimed Reznik, not really expecting an answer.
“Hasn't this been fun?” said Seren with great sarcasm. “Golly, gosh, darn, gee. I just want to run right upstairs and try this again! Don't you?” She scrubbed her face with her hands.
Daffyd and Devany stared at her as if she had gone mad. Neither was overly familiar with this brand of black humor, and both thought she was serious.
“She's being ironic,” said Reznik. “Saying the opposite of what she really means. Don't worry. It's just something we do in our world to stay sane.” She smiled reassuringly. “As for myself, I want to know why the multi didn't say what world it was until way too late!”
Rapsim looked unhappy. “I'd like to know that myself, Rez. Perhaps the next time, I should go through, and you maintain the Portal.”
“Maybe.” She started clearing the table. “Let's tidy up, make some lunch, recover and try again. You said the Recruits know Devany's world. Maybe we can contact them from there.”
He nodded his agreement. “But later, as you said.”
They worked quickly to clean up and put together a hasty meal. Rapsim identified cans of soup in the pantry, and w
hile Daffyd heated that, Seren made grilled cheese sandwiches. They sat around the table, eating and thinking.
“Seren,” said Rapsim, breaking the silence. “How did you know Rez was in danger?”
“I don't know, Rap,” she replied. She sipped at her soup. “I guess ... I don't ... arrgghhh,” she growled. “Let me start again. Ever since I was, oh, maybe eleven or twelve ... thereabouts ... I've had ‘flashes'. Premonitions. They've never been anything real specif.... “Her dream flitted through her mind and she stumbled over her words. “Spe-speci-cific. Just feelings when a friend needed to talk, or when something bad was going to happen. Occasionally, I ‘see’ good things coming, but more often the bad.”
Rapsim nodded solemnly. “When we get home, would you agree to psi-testing from the Recruits? It sounds like you have a natural Ability. I'd like to find out, even if you don't want training or anything. It would be interesting to know.”
“Rap, if you get us home, I'll agree to any damn testing you want! It'll be the least I can do for you.” She reached across the table and patted his hand. He grinned in response and the general mood lifted.
“Wonderful! Thank you. Daffyd, Rez is right. Hold on to this woman and listen to her instincts.” He chuckled.
“I intend to hold on to her,” said Daffyd quietly. “As long as I can.” His pulse rate increased. He had never imagined he would ever hear himself say those words, or any remotely like them, openly in front of other people. He saw the smiling approval on Reznik's and Rapsim's faces, and turned to Seren. She took his hand, kissed it, and replaced it on the table.
“Back atcha, Daffyd,” she said.
Reznik translated for him, “She means she intends to hang on to you, too.” Daffyd smiled, looking pleased.
“What's going to happen to me?” Devany piped up suddenly.
Seren put an arm around the narrow shoulders. “How would you like to come home with Daffyd and me?”
“Yes, please,” Devany replied, looking past Seren to Daffyd. “It's acceptable?”
They laughed. “Yes, Devany. It's very acceptable.” Daffyd reached behind Seren to pat Devany's back. “We both want you, baby.” As he straightened, he let his arm circle Seren's waist for a moment. She smiled at him, realizing what a big step this was for him. Rapsim nodded his agreement with their plan.
“So, then,” he said. “Shall we try again?” They all exchanged glances, wondering how this would turn out. Then they trooped back upstairs.
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* * *
Mykal replayed the scene over and over. He was dismayed. The interference signature was subtle, but clear, once discovered. Somehow, the Portal had been manipulated without his being aware of it. They should have teleported through to a colony near the station the two Recruits had been at. From there, it would have been a matter of moments before transport could be arranged. However, they had entered a proscribed world, and almost been killed.
Dommi approached, drawn by the near-black streak in Mykal's aura. Trouble? he queried.
Certain, came the unhappy reply. Interference, but so sly! Look! Mykal showed Seren and Reznik's headlong flight from the store into the billboard, and their narrow escape from the ravener at their heels, to Dommi. I was unaware of the substitution, Mykal admitted miserably. What else might have the Destructive Ones done?
Dommi's aura shimmered. The possibilities are endless, he said solemnly. However, it seems this attempt failed because of that one—the one you did not intend to use. Perhaps this combination is more powerful because of her. All you can do now is watch, and perhaps nudge a tiny bit. Everything you had intended is working. The pair have bonded with each other and the child. All is as according to your plan. I have confidence in you, Mykal. You have chosen good subjects and the project is worthy.
Mykal's aura flashed green-gold with pleasure. I am gratified to hear it. I was uncertain.
Whatever else happens, you have brought healing to the female. She has let herself feel love for another again. Deep, strong and real. And he has not allowed himself this strength of caring since he was very young. Look at him ... all of him. You see?
Mykal studied Daffyd's life, and noted the two instances Dommi indicated. I do, yes.
Look at him now. What do you see?
Joy at her presence, at her existence. He would be happy now merely knowing she lives. He has given up a great darkness at the thought of spending his life with her.
Precisely. You have helped him lose that bleak emptiness. And the child, too, benefits. See her happiness in their wanting her. I think this has been quite the exercise for you. Bring it to a safe conclusion, Mykal, and you will doubtless move up a level.
Thank you, Dommi. Mykal was awed by his superior's praise. Dommi seldom made remarks like this to anyone. He was pleased that he had apparently chosen wisely.
'Make the multiverse a better place in some way’ had seemed a simple enough instruction, but it had proved much harder than he had anticipated. He returned his attention to the ‘present'.
* * * *
“Do you think you'll be able to contact the Recruits from Devany's world?” asked Seren. They stood in a loose cluster, looking at the paintings again.
“We might be able to hail a patrol, if one's in the area. The multi might be able to contact that reality's Recruit Headquarters, but I'm not certain I can keep the Portal open from the other side. I'm hesitant to put the multi through. If it doesn't work from over there, we'd be stuck, and possibly in worse trouble than we are right here.”
Daffyd looked at the forest picture. “If you can arrange transport from Devany's world...” he paused, thinking. “Is there a chance I could return to my reality briefly? I would like to put some of my affairs in order.”
“I don't see why not,” said Rapsim.
“Can I see Nanny512 and say goodbye?” asked Devany suddenly. She turned enormous eyes on the adults.
“I don't know yet, Devany,” said Rapsim. “Perhaps. But we don't want anything to happen to you. We don't want Nanny512 making you stay there.”
“I know. But she was very good to me. She might wonder if I'm all right. I would like her to know that I'm going to live somewhere different now.” Her little face looked troubled.
“I'll go through again, Rap,” said Reznik. “Maybe I can track down this Nanny person and then you can send Devany to me on the rope. If Nanny makes a grab for her, Daffyd yanks Devany to safety. What do you say?” She looked down at her partner.
“It could work,” he said slowly. He opened the Portal to Devany's reality.
Reznik prepared to step through. “Here I go into the turnip field, or whatever it is,” she said. “Too bad we can't get closer to the building.” She hesitated when Rapsim groaned and slapped his forehead. “What's your major malfunction, Rap?”
“Rez! I'm so stupid!” He thumbed the controls and the picture slid sideways before zooming in on the complex.
“Gee, Rap, that's handy,” said Reznik, watching the walls looming ever nearer. “This little trick might have been useful earlier.” She said dryly.
“I know. I didn't think of trying to scan while the Portal was open. This type is new to me, too,” he said, somewhat defensively.
“It's okay, Rap. It might have been worse if you'd scanned into the room where the raveners were, and they jumped through before we knew what they were.” She glanced meaningfully at Devany. Rapsim nodded. It didn't bear considering. He beckoned to the little girl.
“Look, Devany. Can you give me directions to get to where Nanny512 usually is?” he asked her.
She studied the scene in front of her. The frame seemed to be panning slowly through the courtyards, drifting through solid walls in a disorienting fashion. Suddenly she gasped and Rapsim paused. They were looking at the sports field where Devany had been just before being teleported. A group of children were going through their paces. Devany recognized the others from her Section. Deep in her m
ind, a voice whispered, Home! Before anyone could stop her, she tumbled through, landing in the mud beneath the rings.
Unseen, unheard, Blagdur and Graz sniggered and watched.
“Oh, shit!” exclaimed Reznik. Daffyd's outstretched hand grasped empty air where he had just missed Devany's shirt. They all stared in dismay at the little girl, watching her scramble to her feet and look around.
Devany gasped for breath. She had felt for a moment as if she had had no air. She rose to her feet and stared at her surroundings. There was no sign of Daffyd or the others. She was back where she had been several days ago. She wondered if she had hit her head and it had all been a strange dream. The other children weren't reacting to her reappearance; perhaps she had never really been gone. Even the Sports Supervisor showed no surprise. Devany was confused and disoriented. She wanted Seren and Daffyd. Even if they were only dream people, she felt safe and secure with them. She also felt something she had no word for. She had never been taught about being loved, and had no idea that was how she felt. All she knew was that she felt warm inside when they were near.
The Sports Supervisor called for the activity to end and rounded the children up to return them to their Nanny. Devany took her accustomed place, and the line moved obediently along.
Rapsim followed her progress as closely as he dared. He kept the focus moving with her, just above her head. Seren, Daffyd and Reznik were all crowded near, each ready to lunge through to grab her if any danger seemed to threaten.
The children filed into their large room and sat at their study areas, ready to take up their lessons. Devany stood uncertainly in the middle of the room. Her desk was no longer in its old spot. She realized that Seren and Daffyd and the others were real; she had not dreamed it all. She hoped they were still watching her. She just wanted to see Nanny512, say goodbye and go back to her new people.
Nanny512 entered the room. When she saw Devany standing there, she stopped and stared. Her mind whirled, considering outcomes and horrified by most of them. She made a silencing gesture to the child, who obeyed. Nanny512 quickly set the other children to their next task, before turning to Devany.