Angels Among Us
Page 33
“Come with me,” she said calmly, although her heart was hammering in her chest. She led Devany to the adjoining dormitory.
“Where have you been?” she asked.
“I don't know how to explain,” said Devany. “I've been in another world. It's not like here, and there were other people—Seren and Daffyd and Reznik and Rapsim. Seren and Daffyd want me to go with them, but I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”
Nanny512 frowned. “You must have dreamed it, Devany. There is no other world.” Even as the words left her lips, she suspected that she might be wrong.
“Then where was I?” Devany asked reasonably. “I wasn't here sleeping, because you wouldn't have taken my desk away. I was gone, wasn't I?”
Nanny512 did not want to do anything to fuel the child's imagination, but neither did she want to lie. “Yes. You were gone. But, Devany, how did you get back?”
“Rapsim found Portals, and one of them was to here. They're probably watching right now.” She looked around. “Daffyd? Seren? Are you there?”
Nanny512 looked around in confusion. Then a hand appeared in mid-air near Devany's shoulder. A moment later, the head and shoulders of a young woman in an almost military-looking uniform appeared.
“Right here, kiddo,” said Reznik. She had been the first to react when they had read Devany's lips. Daffyd had a firm grip on Reznik's belt, while Seren held her legs.
Nanny512's mind did a quick recalculation. She said to Reznik, “Is it true? Are you from another world? Do these people exist, and do they really want Devany?”
“Yes, yes and yes. They want to make a family together, with Seren's other children.”
“She will be cared for? She'll have opportunities to learn whatever she loves, to use her mind, her imagination? Without fear?” Nanny512's face held shifting emotions: hope, fear, disbelief and hope again.
“Yes. Absolutely she will. Seren and Daffyd love her to pieces.”
“Then take her now! Quickly! Before Security comes.” She turned to Devany. “I had a family, when I was little, Devany. Just like the one you're going to. I hope you'll be happy there. I love you, Devany.” She hugged the little girl, to Devany's amazement.
“Goodbye, Nanny512. You were always so good to me! I won't forget you.” The outer door opened, and hurrying booted feet made loud sounds across the large room. Nanny512 lifted Devany into Reznik's waiting arms. “Hurry! Go!” she hissed.
Daffyd was already pulling Reznik back through the Portal. The Security detail burst in just in time to see Nanny512 relinquish her grip on the child. One of the guards rushed forward and seized Devany's heel. Her foot vanished into nothingness, his hand with it. He seemed to be struggling, then his hand was flung back. He reached forward immediately. His fingertips faded and he shrieked, pulling his arm back in agony. The end of his middle finger had been neatly severed, leaving a bloodless wound. He stared at the white bone surrounded by red flesh, and fainted.
The Captain of the detail turned to Nanny512. “You assisted an Escape,” he said emotionlessly. “You know the penalty.” He raised his weapon and fired once. Nanny512's body crumpled lifelessly to the floor. The Captain spoke into a transmitter in the wall, calling for a Removal Team. He looked at the empty room, and put the incident out of his mind. He sent three of his men to take the children to another area so they would not see the Removal and wonder. The wounded man was told to report to the Infirmary.
Moments later, Removal arrived. The corpse was put on a gurney and covered with a sheet. As it was rolled away, one of the Team mopped the blood from the floor. Soon, all was as it had been. The Captain dismissed his detail, and went upstairs to report to the Section Head.
Devany felt again that moment of breathlessness, and was back with her new ‘family'. A hand was clinging to her foot and Seren was busy prying the fingers free. She threw the hand back forcibly through the open Portal and Rapsim closed it hastily. A half-centimeter of black glove with a fingertip inside it fell into the room. Reznik deftly pocketed it before Devany saw. It would be tossed into the fire later.
“Now what?” said Seren. “They're going to be on the lookout for us, or her, anyway. Should we go back into the field until you can contact the Recruits?”
Rapsim shook his head. “The field is too open. We'd be spotted right away.” He sighed. “We'll keep trying.”
Daffyd spoke, so quietly that Rapsim almost missed his words.
“Can you open that one and look around?” He pointed to the forest. Seren was busy checking Devany, and missed the exchange.
“Certainly. May I ask why?”
“It looks familiar to me.” His brow furrowed. “You said it's my world. There are some things I would like to tend to before I go home with Seren. But I want to know exactly where that is first. Can we get a look at the house?”
Rapsim activated the Portal to Daffyd's universe. Seren looked up from Devany. It took a moment for her to understand what she was seeing.
“NO!” she screamed, and grabbed Daffyd's arm. He turned and looked at her. “Don't go! Oh, Daffyd—please, please don't go there!”
“I'm just looking right now, Seren,” he reassured her, taking her hand. “But I might have to.”
“NO!” She clung to his hand with both of hers. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her panicked heart. “Daffyd—you can't. Please trust me on this.” She stared into his face. “Please.”
He stroked her cheek, starting to feel more comfortable showing affection for her in front of these friends. “I want to see the house, Seren. I'll decide then.” He did not yet have the courage to kiss her in public, but when she moved close and put her arms about him, he made no attempt to disengage.
They looked at the painting. Rapsim had waited patiently during Seren's outburst, and now he moved the controls, zigzagging through the woods. The house, barely glimpsed before, came into view. Daffyd chuckled with relief. The others looked at him curiously. He regarded Seren, lifted her chin with a finger.
“It's all right, Seren. There's no danger there for me,” he smiled into her eyes. “It's my sister's getaway cottage. I have a key. I'll let myself in, do what I have to do and be right back.”
Seren shook her head stubbornly. “No, Daffyd. There is huge danger there. I feel it. You ... can't ... go.”
“I have to, Seren. I won't be long.”
“NO!” She pulled from his grasp and almost ran from the room. Daffyd hesitated for a heartbeat and followed her. Reznik held Devany and watched the pair leave.
“Let them work it out, baby,” she said. Rapsim continued to examine the scene. Finally, he closed the Portal, focussed on the front porch of the cabin. He looked at Reznik.
“If he goes through, we should put a rope on him. Seren's instincts are very good. Something there bodes ill for him. We'll have to be extra careful.”
Reznik nodded her agreement.
The Destructive Ones grinned in anticipation. This would be easier than they had thought.
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* * *
Seren was furiously pacing the floor of the bedroom when Daffyd entered. She whirled on him, eyes blazing with anger.
“You stubborn, stupid, arrogant man!” she shouted at him. Tears brimmed in her eyes. “I can't believe I let myself fall in love with you—I'm even more stupid than you are! I hate this! I hate you! Go, then! Go get yourself killed—see if I care!” Her fists clenched and she half-raised them.
He felt her words slice to his core like a knife. He knew she didn't mean them. He hoped she didn't mean them, but, oh! how they hurt. For a moment, he debated whether to leave and go through the Portal, or to try to explain his reasons. He wavered. He wanted to walk—to run—away from the hurt he knew she was capable of inflicting on him. Instead, he stepped closer, gripped her upper arms. She went rigid in his hands, and tried to twist away.
“Let me go!” she snarled.
“No, Seren,” his voice was qu
iet, gentle. She closed her eyes, caught in a maelstrom of anger, fear and love. She wanted to feel nothing, to be immune from hurt forever. If she could just not care about him, then his death wouldn't devastate her. She feigned a coldness she didn't feel, and looked into his face.
The hurt and loneliness she saw there undid her resolve. Tears rolled silently down her face.
“Why, Daffyd?” she whispered. “What is so important you have to risk your life?”
“My family,” he said simply.
She looked at him questioningly.
“I want them to know I'm all right. I want to prepare them for what's coming.” His hands moved up her arms and cupped her face. “I want to provide for them.”
“I don't understand,” she said. “Provide what? How?”
“I want to give Rhiannon power over my estate,” he said. “When someone goes missing, all their assets are held until it can be assumed they have died. That means until their eightieth birthday. I don't want them to have to wait for twenty-two years to have the use of my money, my properties.”
“That's a long time,” she agreed. “And I understand you want them to know you're safe, but Daffyd....”
“I have to try,” he interrupted. “All I have to do is contact my lawyer, get him to put it all under Rhiannon's control; the houses, the apartments, cars, money, everything.” He smiled crookedly. “I'm worth a lot, Seren. I can give them access to enough money to keep them for the rest of their lives, to do whatever they want.”
She stared at him, trying to take it all in. He had told them he was famous and in great demand. She had never thought of what it meant in monetary terms. Money had no relevance in their current situation. She wondered if he would be happy living in her modest home. She was moderately wealthy, herself, but he was talking of houses and apartments in plural terms. She had to ask.
“I never gave it any thought, Daffyd. May I ask how much we're talking about?”
“Millions. Quite a few.” He smiled down into her eyes.
“Millions?” she said in a small voice. “You've got millions and you want to give it up to be with me?” She stared into his face. His little smile warmed her heart.
“It's only money, Seren. It can't buy me this.” He touched his lips to her cheek, then her mouth.
“I love you,” she said softly, kissing him back. She put her arms around him and pressed her face against his chest. “I'm so scared for you, though.”
“I know you are,” he told her. “But I have to try. It'll mean so much to so many people.”
She nodded, her face still pressed to him. “I know. Now.” She moved closer, her entire body touching his. She kissed his throat. The feeling of impending danger was strong and she knew she might never hold him like this again. “Love me before you go,” she murmured into his neck.
“Now?” He was startled, almost shocked.
“Yes. Now.” Her lips traveled up his neck to the corner of his jaw, her tongue making darting forays as she went. His mind rebelled at the thought of having sex in broad daylight, especially when there were other people in the house, ones who might come looking for them at any moment. His body, however, was responding to her nibbling kisses.
“I need to, Daffyd.” She looked into his eyes. “I need you.”
He ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her tenderly. She untucked his T-shirt and slid her hands under it, stroking the smooth skin on his back. He sighed into her mouth, tasted her tongue. She pushed the shirt up his body, and he ducked to help her take it off. Her hands caressed his chest, ran softly over him, exploring. He pulled her shirt over her head, knowing she wore nothing underneath. He smiled into her eyes, and his hands cupped her breasts, thumbs lightly teasing the erect nipples.
A soft moan escaped her lips, and a surge of desire flooded her belly. She stepped back away from him, her eyes never leaving his face. She undid the zipper of her jeans and pushed them, and her panties, down her hips. She stood naked in front of him. He caught his breath. Her body was womanly, full breasted, sweetly curved at hip and waist. She held her hands out to him.
He moved toward her, almost dreamily, half not believing this was happening. Seren's hands unbuttoned his pants. When she had undressed him, she stood close, her fingers lightly stroking his erection. He whispered her name. She put an arm around his waist and pressed herself as closely to him as she could. She kissed him deeply, all her love and need for him expressed in her questing mouth. His held her tightly and kissed her with all the passion and love his big heart was capable of.
“I love you so much,” she said to him. He gazed into her lovely eyes. He kissed her cheeks, her eyes, and her lips.
“You're the most incredible woman,” he said, his eyes smiling at her. “I want to love you like this for the rest of my life. Every day.”
“Every day?” She smiled playfully, and touched his face with her fingertips.
“Every day,” he affirmed, and chuckled at the expression on her face. “Assuming I don't have a heart attack from it.”
She laughed into his chest. “You're silly, and wonderful, and I love being with you.” She led him to the bed and drew him down beside her on it. They lay together, quietly exploring and touching each other, as if it were their first time.
“I don't ever want to let you go,” she whispered. “Daffyd, I'm so scared, so scared!” The fear threatened to rise up and devour her.
“I'm right here, Seren,” he kissed her, caressed her, pressed himself to her. She fought the terror by focusing on the feel of his hands on her body, the taste of his kisses.
Neither of them heard the discreet knock on the door, nor realized that Reznik had peeked in, wondering what was keeping them. She hastily, quietly withdrew when she saw their reflection in the dresser mirror. She returned to Rapsim and told him they would probably be delayed a while. He nodded, his mind on what to try next after Daffyd visited his world. Reznik took Devany out to play on the tricycle and the tire swing. The little girl was finding it easier and easier to play outside, especially with Reznik. While Devany played, Reznik cast a quick glance at the bedroom window. She assumed Seren and Daffyd wouldn't be reappearing anytime very soon.
They, meantime, were losing themselves in each other. He stared into her dark eyes. “I never thought I would ever feel like this,” he told her in a quiet voice. “I never believed I would ever meet a woman who would love me like you do. I've wanted you all my life, Seren.”
“I know, love. I've wanted this all my life.” She wrapped him in her arms and even twined a leg over his. “This incredible feeling ... I can't describe it. It's passion, and love ... but so much more. I need you. I need to have you in my life, Daffyd. I want to wake up beside you every morning, and share my life with you.”
“I want that, too, Seren. More than anything.” He rose up on an elbow, and she rolled away from him, onto her back. She touched his face. He moved over her, her thighs opening for him, her arms circling his waist. She cried out in pleasure as he entered her, and a sound of inexpressible joy came from deep in his throat. They clung to each other, bodies moving in slow rhythm, the tempo increasing as they strove to join as tightly, as deeply as possible. Pleasure overwhelmed her, and she arched against him, quivering and calling his name. He thrust deeper into her, his own release fast approaching. When it came, he felt as if his very life was flowing into her. He crushed her to his chest, and breathed her name.
For long moments, they held each other, still joined, hearts beating wildly, ragged breathing slowly returning to normal. He kissed her shoulder, her neck, and he smiled tenderly.
“Do you know how much I need you?” he asked.
She slipped her arms around his neck and looked into the blue eyes. She sighed in deep contentment. “I need you, too. More than I can tell you.” A cloud passed across her features. “Daffyd, sweet love, be careful. I couldn't bear to lose you now.”
“I'll be fine, Seren. You won't lose me so easily.” He moved to lie besid
e her, not wanting her to have to bear his considerable weight any longer, and cuddled her close. Her hand trailed across his chest and abdomen. She kissed him softly.
“I suppose we should go back to Rap and Rez,” she said. “I'd rather stay here with you, but they'll be wondering what happened to us.”
“I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you like this,” he said. “But, waking up beside you every morning is a good start.”
She looked into his face and dimpled impishly. “Make love like this every night?”
“Absolutely. Barring that heart attack thing.” They smiled, and gazed at each other for long moments. Neither wanted this time to end, and Seren's heart was heavy with dread. She had the horrible and unshakable feeling this wasn't the start of something incredible, but the end. She touched him everywhere, filling her hands, her heart, her mind, with him. Unshed tears burned her throat, but she refused to make things more difficult for him.
Finally, they rose and dressed. Before they opened the door, Seren put her arms around him one more time. He held her and kissed her hair.
“I love you, Seren,” he told her. “Sweet, incredible, lovely Seren. It'll be all right. I'll be careful, I promise. I'll be back with you before you know it. You'll see.”
They returned to the art room. Rapsim was still there, and when he saw them, he summoned Reznik sub vocally. She acknowledged him and called Devany.
“Let's go, kiddo,” she said. “Time to check out Daffyd's world.”
Devany jumped off the tricycle. It toppled onto its side in the driveway. She paused to set it upright, but Reznik called again. “Just leave it for now, Devany. We better scoot.” She left it where it lay, and ran to join the Recruit. They hurried into the house and up the stairs.
Reznik grinned at Seren and Daffyd when she entered the room. Seren's eyes met hers, and Reznik winked knowingly. Seren saw the knowledge in the younger woman's face, and she flushed, embarrassed. Reznik gave her a cheerful thumbs-up sign, which made Seren smile. The men completely missed the communication between the two women, being focussed on the picture of Rhiannon's cabin. Rapsim opened the Portal. Daffyd prepared to step through.