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Angels, Etty’s interest in
Anglican faith
Animal Kingdom (Cuvier)
ancestry of
benevolence to
breeding of domestic
common nature with man
conscience of
diseases shared between humans and
feelings of
kindness to
life and death within natural order
likes and dislikes in
pain and suffering of
psychological distinctions between humans and
treatment of
use of objects for a purpose
Ankardine House Academy
Anthropological Society, reading of paper by Wallace at
Antimonial wine
Apes. See also Chimpanzees; Gorillas; Orang-utans
Emma’s comments
and thinkers before CD,
and the “vast chain of being,”
Archbishop of Canterbury
Archer’s Royal Kent & Foley Arms Hotel
Argyll, Duke of
Arnold, Matthew
Arrow worms
Athanasian Creed
Athenaeum Club
Atkinson, Henry
Autobiography (Darwin)
Aveling, Dr. Edward
Babbage, Charles
facial expressions of
natural history of
Balsam bottle
Baptist principles
in British Museum
from New South Wales
Bartlett, Abraham
Basket, Fuegia, visit to London
Beagle, HMS
CD joins (1831)
CD’s health
CD’s notebooks
CD’s solitude
CD studies sea creatures under microscope
collection of specimens
Fuegians on board
in South Africa
in Tahiti
in Tierra del Fuego
Beard, Richard
daguerreotype studio of
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beeton, Mrs., Book of Household Management
Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen
Bell, Sir Charles
Bible. See also New Testament; Old Testament
Bilious fever
“Biological Sketch of an Infant, A” (Darwin)
Bird Talisman, The
Birks, Elizabeth
Birks, Frances
Blake, William
Body, and mind
Bonehill, Delphine
Book of Household Management (Beeton)
Book of the Seasons, The (Howitt)
Boy’s Country Book, The (Howitt)
of man-like apes
and mind
Breastfeeding practices
Bristol & Birmingham Railway
British and Foreign School Society
British India
British Museum
barnacles preserved in
Darwin’s access to
Mammalian Gallery of
Broderip, William
Brodie, Jessie (children’s nurse)
Bessy Harding and
decision to retire following Annie’s death
employment by William Thackeray
gift of pocketbook to Annie
notebook made for Annie
nursing of Annie by
Thackeray family and
trip to Malvern
Bromley Record
Bromley Station
Brontë, Charlotte
Brooks, Emily
Brooks, Keziah
Brooks, William
Brougham, Lord
Browning, Robert
Bryan, Mrs. (teacher)
Büchner, Ludwig
Buckland, William
Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward
The Last Days of Pompeii
“Researchers into the Natural History of Limpets,”
Bunyan, John, Pilgrim’s Progress
Button, Jemmy, visit to London
Cambridge, Museum of Zoology in
Cambridge University, Darwin’s receipt of honorary degree from
Canary, Darwin’s purchase of, for Annie
Cape Verde Islands
Carlyle, Jane
Carlyle, Thomas
Sartor Resartus
Carpenter, W. B., Principles of Human Physiology
Carter, James
Carter, Mrs.
Catechism for Children and Young Persons
Catholic Apostolic Church
Catophragmus polymerus
Chambers, Robert
Vestiges of the National History of Creation
Chapters on Mental Physiology (Holland)
Chartism (Carlyle)
Chester Terrace
chloroform for
death in
Child labor, Josiah Wedgwood II testimony on, before parliamentary committee
Darwin on young
infectious diseases in
mortality in
Chimes, The
exhibit of, at Zoological Gardens
Rousseau and Monboddo on
Chloride of Lime
Chloroform for childbirth
Chonos Islands
Chopin, Frédéric
Christian Aspects of Faith and Duty (Taylor)
Christian Herald
Christian Remembrance
Christian Revelation
Darwin on
evidence of
Christ’s College
Church of Christ
Church of England
Clairvoyance, Gully’s belief in
Clark, Sir James
Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption
Claudet, Paul
daguerreotype of Willy by
portrait studio of
Clementi, M.
Clinnick, Misses
Co-adaptation between parasites and hosts
Coates, Mr. (surgeon)
Cobwebs to Catch Flies
Cohn, Ferdinand
Coleridge, Hartley
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Comfort, Joseph
Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Comparative anatomy
Complete Servant, The
Confessions of the English Opium Eater (De Quincey)
water treatment for
Conversations on Natural Philosophy (Marcet)
Conversations on Optics (Marcet)
Conversations on Political Economy (Marcet)
Cotton, Richard
Covington, Syms (servant)
shell collection sent to Darwin by
Cowper, William
“Winter Walk at Noon,”
Crookes, William, interest in psychic force
Cruikshank, George, the Punch cartoonistr />
Crystal Palace at Sydenham
display of mounted guerrilla at
Cuvier, Baron
Animal Kingdom
Dancing lessons
Dancocks, Mr.
Darwin, Amy (née Ruck; CD’s daughter-in-law)
Darwin, Annie
birth of
Brodie’s gift of pocketbook to
Charles memorial of
Charles’ memories of
Charles’ observations on
Charles’ purchase of canary for
on Charles’ water treatments
childhood illnesses of
childhood of
christening of
Christian faith of
consultation with James Gully about treatment for
dancing lessons for
death of
diary of
Dr. Holland’s care of, in London
education of
Emma’s difficulties in caring for
formation of Friendly Club and
friendship with Cecily and Effie
funeral and burial of
garden of
grave of
handwriting of
hydrotherapy for
illness of
interest in water treatment
ladybirds of
letters written by
in Malvern
move to Down House
need for schoolroom
notebooks of
nursing of, by Brodie and Bessy Harding
official record of death
personality of
portrait of
at Ramsgate
reading instruction for
reading interests of
sewing interests of
shell collection of
smile of
storybooks of
tombstone for grave of
trip to Malvern
understanding of death by
visit in London
visits to poor
visits with Wedgwood cousins
visit to Knole
walks with father
wet nurse for
writing case of
writing in mother’s diary by
Darwin, Bernard (CD’s grandson)
Darwin, Caroline (later Wedgwood’s eldest sister)
Annie’s death and
Annie’s visits with
christening of daughter Sophy
death of baby
education of
reading instruction to children by
Darwin, Catherine (later Langton; CD’s younger sister)
on memory
Darwin, Charles Robert
access to British Museum
acute sense of how others might judge him
almanac writings of
ambition of
anger over cruelty to animals
Annie’s death and
Annie’s last days in Malvern and
on Annie’s smile
barnacle study by
Beagle notes of
Beagle specimen collections by
on beneficence
Bernard (grandson) and
birth of children and
boyhood of
burial of, in Westminster Abbey
care of children by
caricatures of
Catherine Thorley assistance of
charitable contributions of
on Christian Revelation
chronic illness of
closeness to Emma
complaints on travel by
concern about boys’ future
contributions to natural science
correspondence with FitzRoy
correspondence with Fox
correspondence with Henslow
correspondence with Hooker
correspondence with Lyell
correspondence with Wallace
courtship of Emma by
daughter Annie and
death of
death of Charles Waring and
death of Mary Eleanor
decision to continue water treatment on own
on development of moral sense
diary of
discontinuation of water therapy
discussions with Hooker
as doting father
doubts of, on religion
at Down House
drawings of
education of
on education of children
Emma’s care of
Etty’s editorial criticism of writing by
explorations of quarries by
fear of financial crisis
feelings for Annie
as Fellow of the Zoological Society
field trip with Sedgwick to North Wales
finances of
on First Cause
Fuegians and
fundraising and
on geological expedition to Wales
gift of photographic apparatus to Willy
Gray and
Henry James’ description of
Henslow’s befriending of
Herschel and
on his children’s childhood
during HMS Beagle voyage
holiday to Lake District
honorary degree from Cambridge University
Hooker and
hope that Emma would humanise him
on human awareness
on human feelings
on human nature
on human origins
Hume’s influence on
Huxley and
hydrotherapy for
improved health of