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inability to concentrate
on infants and young children
interest in birds’ nests
interest in facial expressions
interest in Great Exhibition
interest in materialism
interest in mental disorders
interest in natural history
interest in plant shoots
interest in séances
introspection by
knowledge of disease
knowledge of the tropics
lack of knowledge on brain
liberal upbringing and values of
life, in London
life on HMS Beagle
lip service to Christian beliefs in published writings
in Malvern
on manifestation
on man’s place in nature
on marriage
medical studies of
memoir for children by
memorial of Annie by
memories of Annie
memories of his children
metaphysical inquiries of
on morality
move to Down House
musical interests of
on natural and human life
on natural history of mankind
on natural selection
nervous tics in
notebooks of
observation and note-taking as second nature to
observations on children
on the origin of species
painful void between Emma and
on parental affection
pigeons of
plant experiments of
purchase of canary for Annie by
purchase of entomological box for Willy
reading interests and selections of
reading to Annie by
on reasoning
recognition of, in village
refusal to talk about Annie
rejection of natural theology
relationship with children
religious doubts of
respect for, in scientific circles
reticence of
return to London after Beagle voyage
scientific work of
seasickness on HMS Beagle
as secretary of Geological Society
servants of
on serviceable associated habits
Snow Wedgwood and
on social instincts
species theory of
specimen collection interests of
stay at Shrewsbury
on strength of heredity
study of barnacles sent from New South Wales
on suffering
on survival of the fittest
on sympathy
talks with father on marriage and religion
on taxonomy
theories of
thoughts and worries of
on transmutation
travels with FitzRoy
trip to Ramsgate
on value of memory
visits to Josiah Wedgwood
visits to Zoological Gardens
visits with Erasmus (brother)
visit to Syms Covington
walks of, on Sandwalk
walks with Annie
wealth of
wedding to Emma
on William Erasmus
work as naturalist
Darwin, Charles Robert, thinkings. See also Instinct; Pain and suffering; Sympathy
Darwin, Charles Robert, writings
“A Biological Sketch of an Infant,”
The Descent of Man
The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms
Geological Observations on South America
The Origin of Species
Responsibility in Mental Disease The Variation of Animals and Plants Under
The Voyage of the Beagle
Darwin, Charles Waring (1856-1858) (CD’s sixth son)
birth of
death of
Down’s syndrome in
Willy’s photograph of
Darwin, Elizabeth (1847-1928) (Betty; CD’s fourth daughter)
birth of
childhood of
nervous tics in
Darwin, Emma (née Wedgwood; CD’s wife)
Annie’s death and
Annie’s final illness and
birth of children
birth of grandchild
“book of extracts,”
care of Charles by
care of children by
Catherine Thorley’s correspondence with, over Annie
Charles’ courtship of
closeness to Charles
concerns of, over Charles’ doubts on religion
correspondence with Aunt Jessie
correspondence with Fanny (sister-in-law)
correspondence with Jessie Simondi
daughter Annie and
death of
death of Charles and
death of Mary Eleanor
diary of
easygoing nature of
education of
on education of children
feelings for Annie
“galloping tune” of
grandchildren and
grief for Annie
handwriting of
hiring of governess by
as hostess
illness of
keepsakes of Annie
lack of interest in Charles’ work
last years of
lending library run for village children
letters from Charles to, on Annie’s last days
letter to George on Sophy
life in London
in Malvern
management of household by
on manifestation
move to Down House
musical interests of
nonconcern of, about neatness
painful void between Charles and
pregnancies of
reading interests and selections of
refusal to talk of Annie
religious beliefs of
reticence of
on séances
search for Annie’s grave
as Sunday school teacher
thoughts and worries of
trip to Ramsgate
visits to deserving poor
wedding to Charles
Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1812) (CD’s grandfather)
interest in Rousseau
opium use and
Darwin, Erasmus Alvey (1804-1881) (“Ras”; CD’s older brother)
Annie’s last illness and death and
arrangement for séance by
death of
drawings made by
reading interests of
religious beliefs of
tickets for hippopotamus exhibit
tuberculosis damage to lung of
use of opium by
visits of Charles with
visits with
Darwin, Francis (CD’s third son)
assistance of father with botanical observations
childhood memories of
childhood of
death of father and
drawings of, on walls of summer house
on father’s work habits
memories of father
Darwin, George (1845-1912) (CD’s second son)
birth of
childhood illnesses of
childhood memories of
childhood of
Down House
drawings of, on walls of summer house
education of
Fanny Allen on
in Malvern
visit to G
reat Exhibition and Zoological Gardens by
Darwin, Gwen (later Raverat; CD’s granddaughter)
childhood of
memories of
Darwin, Henrietta (Etty) (later Litchfield; CD’s third daughter)
after Annie’s death
assistance with pigeons
assistance with The Descent of Man
birth of
as Charles’ daily companion
childhood illnesses of
childhood memories of
childhood of
concern about being good
concerns over Annie
correspondence with mother
death of father and
diptheria in
editorial criticism of father’s writings by
education of
effect of Annie’s death on
Emma’s gift of Annie’s playthings to
Emma’s reading to
on father
on father’s water treatments
on G. H. Lewes
handwriting of
interest in angels
lending library run by mother and
memories of Jessie Brodie
on Miss Thorley
naming of, after “Trotty Veck” in The Chimes
portrait of
at Ramsgate
at Rugby School
shell collection of
sun picture of
trip to Malvern
visit in London
visits to poor
visits with Wedgwood cousins
visit to Great Exhibition and Zoological Gardens by
wintering in Cannes
Darwin, Horace (CD’s fifth son)
birth of
chronic stomach complaint in
hiring of wet nurse for
Darwin, Leonard (CD’s fourth son)
birth of
childhood memories of
scarlet fever in
visits with Wedgwood cousins
Darwin, Margaret (later Keynes; CD’s granddaughter)
Darwin, Mary Eleanor (CD’s second daughter)
birth of
death of
Darwin, Maud (née Du Puy; George’s wife)
Darwin, Robert (CD’s father)
death of
on mental breakdowns
provision of medical care by
on son
talks between son and on marriage and religion
Darwin, Susan (CD’s elder sister)
education of
on memory of
scarlet fever in
Darwin, Susannah (née Wedgwood; CD’s mother)
Darwin, William Erasmus (Willy; CD’s eldest son)
Annie’s death and
birth of
breastfeeding of
Charles’ observations of
childhood illnesses of
childhood of
daguerreotype of
education of
lodging of, with Mr. Wharton
memories of
moved to Down House
need for schoolroom
photographic interests of
portrait of
purchases of entomological box for
reading instruction for
at Rugby School
summer vacation for
understanding of death by
visit in London
visits with Wedgwood cousins
Darwin’s Dissecting Microscope
Davies, Jane (cook)
Daydy (cook)
in childbirth
of children
disease and
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
Dementia, in Elizabeth Wedgwood
De Quincey, Thomas, Confessions of the English Opium Eater
Descent of Man, The (Darwin)
Dialogues Concerning National Religion (Hume)
Dickens, Charles
Hard Times
Nicholas Nickleby
Disease. See also Individual illnesses
alcohol in drugs blamed
in animals
incidence of severe illness in humans
inheritance of
and natural theology
the prevalent illnesses
Disraeli, Benjamin, Vivian Grey
Divine intervention
Domestic staff
Donkey Exchange
Double consciousness
Doudet, Celestine
Down, John Langdon
Darwin house in
life in the village of
postal service between Malvern and
Downe Chapel
Downe Women’s Institute
Down House, Downe, Kent
Annie’s garden
building works
CD builds a pigeon house
CD’s study
the Darwins move to
Emma’s decision about the furniture
Emma’s summer visits
the grounds
Henry James visits
the nursery
Sandwalk (CD’s “thinking path”)
Down Lodge
Down’s syndrome
Dripping sheet
Drug diseases
Du Chaillu, Paul, Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa
Du Puy, Ella
Du Puy, Maud
Earl’s Daughter, The (Sewell)
Earthen Vessel, The
Eastern Life, Present and Past (Martineau)
Eastlake, Lady
Edgeworth, Maria