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Popular Tales
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
Edinburgh, Royal Infirmary in
Edinburgh Review
Edinburgh University, Darwin’s medical studies at
Edmonston, John
Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom, The (Darwin)
Eliot, George
Adam Bede
Scenes of Clerical Life
Silas Marner
on sympathy as key to religion of humanity
Eliot, T. S., The Waste Land
Emile (Rousseau)
Emmigrant’s Manual, The
Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Hume)
Entomological box
Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus)
Eternal punishment, Christian doctrine of
Etruria works (Staffordshire)
Euston Arch
Euston Station
Evangelical movement
Evenings at the Microscope (Gosse)
Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature (Huxley)
Evidence of design and beneficence, Darwin’s desire to see
Evidence of the Genuineness of the Gospels (Norton)
as an endless unfolding
by branching descent
CD discusses with Hooker
CD starts to think about
and geological change
of humans from animal ancestors
and the infant
by natural selection
and population growth
by sexual selection
Excursion, The (Wordsworth)
Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa (Du Chaillu)
Expression of the Motions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin)
Extinction: the fossil record
Eye, design of
Fabre, Jean-Henri, Souvenirs entomologiques
Facial expressions
Fancourt, Mr., lessons for Willy by
Farr, William
Abstracts of Causes of Death in England and Wales
as Compiler of Abstracts for the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages
“ledgers of death,”
Father and Son (Gosse)
Fervent Prayer (Oxenden)
First Cause, Darwin on
Fitzgerald, Edward
Charles’ travels with
Fitzherbert, Mrs.
FitzRoy, Robert (1805-1865)
as captain of HMS Beagle
Darwin’s correspondence with
on slave ownership
Flora Antarctica
Foley Arms
Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms, The (Darwin)
Forster, E. M.
Forster, Laura
Fox, Louisa, death from scarlet fever
Fox, William Darwin
Darwin’s correspondence with
Darwin’s search for Annie’s grave and,
death of daughter, Louisa, from scarlet fever
death of first wife in childbirth
on location of Annie’s grave
Free theology
Free will
Friendly Club, formation of
Galapagos finches, importance of
Galapagos Islands
species on
specimens collected from
Galton, Francis
on séances
Gardeners Chronicle, The
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Genetics, inbreeding
Geneviève (Lamartine)
Geological eras
Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, The (Lyell)
Geological Observations on South America (Darwin)
Geological Society of London
Darwin as secretary of
presentation of medal to Owen
Sedwick as president of
Whewell as president of
Whewell’s speech at, on moral sense
CD attends Sedgwick’s lectures at Cambridge
CD discusses with Lyell
CD educates his children
CD’s observation while on HMS Beagle
and the Creation
Henslow encourages CD’s interest
and natural theology
nature of
observable processes
and time
George and Dragon
George IV,
German Higher Criticism
Germ theory of infection
Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Gladstone, Jessie
Gladstone, William
CD on grounds for belief in
and CD’s agnosticism
CD’s concern about a remote God
character of
the eye as a proof of his existence
and moral sense
and the origin of life
pain and suffering
and the salvation message
Godwin, William
compared with man
first specimen in England
Gospel narratives
Gosse, Edmund, Father and Son
Gosse, Philip
Evenings at the Microscope
Tenby, a Sea-side Holiday
Gould, John
Graefenberg, water cure offered at
Grant, Robert
Gray, Asa
Great Exhibition (1851)
opening of, in London
Wedgwood display at
Griffiths, John
Guide to the Lakes (Wordsworth)
Gully, James
Annie’s death and
belief in clairvoyance
Charles’ thoughts of resuming water treatment under
consultation about therapy for Annie
on consumption
formation of Spiritual Athenaeum by
instructions on water treatment
last days of Annie and
The Water Cure in Chronic Disease
water treatment of Annie and
water treatment of Charles and
Hallam, Henry
Halliwell, James, The Nursery Rhymes of England
Handel, George Frederick
Harding, Bessy (nursemaid)
nursing of Annie by
Hard Times (Dickens)
Harrow Weald
Hartley, David
Heaven Opened; or Messages for the Bereaved from Our Little Ones in Glory
Hemmings, Henry (servant)
Hemmings, Martha (servant)
Henslow, John
befriending of Darwin by
Darwin’s correspondence with
Hereford Mail
Hereford Queen
Herne, Mr.
Herschel, John
Darwin and
Darwin’s letter to, on his health
on natural selection
Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
High Elms
Hillier, Henry
Hippocampus minor
Hippopotamus (Obaysch) exhibit at Zoological Gardens
History of Rationalism (Lecky)
History of the Hebrew Monarchy (Newman)
Holland, Dr. Henry
attendance at Annie’s Birth
Chapters on Mental Physiology
on fever
on natural history of mankind
visits of Annie to
Holy Scripture
Home, Daniel Dunglas
formation of Spiritual Athenaeum by
Hominids, fossil
/> Homo sapiens
Hooker, Charlie
Hooker, Sir Joseph
becomes CD’s closest and most trusted friend
CD advises to seek treatment
CD upset by his letter
collects plants in India
death of his daughter
the difficulties of distinguishing species
discusses evolution with CD,
at Down House
Flora Antarctica
looks to CD for sympathy
presents CD and Wallace’s paper
sympathy on Erasmus’s death
Hooker, Maria, death of
Hooker, Sir William
Hooker, William, scarlet fever in
Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest
Howitt, Mary
Howitt, William
The Book of the Seasons
The Boy’s Country Book
How to Observe Morals and Manners (Martineau)
Human awareness, Darwin on
Human feelings, Darwin on
Human nature
and animal nature
Atkinson’s views
CD challenges the thinking of the age
CD shows his interest in
and CD’s species theory
emergence of
and Jenny the orang
the roots of
Wordsworth’s underlying theme
diseases shared between animals and
distinction between apes and
instincts in
psychological distinctions between animals and
Hume, David
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
on human understanding
Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
moral philosophy of
on moral sense
Natural History Evolution
philosophical doubts of
on social virtues
on sympathy
theories of
Treatise of Human Nature
Hunt, Leigh
Huxley, Thomas
on anatomical issues
death of daughter from scarlet fever
Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature
on evolution
on human origins
on jellyfish
lecture of, at Royal Institution
“monkey book” of
for Annie
for Charles
Hymns for Infant minds (Taylor and Taylor)
Ibla (genus)
Illustrated London News, The
Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa (Smith)
CD on
Sedgwick on
Inbreeding, genetics and
Index, The
Industrial Revolution
Infants, Darwin on
Infectious diseases in children
In Memoriam (Tennyson)
Innes, Mr. (vicar in Downe)
Innocents’ Day
Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers (Abercrombie)
Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (Hume)
inheritance of
and reason
Introspection, Darwin’s use of
Irvine, Harriet (wet nurse)
Irving, Ann
Irving, Edward
Irving, Susy
James, Henry
Jenny (orang-utan)
death of
exhibit of, at Zoological Gardens
Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd., Etruria works, Staffordshire
chained slave cameo
Frank Wedgwood manages
Josiah III’s attitude
Kant, Immanuel, on origin of the sense of duty
Kensington Gardens
beaches of
Down House in
Kentish North Downs
Kentish Weald
Keynes, John Neville
Khasi Hills
Kingsley, Charles
genealogy of man and
The Water Babies
Knole, visit to
Koch, Robert
on bacteria
Ladybirds, Etty’s
Laissez-faire attitude toward undeserving poor
Lamark, Jean-Baptiste
Lamartine, Alphonse de, Geneviève
Lamb’s Bazaar
Lamprotornis Burchellii
Langton, Charles (brother-in-law)
on Annie
consumption in
Langton, Charlotte Wedgwood (1792-1862) (Emma’s sister)
Last Days of Pompeii, The (Bulwer-Lytton)
Law of succession
Lecky, William, History of Rationalism
Leech, Joseph
Three Weeks in Wet Sheets, Being the Diary and Doings of a Moist Visitor to Malvern
on water treatment
Lees, Edwin
Leith Hill Place
Les Causes célèbres de tous les peuples
Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature and Development (Martineau)
Lettington, Henry
Lewes, G. H.
Lewis, John