Book Read Free

Deborah Hockney

Page 15

by Jocasta's Gift

  Then she became aware of David’s voice, reading from the inscription on the wall, his words quiet but not unclear, yet undeniably mocking.

  ‘Noble and brave? In life and in truth?’ He looked from Will to Jocasta, and then at the empty lectern where Ed had been standing. David turned back to Delilah, with a look of righteous indignation. ‘Not from where I’m standing.’

  Delilah, who had heard every word, turned slowly to face David, her eyes dark with rage. Like a door closing, all sounds shut off. Very calmly, and with great deliberation, she stepped towards David, drew back her hand and slapped him, hard, across the face. The force of the blow sent his glasses skittering to the ground.

  As David stooped to retrieve his glasses, one side of his face an angry red, Will forced the lectern to one side and rushed towards Delilah. But before he was even halfway across the space, a dozen Nabilat hands were grabbing at him, restraining him, while his arms and legs flailed hopelessly: and around him the Gathering Room erupted in angry shouts and cries.

  Shocked and confused, Jocasta was aware of someone leading her, through the pandemonium to the other side of the room. They slipped behind a curtain; and the soft long fingered hand of Bella enclosed hers in an urgent grip. This way, she motioned, letting her hand go free.

  Jocasta followed Bella through another door and along a narrow, poorly lit corridor, her mind numbed by the events that she had just witnessed. For some reason she didn’t feel afraid, implicitly trusting the young woman who walked so lightly and smiled so brightly: she made Jocasta feel calm and reassured.

  Eventually she found her voice and whispered to her companion, ‘What’s happening? Won’t they notice I’ve gone?’

  Bella raised a ringed finger to her lips in a motion to impress quietness on Jocasta. She heard Bella’s voice echoing in her head, ‘All will be revealed soon enough, now please just trust me.’

  Eventually they arrived at a small yet inviting room, which Jocasta knew instinctively, belonged to Bella. She watched Bella move quickly from cupboard to cupboard, obviously searching for something. Eventually she brought forth a small vial and added a couple of drops to a tumbler of liquid.

  ‘Drink this,’ she urged Jocasta aloud. ‘It will give you rest and close your mind to the others, so you’ll remain safe.’

  Jocasta hesitated momentarily, but intuitively knew that this was what she needed to do. She swallowed the sweet-tasting liquid down in a few gulps. Placing the tumbler on a small table, she looked around for somewhere to sit. Bella indicated the bed and told her to lie down while she went in search of the others.

  Jocasta shook off her boots and allowed Bella to cover her with a soft fleece blanket. She just had time, before exhaustion overcame her and her eyes closed involuntarily, to see Bella slip from the room. She heard a click as the lock was sealed from the outside.

  For the first time since their capture she felt relaxed and safe and let the sleeping potion work its way into her mind and body to a state of blissful oblivion.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Will had no idea how events would turn out when he had enlisted his friends into this adventure. Sure, he had been concerned about entering the ‘forbidden’ city but he had figured that once inside he would have been able to explain why they had come. He guessed they’d be met with a little hostility, but he’d assumed they’d be welcomed once he made it clear they were no threat…

  What a mistake that was. For some reason he had always assumed he would be able to talk or charm his way out of every situation; and yet this time, on the most important mission of his life he’d failed. It wasn’t very often that Will felt vulnerable and perhaps slightly naïve but he certainly did now. He’d landed himself, and worst of all his friends, if they would continue to regard themselves as that (which, he felt was an entirely questionable matter) in the most dangerous of situations. He wasn’t sure how he was going to escape, let alone resume his life with his reputation intact: if he was ever going to manage it at all.

  The only thing he could see that was in his favour was the fact that he was being regarded as some sort of deliverer of a hostage; although strangely he still felt like one himself.

  He’d watched Ed being led away with a sense of outrage and increasing guilt. Of course he hadn’t known that he’d been escorting the son of a despised Elite official – if he had known, he would like to think that he would have refused to bring Ed along. His main purpose had been to find out what had happened to his mother all those years ago. And he’d made very little progress on that account. Having been made to wait in that room and then mind probed without a chance to ask questions had seemed humiliating but now for a moment he was left to consider his fate. The jeering and cheering of the Nabilats as Ed was led away still echoed in his head. He could almost smell their animosity and it frightened him. What were they planning to do with Ed and the rest of them? He tried to peer through the group of Nabilats who stood between him and Delilah to catch a glimpse of Jocasta or David but he couldn’t see either of them, and then he noticed with a strange pang in his heart that both their places were empty.

  And then he was being bustled away by two of the leaders who guided him, a firm grip on his shoulder, into a small ante-room, Delilah and her escort following a short distance behind.

  ‘Well Will,’ she smiled encouragingly, entering the room behind him, as though there was no animosity between them. Will refused to respond in kind. Delilah settled herself comfortably onto a low, padded chair. ‘How clever of you to bring the young Weisz to us! In return, we have the information I believe you require.’

  ‘And what information might that be?’ Will snapped back, feeling as though he was being used as a pawn in some inter-Mars city chess game.

  ‘Oh I think you know,’ Delilah replied languidly. Slowly and deliberately, placing her hands on the arms of the chair, she rose to her feet, where she stood a good ten centimetres taller than the others in the room. ‘I believe you want to know what happened to your mother.’ She paused to gaze intently down into Will’s eyes. ‘Here. On Mars.’

  ‘Or perhaps you know and have just come to see where she died.’ Her voice trailed off as she turned deliberately away, waiting for Will’s reaction.

  ‘So it was here.’ The question in his voice hung in the air.

  ‘Oh yes.’ Delilah turned back. ‘I can show you the exact spot and tell you all the details. Anything you want to know. But first I have a question for you.

  ‘What do you hope to achieve by knowing this information? Will it bring you happiness? I think not. Might you seek revenge? Maybe. Possibly you’ll rest more easily at night… unlikely.’

  ‘What is it, young man, that you are really looking for?’ Her final words were edged with an angry sadness, an exasperation of someone who had too much responsibility and didn’t want yet another’s troubles to add to the dozens she faced everyday.

  Will was confounded.

  ‘I don’t know what I’m looking for. Just the truth, I suppose.’

  ‘The truth is not always easy to hear.’ This was not Delilah speaking, but a voice behind her, startling Will; he’d not been aware of another presence entering the room.

  ‘But if you’re sure that’s what you need to hear,’ the voice continued in a slow and measured tone, ‘I am willing to give you that knowledge.’

  Will nodded his agreement, unable to speak.

  ‘Leave us, please.’ The authority in the voice was unmistakable and the others, even Delilah, made to leave the room silently.

  ‘Wait!’ Will called out. ‘What about the others? Jocasta and David, and–’ He stopped himself from saying Ed’s name, as he though he might not even want an answer to what was going to happen to Ed. ‘What’s going to happen to them?’

  ‘All will be revealed,’ the person spoke softly this time, its eyes hidden, its whole body shrouded in a cloak, seemingly hunched in on itself, its form indistinguishable.

  ‘Please sit,’ the being indicated a cha
ir. ‘I expect you are wondering who, or what, I am.’

  Will shrugged his shoulders indifferently. It didn’t matter to him – all he wanted was to learn the truth about his mother and to find a way to escape this place without putting his friends in any further danger.

  Ignoring Will’s snub; slowly, deliberately, it began to speak.

  ‘Twelve, maybe thirteen earth years ago when you were about two, your mother was visiting Mars in her capacity as a research excavationist, and made a discovery. A discovery about her first child, and also, this place. Unfortunately her sense of infallibility’ – here he paused, ‘a gene I see you have inherited – cost her dearly.’

  ‘My mother had another child?’ Will’s question was spoken before he had time to think.

  ‘Yes, but I think she probably didn’t develop her maternal instincts until she had you… Now let me continue if you still wish to know the whole story.’

  Will nodded, becoming quiet. As the being slumped into one of the high backed chairs, the hooded cloak parted momentarily, and Will caught a glimpse of a prominent forehead and unshaven jaw line.

  ‘Your mother discovered that an experiment, involving genetic mutilation, had been carried out on individuals living on Mars. Some had given their permission, others had not. Some, who had ‘the gift’ and others without it.’ The being paused for a moment to make sure Will understood.

  ‘You know what I mean by the gift, don’t you Will?’

  ‘Sure, but there are several types of them, aren’t there? Different to each person and not all the same level. I know Casta and David have them and I don’t.’ He couldn’t betray the slight bitterness in his voice.

  ‘We all have special talents Will, each and everyone of us. And yes you are right; they are all as different as each individual. Your talents,’ it continued, ‘are just as impressive, you just choose not to see it, at this moment. Yet we digress. I believe we were talking about your mother: to you… the most important person in the universe? That is why you are here, no?’

  The being carried on.

  ‘Unfortunately some of these experiments went badly wrong and people became too powerful or too aggressive, unable to reintegrate into normal society. Because these experiments had been carried out illegally, Earth could not be expected to take care of them, and so this first,’ he opened his arms as if to embrace the surroundings, ‘and abandoned city, became our prison.’

  ‘Some were put here to look after the others: the more powerful, or dangerous, had to be locked up; others sent to be their keepers. Some are here just because they refuse to let their powers be used by the Elite. Your mother, rather like yourself, was a born explorer, adventurer and seeker of the truth. She found out about the city being used as a life prison and came out here to the see the conditions, wanting to help. More importantly to her, she learnt that her daughter had been banished here too. She was warned not to come but obviously she did not heed that advice and, therefore, paid the price.’

  ‘But how did she die?’ Will’s voice quavered with emotion.

  ‘Quite unnecessarily, I’m afraid. She entered the city rather like yourselves with a copy of the opening mechanism. Obviously we didn’t realise that she had left prototype plans in her personal belongings, left to you. But the guards didn’t believe she had come to help. They saw her as an intruder sent by the Elite and attacked her before she had time to explain. Her injuries shouldn’t have been life threatening, but our resources for medical intervention are limited.’

  ‘But didn’t anyone come to help her?’ interjected Will.

  ‘We sent a message for help to the Elite but they refused to acknowledge her. We managed to stabilise her and kept her alive for as long as we could. I got to know her quite well in those few days before she died. She talked about you, Will; and she also got to meet her daughter’.

  He paused, waiting a few seconds to allow the words to sink in.

  ‘I’m here because I chose to be. I was part of the Elite. I carried out the experiments. I am guilty. The Nabilats tolerate me – or Lab Rats, as they were once known. They tolerate me because I still have abilities to help them. As you can see from my body I am no longer fully human. Experiments on myself.

  But I have no power to influence their decisions. I forfeited that with my post. I cannot influence – nor would I wish to. They have let me talk to you because they believe in truth about all things. But even after all these years they still seek revenge and freedom to leave this place. That is why they commend you for leading Weisz’s boy here. It is through him that they shall seek their revenge.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  With a click the door opened. Jocasta, awakened by the sound, turned with alarm towards the noise.

  But it was Bella and David who entered the room. Jocasta blinked open her eyes trying to focus her vision and thoughts. Momentarily her mind was blank and she feared that she couldn’t remember where she was or what had happened.

  Bella’s voice echoed in her head. ‘It’s okay. Just the potion’s effects. You’ll be fine in a couple of minutes.’ Jocasta remained supine on the bed trying to understand what was really happening. Bella was collecting bits and pieces together in a small holdall, while David looked on, his face ashen in the barely lit room. Bella passed him a drink, and smiled kindly. ‘Just a tonic,’ she mouthed. ‘No drugs or potions, but it will help calm you.’

  David obediently sipped the drink until it was all gone. Then he turned to Jocasta.

  ‘So glad you’re safe.’ His voice whispered so quietly she could hardly make out his words, leaning forward she clasped his hand and swung her legs round to plant her feet into her waiting boots.

  ‘What’s happened? How long have I been asleep?’ Slowly the events of the day took shape in her memory. David looked towards Bella waiting for her to speak first.

  ‘Ed’s been taken to the safe room… cell, I suppose you’d call it,’ Bella spoke deliberately, ‘and some of the Nabilats want to kill him; revenge for what has happened in the past, others are saying to keep him hostage and use as a bartering position to ensure their freedom. But I fear the worst and somehow we must rescue him.’ The urgency in her voice silenced further questions except one.

  ‘What about Will?’ Jocasta’s voice sounded calmer than she felt.

  ‘Will is safe, for now anyway. He’s been interviewed by the counsel, but it’s Ed we have to worry about. I know how angry these Nabilats are, they’ve waited a long time for a chance to escape.’

  Escape from what? Jocasta wanted to know but decided the time wasn’t right for that question.

  ‘Are you fit to move?’ Bella enquired, a fleeting smile lighting up her face momentarily. Jocasta nodded as David asked:

  ‘How are we going to get to Ed past the guards and what then?’

  ‘I have ways and means,’ Bella replied simply. ‘But you have to do exactly as I say or we’ll all end up as prisoners.’

  She handed them the air masks they’d worn on entering the city. Jocasta and David obediently took them, not even questioning how Bella had obtained them.

  Leaving the comfort and security of Bella’s room, Jocasta felt anxiety begin to gnaw at her empty stomach, a sensation which increased with every step as they retraced their way back towards the Gathering Hall. The corridors were almost completely dark but Bella had no difficulty leading them quickly towards their destination. Just before they reached the entrance to the Hall they turned left down an obscured passageway and could hear voices murmuring in the distance.

  Jocasta’s pulse quickened and the fear rose in her chest. She and David had not dared breathe a word to each other but now she reached out for his hand, needing the reassurance of someone familiar. He squeezed her fingers tightly and then released her hand as they felt their way along the rough walls.

  The voices were becoming louder and it seemed like an argument was taking place.

  ‘I say we cut off a finger and send it through the Jamin tubes to prove who we hav
e hostage here.’

  ‘Or one of those pretty eyes,’ another voice chipped in, sounding a lot like Murf.

  ‘Why don’t we just kill him, and be done with it?’

  ‘They’re not going to give into our demands are they? It’s all a waste of time.’

  ‘Kill the boy, send a message. That’ll let the Elite,’ he said the word will obvious contempt, ‘know what we’re willing to do for freedom. He’ll turn out another proper fanatic, like his father.’

  Bella motioned for Jocasta and David to stay where they were and to cover their nose and mouth with the face masks. Then she disappeared around the corner to confront the men.

  ‘Hey guys,’ she spoke in her softest, sweetest voice. ‘What’s going on here? Grumbling over the hostage? I’m sure Delilah and the others have worked out a fool-proof plan. Anyhow I’ve been sent to escort him back to the interrogation room. So if you don’t mind please release him to me. I have special bonds to keep him captive. Here, see?’

  She held open her bag for them to inspect. With an alarming hiss a strange odour filled the air and the men fell heavily to the ground as Bella released a gas that overpowered them instantly.

  She checked the filter across her nostrils before quickly tapping the security code into the controls and allowing the door to swish open.

  She called to David and Jocasta to come and assist her. ‘But remember to keep your masks on,’ she reminded them. ‘The gas will remain potent for a few minutes. You’ll have enough residual air in the pack to keep you breathing.’

  Ed was secured behind a see through panel.

  While David and Jocasta struggled to drag in the heavy bodies of the three watchers, Bella tried to release the panel. In the end she gave up and smashed it with a strange looking tool which she had taken from the holdall. She pushed a mask towards Ed’s face, which he grabbed and stepped through the jagged opening.

  ‘Quickly we have to hurry!’ Bella said, slamming the door shut. ‘The alarm’ll have alerted them by now. Follow me.’ They ran swiftly behind Bella to the Gathering Hall, not daring to hope that they might make an easy escape.


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