Book Read Free

Deborah Hockney

Page 16

by Jocasta's Gift

  Once in the middle of the hall they realised too late their mistake. The curtains moved menacingly around the room.

  ‘Stay close.’ Bella’s urgent voice repeated the words that had entered their minds a second before. ‘I’ll need you close if I’m to protect us all.’

  Suddenly they found themselves bathed in a strange aura of light; Bella had raised her arm to shoulder level and was holding a tiny device in her hand. Its beam shone out and her eyes glowed with an iridescent light. She was shielding them with the power of her mind and body. It looked nothing more than a circle of light on the ground, the edge indistinct and blurred.

  ‘Hand them over, Bella. These younglings are our means to freedom.’

  Delilah spoke calmly enough but there was a hint of anger in her voice. ‘You know we deserve our freedom. You most of all of us must long to experience what that would mean. Brought up in this place, in captivity – don’t you wish to taste the free air of Earth, our homeland?’

  ‘This is my home –Mars is my planet!’ Bella retorted. ‘And yes I long to be able to visit the cities and explore its surface but not at the expense of others. Not like this.’

  ‘Then you give us no choice. You can give them up or become one of them. Your shield won’t last long. You drain yourself protecting them. Please Bella,’ Delilah implored. ‘This is the only way.’

  Jocasta could sense the shimmering light slacken momentarily, but Bella’s lilac eyes shone bright with protection. Lilac eyes… Jocasta thought. There was something familiar about them.

  ‘Send for Goth!’ Delilah screamed in rage. ‘He can break her!’

  ‘No need, I’m here,’ said a disconcertingly calm voice. ‘Bella, as my student is strong, but not as powerful as her teacher. This won’t take long.’ He strode to the centre of the room, legs apart, hands joined behind his back, his long black hair fitted at the nape of his neck in an elaborate metal clasp.

  His green eyes flashed around the room for them all to see.

  Murf, who couldn’t apparently contain his anticipation any longer, cried, ‘Go for it, Goth!’ which resulted in Mex giving him a sharp dig in the ribs with her pointy elbow.

  And then Goth descended on his victim: his student. Matching her power from three metres. He took a step forward; and Jocasta thought that she saw the aura shiver slightly backwards.

  Goth took another step; two metres away, and Bella’s fingers twitched, her shoulders tightened. Another step, one metre away, but still Bella did not yield.

  The edge of the circle of light on the ground was now as sharp as a knife blade, the light’s intensity growing hot on Jocasta’s skin. Bella’s shield of light protecting them. She seemed inspired by the challenge, a smile almost forming in the corners of her mouth.

  But Jocasta realised fearfully Bella wouldn’t be able to maintain it for ever, and then what would happen to them? They were all mesmerised by the silent battle of wills raging between them.

  Then after a few moments, Goth leant back on his heels and took a few steps away from them. The aura shifted once more, the light spreading out in front of Bella’s feet, retracting slightly around the others. She exhaled a little, her hands resting at her sides. Goth turned his face away from his student, as if he had lost interest in this particular game; then he flexed his wrists, and began to circle them. His pace was slow and menacing; Jocasta felt the hairs on her neck rise as he passed behind her.

  He paused to the left of Bella, who watched him carefully, but did not turn to face him, too intent on the light that was keeping him out. He stepped close, so close that a ripple of light ran in front of him, dust motes dancing in the air. He stepped back once more, his head on one side, musing and thoughtful. His eyes still intent on hers.

  Then quicker than Jocasta could register, Goth flicked a forearm in front of his face and, in that movement Bella’s focus shifted just for a nanosecond: but it was enough. The light faltered and their defences were down.

  Bella fell to the floor, her face white, her energies drained, they were all exposed. David knelt at her side while Ed and Jocasta moved to shield her. It seemed that no one else in the room moved.

  Goth clicked his heels and turned about. He had little satisfaction from his victory.

  It was left to Delilah to speak.

  ‘Come now,’ she addressed them all, almost amicably. ‘You have no escape. Even your sister couldn’t save you.’


  ‘Sister.’ The word dropped into the room like a flat stone pebble bouncing off the water. Its ripples spreading wide.

  The eyes. Of course.

  ‘She chose her allegiance and so she will be treated as one of you. Perhaps we will now have a double hostage to taunt your father with. Two sets of pretty little eyes.’

  ‘My father,’ Ed spoke the words dispassionately. ‘I fear will not give into your request, he would rather I… We,’ he indicated his three companions, ‘perish rather than give in to any demands. I assure you he has not compassion for either offspring or the students who have disobeyed an Elite command.’

  ‘Well time will certainly prove that point.’ Delilah’s resolve was not to be shaken.

  ‘We have no choice.’ She sighed with a resigned expression that indicated she would rather have not been in the position she found herself.

  Her eyes moved to each of them in turn, as if to convey some shame or extrapolate understanding.

  ‘Perhaps in time, you will understand,’ was all she said as she turned her back on them.

  Once again they found their wrists bound and were led back to their holding cell, as before. Only this time it was Bella and not Will who accompanied them.

  Jocasta could sense Bella’s mind reaching out to hers in a comforting way, although she was unable to hear a voice, she seemed to be trying to reassure them that everything would be alright. Though how that was supposed to happen Jocasta was at a loss to understand.

  Left alone, they discussed in hushed tones how futile they felt the plans of the Nabilats really were.

  Ed kept reminding them how his father would never give into blackmail, especially as they had come to the city of their own accord. They wondered where Will was and if he would try to free them. Of course David and Jocasta had far more faith in this than either Bella or Ed.

  It was clear that Ed still regarded Will as an idiot, for conjuring up the whole stupid adventure, although he was persuaded that it was an unfortunate coincidence that the Nabilats had recognised him as Weisz’s son. After all, Jocasta had pointed out the main reason Ed had accompanied them had been because of her.

  The burning question though that kept conjuring up different scenarios in her mind was Delilah’s comment that had seemingly stunned them all. What was the truth about the relationship between Ed and Bella?

  Bella, she figured, must be about twenty or so, and Ed fifteen, so had he never been told that he had an older sister? She felt too awkward to ask, and as neither of them had broached the subject it seemed better perhaps to remain silent. But it was all very curious.

  At last a movement at the door alerted them to the arrival of Murf and Mex. Who unbound their hands, gave them water to wash with and left them with food and drink.

  Their questions about Will and how long they were going to be held captive were met with no response. Murf avoided any eye contact, especially with Bella, who seemed to have become very quiet and withdrawn into herself. Jocasta noticed Mex glancing in Bella’s direction but she remained silent, and seemed to be concentrating on her own thoughts.

  Chapter Twenty

  There were noises outside in the corridor. As the security door slid open, Will’s escort threw him roughly into the cell. He landed on his knees at Jocasta’s side and she helped him carefully to his feet, her eyes scanning his face for signs of pain or injury.

  But it was Ed who spoke first

  ‘Hey, how come they’ve let the deliverer mix with the hostages?’ There was no mistaking the suppressed anger in his voi

  ‘I’m no deliverer, or… or traitor,’ Will snapped back, turning to glare at Ed. ‘And from what I’ve heard, it’s your father who’s seen as responsible for this whole damn mess.’

  ‘So he made you come here did he?’ taunted Ed. ‘Telling you to persuade your Elite friends and his wayward son to accompany you on some harebrained scheme? My father may be crass, arrogant and despicable but he isn’t stupid, like your dumb idea of finding Mummy’s tomb!’

  Without warning, Will swung at Ed; his fist raised high crashed into Ed’s shoulder. Ed buckled under the blow but righted himself and launched himself into Will’s midriff. Both boys fell heavily to the ground the air rushing from their lungs with the impact of the fall.

  David and Jocasta, stunned and shocked were like statues, unable to move. It was Bella who dragged them apart, her slight frame trembling with the effort and her face flushed with exertion.

  ‘You would do well,’ she gasped, as all three struggled to regain their composure, ‘to remember that we are in this together. No one here is to blame. And if we are to resolve this at all, it has to be as a team, not as stupid morons. That’s one good thing I’ve learned from being here; if people don’t co-operate the whole of society begins to disintegrate.’

  Will and Ed looked suitably chastened and avoided eye contact with each other as Bella took each of them by the hand, forcing them together.

  ‘Come on boys,’ she cajoled them, her voice returning to its normal melodic charm. ‘Time to discuss tactics.’

  ‘Yes Will,’ added David. ‘You need to tell us what you’ve found out, see if there are any clues as to what’s going on and what we might do.’

  ‘But…’ Jocasta was hesitating, not knowing how to phrase her question to Bella, unsure if her suspicions were correct. ‘Don’t you know Bella; don’t you have the power of telepathy?’

  Bella turned her attention to Jocasta. ‘Yes I do, and much more than that,’ she spoke carefully. ‘But they have blocked the pathways to their minds. The device they use won’t keep me out for long, I can decipher their codes; but to do that takes time and time I’m afraid, is something we don’t have anymore. I suspect that if we don’t act soon, we’ll miss any opportunity we may have to alter the situation.’

  ‘Yes, Bella’s right!’ Will broke his silence. ‘If their demands aren’t met within the next hour they’re intending to try and send a CEV back through the Jamin tubes.’

  ‘A computer enhanced virus. Mmm. Neat,’ remarked David

  ‘But what will that do, where do those tubes go?’ Jocasta asked.

  ‘The main supply station,’ David answered. ‘That’s where the air and all the rations come from –it’s attached to the Elite city and my guess is, once the virus gets there it could quickly spread throughout the whole system. Maybe even the other cities.’

  ‘How do you know that?’ Ed asked.

  ‘Well, when we were in the Gathering Room, I had to adjust my glasses; remember they got broken when we were first captured? And I just happened to look at the central plinth. And inside that are all the control panels and I could read them all. I never used to be able to see inside things before, just bodies, but since being on Mars, my skills have grown.’

  Jocasta found herself feeling envious again but quickly tried to squash the feeling down; she certainly couldn’t afford such petty emotions when their lives were in danger.

  ‘But what‘ll that do?’ she butted in.

  ‘That all depends on the type they use,’ answered Bella. ‘At best, or worst, depending on your take on this type of thing, it’ll knock all the main systems out, all communication panels, all life support systems.’

  ‘You don’t seem that worried,’ Will remarked.

  ‘Oh I doubt that they’ve really got the capability,’ replied Bella, ‘they’ve been working on it for years and haven’t succeeded yet. But, of course, the Elite don’t know that. Will they take the bait… who knows?’

  ‘Well I hope you’re right.’ Will spoke quietly, sounding almost ashamed. ‘Because if not, I’m going to be responsible for a whole bigger mess than the one I’ve put you all in.

  Look,’ he continued, ‘all of you. For what it’s worth I’m really sorry for the mess I’ve landed you all in. ’Spose it was really selfish of me to try and find out about my mother and not even giving you guys the chance to back out, but there is one thing I still need to find out and I think Bella you might be the only one who can help me.’ He took a deep breath before continuing. ‘I’ve been told my mother had a daughter who was sent here many years ago; from what I can make out she’d be about eighteen, maybe a bit older. Now we’ve seen most of the people here, but I don’t recall seeing anyone of that age except you. Is there, or was there another child, another girl who was brought up with you, here–?’

  ‘No Will.’ Bella replied in a whisper. ‘Just me. But I do have this.’ She put her hand into an inside pocket and carefully removed a battered photo. ‘Do you recognise it?’

  Will stared at the picture, where his mother’s face looked back at him and in her arms was a baby, whose lilac eyes mirrored those of the girl holding his arm in a friendly grip.

  ‘But…’ he murmured. ‘But I don’t understand. You’re supposed to be Ed’s sister. Not mine.’

  ‘I rather think,’ Bella cautioned them, ‘we all need to be calm about this. My theory, and at the moment it is only a theory, is that we are related. I think, Will, that you and I share the same mother and you,’ here she turned and acknowledged Ed, ‘as we have been informed, have the same father.’

  ‘Jeepers, creepers,’ exclaimed David. ‘Now that does make for an interesting conversation starter. Or perhaps stopper…’ he spluttered, seeing the look of sheer exasperation on Jocasta’s face.

  While they were all privately absorbing this new revelation, Jocasta realised she was in desperate need of the loo. She whispered her needs to Bella, who immediately seemed to revert back to her normal countenance, and decided they would have to make a lot of noise to attract attention to the situation. She delved into one of her pockets, and brought out three whistles which she instructed the boys to blow while she started singing at the top of her voice, ‘Nothing! Like a bit of music to cheer you up!’ Although none of the others shared her interpretation of music it certainly made them feel better. ‘Oh smile for meeee my pretty flower, won’t you smile for meeee–’

  Eventually Murf returned, complaining about the awful racket and none too pleased that he would have to escort Jocasta to a ‘personal’ station, as Mex had been sent to help prepare food in the kitchens. Jocasta wasn’t too happy with the situation either, although she had come to regard Murf as little more than an oversized toddler, she was still worried what she may have revealed to him during the interrogation. But her desperation to relieve herself left her without an alternative.


  Once Jocasta had left, Bella turned to David.

  ‘We need to get out of here without any delay. David, I think you may have the answer.’

  ‘Me… do I?’

  Will was finding David’s behaviour just a little bit odd, even given the circumstances. He didn’t usually appear quite so… distracted.

  Oh no, he thought with sudden realisation. Dave’s fallen for Bella.

  ‘Think David,’ Will prompted, hoping that if he got him to concentrate, he might be able to forget Bella was in the room. ‘What about your glasses?’

  ‘My glasses?’

  ‘Yes. You said before that you can see inside things, if you take them off. What about the control panel here?’ He jabbed a finger at the security lock. ‘Can you see inside that?’

  David slowly removed his glasses and moved towards the door staring at the panel all the time.

  ‘Yep, I can. Why didn’t I think of that before?’ he mused, turning the broken arm of his glasses round and round between his finger and thumb.

  ‘’Cause you were blinded by a pretty impressive light,’ Will excl
aimed, a little of the usual banter returning to his voice.

  Luckily, David was concentrating too much to notice Will’s remark.

  ‘If only I had something thin enough, I might be able to pick the lock. It’s really rather crude, but effective… Has anyone got a metal clasp, or pin on them?’

  ‘Don’t be stupid,’ Ed exclaimed. ‘We’re not from the twentieth century, you know.’

  ‘Alright, alright. Just asking. Just hopeful. Wait a nanosecond…’ With this, he started to shake the broken armpiece of his glasses until out slid a very thin sliver of metal. ‘Just the thing… let me see.’

  It took David – his glasses perched precariously on the end of his nose – just a few seconds to insert the metal spoke and release the lock.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  On the walk back from the personal station, Jocasta was acutely aware of Murf’s bulk, the intimidating presence that prevented her from even forwarding the vague ideas of a plan. She didn’t know what she could do; all she knew was that she had to do something. She couldn’t – wouldn’t – just wait and do nothing, and let the Nabilats control her immediate future, not to mention David and Will and Ed and now – Bella. But what could they do? Nothing! They could do nothing while they were locked inside that cell, and the realisation hit Jocasta so clear that for a moment the knowledge terrified her almost into stopping still – she would have to act. Now, while she was out, before she was locked back in. Could she run? Where to? Could she get away from Murf? Obviously she couldn’t overpower him… but could she surprise him? Kick him in the shin or something then run for it? Every second that passed was another opportunity gone. She didn’t know what she could possibly hope to do but it was now or never, the door was approaching, desperately she thought a plan, I need a plan…


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